Necklace of Fate

Bởi Vkkuchaeng

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This story is about two women, Lee Chaeyeon and Miyawaki Sakura, who are completely the opposite of each othe... Xem Thêm

The Buds
The Growth
Shouldn't Be
The Long Night
Is It a Dream?
Candle Scent
Can We Call it as Courtship?
Good Laugh Good Night
Brighter when You're Around


309 14 2
Bởi Vkkuchaeng

This chapter is rated M for mild violence.

It was around 10 pm, a middle short-haired girl stopped the car on the side of the road in front of a convenience store and asked "Is that really her?" Sakura turned her head and looked at the girl behind her, hoping that she was the one Sakura was looking for all this time. Sakura could feel her palm sweating, and she blinked really fast, nervously. She couldn't see the girl clearly, so she decided to get off her car and waited for the girl to come. The girl kept coming closer to her and Sakura's heartbeats were faster and faster. Sakura stood beside her car and played with her little finger, waiting for the girl to be closer. That girl's figure was similar to the one she was looking for. But once the girl was close enough, Sakura understood it was not her. Sakura frowned and showed disappointment. She sighed and got into her car. "How could I think that I was gonna meet her again? What a fool" Sakura slowly leaned her forehead on the car's steering wheel for a while. After that, Sakura drove home with mixed feelings. She didn't even know what she was actually feeling, it was overwhelming.





Today, Chaeyeon was working at her other part-time job. It was at NB Dance Academy. She cleaned the place. It didn't matter to her to have this kind of job as long as she got the wage. She really loved dancing, but she hadn't had a chance to do a dancing class or to join a dance academy like the others. Chaeyeon could learn from watching their practice, or sometimes she used the practice room when it was empty. And that was the reasons why Chaeyeon was working even if the job was just about cleaning.

Today was a good day for Chaeyeon. Why? Because the rest of the students and trainer had schedule outside the academy. That meant she could be free to use the practice room after she was done with her job. "Alright, I'm gonna make it fast! The sooner I finish it, the sooner I can practice." Chaeyeon rolled up her sleeve with a determined face. First, she put the dirty towels into the laundry wash, then, she waited for it to be over and she cleaned the toilet. Chaeyeon picked up the dry towels to fold it, and she thought "This is the last, let's kill it."

After she had done her job, she changed her clothes into training clothes. It was a black crop top and black training pants. She pulled up the pants of her right leg, it was her habit. She turned the music on with her phone and started practicing. She looked happy. The way she moved her body was as good as professional, Chaeyeon was good.

The time passed really quickly. Suddenly, the music stopped, and a Baby shark ringtone was playing instead. Chaeyeon grabbed her towel to wipe her sweat. She rushed to her phone and checked the caller ID. Her eyes widened when she saw "Manager Kim" on the screen. She looked at the clock, and it was 6:20 PM. She should have been at work already. "Damn it. What should I do now? Answer it or not? Or should I lie and say that I'm sick? But if I don't go to work, he won't give me my money. God damn it." She pinched her nose bridge, half-panicked. She didn't know what to do. Answer the call or not? Go to work or not? Lie or not? She calmed herself and breathed, and finally, she decided to answer the phone.

"H-Hello Mr Kim" Chaeyeon answered with trembling voice. She knew she will get scolded this time, she was the one who was wrong after all.

"WHERE ARE YOU CHAEYEON? COME HERE, OR YOU WILL GET FIRED!" Chaeyeon could hear how mad Mr Kim was. He shouted and immediately ended the call. Chaeyeon knew that it was her fault, but she thought that Mr Kim was a bit too aggressive. Shouldn't he ask her why? Instead of just bursting out like that.

"Is he on his period or something?" Chaeyeon mumbled, grabbing her stuff. She rushed out of the building. But it was raining. "For the God sake, is it my worst day?" Chaeyeon couldn't be unluckier. She put her brown backpack above her head and ran towards the bus stop. When she almost reached it, she saw the bus was already coming. She ran with as fast as possible just to get into the bus.

"WAIT!!!" She screamed, but it seemed that today was really the worst day for Chaeyeon. The bus left before she could reach it. "What's a worst day?" She panted and was wet because of the rain. The rain poured heavily on her hair, making it damp. She breathed in and out slowly to calm her breathing. She had to wait 15 minutes for the next bus.

Chaeyeon walked into the convenience store around 7 PM. Inside, she saw Mr Kim doing Chaeyeon's job as the cashier. She quickly bowed. "I'm sorry. This is my fault." She apologized without meeting her boss's eyes. She ran to the locker room and change into her uniform.

"The next time, inform us if you're late. This is the first and the last time, okay?" Mr Kim spoke in a serious, intimidating tone. Chaeyeon just bowed until he left her. She only hoped that nothing bad will happen, this was already too much.

"Welcome." Chaeyeon bowed at three guys in a black hoodie who were walking behind a guy with a blue t-shirt. Chaeyeon was tidying up the stuff on a stall when she heard something that she not supposed to.

"Please, don't buy too many things. I don't have a lot of money." Chaeyeon didn't mean to overhear what one of the men was begging.

The brunette could feel a kind of tension. She noticed how the black hoodie guys were intimidating the blue t-shirt guy. "Something is going on. Not a good sign." She walked to her cashier and got ready in case something bad happened. She grabbed the emergency alarm and put it near her.

Chaeyeon saw them walking towards her. She couldn't help but be nervous. The hoodie guy brought several bottles of soju. The blue t-shirt guy walked with his head down, he was sweating even though it wasn't hot there. Chaeyeon saw blood dropping on the floor. It was from the blue t-shirt's elbow. Chaeyeon couldn't hide her shocked face when she noticed the blood. The taller black hoodie guy looked at her and smirked. He wiped the blood drop with his right shoe. He deeply stared into Chaeyeon's eyes when she made eye contact with him. He gestured to Chaeyeon to shut up. She knew that she had to press the emergency button, but she wasn't going to. She had promised herself to never intervene the into others' business.

"There is blood there. Should I press the emergency button? No. What if I got in trouble after this? But there is blood there. What the fuck is wrong with today? Shit keeps happening." Chaeyeon was having a fight with her inner self, scanning the things. "Come on, do something Chaeyeon. Just press that God damn button." She glanced at the emergency button. "Thank you for shopping here. Have a nice day." Chaeyeon bowed her head, faking a smile. The taller black hoodie guy glanced at her with the same smirk on his lips, his face telling that he won and he was proud of it. "I'm not gonna regret this. Nope. I'll never ever regret this. This is not my fault. I'm not the one who was bullying him also he didn't ask help from me." Chaeyeon pinched her nose bridge and grabbed her bottle to drink. She just hoped that the time was faster. She just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Damn it. I forgot to eat my lunch!" Chaeyeon facepalmed. She couldn't believe that she just noticed it because her stomach groaned loudly. She ate, waiting for the customer to finish their errand. She had made an omelet and a chicken katsu for her lunch. She put aside her bento when the customers came to her. She scanned the groceries and looked at another customer who just went into the store.

"Welcom-" The brunette stopped suddenly when she cast a glance outside. Her eyes grew bigger at the sight of a familiar face, a middle length-haired girl who was standing in front of the store. She was just beside a car, playing her little finger.

"Hey?" The customer waved and tried to wake up Chaeyeon who were frozen there.

"Ah... I'm sorry." Chaeyeon continued to scan the groceries, but she couldn't focus on her work. "Is she alone? Why was she standing there? Is she waiting for someone? Should I approached her and talk to her? But what if she didn't recognize me? What if she thinks I'm trying to harm her? What if-" Her thoughts were running wild on her mind. Unfortunately, something happened while she was gazing out.

"Hey! Are you trying to screw with me? You scanned the same fucking grocery twice!" The customer grabbed Chaeyeon's arm and shouted at her angrily. She gaped, surprised that she made a mistake. "I'm sorry, I really sorry. Let me fix this." Chaeyeon bowed at the customer and tried to fix it. A bunch of customers witnessed the incident.

"Where are your manager? I NEED TO TALK WITH YOUR MANAGER!" The customer screamed, he was furious. Chaeyeon kept saying sorry, over and over. Mr Kim heard what was happening. He walked out and talked with the customer in private. Chaeyeon was nervous when Mr Kim was talking with the mad customer. Mr Kim resolved the problem, and the customer left Chaeyeon alone. Mr Kim gave the customer a small compensation and promised to do something about Chaeyeon's behavior.

"It was not that bad, but it's your second mistake today. You need to pay more attention when you are working Chaeyeon. I don't pay you to check out some people outside. This is the last time I let something happen. Understood?" Mr Kim looked at Chaeyeon with sharp eyes. She bowed but couldn't help but cast one last glance the outside. She saw the middle-haired girl got into the car and left.

Mr Kim could feel how anxious Chaeyeon was. He sighed and said "I think, today is enough. You can go home now. Go back and rest." Mr Kim voice sounded upset and disappointed.

Chaeyeon looked into Mr Kim's eyes and said "I-I'm fine, Mr Kim. I'll stay. There is only one hour left before the exchange shift. I'll go when Yujin comes." Chaeyeon tried to act responsibly and not to leave in the middle without finish it.

"Alright. Just left when Yujin is here." Mr Kim sighed and started walking away. "Don't make any troubles again!"

Chaeyeon pinched her nose bridge and sat down like a lifeless person. "What the fuck is happening today? This is a mess." She couldn't stop the frustration in her body right now. She reached out her phone and open her Twitter account to post 'I think I might die today'. That was the only way for her to express her frustration.

Not long enough after the incident, a drunk old man came into the store with his small white Shih Tzu on a leash. Chaeyeon couldn't help but smile, looking at the adorable dog. The old drunk man dragged the white Shih Tzu to the stall. The dog didn't want to listen, and the drunk old man kicked the poor white Shih Tzu. Chaeyeon gulped and tried to calm herself. "You will be fine, Chaeyeon, just think you need money to feed Prost. Don't do anything stupid. The old man might not a bad person, maybe he acted like that because he was drunk." Chaeyeon thought, and she promised not to get in trouble anymore because she knew she will be fired otherwise.

"Okay, let's do other things and stop looking at them. I know the old man is such an asshole. But still. You have life, and you need this job to survive." Chaeyeon sighed and tried to distract herself to not be focused on the man and his dog.

"Drink! Drink it!" The old man held the white dog, and it looked like he was trying to choke him with soju. Chaeyeon felt her blood rushing all over her body. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, she couldn't hold it anymore. She ran towards the old man, and she took the soju out of his hand.

"Why on the earth are you forcing your dog to drink soju? Don't you know that alcohol is harmful to dogs?! He might die!" Chaeyeon shouted on the top of her lungs. She couldn't see the dog being mistreated anymore. Chaeyeon's co-worker, Yujin who just reached the place to exchange the shift remained shocked.

"Move your ass, bitch. This is none of your business!" The old man tried to grab his soju clumsily, but Chaeyeon held the bottle tightly, ready to break it on his face.

"Gimme my soju or I will choke ya!" The old man twisted her wrist, trying to grab his soju. The alcohol in his body didn't help, and he fell on the floor, taking some groceries in his fall. Mr Kim heard the noises and walked out from the back store. The old drunk man put his anger on his dog. He let his both hands around the dog's neck and squeezed him. Chaeyeon noticed Mr Kim approaching them. And she knew she was going to be fired this time. Chaeyeon tried to kick the old man, but Yujin went to hold her. She dodged the younger girl, and without hesitation, she kicked the old man to make him release his grip on the dog. She took the white Shih Tzu, grabbed her bag and ran away from the store.

"Chaeyeon-ah! Where you going?!" Yujin tried to follow her. She could reach Chaeyeon's hand, but the latter frowned deeply. Yujin understood it was useless. Chaeyeon pushed the younger's hand and left.

"YOU ARE FIRED CHAEYEON! I'LL HAUNT YOU DOWN IF YOU DARE TO COME BACK!" Mr Kim screamed so loudly that the whole neighborhood should have heard him. Chaeyeon ran away with the white Shih Tzu until she reached the bus stop. "You will be okay, I'll protect you." Chaeyeon smiled to the white Shih Tzu to reassure him. She panted, she was out of the breath. When the bus was here, they got into. Chaeyeon was still holding the white Shih Tzu, and she found out a nametag around his neck.

"So, your name is Leon? There must have a meaning behind that name." Chaeyeon looked at Leon with caring eyes, and Leon couldn't stop licking Chaeyeon's face.

Finally, Chaeyeon got home, she was exhausting after today's events. She felt her legs arching, her back was in pain. She heard Prost whining. She couldn't wait for introducing Leon to Prost. She stood in front of her door and spoke in a caring tone. "You must have had suffered a lot all this time, but you will be fine from now on." Chaeyeon bent and put the dog down. "Prost, you got a new friend! Look, how adorable he is!" Chaeyeon opened the door and introduced Leon to Prost. Prost welcomed Leon really well without any fight. Prost was like a social butterfly who could be friends with anyone without any problem, humans or animals. Today was really a long day for Chaeyeon, she sighed, relieved that it was over.

"Let's have a dinner together. Don't break anything while I'm cooking, okay?" Chaeyeon looked at both of them, Prost and Leon. She began to prepare their dinner.





The next morning, Chaeyeon woke up, her hair messy, she took her phone to turn off her alarm. Chaeyeon just lay down there, staring at the ceiling. Even though she had just woken up, there were a lot of thoughts in her head. "What have I done wrong? Why this shit happens to my life?" She couldn't stop asking herself. "Was that really her? But why was she standing there? I didn't see anyone with her. And she changed her hairstyle..." Chaeyeon slowly closed her eyes and tried to remember the beautiful scene she saw last night. "This mid-length hair suits her." Chaeyeon couldn't help but smile like an idiot when she started thinking about yesterday's girl. But her imagination was ruined because of the loud snores from Prost.

Chaeyeon rubbed her eyes and saw a heart-warming thing, her two adorable four legs friends sleeping safe and sounds. With that, she felt she could start her day with a bright smile. Even after last night's events, nothing could spot her from being happy at the sight of Prost and Leon. She observed them, how adorable they were. The warm of her dogs heated her enough that she felt like she didn't need a heater anymore. She finally stood up and did stretching. Her sudden movements woke up the two sleeping dogs.

Chaeyeon walked into the bathroom and got ready to work before preparing the meal for her, Prost and Leon. Chaeyeon never had breakfast, she always brought her lunch as a brunch at work. Maybe because she was alone since she was a kid, she took this habit to save money. She was even willing to only eat once a day. Even if she skipped meals, she still had a nice body. It was mostly because of dancing. Chaeyeon hated exercise, but she was practicing every time she had a chance.

Chaeyeon looked down and spoke with a caring voice "I'll pick you up later." She kissed Prost and Leon forehead before opening the door. "And don't break anything. Pee and potty inside the toilet!" Chaeyeon made eye contact with them, hoping that they understood what she was saying. After that, she closed the door and went to work. Chaeyeon left earlier today, so she could practice dancing before doing her job.




"Come on, let's go. Nope! Stop pulling!" Chaeyeon walked with Prost and Leon. She had picked them up after she had finished her job. Because she got fired from the convenience store, she had even more free time. They walked from home to the destination for around 20 minutes. Finally, they arrived at Baby Paw Shelter. Baby Paw Shelter had a dog park, a dog swimming pool, a dog hotel, and an animal clinic. Chaeyeon was used to coming here because she often reported some street dogs who needed to be rescued. Sometimes she was here as a volunteer. It was also one of Prost's favorite place, so she hanged out with him. He could meet his friends and play there.

"Prost, stay here and don't break anything, okay? I'm going to take care of Leon first." Chaeyeon tried to look at Prost's eyes but the dog wasn't focused at all in the girl's arms, his attention was only on the park.

Chaeyeon smiled at the staff there and said "Thank you. I'll be away for a while. I hope Prost won't give you any troubles."

"It's fine. He will be fine here. Nothing can be broke." The staff chuckled, putting a GPS tracker on Prost's collar, just in case anything bad happened. After that, Chaeyeon let Prost go in the park, and she spoke kind of loudly "Remember, you don't break anything. I'm already broken." Chaeyeon waved to Prost before heading to the animal clinic.




"Ms Lee, the full check-up will be handled by my assistant, Ms Honda. I'll come back to explain the result." The old man with black glasses quickly explained before leaving. Chaeyeon smiled at Ms Honda, but she avoided eye contact with her. Ms Honda had straight black hair without a bang and fluffy cheeks. She wasn't that tall, but she looked lovely in her white coat.

"How old is he? Leon, right?" Ms Honda tried to start the conversation, still doing her job.

"Ah... I don't really know how old he is... I rescued him yesterday." Chaeyeon rubbed her nape, casting a quick glance at Leon.

"Eh? Really? What is the story, then?" Ms Honda showed an amusing excitement about the untold story. She raised her head to look at Chaeyeon, but the girl still avoided her eyes.

"It's really a long story, full of drama. I might go to jail because of this." Chaeyeon awkwardly chuckled. She faked a smile, thinking about what she had done yesterday. She knew she stole a dog but she believed it was the best decision that she ever made. She knew that if she hadn't taken Leon away, Leon might be dead already, poisoned by alcohol or from injuries.

"Tell me. I would love to know." Ms Honda smiled. Chaeyeon told her the rest of the story without hesitation. She just couldn't help but be excited when she was talking about something related to animals.

"EEEH?! That means you are fired? Because of that old drunk bastard? It's not even your fault." Ms Honda frowned and looked annoyed.

"Yup. That's the truth Ms Honda-" Chaeyeon couldn't finish her sentence and was interrupted by Ms Honda.

"Geez! Please, call me Hiichan!"

"Ah.. A-Alright. Hiichan, right? You can call me Chaeyeon." She felt suddenly shy and was still avoiding to look right into the woman's eyes.

"So, did you find a new job?" Hiichan looked at Chaeyeon before taking a blood sample from Leon. "Hold on, boy. It's fine."

"I didn't. I'm still looking for one." Chaeyeon answered, patting Leon's head to reassure him.

"Done. Good boy. This is your treat." Hiichan grabbed the treat and gave it to the dog. She went to pet his head, but he looked scared of her. He didn't even take the reward from Hiichan. "He's afraid of you. Look at him." Chaeyeon laughed lively, feeding Leon with the treat and Hiichan just laughed along with her.

"Wait a minute. I'll go to the laboratory room." Hiichan left Chaeyeon and Lean for a while. Chaeyeon grabbed some treats and play with Leon, waiting for Hiichan to be back.

"Chaeyeon, I just called my friend, Minjoo. She told me that she is looking for a waitress. Minjoo had a café. But um, it seems that today is your lucky day. She just told me that she still needs one. So, what do you think?" Hiichan who just got back and blurted her everything to Chaeyeon's face. But the latter wasn't paying attention at the sudden talk because she was still playing with Leon.

"Oh. Okay. Could you repeat, please? I'm sorry, I wasn't fully listening to what you were saying." Chaeyeon apologized, a hint of guilt in her voice.

Hiichan chuckled and said "Sorry. I was just too excited. But um, what I'm trying to say is that you got a job as a Waitress. Is that okay?"

"Really? Thank you so much, but I can only work after 3 PM. I have another job from 8 AM to 3 PM. I can go home early if I do my job fast, though. So?" Chaeyeon explained a bit fast because she was happy about that new job thing. She really needed it so she could stop having a meal once a day.

"Hum... I'm not really sure about that. But, here's her number. She asked me to give it to you, so you'd be able to text her and make an appointment." Hiichan wrote down the number and gave it to Chaeyeon.

"Thank you so much. I'll treat you with dinner when I got the job!" Chaeyeon spoke in bright tone and bowed before leaving the room, and she walked to the shelter's place. Chaeyeon filled the registration form for Leon. She felt guilty inside her heart, she really didn't want to let him at the shelter, but there was nothing she could do. She knew that she couldn't provide nor guaranty a good healthy and happy life to Leon. She couldn't force things to work out like she wanted to, she knew she didn't have the financial support to feed the three of them. So, she had no choice but to put him here. She believed that someone, someday, that there was a human who would love him with their whole heart as much as Chaeyeon loved Prost.

Chaeyeon felt upset when she left Leon there, like a hole in her chest. The dog kept barking, she could almost hear him asking "Why are you walking away? Are we not going home together?" The tears reached Chaeyeon's eyes, even though she tried her best to not cry, they ended up rolling on her cheeks. She picked Prost up and went home.






"Prost, should I change my profile picture?" Chaeyeon talked to Prost, who was busy having his dinner. Chaeyeon was laying down on her futon, looking at her Whatsapp's profile picture. It was Prost's picture. She looked at her phone gallery, she scrolled, and it was mostly Prost's pictures. She barely took a photo unless it was with Prost.

"What about this one Prost? We look cool here." Chaeyeon showed her picture to Prost. The dog barked one, and she decided to use this one. Then, she typed a text to Minjoo.

OTR Café's owner (Minjoo)

Chaeyeon: Hello, I'm Chaeyeon. Are you Ms Minjoo, the owner of OTR Café? I am the one that Ms Honda must have mentioned to you today. She told me that you were looking for a waitress. I would like to send you my CV.

"Prost, please, help me to press that send button." Chaeyeon was panicking at the idea of doing so but her dog currently playing on her bed. Hundreds of thoughts ran in her head, she was afraid to send something wrong "Okay, calm down." She told herself, breathing deeply. She pressed the button, and it was done. But now, she couldn't focus on anything else than Minjoo's reply. A few minutes later, she heard the chat notification and rushed to her phone. She thought it was from her she-hoped-soon-to-be-boss, but turn out it was only from Hyewon.

The Weirdo Hyewon

Hyewon: Ya! Where Are you?

Chaeyeon: What's up? You startled me geez

Hyewon: You are the one who shocks me. I just went to that convenience store of yours and Yujinnie told me that you stole someone's dog and ran away! Tell me it's a joke! Where are you?

Chaeyeon: That's a long, long story. I'll tell you when we meet. Okay?

Hyewon: Where are you? I'll come and read your tarot

Chaeyeon: BYE

Hyewon: How dare you? I'm going to haunt you down

Chaeyeon chuckled at her friend's text. She didn't bother answering and washed Prost's bowl. Suddenly, the girl of yesterday's night came back in her mind. "What if I would have gone to her?" Chaeyeon was kind of spacing out until her phone rang again.

OTR Café's owner (Minjoo)

Minjoo: Hello. Yes, I'm Minjoo, the owner of OTR Café. Meet me at café at around 4:30 PM and bring me your CV. I'll share the location with you.

Chaeyeon: Okay. Thank you so much, Ms Minjoo.

The next day, Chaeyeon walked towards the OTR Café. She followed the instruction from the map. She looked around and finally found the café. It was well designed, mostly brown. Chaeyeon slowly walked in, a doorbell was heard. She saw a beautiful girl with a red sweater and a black skirt, standing behind the counter, she was putting flowers in a vase. Chaeyeon was caught up in the woman's beauty, and she forgot to greet her, she just remained frozen there for a second.

"You are Chaeyeon, right?" The girl asked with a smile, making Chaeyeon snap back to reality.

"Ah, y-yes. I'm Chaeyeon. Miss Minjoo?" Chaeyeon looked at the woman-Minjoo nodded. Chaeyeon felt very awkward. Minjoo asked her to sit down to do a quick interview. Chaeyeon felt her stomach aching for their talk. She knew she was nervous, her stomach started giving her troubles.

"Ms Chaeyeon-"

"Just Chaeyeon is fine" Chaeyeon tried to smile as she sat.

"Chaeyeon, then. I think you can start working tomorrow. I'll give you the uniform, instruction, and the menu. You need to memorize all of it. Feel free to ask me whenever if you have any questions." Minjoo looked at the nervous girl and gave her a smile. The latter raised her head to properly look at her new boss.

"Thank you so much. I'll do my best". Chaeyeon said and stood up before bowing to Minjoo.






Chaeyeon was laying down on her bed with her baby Prost chewing a bone. She was reading the instruction module and the menu. She never thought she would be able to get a new job so fast. The most important thing was that her job suit with her other work time. Chaeyeon sighed and grabbed her phone. She tweeted "Maybe this is for the best(?)". Not long enough after, Hyewon replied her tweet and said "I can read the tarot cards for you. You will know it was the best." Chaeyeon just replied her with "BYE". She had never been interested in tarot. Hyewon had tried so hard to read her cards, but Chaeyeon rejected it every single time. She didn't believe in such things like magic, fate and stuff.





"You are early, Chaeyeon." Minjoo spoke with a light voice, which surprised Chaeyeon. It was only 4 PM, and the latter was supposed to start her work here at 5 PM.

"Well, it's not far from my other job." Chaeyeon rubbed her nape, walking slowly into the café.

"Hmm... I see. Can you help me delivers these? It's for my friends, they're such spoiled kiddos. They asked me to cook for them." Minjoo brought 3 lunch boxes and gave them to Chaeyeon.

"Yes, I can. But where?"

"Do you know IZ*ONE University? It's not that far from here, maybe around 15 minutes by walking." Minjoo was ready to pull her phone out to show the place, but Chaeyeon interrupted her.

"I know it. I went to IZ*ONE high school."

"Really? Good. That's one of my friends' number. Her name is Nako. You need to deliver this to the medical faculty. If you have any troubles, just call her. She's supposed to meet you up at the front door."






Chaeyeon was wearing OTR Café's uniform. She walked to IZ*ONE University, she never thought she would come back to this place again. She never planned to visit her high school since she graduated. She didn't really miss the school except for that girl who caught her attention, but it was the past. It had been 2 years after her graduation.

The medical faculty was on the next of the high school building. Chaeyeon reached the medical faculty, and she suddenly stopped. Her face couldn't lie about how surprised she was in the moment. She gaped, staring at the figure in front of her. She stepped closer, she approached the figure and spoke.






This is me the author, i'm sorry for late update. i thought i can update it on Friday, but seems like my Friday is yall Sunday xD

Also, i wanna apoligize if this chap not interesting and boring. i trying to work out the storyline and try my best to make it good.

Please, comment and tell me which part that i need to improve, thank you so much. Big thanks for our editor, @Mini_Nezu <33

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