Part of your world-Harry Hook...

By rose_sparrow17

204K 4.7K 5.3K

who doesn't love the Disney World? well, (y/n) especially loves descendants, and one day, as she is in her ki... More

part 1 arrival
part 2- recruitment
part 3- a new look
part 4- initiation and bonding
part 5 training
part 6- savior part 1
Part 7 - savior part 2
Part 8
part 9 - secret
Part 10 - moments
Part 11 - Uma
Part 12 - reveal
Part 13 - push
Part 14 - the apology
part 15 - talk
Part 16 - Its Going Down
Sneak Peek - Reprise harry hook x reader-
coming soon on 8/5/2019
reprise cover
Harry Hook x reader art - wit me as reader chan~
new cover + cover for upcoming rewrite of the series

part 17 - final - return

9.8K 231 327
By rose_sparrow17


h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

your stuff


Harry gasped as he tried to regain composure. He wiped his cheeks and slowly stood up, and turned making his way back to the tunnel. Pausing as he arrived, he saw a book, walking over to it, he picked it up and studied it.

It was a worn book with a curled dragon, with green flames surrounding it. He furrowed his brows, he felt like he'd seen this before, but he didn't know where.

Opening the book, he saw a name, and he gasped and rushed into the tunnel, stopping at the end, he saw the crew trying to lift the bridge back into place, Harry growled he didn't have time to wait.

He backtracked a small bit before sprinting forward and leaping over the gap, slamming onto the dock, he ran to the ship, gripping the traitors spell book in his hands.

"UMA!" the girl jumped and looked up at Harry, frowning at the redness of his face.

"Harry what the f-" Harry stalked forward and shoved the book into Umas hands, she rose her brow and opened it. And as she read, a grin came onto her face.

"where- where did you find this?!" Uma grinned up at Harry, but her face fell when he only gave her a grim look.


"...they took (y/n)"

Umas jaw dropped and she staggered backward slightly, eyes wide.

"they what?!"

"they took (y/n), I tried to get her back, I found that near the tunnel. Purple bitch must've dropped it."

Uma nodded, a dark look overtaking her face. "this, this book is good, i-I have a plan, don't wait up for me, I'll be back." Uma tried to rush out, but Harry stopped her, grasping her upper arm, Uma turned back slightly confused, why was Harry trying to stop her?

"Uma" Harry whispered in a desperate tone " whatever ye are plan'n teh do, take me with ye" Uma stared at him for a moment, before asking; "why?"

Harry seemed to fight something within himself before blurting out; "because I love he'r"

Uma smirked and nodded "glad you finally figured that out. Now let's go, before the barrier closes"

Harry nodded and followed her off the ship, not noticed he left his hook behind.

The reached the end of the bridge and Uma took his hand and dived down into the murky water, luckily reaching the open part of the barrier, they swam through just before it closed and they both breached the surface of the water, Harry growled, seeing Auradon in the distance.

'that's where they took her, I have to get there, to get her back' Harry began to swim forward but Uma gripped his collar, stopping him. Harry turned to her with wide eyes.

"Uma?! Wha'?"

Uma gripped her necklace and began to chant.

"by the power of the sea, make harry breath like me"

A golden glow surrounded the necklace and extended to Harry's throat and lungs. Harry furrowed his brows as a warmth overcame his chest.

"there, now you can breathe underwater."

"why'd ye do tha' "

"so I can do this"

Uma sunk under the water and a glow came from beneath. The water rose and outburst Uma, now with tentacles, looking like her mother.

"Uma!" Harry gasped, holy hell!

"we'll get there faster like this, grab on"

Harry swam up to her and gripped onto her arm. Uma nodded and dived under, swimming at a speed he'd never seen before.

'hold on (y/n)' Harry thought determined 'I'm on my way'

Harry and Uma arrived at the shore and Harry bolted through the sand, Uma trailing behind him.

"Harry hold up!!"

Harry growled, he didn't have time for this!! He had to save you!

"I know you need to get to (y/n), but how do you plan on finding her in a territory you don't know?"

Harry just stared at Uma, dangit she was right, Harry sighed and nodded, nodding for Uma to continue.

Uma smirked and stuck her had into Harry's pocket, fishing out his compass, and once again clutched her necklace.

"by the power of the sea, lead him to his heart desire"

The compass glowed and began to spin, Uma quickly placed it in Harry's palm, and it immediately stopped spinning and pointed in the direction of the large stone building in the distance.


"it'll only work for you, now you'll find (y/n) faster."
"heart's desire? Uma-"

"Harry." With a stern look, he sighed and resigned, yes (y/n) is his heart's desire.

"good, now go save the girl pirate boy"

"aye captain, good luck in whatever ye are doin' "

Uma smiled and nodded, before bolting off, Harry took a deep breath and followed the compass.

It quickly leads him to (y/n) who was in Fairy godmothers office, surrounded by magic smoke.



Fiora sat in her office, staring at the girl she had ordered to be taken to her when found, and when she arrived, she was surprised, the vks had found her at the Isle. Now she did not know how they found her, but she was glad she could return the girl to her rightful place.

Fiora sighed and took out her secondary wand. All fae had an extra slightly less powerful wand on hand, just in case their original wands were taken or broken.

As she prepared her spells, she heard the young girl groan as she awoke.

"wha-where am I?" Fiora turned to you with what she thought was an assuring smile, but you paled and jumped up from the couch and bolted to the door, Firoa quickly sent a freezing spell and you stopped in your tracks.

"wha- let me go!! I have to get back he needs me!!"

Fiora sighed, she was afraid of this, afraid if she didn't find you immediately you would form bonds and be opposed to going back to your world.

"im sorry, my dear" "I'm not your dear!" "but you must return home"

"but-" you stammered, eyes burning and tears flooding over "but I was home"

Fiora stopped and stared into the girls anguished (e/c) eyes, filled with tears and pleading for her to let her go and return to whomever she was forced away from.

"im sorry, but...I can't, and I cannot let you return to your world with the memories of this world."

Your eyes widened in horror, she-you- what!!

"wait, please don't! I'll return just-just let me keep my memories!" you blubbered, chest and throat tightening. Tears falling faster.

"im sorry, but I must"

"please wait no!"




"i-I cant forgot him!!"



A blueish white light burst from her wand and traveled to you, covering your body, you fought as hard as you could, you couldn't forget Harry, you wouldn't forget harry!!!

But you didn't know how to truly fight magic, you were from a world where it didn't exist.

Your eyes fogged over and the memories you gained as you lived on the isle with Uma, Harry, and Gil began to just...disappear.

When Harry found you

When you joined

When Harry took you to get your pirate gear

When you stole gastons trophy

When you protected him from Hook

When you met his sisters

When you met skipper and sterling

When you tried to make a cake for Umas birthday with Gil and Harry and Gil tripped and Harry got covered in flour.


When you almost Kissed harry.

They were disappearing.

And you couldn't stop it.


Fiora gasped and turned to her door, where a tall boy with slightly tanned skin ocean blue kohl-lined eyes stood in her doorway dripping wet, staring at you with tears in his eyes, but it was too late.

The spell dissipated, and you shook your head, confused.

What the hell, where were you?

"(y/n)?" a voice whispered your name from behind you, spinning around, and...what the fuck!? Harry hook from Descendants was standing in front of you?

"wha-how the fuck?! Where am I? and who are you?"

Harry looked, heartbroken before rage settled on his face and he turned to...FAIRY GODMOTHER!?


Fairy godmother frowned and spoke in a calm voice "I removed her memories of this world, other than the ones from her own world, she need not remember what has happened in this world, including you"

Harry panted in frustration, he snarled at fairy godmother and turned to you, you flinched at the fury in his eyes, he gasped slightly at the fear in your eyes....fear of him.

"(y/n)" he shrunk into himself, ashamed of himself, making you fear him.

"how-" you whispered, backing up slightly "how do you know my name?"

"its-its me, Harry. Your Harry" he whispered in a meek voice, stepping towards you. "don't ye remember meh? Ye swore ye wouldn't leave meh side"

What? why did that sound familiar? And your Harry? You had never truly spoken to Harry Hook, only Thomas Doherty.
(forgive me for never expanding on this lil tidbit, I'm not including it in poyw 2.0 but originally I had a thought of (y/n/you) meeting tommy at a convention that was promoting D2 lol, so yall didn't meet in some special way you've just met before)

"please lass" he took another step as you were distracted from his words, reaching for your hand"don't forget me" he took your hand and the fog disappeared.

You gasped as the missing memories reappeared, everything came back in a rush, making you stumble into harry, he quickly wrapped his arms around you as tears overflowed and absorbed into his already soaked top.

"h-hooky" Harry sobbed in relief and lowered you both to the floor, letting his tears flow and fall into your hair, "Lassie, ye didn't forget me"

Fiora watched with a crushed heart, god...she couldn't do it, she couldn't send you back...not without your memories.

"Mr...Harry was it?"

Harry sniffed and turned, glaring at Firoa, she shivered at the gaze but stood firm.

"im sorry, but (y/n) still needs to go home-"

Harry snarled and tried to hug you closer, squishing your face against his toned chest.

"she can't stay-"

"why not?!"

Firoa hated the desperate undertone in the boy's voice, she didn't want to do this, it was obvious these two were in love, heck, if she tested it, her wand would say these two were true loves, soulmates, it was just unfortunate that they were from different dimensions.

"because if she stays any longer, the magic pressure of this world will slowly destroy her."

Harry's eyes widened in horror, and he tightened his grip, trying to feel you under his grip, make sure you were really there. you gasped in fear, destroy you?!

"so she has to go home..."

You all sat in silence before Firoa broke it.

"I'll give you two some time alone"

She walked out of her office and closed the door behind her. You and Harry stared at the door before turning to the other, still clutching onto each other.

You both sat in silence, trying to figure out what to say before Harry spoke.

"I was so scared" you frowned, looking closer at his face, his were welling up once more with tears, his teeth clenching, his brows furrowed in pain.

You hummed, pressing your palm onto his cheek. He took a shaky breath and leaned into your hand, "when they took ye, I was so scared, I thought Id lost ye."

His voice cracked as he spoke, tears slipping down his face and through your fingers.

You bit your lip, how god you hated how he sounded, Harry sniffed and tried to wipe his face, to no avail, his tears wouldn't stop.

"I- I thought I lost ye forever, I thought- I thought " he blubbered, reaching up and grasping your hand on his cheek.

"I thought id never get to tell ye...."

He stopped and began to turn red, seemingly fighting a battle within his mind. "Harry?" you whispered, reaching up with your unheld hand and brushing his damp hair out of his face "tell me what?"

He sighed and grasped your other hand and brought them together and both between you two, looking at you through his lashes.

"tell ye that I.... I love you."

Your mouth dropped open in shock, staring at Harry's blushing red face, he looked down at your intertwined hands.

"if-if ye don't feel the same way, I understand, I just want ye to know"

Your gaze dropped down to your hands, Harry gently caressing yours with his thumb.

You knew your answer, you just had to be brave enough to say it

"Harry" you whispered, he looked up, ocean blue meeting (e/c), hope filling his eyes, love just behind it. "i-I love you too"

Harry stared at you for a moment, before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.

It was everything you had ever imagined, his soft lips, tasting of the sea and rum, you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your hands in his hair. Closing your eyes and humming into the kiss, dear god you were really in love with this boy weren't you.

Harry couldn't believe it, you-you loved him! He loved the feeling of your lips against his, the feeling of your hands in his hair, the feeling of his hands on your waist.

God, he never wanted it to end, but alas it had to, you both slowly separated, eyes still closed, both not wanting the moment to end just yet.

Fluttering your eyes open, you saw Harry with his eyes still closed, smiled softly you whispered out; "Harry~"

His breath hitched and he slowly opened his eyes, locking with yours.


He let out a breathy laughed and gave a lopsided smile. "hiya"

You both sat there, simply holding each other, before Fiora knocked on the door, entering and smiling sadly.

"its time"

You nodded and separated from Harry, who tried to tug you back down, but you just gave a sad smile and walked over to Fiora.

"are you ready?"

You hesitated but nodded "as I'll ever be"

She looked around you and saw Harry, who still sat on the floor, staring down, water droplets falling to the floor, shoulders shaking and breath hitching with every silent sob.

'poor boy' she thought, retrieving her wand from her pocket 'no one should go through this'

She stopped, looking between you and Harry, she sighed and sent a mental note to you.

'ill let you face him as go, he needs you right now' you gasped as her voice in your head. But nodded and turned around, you shuffled over to harry and dropped to the floor next to him. You wrapped your arms around his torso and pressed your face into his neck.

"don't go, please" he whispered desperately, voice broken and anguished. "I need ye"

You let your own tears slip and fall down your cheeks, soaking his neck. "im sorry, but Im not built for this world, I have to go back to my world"

Harry only sobbed and clutched onto your jacket, pressing his face into your chest. Neither of you noticed Fiora waving her wand


"I'll miss you Harry" "I'll miss ye too luve"



You slightly separated from Harry and looked into his eyes, smiling sadly

"I love you harry" he swallowed harshly and gave a wobbly smile " I love ye too (y/n)"

You lead forward, you initiating the kiss this time, pressing your lips desperately against Harrys. Tasting his tears on your tongue.


Harry felt it when you began to disappear, your weight beginning to lift from his lap, the pressure of your lips disappearing.


Harry opened his eyes, seeing you fade out with the magical smoke, smiling at him.

He sat there, staring at the spot where you once stood, before turning to Fiora, glaring with an anguished look in his eyes.

"her memories did ye-"

She shook her head, after seeing Harry being so destroyed over you forgetting him, she couldn't bear to do it. "no, she deserved to keep them, but I have a question for you Mr. Hook"

Harry nodded and stood, starting to wipe his eyes, before Fiora handed him a cold damp cloth. He took it and wiped his face, cooling it down.

"are you going to return to the Isle? Or am I going to need to make some documents for a new student"

Harry stood there, silent, Isle or Auradon?


He knew his choice.

"I'm going to go back."
Fiora was surprised, after all the trouble of coming here, he was just going to go back?

"the only reason I came here was for (y/n), she's is gone now, so there's no point in staying here"

Fiora nodded, and stepped forward slightly, raising her wand.

"if you wish I can make the trip a little faster? All you have to do is picture the place you want to be in your head"

Harry nodded, and closed his eyes, picturing the shared room on the ship.

"bibbidi bobbidi boo"

Harry opened his eyes and he was in his room, he looked around and his eyes locked with the bed and his brows furrowed.

....your sketchbook was still here.

Shuffling over to the bed and picking up, he opened it, finding drawings of him, Uma, Gil the crew, Harriet, CJ, skipper, and sterling, dizzy. But...a a lot of the art was of him, flipping back, he saw the first drawing of him...the one of him after she stole the trophy.

He sighed and flipped the book closed, when three colored pictures fell from the back of the book, grunting he leaned down and picked them up, looking closer he gasped. (y/n) had found a printer and had gone to bonny, who was skilled in technology, to help her fix it, and it was able to connect to her phone, and printed out some pictures at the first opportunity. And now he was holding three of them.

One of him, Uma, Gil, and (y/n), and huddled together and (y/n) with her arm around Umas shoulder, the other around his neck, grinning up at the camera, Gil on the other side of Uma, his arm extending around her back and curling around her waist, making a peace sign with his other hand. Uma in the middle of the two, smirking at the camera, a softness in her eyes for her friends, and Harry himself, on the far end, one wrapped around (y/n)'s waist, the other holding the camera up high.

Another of the entire crew, all smiling at the camera, cook behind it, Uma and they were in the direct middle, both smirking at the camera, Gil at Uma's side, smiling like the sunshine boy he is, and (y/n) at his own side, leaning on him and sticking her tongue out.

Harry chuckled at the two pictures, he remembered those days, but his breath hitched when he saw the last picture.

It was of him and (y/n), he had his eyes closed with a blush across his face, and the reasoning behind that was (y/n) pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Harry felt his throat tighten and his chest constrict, his eyes burned. And he let out a sob.

"goddammit, as if I haven't cried enough today."

He collapsed to the floor and wailed into his hands.

After a minute of intense crying he looked up and spotted the bed, lifting himself up from the floor, he plopped himself onto the bed.

Soon he blacked out, dreaming of a beautiful girl with (e/c) eyes, shiny (h/c) (h/l) hair, staring (up/down/at) him, giving him kisses and laughing, running along the beach.


You opened your eyes to see your kitchen, blinking confused, you looked around, it looked as if you never left.


She's the captain, I'm the first mate

Enemies seasick can't see straight

Call 'em fish bait, throw 'em on a hook

Uma's so hot they get burned if they look

Jumping you squealed at Harry's voice invading the room, glancing at the counter, you saw your phone, in the exact same place before it stopped playing and your book glowed.

You sighed, you guessed you returned to the moments before you left. You turned to your book and started to close it, but as you did, you noticed golden silver writing on the back cover.

Looking closer you gasped, it was a you?

Do not worry young one

You will be needed once more in this world, and you and Harry will get your happy ending.

For you will be the crucial player in a battle in Auradon, they will need your knowledge to defeat a great evil.

Till next time.


Blinking at the message, you sat there for a few moments, kore? You sighed confused, going to scratch at your neck when you felt a chain, looking down you saw the cracked ruby necklace that Harry had gotten you.

Gasping you lifted it up and the light caught it and shone across the room. Tears burned in your eyes, and you pressed the gem to your lips.

Letting the ruby go, you looked at your phone, grabbing it, you stared at Harry memories filling your head.

I don't know when

I don't know how

But something truly started right back then~

Watch and you'll see

Someday I'll be~

Again, part of

"someday Harry" you whispered "someday we will meet again, and we will get our happy ending"

—the end!!!—

Thank you so much for reading!!!

If there are enough people requesting it, I will write an epilogue, which will serve as a sneak peek of a maybe sequel of this story!! But only if enough people comment or message me for more.


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