By Samrielhot8

182K 6.5K 1.3K

"So what's your name?" He asks Oh so now he wants to play the game of twenty questions. Interesting! "Do you... More

The Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Bonus Chapter
You guys are the best

Chapter 44

1.5K 69 15
By Samrielhot8

On Friday I wake up and get my morning routine done. It has become something I'm so used to I'm not sure it'll ever change. Even when I left, I adapted to the same routine, just with a few slight changes. I hurry up so that I can be in school on time to study. Even though I woke up three hours ago to do that before sleeping again. A student never finishes learning.

I walk to my closet, where I've kept my clothes for all these years. Faye gave me back my room the minute we got home, no matter how many times I protested. She says this is my father's house and that this room is rightfully mine. Something about her saying my father's house made my chest ache, I felt her pain directly, but I brushed it off. No more tears. Tomorrow is prom. I pick out an outfit for the day and put it on.

I pull my hair into a bun and do some light makeup. I pick up my keys and make my way downstairs. I see dad sitting on one of the stool chairs with a mug of coffee and a newspaper in hand.

Somethings never change.

I wonder where his wife is.

"Good morning dad" I greet and make a cup of coffee for myself.

"Good morning dear how are you?"

"Great. By the way, where's Amber?"

"She's giving Natalie a bath. Getting her ready for school"

I almost forgot she started her nursery. Time flies so fast nowadays.

"Hey you ready?" Faye asks, stepping into the kitchen with an outfit matching mine.

Dad looks back and forth between the two of us and his mouth forms an 'o'.

"We're good" Is all I say.

"That's great. I wanted to talk to the both of you about something." he pauses "I'm divorcing your mom" he says and the biggest smile is plastered across our faces.

Not that we don't want their marriage to work. But too much has happened, so many lies, and betrayal. If we are at least going to try and be family, we have to let go of it.

"Finally" we chorus and leave him sitting confused.

"I thought that would never happen" Faye says once we are in my car

"You aren't bothered?" I ask her

"Hell no" she says and we both chuckle.

After school I receive a text from Jason telling me to meet him at the football court. Oh my, I hope he is okay.

I rush and when I get there, what I see makes me speechless. Jason is on one leg, with a rose in his hand, his team mates holding a banner up behind him that says, "Go to prom with me love?". Almost the whole school is here, there's a long table in the middle with lofts of food. What is all this?

"Please go to prom with me?" He asks, probably frightened I would say no.

Jason is adorable.

All eyes are on us, the place so quiet you can hear a pin drop.

"Of course" I say and he pulls me into an embrace. He hands me the rose and pecks me on the lips as the student body claps around us.

"How did you manage to pull this off?" I ask, the grin plastered on my face making my face cheeks hurt from how wide it is but I don't care.

"Let's just say for you I would get the moon" he says and I giggle. And to think a few months ago we were away from each other, me possibly thinking that he may hate me when he sees me. Look where we are now!

A lot of people congratulate us, as if they just found out I'm two weeks pregnant and we would be getting married tomorrow. I laugh at the thought, which makes my stomach churn, but in a good way. There may be a future for us.

"This is like a mini prom. Thank you" I say and wrap my arms around him.

"I think this colour would be great. I've always wanted to get this kind of colour if I was to ever dye my hair" I say to Faye

"I think it would look great too" she smiles

"Ma'am, you ready?" The stylist asks

"Yes please"

After the whole party or grand gesture, Faye and I decided to come to the mall for a makeover for tomorrow.

"So have you decided which college you want to go to?" Faye asks, the one question that I've been dreading for anyone to ask

I kmow we have to talk about it, Jason and I, it has been lagging at the back of my mind. But I'm just scared, afraid even. I'm never afraid, that's what makes this thing more dreading

"Earth to Dakota" she snaps her fingers before me

"I actually applied to three of them when I was in Australia" I say to her

"Which is?" She asks

"WSU, Yale and Harvard. And I just dropped one to Ohio State University when I came back here" I say

"And have you spoken about it with Jason?"

"I've been dreading the conversation ever since. But I know we'll have to talk about it eventually"

"It'll be fine" she says and I smile, I want to believe her. But the 'if's in my mind are just too much. I don't want anything distracting this cute little bubble we have.

She passes me a small smile and I want to ask her about her applications too, but the topic has already drained me enough

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