part 3- a new look

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name


Harry opened a door and stepped inside, making his way to the connected bathroom, glancing around the room you saw that there was both a bed and a hammock.

'okaay weird'

Shrugging it off you took of your backpack and tossed it on the bed and flopped onto your stomach, letting out an exhausted sigh.

"goin to bed already lassie? It's hardly even 9:30 yet, did ye get worn out jumpin across the buildings?" you sat up and nodded while rubbing your eyes, looking up at Harry who was taking off his jacket.

You shifted your eyes away to your backpack and messed with the strings. "well go get yer pirate gear tomorrow, ye can get the bed."

You nodded before asking Harry a question "why is there a bed and a hammock?" he raised an eyebrow at you, you grinned back sheepishly "just curious"

Smirking he answered "what? ye wanted to sleep in the same bed as me?" you stopped for a moment, thinking of what your comeback should be.

Oh! Wait I got it!

"kinda, I mean you are pretty cute"

Now it was Harry's turn to be wordless, he stared at you in shock, a pink blush across his cheeks, not expecting that response. After a few moments, he regained his composer and gave that playboy grin the blush softening but still there.

"yer braver than I thought aren't ye lassie~" you grinned back and flopped back onto the bed, thinking to yourself, a goofy grin on your face

'I made Harry Hook blush'

"Mind if I look in yer bag lassie?" You furrowed your brows thinking of what was in the bag before remembering that your phone was in your pocket and that the other stuff that was in your bag was good for him to burrow into.

"sure, just don't ruin anything"

"Don't worry lass, I won't"

As Harry dug through your bag, your mind wandered and your thoughts went to your parents

'I wonder if they'll notice I'm not home longer than I was supposed to be, or if time has stopped in my world and I'll return as if nothing had happened'

"Hey lass whats this?"
Turning to harry you saw that he had your charger in his hands, eyebrow raised.

"oh that's just my music player charger"

Harry hummed before beginning to flip through your sketchbook.

'Luckily I don't have any Disney drawings in there'

"yer not a bad drawer lass"

You shrugged and lay down on the bed, sleep beginning to overcome your senses.

Harry glanced at you and shoved your things back in your bag, placing it on the floor, and climbing into his hammock and letting himself fall asleep.

–next morning–
you felt someone persistently poking your arm, grumbling you buried yourself into the pillow and waved off the hand, trying to sleep more


That lasted about 1 second.

The feeling of falling started and all of a sudden you were on the ground, eyes wide, staring up at the ceiling in shock. Harry then appeared in your vision snickering to himself, a shit eating grin on his face.

"good morning sleeping beauty~ time to get yer new stuff!"

You stared at Harry for a few seconds, wondering why he was in your room before remembering

'oh yeah, light, book, landed on the Isle, meet Harry hook, joined Umas crew, slept in Harrys room'

Sighing to yourself, you nodded and got up from the floor and shoved your shoes on as Harry was putting on his belts and other accessories.

"kay lass were gonna head to the stalls and grab what we can to get ye some pirate gear got it?"

Nodding you followed Harry out of his room and off of the ship.

–three hours later–
fucking hours of walking and running around later you and Harry had gathered a bunch of pirate gear for you, along with Harry allowing you to raid his ring collection.

Your pirate gear:

Walking back into the chip shop, Harry motioned you to follow him as he made his way behind the table, Uma walking out from the kitchen holding two trays tossing one front of Harry, the other in front of you, smirking at your new look

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Walking back into the chip shop, Harry motioned you to follow him as he made his way behind the table, Uma walking out from the kitchen holding two trays tossing one front of Harry, the other in front of you, smirking at your new look.

"there ya go now you look like one of the crew"

Shrugging, you shoved fries in your mouth, not bothering to be polite, oddly enough, the fish stuff didn't taste rotten at all!...well fish might be the only fresh thing on the Isle.

...wait! That's why Ursula's Chip Shop is popular! Fise is the only fresh food on the Isle!

"Anyway," Uma started "I need you to do something, for me" nodding you turned your full attention to Uma (which wasn't hard to do) she smirked, glad to already have your respect.

"Alright, I need you to steal from Gaston." The rest of the crew silenced, staring at Uma in surprise, Gil esspessaly, stealing from his dad?! That was impossible!

The crew began firing off questions at Uma, wondering why she was tasking a newbie with a dangerous mission.

Uma silenced the crew with a wave of her hand, before glancing at Harry, and gave a smirk

"with Harry's info about our new crew member, apparently she outran the gaston twins, and was able to get the better of them in a fight, so I've decided for her to do what no one else here has been able to do"

She paused for dramatics

"steal Gaston's prize trophy"





–the end part 4 coming soon–

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