Insanely To Own You

By selenereese

673K 5.3K 38

"You all pay attention! Pay close attention! You already know I'm in love! Who is it? With the person that de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16


42.5K 686 11
By selenereese

"Why did you leave me, Dad?" With a heavy heart, the young girl stood before the weathered tombstone, her delicate frame trembling with sorrow. 

Her eyes, pools of glistening tears, reflected the anguish that consumed her very being. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying her mournful cries into the ethereal realm, where her father's spirit surely resided.

Her father had just been laid to rest. He was killed in an aircraft accident. As her tears cascaded down her delicate cheeks, a torrential downpour of rain matched the intensity of her emotions.

Her delicate voice quivered and faltered, a symphony of emotions cascading through her being. Tears streamed down her porcelain cheeks, each hiccup a testament to the depth of her sorrow.

In the gloomy place, a man stood beside her, his voice filled with melancholic tenderness. "My lady, it is time for us to depart," he murmured, his eyes betraying the sorrow that weighed heavily on his heart. 

For in this moment, not only had they lost a beloved employer, but he too had lost a cherished member of his own chosen family.

"You go home first, Butler Mario. I just want to spend more time here with my dad," the child whispered gently, hugging her father's tombstone." Even if it rains severely, it makes no difference.

"But, oh, young lad -Butler Mario was about to protest but, the girl pleaded at him. 

"I implore you!" exclaimed the girl with a pleading tone, her interruption cutting through the air like a sharp blade, halting the other man's speech in its tracks. 

In a world where silence held the power to captivate hearts, the girl's voice was a rare gem, a melody that resonated deep within the souls of those who had the privilege to hear it. With a single utterance, she possessed the ability to command attention, stir emotions, and leave a lasting impression. The Butler stood as a pillar of unwavering loyalty and devotion.

The old Butler sighed. He nodded and left the girl to await the car.

As the Butler gracefully departed the area, he left behind a young lady, her heart fluttering with anticipation, in the presence of her beloved father. The air was thick with a mixture of trepidation and longing.

With a sorrowful shake of his head, the butler's trembling hand reached up to brush away the glistening tears that cascaded down his cheeks. His heart ached with a profound sense of connection. 

For he was not merely shedding tears, but rather, he was delicately wiping away the remnants of a deep emotional bond that had formed between him and the girl's father.

In the tender bloom of her youth, she was tragically bereft of her beloved father, who was snatched away from her all too soon. Alas, the mother of the child had vanished, leaving behind a void that could not be filled. Her absence was like a haunting melody, echoing through the corridors of their lives. 

Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as the child yearned for the return of the one who had given them life. But alas, she did not come back, leaving the child to navigate the world without her tender touch. Unfortunately, the child found herself bereft of all familial companionship, save for the enigmatic presence of the butler, as she was left all alone.

"Oh, dearest Dada, shall you too leave me, leaving my heart shattered and my soul adrift in a sea of despair?" Her voice trembled, filled with a mixture of longing and desperation.

"Don't you love me anymore?" she whispered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. 

The words hung heavy in the air, as if time itself had paused to witness the unraveling as she uttered those words, her voice quivering with the weight of her sorrow, tears cascading down her delicate cheeks.

Her delicate form was enveloped in the cascading rain. With a heavy heart, she gracefully lowered herself onto the soft grass, her delicate form finding solace beside her father's weathered tombstone. 

The gentle breeze caressed her tear-stained cheeks, as if nature itself sought to console her in this moment of profound sorrow. In the hallowed presence of her beloved father's final resting place, she sought solace, her soul yearning for the ethereal connection that transcended even if her father was already dead.

"Why are you lying there? It is raining heavily. You'll get sick," whispered the voice, its words dripping with concern as it clutched an elegant umbrella.

She glanced at it. A boy was standing in front of her. In the depths of her heart, the young maiden believed that they were but mere contemporaries, perhaps only a handful of years older than her tender age.

Her gaze fixated upon the young lad, her eyes brimming with an insatiable curiosity. With a delicate sniffle, she managed to quell the tears that threatened to spill from her captivating eyes. Summoning her inner strength, she gracefully rose to her feet, her every movement imbued with an air of resilience and determination. 

With a delicate touch, the girl's slender fingers brushed against her glistening cheeks, tenderly wiping away the remnants of her tears. Her eyes, pools of sorrow and vulnerability, met the boy's gaze with a mixture of trepidation and longing. In a voice as soft as a whispering breeze, she mustered the strength to answer him, her words carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions.

"I just wanted it." With a heavy heart and tears glistening in her eyes, she uttered those sorrowful words: "Unfortunately, my beloved father has departed, leaving me bereft of love and adrift in a sea of loneliness."

"Stop crying." With a gentle touch, the young lad delicately brushed away the glistening pearls that adorned the girl's porcelain cheeks. 

His fingertips, like feathers dancing on her skin, caressed the delicate trails left behind by her sorrow. In that tender moment, their souls intertwined, as if fate itself had orchestrated their encounter.

"Everything is gone for a reason. You stated that no one loves you. Look around you; that is not the case. "Someone close to you loves you," he added gently.

In a voice that resonated with the wisdom of ages, the young lad spoke to the girl, his words flowing forth like a gentle breeze caressing her delicate ears. Her eyes, like two shimmering stars in the night sky, suddenly ignited with a radiant glow.

"Truly?" the girl asked, her voice laced with tender reassurance. With a gentle inclination of his head, the young lad expressed his agreement.

Her heart fluttered as she gazed upon the young lad, his tender soul shining through her eyes. In the midst of her own anguish, she couldn't help but notice the depth of his own suffering. Yet, despite the weight of his own burdens, he reached out to console her, offering solace in the face of their shared pain.

"What's your name?" the girl asked.

The girl grinned, since she had just met this boy. It has a pleasant disposition and doesn't feel the need to console people.

A rosy hue painted her delicate cheeks as the young lad's lips gently brushed against them. When someone calls him, the child is in a hurry.

"Calven Ken Strauss!"

"All right, I'm leaving. Daddy is calling me nice to meet you, little girl," he remarked as he ran back to where the father was.

The girl yelled out, "Calven Ken Strauss, I will remember your name because someday you will marry me!"

With a gentle sway of his head, the boy's eyes met hers, a silent declaration of his inner turmoil. His hand, adorned with fingers that seemed to possess a life of their own, gracefully rose and danced through the air, a tender wave that spoke a thousand words.

Her delicate lips formed the words that danced in the air like a secret melody. "I vow to the depths of my soul that you shall be mine," she murmured, her voice a tender caress that only her heart could hear. The weight of her promise hung in the stillness, as if the universe itself held its breath, eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of her passionate declaration.

In the tender bloom of her youth, she experienced the inexplicable fluttering of her heart, a sensation that whispered of a love yet unknown. It was in the presence of that captivating young lad with whom she engaged in conversation that her admiration bloomed like a delicate flower, its petals unfurling to reveal the depths of her burgeoning affection.

She vowed to herself that in the future she would own the boy, and no one could stop her from doing so.

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