Chapter 3: Fighting

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Hey Peeps, you wanted to let yall know that I changed some info to the story because it makes more sense than what I had previously thought before. It's all changed in the !INTRO! part so if yall could check that out before reading this that would be stellar. If you're a new reader and have only seen one version of the !INTRO! then please just ignore this :)

Thanks, and enjoy!


To say that Peter had been excited when he got to the Avengers tower would be an understatement. The boy's eyes had lit up at just the sight of it, and when they actually got there he was physically shaking with pure amazement. An audible 'wooow' came from Peter's mouth as they entered the lobby which made both the new parents snicker. They all three stepped into the elevator where Peter seemed to be in shock, Tony couldn't really blame him though, it was probably every kid's dream to be in Peter's position right now.

"So, what do you think kid?" Tony broke the silence which seemed to break the teenager out of his trance.

"I-It's incredible! Thank you, Mr. Stark and Mrs. Potts." He hurriedly breathed out, almost tripping over his own words.

"Glad you like squirt," Tony started and squeezed Pepper's hand with a warm smile towards her, "Also, it's getting kinda late so I think it would be best if you get some sleep before meeting the rest of the Avengers." He finished and smirked at Peter who seemed to light up, even more, Tony was honestly impressed.

"Are the others here?" The kid marveled as he made eye-contact with the Stark.

"Mhm! Probably watching a movie in the living room if I know them well." He chuckled as Peter only nodded the second they heard a loud 'ding' and the elevator door opened.

"Alright Peter, this is your room," He started but got cut off by a gasp from the teenager as he ran into the big room. It was nice the walls were light blue with a giant bed in the corner, there were posters along the walls with all the Avengers on them (The biggest one was one of Ironman of course) even a poster of Spiderman, Tony had only put that in since he knew the kid was fromQueens so he probably looked up to the mysterious hero. 

After a good half an hour of marveling form Peter they finally said goodnight to each other, and Tony and Pepper started to make their way back to the living room, only to come back to an absolute mess. 

As predicted before then they were watching a movie.. well some of them were. Steve was sitting with an arm over Bucky's shoulders while Bruce sat next to Natasha and Rhodey sat on the edge of the couch. They were all focused on the screen although would shout a 'shut up!' every now and then. Wanda and Vision were sitting in a corner and looked to be discussing some kind of book in Wanda's hands.  

And then there was what looked like a pop tart eating contest between Thor and Clint, with Scott and Sam cheering loudly on either side. Tony only sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he clapped his hands loudly together, which seemed to get the attention of pretty much everyone except for Wanda and Vision.

"Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make!" he called out which then got the attention of everyone.  He cleared his throat before continuing.

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