Part 13 - push

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

your stuff


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The next morning when you woke up Harry was still asleep, and you took the chance to get dressed and leave before he could try to talk to you.

Just as you were leaving the room, you heard Harry's voice from behind you, "lassie wait I wanna-" you ignored him, closing the door behind you and speedwalking off the ship and rushing over to the chip shop, stopping by Uma, asking if she had any jobs for you to do today, she rose a brow, thinking that today was Harry's pay route, and you usually went with him, she had a feeling that your weird behavior was because of the reveal yesterday.

She gave you a job of collecting the depts of the more dangerous villains, so you hurried to leave, Harry catching you at the entrance, "hey lass, ready teh rob some people tehday~?" you pushed past him, Harry's brows furrowed in confusion, what did he do?!

He turned to the crew, they all shrugged, they were just as confused, you and Harry had been basically attached at the hip for the past two and a half months. And now all of a sudden you were ignoring him?

What the hell? Harry felt his eyes burn and quickly ducked his head down and made his way to the table, the crew looking at him with sympathy, they knew how to harry felt about you, and now you were acting as if he didn't exist, that had to hurt, Uma dropped a tray in front of Harry, but he pushed it away and hid his face in his arms, folding them on the table and let silent tears run down his face. Uma sighed and pat his back, rushing back to the kitchen to deliver orders.

'(y/n)' Uma thought 'what the hell are you doing'

She looked back at Harry, whos shoulders started to shake slightly, Gil rubbing his back.

'you said you didn't want to hurt Harry but,' Uma shook her head, grabbing two trays and making her way to the costumers 'that's exactly what you're doing'

You exited Shaun yu's bunker, money clutched in your hand, and scaled the wall, landing on the roof and lept across the buildings, landing on a largely abandoned warehouse, sitting at the edge, you sat there in silence for a minute, before pain began rising in your chest, you dry heave, jolting forward, gasping for air, hot tears running down your face.

You didn't want to push Harry away, but if it meant that he would hurt less when you inevitably left this world, you would do it, even if it meant killing your heart in the process.

Sobs racked your chest, you clutched the cracked ruby necklace Harry had stolen for you, you remember the day he presented to you

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