Nico di Angelo and the Avenge...

By RowanLaufeyson1

39.4K 854 765

This is the rewrite of my previous fic under the same name. Please read this one!!! When Chiron tells Nico he... More

Chapter One: Literally EVERYONE Ships Solangelo
Chapter Two: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off On a Sort-Of-Not-Really-Kind-Of Quest We Go
Chapter Three: Oh Captain, My Captain; Oh Oracle, Fuck Off
Chapter Four: I've Got a Theory--
Chapter Five: Nico's Nightmare
Chapter Six: For Once, We Don't Have to Analyze Bad Poetry!
Chapter Seven: In Which Fury Trusts Natasha's Judgement (Only Tony is Surprised)
Chapter Eight: Percy Jackson, Meet the Avengers
Chapter Nine: Story Time
Chapter Eleven: Plotting Battle Course and Such
Chapter Twelve: All About Loki('s Numerous Betrayals)
Chapter Thirteen: The Scarlett Letter
Halloween Special!
Chapter Fourteen: Honestly, Who The Hell Writes Letters These Days?

Chapter Ten: GsFDI, [Redacted]

1.4K 38 16
By RowanLaufeyson1

It turned out that Nico, Percy, and Annabeth recounting the stories of both wars, (and all the quests leading up to it for context), seeing as the Avengers were so mortifiedly curious, led to the superheroes present telling their stories (which lead to Nico wanting to throw a good few people into the Pit. Personally.)

It especially rustled his proverbial feathers to hear Steve and Natasha's quiet recountment of the corruption and fall of S.H.I.E.L.D.-- not because Nico cared about the establishment; he hadn't heard of it, nor was he particularly trustful of any government institution that thinks something along the light of this Project... Oversight, or whatever, would be anywhere near the arena of 'okay'.

No. What upset Nico was learning how, exactly, Bucky had been (forcibly) involved.

"How do you even know Bucky?" Clint had asked at one point during the story.

Nico stiffened. "Uh. So. You see--"

"What the fuck are you guys doing up?" said Tony, all but barging into Nico's cabin.

"Telling stories," Annabeth yawned. "Shut up and join us or leave."

He sat, and the stories continued. The nine of them sat there, exchanging tales, laughing and sharing their pain. It was odd, Nico thought, to open up to people so quickly and have them open up in return. He'd known these Avengers for a day, and yet... he found it easy to open up to them. Maybe some of it was because he saw how Steve trusted them, but...

He didn't know. But he was sad when their little talk circle ended nonetheless.

"Well," Percy yawned, "tough I'd love to stay and chat with you all some more, I think it's bedtime." Annabeth was curled on the floor, snoring, her head in his lap.

"It's two in the morning," commented Bruce tiredly, "so, yeah. Bed time."

"I'll take you guys to the Big House, help you find your rooms," Nico offered.

"Thank you, Nico," said Thor, who had just that night (morning?) started to call Nico by his name rather than 'Son of Hades', or '(the) young demigod'. "That is most kind. Now, shall we head out?"

"Hopefully the patrol Harpies don't get you," Percy smiled weakly at them, and picked Annabeth up, princess style. "Good night, nerds."

"Night, schist-head," Nico smirked back at him.

Nico led the Avengers across the moonlit grass, all of them quiet from sleepiness. Poor Clint could barely walk in a straight line, his eyes drooping only to snap open a few seconds later when Natasha pinched his arm. But, by some miracle, they made it to the Big House without the archer keeling over, avoiding the patrol Harpies on the way. A definite win. The Avengers filed through the doors, yawning their goodnights, and eventually, it was only Nico and Steve remaining on the dimly lit porch.

"Well," said Nico, awkward, "A word of advice: if you see Chiron with his tail in hair curlers... pretend you didn't."

Steve didn't answer him, not for a beat. "Oh. You're serious."

Nico nodded solemnly. "Many a young Camper has been scarred in such a way."

He and Steve laughed, together, and it was... nice. Awkward, because it was very clear that the both of them were starting to once again feel guilty for ever having felt anything but sadness, but nice.

"Nico," Steve said after a long silence, "When are you gonna tell them about Bucky--"

"Not yet," Nico said. "I... I don't know. It's not that I don't trust them, it's just--"

"I get it," Steve assured, "It's weird, and complicated. But... they're gonna need to know before we go into battle."

"I--" Nico sighed, almost defensive. "You're right. I will tell them. Eventually. Just... not yet."

"Okay." Steve said gently. "That's okay."

There was another long silence, though this one wasn't so uncomfortable. Nico half-smiled at Steve. "Get some sleep, old man."

Steve returned that tight smile. "You too, kid."

Nico waited until he saw Steve walk down the hall into his room, then shadow traveled back to his cabin. He checked the time-- 2:25. She should still be awake.

Nico made his way to the fountain in the corner of his room, grabbing a flashlight on the way. He sat on the damp edge of the fountain, grabbing a Drachma from a pile of the the side, and shone enough light through the prism to make a rainbow in the mist.

"O Fleecy," Nico said, "Do me a solid. Show me Reyna at Camp Jupiter."

The rainbow wavered in front of him until--

Reyna was sitting at her desk, looking over some paperwork, a tired expression on her face. She didn't notice the Iris Message appear, not until Nico cleared his throat awkwardly. She started, her hand flying to a dagger tucked under her Aegis, before she noted the IM in front of her.

"Nico," she said, relaxing. She shifted in her chair. "Hello."

"Hi," he said, and, fuck, tears were starting to well in his eyes. "I-- shit."

"Nico?" Reyna's face drew into concern. She noticed the wetness of his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I... it's a long story. I just wanted to-- to talk to you. If that's okay."

Reyna glanced at the paperwork on her desk, and for a moment Nico was afraid she would have to go back to work, but she simply shoved the stacks of paper away and settled into a more comfortable position. "Of course, Nico. Always. What happened?"


Nico stayed up talking to Reyna for a good hour. Apparently Fleecy took pity on Nico, or maybe she forgot to charge him after a while, but he only had to pay five more times to keep the message going. It was... nice, talking to Reyna. She understood him better than most, and was a good listener. She waited until he'd finished talking, his voice long-since stuttered with tears, her jaw clenched, and then she had consoled him as best she could. She did not speak soothing words, but rather expressed her faith in him, in Will, and offered to lend any help necessary.

No, Nico had said, thank you, but I think... I think we've got this.

Well, Reyna had replied, the offer stands. Always. I'm here for you, Nico.

Now, a good five hours later, Nico sat at his table in the Dining Pavilion, alone. Normally he'd sit with the Apollo campers, or Will would sit with him, but... Will wasn't here, and he couldn't bear to be around the other children of Apollo, who were unusually quiet. Chiron must've told them about Will being taken, because they looked sad, and gave Nico pitying looks. He hated that. He didn't want their pity.

So he sat, alone, his feet on the bench, head down, for a while, until he heard Steve's voice.

"Hey," Steve said, "You mind if we sit here with you?"

Nico looked up, not bothering to brush his hair from his face. He regarded all six of the Avengers in front of him. "Sure," Nico said, "I don't think regular rules apply to guests."

They sat, and in a gust of wind six more plates and cups were placed on the Hades table. Fortunately, the Avengers had arrived around when breakfast had started, and most of the Campers had taken their seats, so it was only a few seconds until those plates were filled with french toast and bacon and eggs and home fries, bottles of hot sauce and ketchup appearing as well. Nico stood.

"Where are you going?" asked Bruce.

Nico nodded towards the brazier, where campers were already beginning to line up. "Over there. I wanna beat the line as best I can. You...You guys don't have to come."

But as Nico made his way towards the still-short line, the Avengers looked at each other and, collectively, stood, filing after him.

"Woah, wait," Tony said as Nico made to scrape the best of his food into the fire. "What are you doing?"

"We sacrifice a bit of every meal to the gods," explained Nico. "They like the smell, and it's... well, it's better than goat or bull's blood."

"Fair enough," said Tony, though still looked a little confused.

"Don't worry," Nico said, "you guys don't really have to sacrifice anything. You're guests."

With that, Nico scraped his offering in, silently praying. To all the gods... please.... Let me get them back.

He stepped aside, and, much to his surprise, the Avengers followed suit, scraping their offerings into the fire and pausing, clearly praying. Even Thor did so, though it seemed as if if were more to pay respects than anything. Together, they made their way back to the table.

"So," Natasha asked, "why didn't you sacrifice any food when you were with us?"

"We don't have to make sacrifices on quests," Nico replied. He bit off a piece of bacon, "But that's why my portion was extra big today."

"So, uh, where do we get drinks?" Clint asked, looking around the Pavillion.

"Just say your order aloud, and the goblets will fill," Nico said. "You can get any drink in pretty much any color-- just no alcohol, of course."

"Purple Doctor Pepper," Clint ordered. His eyes widened comically as the bubbling drink filled his glass. "Sweet!"

Nico laughed at Clint's childlike awe. "Espresso--doppio, please."

The steaming drink filled Nico's cup, and for a good few minutes, nothing happened; the seven of them simply ate and drank and poked fun at each other. Nico and Steve didn't join in, not really, but they occasionally exchanged amused glances whenever one of the others said something particularly stupid.

But then, right as Nico was about to take his last sip of espresso, something happened. There was a loud, echoing crash against the border-- almost like someone knocking. Nico slammed his cup down, standing abruptly. He made eye contact with Percy, just a table down, and suddenly the Camp burst into action, the younger campers being ushered into their Cabins. But most simply drew their weapons and sprinted towards Thalia's pine, which seemed to be the source of the clamor, Percy, Annabeth, and Nico in the lead.

There to meet them was a man in a strange armor, brown and gold and green. He had sharp features and calculating eyes that wouldn't be out of place on a child of Athena. But this was no demigod, his aura too powerful, too strange. A practiced grin spread across the man's face.

Nico had a pretty good idea as to who this was.

"No way," he heard Tony gasp, which only confirmed Nico's suspicions.

"Who are you?" Percy asked, leveling Riptide at the stranger.

"I am Loki, King of Asgard," the man said, his hands splayed non-threateningly (except Nico knew this 'man' needed no weapon to strike a hard blow at them. He did not relax.) "I come bearing urgent news."

Nico's hand tightened on his sword. "So tell us."

"Loki?" Thor interrupted, pushing his way forward. "Loki, I thought--"

"Oh, no," Loki groaned. "What is he doing here?"

Nico looked at him with a deadpan expression. "He and the other Avengers are here with me. Percy, Annabeth," he turned towards the two, that same hard mask across his face, "This relates to my quest. I can handle it. Take the other Campers, have them resume duties, but stay alert."

Percy hesitated. "I... okay. Call if you need anything."

"You heard him, everyone!" Annabeth shouted to the amassed Campers, waving her arms as she herded them back, "Back to your regularly scheduled activities!"

Grumbling, the Campers followed their orders, filing back down the Hill. Peleus' tail lashed, his eyes still watchful on Loki, his copper scales raised in warning. He wasn't attacking, which was pretty much the only reason Nico lowered his blade; Peleus didn't see him as a threat, not yet, so it was clear Loki came with no violent intentions. For now.

Thor made to stride across the border, but Nico held a hand out, stopping him. "Let me," said Nico. Begrudgingly, Thor stepped back.

"I..." Thor said. "I cannot be here. I trust your judgment, Nico." With that, Thor spun on his heels, storming away. Nico noted the lightning sparking from his fingertips as he clenched and unclenched his hands, headed towards the forest, summoning Mjolnir. Clearly, he was going to blow off some steam.

Nico stepped into mortal territory, sizing Loki up. "So," he said, "you're Loki."


But Loki didn't have a chance to say whatever it is he was trying to, because as soon as that confirmation left his lips, Nico's fist connected with his nose. Blood sprayed out violently from it, and the recoil that swept through Loki's body was almost funny. Almost.

"Okay," Nico said, "go on."

"What was that for?"

Nico raised a brow. "Do you want the whole list, or just the summary?"

Loki paused. "I... don't think either is necessary."

Nico shrugged. "Whatever. Now. Why are you here?"

Loki drew up straight, regarding Nico with caution. "I... I come bearing news. The Titan Menoet--"

"We know," Tony interrupted with a loud, rude tone.

Loki glared at him, then turned his gaze back to Nico. "He is on the island of San Salvad--"

"We know that, too," said Tony.

"He has the Titaness--"

"Mnemosyne hostage?" finished Tony. He smirked. "Yep. We knew that little tidbit too."

"I have come to offer my assistance," said Loki loudly.

"That," said Tony weakly, "we didn't know."

"Why should we believe a word you say," Clint said distrustfully, arms crossed. "Cause, uh. We have absolutely no reason to trust you, and like, a million reasons not to."

"Yes," said Loki in a carefully calculated friendly tone, "it would be rather stupid for you all to trust me, after our... ah... track record, I believe is the term. I simply ask you trust I want this threat dealt with as much as you do."

"Why?" Natasha asked, her stance paralleling Clint's. Her expression was stoney and calculating.

"Do you truly think Menoetius would stop with your world?"

"I did hope so," Nico said meekly, tiredly.

"No, should Menoetius succeed here, he will eventually turn towards the other realms. Creatures such as him never fail to think big, despite their vast stupidity. Asgard is well-known as protector of the other realms, and more than that for it's golden halls; it would be the obvious target after Earth was secured. Thus, I offer my expertise."

"What does that entail?" Nico questioned, face expressionless.

"Seeing as you apparently know me," Loki said sardonically, "you know I am skilled at magic, combative and illusionary. That aside, I am adept at strategizing, and not at all unskilled with my daggers. The full arsenal of my strengths would-- until Menoetius is defeated-- be at your disposal."

Nico paused. Truly, they could use Loki's assistance; magic always came in handy, and even if Loki joined them, they would be greatly outnumbered. Loki had expertise in battle strategy that would greatly aid them.

But Loki was also a compulsive liar, and though Nico trusted that Loki would aid them in the fight-- it would be foolish for him not to take advantage of seven extra skilled combatants, and Loki wasn't (that type of) foolish. But he guaranteed nothing about after the fight was over. Nico wouldn't put it past the god to pull something on them all after all was said and done.

At the same time, though... something about Loki resonated with Nico. Really, Loki reminded Nico of himself-- but not necessarily in a good way. There was a pain in Loki's eyes, and really, if Nico thought about it, all of Loki's actions seemed to stem from a sense of abandonment mixed with the classic younger sibling syndrome. In short, Loki was in many ways like Nico all those years ago, wandering around the Labyrinth and the Underworld with Minos. There were differences, of course, and Loki seemed a touch more sadistic than even Nico was at his worst, but...

At the very least, Nico knew how to deal with him.

"Well..." Nico said, after a long while.

"No way," Clint said, "Nico, you can't seriously be thinking of trusting this asshole--"

"I don't trust him," Nico said, holding up a hand to silence Clint. "Like he said, it would be stupid to. But, as much as I hate to admit it, we do need his help."

Loki smirked. "Wonderful. Now if you would simply allow me to pass--"

"Not so fast," Nico said authoritatively. "Before I let you into Camp, we need to go over a few... ah... conditions." At Loki's affronted look, Nico smiled sweetly. "You did say it would be stupid to trust you."

Loki narrowed his eyes until they were slits. "Alright," he conceded, "Name your conditions."

"You must swear on the River Styx to never harm this camp or the people in it. And you must swear on the River Styx that, as soon as all this business with Menoetius is done, no matter what the result, you will not act against us in any way until we have all returned home."

"I assure you," Loki said, "I will do you nor the others any harm."

"I'm sure you won't," Nico said. He again smiled sweetly, though it didn't reach his eyes, which swirled like shadows, flickering with the fires of the damned. "So it wouldn't hurt to swear on the River Styx, would it?"

"I--" Loki's words died in his throat as he realized he'd been more or less backed into a corner. He sighed. "I swear on the River Styx that no harm shall ever come to those residing in Camp Half-Blood; nor will any harm come to those I travel with, at least until we have all returned to our respective homes."

Thunder rumbled in the sky, a clear acknowledgement of Loki's vows. Nico almost raised concern over the residing in Camp Half-Blood aspect, but... Well. It was unlikely Loki would have any desire to lash aimlessly out at a demigod; it wasn't his style. The only reason he would do so if that demigod incurred his personal wrath, or if he decided to invade Earth again (unlikely; he'd probably learned his lesson from the last time, and if not... well. Nico would very much volunteer to drill it in to his head, literally or figuratively). Besides, he more or less made up with it by following the second condition to the letter.

"I still don't like this," Clint grumbled.

"If he tries anything," Nico assured, "well... Given he swore on the Styx, nothing good will happen to him. Like, worse than death-type nothing good."

"Besides," Steve pointed out meekly, "it was prophesied he'd join us."

"I didn't realized we'd started 'charting our battle courses'," Natasha replied sardonically, but she didn't protest any further.

Clint glared at Loki. "All right. I'll fight with him. But if he takes a step out of line..."

"Fair enough," Nico shrugged. "Now that all of that's settled: Loki, King of Asgard," he said Loki's title a smidge sarcastically, "I give you limited permission to enter Camp Half-Blood."

Hey, just because Loki swore he wouldn't hurt any of the Campers didn't mean Nico wanted to give him unhindered access to the Camp.

Loki smiled, though it was somewhat pained, and stepped across the border. "I'm glad to be of service." His tone was only a little sarcastic.

Nico extended his right hand, which Loki took hesitantly. Nico considered flipping Loki over his shoulder, but decided that would probably hinder the team-building process. He shook it instead. "Welcome aboard. Now let's head to the Big House; we have a lot to discuss."


Edit: I forgot to say... this is where the plot REALLY starts branching off. In the previous version, a certain character, ah, flew in this chapter. But tbh he was just there to fuel the plot, he didn't really contribute anything, so I cut that. Not that I don't love the character! It just felt forced to yeet him in lmao

Also, all RIGHT, we're back on track! Hopefully I won't forget about a whole 'nother chapter again. If it seems like I did, lmk lkjsfjlaskdfjads.

Yee haw, the prodigal asshole returns!

You kno I love my bitchass twink son Loki lmao. Trust him tho? No i'm not dumb

I am,,, tryna build drama with Bucky and Nico. But I'm also crying because I miss Bucky. I love My Really Old Gay Son.

This was,,, another 3k word boy....... oof. Tho it doesn't feel that long given another fic of mine just had a chapter that was 7k words long... now that.... THAT was a lorge boi. (speaking of: if y'all haven't, you should check out Nico Goes to Hogwarts. It's a fic I've adopted and I lov it uwu. It's also Solangelo but like, in a different way lol. no separation!!!)

Also Reyna made a cameo! I love Reyna sm! HHH QUEEN OF MY LIFE

Anyway, sorry it took so long. School. Buuuttt, speaking of schoool... I have one more final, and then I'm out for the summer! So I should have a lot more time to write! Hopefully, the next chapter won't take so godsdamned long lmfao, tho I still do need to learn how to drive oof (don't at me I'm gay)


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