A New Begining For a Mysterio...

By LimeLaus1

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**DISCONTINUED ** After Aunt may lost custody of little 12-year-old Peter Parker she takes her own lie in gri... More

Chapter 1: Punishments and patrol
Chapter 2: Adoption
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Introductions
Chapter 5: Painful Reveal
Chapter 6: Small talk
Chapter 7: Dinners, vents, and names
Chapter 8: Unmasked
Chapter 9: Acceptance and training
Chapter 10: First mission
IM NOT DEAD!!!! (Not a chapter)

Chapter 3: Fighting

8.1K 248 306
By LimeLaus1

Hey Peeps, you wanted to let yall know that I changed some info to the story because it makes more sense than what I had previously thought before. It's all changed in the !INTRO! part so if yall could check that out before reading this that would be stellar. If you're a new reader and have only seen one version of the !INTRO! then please just ignore this :)

Thanks, and enjoy!


To say that Peter had been excited when he got to the Avengers tower would be an understatement. The boy's eyes had lit up at just the sight of it, and when they actually got there he was physically shaking with pure amazement. An audible 'wooow' came from Peter's mouth as they entered the lobby which made both the new parents snicker. They all three stepped into the elevator where Peter seemed to be in shock, Tony couldn't really blame him though, it was probably every kid's dream to be in Peter's position right now.

"So, what do you think kid?" Tony broke the silence which seemed to break the teenager out of his trance.

"I-It's incredible! Thank you, Mr. Stark and Mrs. Potts." He hurriedly breathed out, almost tripping over his own words.

"Glad you like squirt," Tony started and squeezed Pepper's hand with a warm smile towards her, "Also, it's getting kinda late so I think it would be best if you get some sleep before meeting the rest of the Avengers." He finished and smirked at Peter who seemed to light up, even more, Tony was honestly impressed.

"Are the others here?" The kid marveled as he made eye-contact with the Stark.

"Mhm! Probably watching a movie in the living room if I know them well." He chuckled as Peter only nodded the second they heard a loud 'ding' and the elevator door opened.

"Alright Peter, this is your room," He started but got cut off by a gasp from the teenager as he ran into the big room. It was nice the walls were light blue with a giant bed in the corner, there were posters along the walls with all the Avengers on them (The biggest one was one of Ironman of course) even a poster of Spiderman, Tony had only put that in since he knew the kid was fromQueens so he probably looked up to the mysterious hero. 

After a good half an hour of marveling form Peter they finally said goodnight to each other, and Tony and Pepper started to make their way back to the living room, only to come back to an absolute mess. 

As predicted before then they were watching a movie.. well some of them were. Steve was sitting with an arm over Bucky's shoulders while Bruce sat next to Natasha and Rhodey sat on the edge of the couch. They were all focused on the screen although would shout a 'shut up!' every now and then. Wanda and Vision were sitting in a corner and looked to be discussing some kind of book in Wanda's hands.  

And then there was what looked like a pop tart eating contest between Thor and Clint, with Scott and Sam cheering loudly on either side. Tony only sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he clapped his hands loudly together, which seemed to get the attention of pretty much everyone except for Wanda and Vision.

"Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make!" he called out which then got the attention of everyone.  He cleared his throat before continuing.

"So you guys know how Pepper and I have been looking to adopt a kid recently, right?" He asked and looked around the room, satisfied when he was met with a chorus of nods and small 'yeah's. Except for Clint who, still having his mouth filled with pop tarts, gave a muffled 'What? No? Since when?' Although Scott only shushed him.

"And you know how I left early today, right?" He said and half glared at archer who this time nodded his head, with a very confused look on his face while literally, anyone else looked at Tony with a mixture of shock and hope? Especially Natasha for some reason.

"Wellllll.... we went out and adopted a kid!" Tony excitedly chuckled, only to get a little uneasy after the room went dead silent. He was about to clear his throat to stop the uncomfortable silence when an uproar of 'WHAT??'s filled the room. It was almost deafening, Thor being the loudest, before a string of questions from each Avenger was flung at the Stark. It was overwhelming, to say the least, although his savior was arriving with a stern ass tone.

"AHEM!" Natasha cleared her throat loud enough for everyone to go quiet, mostly out of fear, as she pushed her way through the crowd.

"Is it a boy or a girl? What's their name, and how old are they?" She calmly asked when she was standing right in front of Tony, smirking slightly at the relived glint in his eyes.

"Well its a boy, his name is Peter and he's fifteen years old." The man replied with matching tranquility to that of the assassin in front of him.

The room was quiet again, nobody really knew what to say, or had the courage to for that matter. Except for Thor.

"Show me the son of Stark this instant!" He demanded, which then made everyone in the room roll over in laughter and it took a good few minutes for everyone to calm down again.

"Relax Thor, the kids sleeping." Tony wheezed between getting air and laughing his ass off. After it seemed like everyone had settled down again Tony started again, "Although I will tell you all some things about him that I learned at the orphanage. First, then his full name is Peter Benjamin Parker, and he has had a super rough life. His parents died in a plane crash where he then went on to live with his aunt and uncle. His uncle was murdered shortly after though which only left him and his aunt. Although when he was 12 his aunt lost custody after going bankrupt and was put in an orphanage. His aunt was found dead shortly after, taking her own life from grief."

Tony thought back to earlier in the day when Peter had told him and Pepper everything. It had kind of scared the man how nonchalantly the teen had been talking about such a heavy topic, especially after being in the gross household. He remembered back to the small hint of sadness that had appeared in the kid's eyes while he was talking, and how easily he had shaken it away and continued on to another topic. Tony shuddered as he moved on with his story.

"But other than that then he's a bright kid! He loves science and is one of the smartest in his school. He's super chatty and excited about quite possibly everything!" He said like a proud father. Which he was, but the realization still hadn't quite kicked in yet. It gained a round of chuckles from the other people in the room so Tony was happy.

"Well I can't wait to meet him," Natasha said with a voice so calm that almost everyone, except for Thor, Tony, Pepper, and Bruce, turned their heads and gave her a look of shock like never before. The Natasha Romanoff was practically whispering in a voice they had never heard before, except for  Bruce who had heard the voice every time Natasha needed him to calm down and not go hulking around. 

"Me neither!" Thor smiled with his booming voice which again made everyone laugh, although it was cut short by a beeping from Friday.

"Fri what's happening?" Tony asked and absentmindedly looked into the ceiling as if trying to locate a source of the beeping, although he knew perfectly well that Friday's voice came from everywhere in the room.

"It appears that Spiderman has gone patrolling and is swinging outside the Avengers compound right now." The robotic voice answered him back and he looked at Cap.

"Alright, thanks Friday. Capsicle, Katniss, Perfect,  Hammergod, and Buckarooni. If you all come with me then I think we're going to able to get him. If not then we'll probably need the rest of you." He gave a curt nod, smirking as Steve, Clint, Nat, Thor, and Bucky all got up with small groans, Steve retorting with an 'Okay Coca Cola can' before going to suit up.


Peter softly chuckled as his heightened senses let him eavesdrop on the conversation taking place a few stories above in the living room. He was sat in the windowsill and looked out over New York in the fast approaching sunset light, his mask was placed gently in his hands as he ran his fingers over the fabric. He appreciated everything Mr. Stark had done for him already, to the intentional stuff like adopting him and giving him a new home and a new family and the unintentional stuff like giving him the Spiderman suit.

And he was debating if going patrolling now was the best idea, he had just arrived at his new house a couple of hours ago but in those few hours, the knot of worry in his stomach had increased drastically. What if Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne had been so much worse on the kids now that the one protecting them was gone. The thought made him groan and look over the darkening city. Sighing he jumped over to his bag and pulled out different articles of clothing until he reached the rest of his suit which sat at the bottom.

"Hey, Friday?" Peter tested carefully. He had read about Tony Starks technology a million times from that one book that rested in the school library, his biggest fascination being the AI the Stark had made. His first AI, J.A.R.V.I.S which was now merged with Vision, and his current AI F.R.I.D.A.Y had really stuck to Peter when he was reading about them and wondered if it would work.

"Yes, Mr. Parker?" The robotic voice of an Irish woman sounded through the walls. 

Holy shit! I can actually talk to her!

"Uhm, if Mr. Strak asks about me can you just say that I'm sleeping and doesn't want to be disturbed?" He breathed out in amazement and crossed his fingers in a little flicker of hope.

"Of course Mr. Parker." She replied with the same voice, making Peter pump his fists into the air.

"Thank you! And please just call me Peter." He called back as he ran into the bathroom, coming out a second later in full suit and then quietly walked over to the window and opened it carefully.

He poked his head out and looked straight down the many floors below him, watching people as small as ants rush by on the streets below. The wind was blowing strong and cold up where he was and would have definitely ruffled his curly hair if it was out. He sucked in a deep breath and started to slowly climb out and then descent down the massive tower. 

After about five minutes of careful climbing, he had only made it two stories down. Quickly deciding that this route would take way to long he sucked in a deep breath through his gritted teeth and pulled his knees up to his chest so he was almost sitting on the side of the building, hands firmly on the glass. Closing his eyes in concentration he let go of the air he had held captive in his chest.

Then he leaped.

His breathing became rapid as he fell through the air, although he forced himself to turn around and focus on buildings he could swing from. Swiftly deciding on a tall apartment building he shot a web to grapple on and started soaring through the neon lights from the billboards of New York.

Landing roughly on a rooftop a couple of minutes later he leaned forward and rested his shaky hands on his knees, trying to calm his wild breathing.

"Hi Peter, your heartbeat seems to be over the regular, are you okay?" The sudden voice of the AI in his own suit cut Peters thoughts in half, making him jump in surprise.

"Jesus Christ Karen! You almost gave me a heart attack." He breathed out and closed his eyes before fully sitting down on the rooftop, letting his legs freely dangle off the edge.

"Apologies Peter." She said back and Peter quickly waved it off with a small 'it's fine'. Sighing he laid his back down on the roof and stared up the few stars that would show themselves every now and again between the clouds.

The orphanage.

He needed to get to the orphanage and see how everyone was holding up. Standing up he started to brush himself off before his spidey senses gave a small whisper to duck, which he happily obliged to because a moment after he did so the iconic shield of Captian America flew over his head.

"Oh for fuck sake!" Peter loudly expressed when he turned around to see the original Avengers running towards him, minus Bruce and an added Bucky. 

"Language." He heard the captain mutter under his breath thanks to his heightened hearing as he dodged an arrow from Hawkeye.

"Language my ass Captian! How many time do I have to deal with you guys?" He yelled as he flipped on to an air vent before launching himself forward and hitting Bucky square in the face, then used Thor as a grappling object for his web and swung around him until both his feet meet hard with Captian America's chest, sending him flying backward.

"Until we convince you to join the Avengers," Ironman answered him he shot a blaster at the boy, making him yelp in surprise before leaping backwards and landing on all four. 

"Why? So I can live the entitled life of a superhero in that giant tower?" Peter snickered to himself after that comment, the irony of it so clear it was almost painful. However, what was painful was the sudden kick in the side from Black Widow as she started to try and tackle him to the ground.

"Ayeayeayeayeayayayaye Black Widow, spider buddies? Eh? EehHhh?" He tried but only sighed in the defeat of the stone-cold face the women were still pulling.

"Alright, whatever. Welp it's been fun you guys but should really go. I have some kinda important plans so if we could finish this really quick that would be great." He sarcastically shrugged, before turning to the Black Widow who was sprinting towards him, swiftly shooting to webs at her and pulling himself forward as soon as they made contact with her arms, sending Peter flying through the air and swiftly pulled his knee up hitting the assassins face hard enough for her nose to start bleeding, and he quickly webbed her to the ground before turning around to the others.

Bucky was up and running again, although he did seem disheveled from his last hit, and Peter smirked at the advantage that gave him. Jumping into a combat stance he started to fist fight the supersoldier, getting in a few solid hits before Bucky was sent flying into a wall in a ball of webs. 

Jumping to the side from Thor's incoming hammer he ran at the god and webbed his feet to the ground, then gave a running start making it look like he was jumping off the building but was actually preparing to swing around in circles until Thor was completely captured. Succeeding easily he backflipped away from yet another one of Hawkeyes arrows, who had been firing at him the entire time.

Does he ever run out of those things?

He sighed and shot a web at the bow he was holding, yanking it out of the archer's hand and throwing it across the roof he kicked the man in the chest before webbing him to the roof. 

"Listen, you guys. It's only you too left and you know I've beaten you before, I don't really want to do it again. I really have some business to attend to." He panted out at Captain America and Ironman who were the last two standing.

"Why don't just come with us dude, seriously?" The Stark asked frustrated and let his mask falter away from his face. It gave Peter a small shock but didn't let it show, only narrowed the eyes in his mask and crossed his arms.

"Becuase I'm just the friendly neighborhood Spiderman! I don't want to sit on my fat ass up in that tower all day doing nothing but banter with all of you until a really big mission pops up," he started and started to slowly shuffle back towards the edge of the roof, "Who's going to defend the would-be rape victims? Who stops the robberies all over the city? Who helps the confused tourists with directions? Who puts a quick stop to car chases? Who even once put down an entire underground mafia!? Not you that's for sure!" 

Peter was practically yelling by the time he was done, standing close enough to the edge now that he could jump off it if he needed too. The look of pure confusion mixed in with a small amount of guilt that was plastered on the Starks' face made Peter smirk under the mask. The fact that a teenager had taken down most of the original Avengers plus another supersoldier highly amused Peter as he started to turn around and walk off the roof he suddenly froze.

"Is your hair brown by any chance?" Peter heard Cap say from behind him, the smirk almost apparent in the highly amused voice.

"Wh-why do you ask?" He asked back, cursing at himself as his voice cracked in the middle of the sentence.

"A tuft of hair is sticking out from under your mask." You could practically hear the contained laughter the captain's tone led on.

"Oh fuck!" He cursed at himself as he frantically ran his hand over his head and sure enough, felt a small clump of curly hair sticking out from the seam that separated the mask from the rest of the suit, "I-I gotta go!" He frantically yelled and dived off the roof, sighing in relief after a few minutes of extremely fast swinging as he realized that neither of the Avengers was following him.

He didn't end up making it to the orphanage after all. The pain in his shoulder from where one of Hawkeyes arrows had grazed him was starting to hurt as the adrenaline started to wear off, as did the already forming bruise in the side the Black Widow gave him, and the solid hit to the stomach that Bucky had given him. Not to mention the forming bump on the back of his head that Thor's hammer had given him. It was all starting to hurt a lot as he crawled into his own room in the tower and crashed on the bed in an uncomfortable groan.

Sighing, he finally gathered himself and tumbled over to the bathroom where he stripped off his suit and hopped in the shower, hissing slightly as the warm water stung against his still bleeding wound on his shoulder. Afterwards, he hopped out in changed into a pair of pj's, brushing his teeth as his eyes began to droop. He stumbled out of the bathroom with a big yawn and glanced at the clock which now read 1:13 in the morning. Rolling his eyes at himself for going to bed so late he just let himself fall onto the giant bed with a soft thump.

Today hadn't really gone as planned. He had fought the Avengers two times in one day, on the same day that he was adopted by one of those said Avengers. He stared around his room thinking about how weird tomorrow would be. He had technically just met most of the Avengers and they didn't really come across on the right foot to start with. But that was Spiderman. When he was here, in his new home, with his new family he was just regular old Peter Parker that was too smart for his own good and made an ungodly amount of vine references every day. 

Yet, Peter felt as though his life was just beginning, and it was going to be one interesting as hell ride.


Ayyyye sorry for the slow update. I'm in my last year of school rn, and I'm graduating in under a month. Because of this, I get this month-long 'Reading break' where I have to study for my four final exams in June. But I still have a lot of free time so this is definitely getting updated often!

I think that was it, I hope you enjoyed!

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