Chapter 4: Nightmares and Introductions

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No no no no no no no! This can't be happening! Not again! Not again! Please go away! Get out! getoutgetoutgetoutgetout! 

Peter was clamping his hand to his ears, trying to scream but nothing came out. He opened his teary eyes with blurred vision and looked straight into Aunt Mays cold and dead eyes.

No one will love you, Peter 

Her voice was cold and monotone, a flatline breaking the silence that filled the space around them.

The Avengers will never accept you

Another voice pipped in and Peter made eye contact with his uncle Ben, his voice was low and gruff, disappointment thick as he took a sluggish step towards the boy.

When they find out that you're Spiderman they will only want you for your powers

Peter's heart sunk as the icy voice that belonged to his mother quipped up from behind him, her posture was stiff and she was standing with crossed arms, his father was standing next to her, he was tapping his foot to the floor his eyes fixed on the boy.

Just you wait, they will never be able to love you

His father said as a wide and creepy grin spread across his face and then he started to laugh, the others around them quickly following suit. Peter could only be able to crumple to the floor, sobs shaking his entire body as he desperately tried to block out the taunting laughter.

Hey Spiderman! Come on we got a mission, but don't touch me! I don't want your weird spider germs on me  

The stern voice of Tony Stark sounded from over him and he looked up to see his family replaced with the Avengers, all scowling down at him.

You don't deserve to have those powers, we are the earth best defender, not you

Black Widow snarled with such venom that Peter couldn't help but flinch hard at the tone.

Please just get out of my head, I know this isn't real! Peter pleaded in a scream, tossing and turning as more insults were thrown at him. He hadn't even met the Avengers yet, yet the words still stung like a thousand wasp stings.


Peter opened his eyes to the dark ceiling of his room, he was laying on the floor beside his bed with his bed sheet spread out beside him. His breathing was rapid and tears were streaming down his face. He managed to sit himself up against his bed and pull his knees up to his chest, wiping some sweat off his forehead with his bedsheets beside him he started to try and calm himself down.


Peter jumped up in panic before realizing it was just a single knock on his door. Before he answered he reached for his phone on his bedside table and read the time. 4:47. He mentally hit himself for waking anyone up this late before turning towards the door.

"C-come in." He croaked, cringing at how weak he sounded, his eyes opening up wide as Tony Stark peaked his head into his room.

"Hey, kid, Friday informed me that you were having a nightmare and I wanted to see if you were okay." He answered back, his voice soft and warm, making Peter shudder a little when he compared it to the cold and strict voice he had heard in his dream. He could only muster to nod back to the older man, sniffling a little as he buried his head in his knees.

"Something you wanna talk about bud? It can help." He heard footsteps getting louder to where he was sitting, getting a little peak he saw Tony sitting down beside him.

"I-it's fine Mr. Stark, I'm sorry for waking you up." Peter couldn't help but apologize, he was honestly quite surprised that he wasn't getting slapped into another dimension right now, that was usually the punishment for waking the mistress up at the orphanage. But this wasn't the orphanage, this was the Avengers tower. This was his home now.

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