Nico di Angelo and the Avenge...

By RowanLaufeyson1

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This is the rewrite of my previous fic under the same name. Please read this one!!! When Chiron tells Nico he... More

Chapter One: Literally EVERYONE Ships Solangelo
Chapter Two: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off On a Sort-Of-Not-Really-Kind-Of Quest We Go
Chapter Three: Oh Captain, My Captain; Oh Oracle, Fuck Off
Chapter Four: I've Got a Theory--
Chapter Five: Nico's Nightmare
Chapter Six: For Once, We Don't Have to Analyze Bad Poetry!
Chapter Seven: In Which Fury Trusts Natasha's Judgement (Only Tony is Surprised)
Chapter Eight: Percy Jackson, Meet the Avengers
Chapter Ten: GsFDI, [Redacted]
Chapter Eleven: Plotting Battle Course and Such
Chapter Twelve: All About Loki('s Numerous Betrayals)
Chapter Thirteen: The Scarlett Letter
Halloween Special!
Chapter Fourteen: Honestly, Who The Hell Writes Letters These Days?

Chapter Nine: Story Time

1.5K 38 43
By RowanLaufeyson1

i'm so dumb. like literally. error 404 braincell not found.  more on that in the AN at the bottom aaagh

Whatever Tony's plans with the Hephaestus kids were, they involved him staying behind in Cabin Nine. Nico could make his peace with that. He'd just have to remember to warn Chiron. And Mr. D. And the entire rest of Camp. Oh, gods have mercy upon him.

Whatever. Whatever. Nico would deal with that later. Right now, though, he and the remaining Avengers (as well as Percy and Annabeth, who had joined them shortly after they left Cabin Nine) had a big decision to make:

What the fuck were they going to do in the meantime? Their weapons were left behind in the basement, and honestly Nico was glad. It wasn't a time for sparring; they were all too tired, he could see it in the bags under their eyes. (Well. Natasha could probably manage, but Nico was hard pressed to think of something she couldn't manage, especially after having to have dealt with the five other dumbasses who made up the Avengers).

"What now?" Bruce asked, voicing the group's unspoken question. Percy and Annabeth had led them on a full tour of Camp, introducing them to some demigods here and there, but that was a quick process, and after a while they just took to circling around the Cabins a few times.

Percy's face lit up. Nico didn't like the look in his eyes, especially because said eyes were directed right at him. "I know," he said, grinning almost malevolently.

"Oh, gods," Nico said. He'd caught on. "No. Percy--"

"Did Nico ever tell you how he and Will even got together?"

"No..." said the Avengers in one way or another.

Nico was... feeling a lot've things. On the one hand, the mention of Will sent a pang through his very being, and he felt his jaw tremble with it. On the other hand, Nico couldn't recall those events and not feel a little happy. He thought about it. He...

He sighed. "Fine. Just because we have nothing better to do."

"Nico," said Steve, aka the only person here who had any earthly idea what Nico was going through, because he was going through the same, "You don't--"

"I know," Nico said, half-smiling. "But I... I want to. Kind of. Only," he said, staring at Percy with what was almost a glare, "if you promise not to butt in."


"He won't," said Annabeth, rolling her eyes. "I'll make sure."

"Thank you, Annabeth," Nico said, playfully cordial. Maybe... Maybe it really would do him some good to talk about happier times. Even thinking about it seemed to alleviate the ever-pressing-down-upon-him sorrow.

She grinned at him. "Anything for my favorite edge-lord." She turned to the Avengers, grinning, and oh, no, he should've known she had something more planned. Annabeth was practically an older sister to him, now. Of course she wouldn't make it easy on him. "Follow me, you guys. We're going to Nico's Cabin."

Nico buried his head in his hands, groaning loudly in embarrassment. "Fine. But I want you all to know in advance I designed that thing when I was, like, thirteen."

"It can't be that bad," said Clint.

Annabeth just laughed in response.


"Oh my God," Clint said, his face stuck somewhere in between abject horror and total, childish amusement. "It is that bad!"

"Shut up," Nico murmured, face red.

"Jesus Christ, the beds are coffins!" Clint exclaimed. "And I thought you were emo now!"

"Hey, Clint," Nico said, managing to keep a very conversational tone. Clint turned to him, and Nico smiled, and signed thank you, except that was not at all what it meant, because his hand started below his chin, not on it. Natasha cackled.

Clint gasped, clutching his heart. "Who taught you that!"

"Guilty," said Steve, with a grin that almost reached his eyes.

"Wait," said Clint, "you know ASL?"

Steve shrugged. "I had shit hearing when I was younger."

"Why didn't you tell me though?"

Steve grinned at him, and this one was pretty real. "Because you say some really funny things when you think only Natasha understands you."

Clint looked at Steve as if he were seeing him in a whole new light, and a grin stretched across his face. "I-- holy--"

"Anyway," Natasha said, "story time, right?"

"Right," said Percy, looking ecstatic. "Gather 'round, children. This is.... Fantastic."

"It's really not," Nico said modestly, as they all sat cross legged on the giant carpet in the middle of the room. "You only say that because you were involved."

"It is funny, though," Annabeth grinned.

Nico sighed. "Okay, whatever, shut up, you two." He paused. "Where do I start--"

"The infirmary!" Percy said enthusiastically. He was sucking on a popsicle he had totally stolen from Nico's mini fridge, and Nico stowed that away in the 'reasons to get sweet, sweet revenge on Percy Jackson' file he kept in the back of his mind. Annabeth elbowed him in the side. "Ow! Sorry! No more interruptions."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Okay. So. The infirmary. It was just after the War with Gaea, and I had overused my powers to the point I couldn't summon a stapes without Fading into the shadows..."

It was a bright day, given the season, and the sun warmed the Campers as they went about their business the best they could. It was three days since the Seven had defeated Gaea, and yet the campers milled about as though none of that had happened. (Then again, that was demigod life; suppressing memories of attacks and trauma as best you could for as long as you could, until you broke down. Then you'd pick yourself back up and carry on as usual, suppressing the always present all-consuming need to break down and cry until you withered into a demigod-raisin. Hey, no one said godly blood gave you good coping mechanisms! Also, no one said the gods themselves had good coping mechanisms. Honestly, I'm not sure you could say they even know what a coping mechanism is, and-- right. Back on topic.)

And for those three days, Nico di Angelo, Son of Hades, Ghost King, Child of the Underworld, whose name made monsters and mortals alike shiver in fear...

Had been lying around the infirmary, stuck in baby blue pyjamas patterned with sunglasses-wearing suns. He even had a stupid floral pink bandaids littering his body. He wanted to die.

But his sentence was up, now. He'd only promised Will those three days, and he felt... fine enough. Plus, he really hated those pyjamas. They did not at all suit his vibe; it was, he found, difficult to properly glare someone away when he was stuck in oversized fleece patterned as though they belonged to a child. And now that his days of bedrest were over, Nico was itching to dash to his cabin and change into his clothes. He stood, and made to walk out, but--

Will Solace was suddenly in his path-- it was as though he had come out of nowhere. "Excuse you," he said, crossing his arms and giving Nico a stern look, "who said you could get out of bed?"

"You said three days," Nico replied, fighting very hard to keep the butterflies in his stomach down. He looked anywhere but at Will's face, trying to suppress his blush. "It's been three days."

"You look like death, Nico."

"I always look like death. I am death."

"Well," Will said, looking entirely unimpressed, "I guess death will just have to hold his skeletal horses, because right now, he can't stand without wobbling like he's about to fall on his ass."

"Fine," Nico pouted, conceding the point. He flopped unceremoniously onto his bed. "But can I at least get a change of clothes from my cabin?"

"Why?" Will grinned. "I think you look cute."

"I don't care how cute I look," Nico said, spitting the word 'cute' out like it was a cuss. "If I hear Clairesse make one more snide comment, I'll set a skeleton army on her, Fading be damned." He paused. "Cute." He spat the word out as though it were poison.

"Well, if Clairesse has something to say about my pyjamas, she can say it to my face," Will said, staring intently at his clipboard. Nico pretended not to notice the tips of Will's ears reddening.

"Y--Your pyjamas?" Nico muttered softly, shocked, to himself. He felt his face flush.

Will didn't reply, and Nico... Nico was glad for that, because he didn't think he could form anything anywhere near coherent to say in return.

"Awwwww," said Clint. He, too, had stolen a popsicle from Nico's mini fridge (damn!), and was now laying on his stomach, one hand clutching the popsicle stick, the other propping up his chin. "That's cuuuuttee."

"Shut up," Nico blushed. "I-- Shut up."

"They bickered like emotionally repressed idiots for weeks," Annabeth said. It was directed mostly towards Natasha, but it was loud enough that everyone could hear given they shut the hell up. "It was so funny. So incredibly frustrating, because everyone with eyes could tell they liked each other, but funny."

"I'm glad my cousin's suffering was amusing to you," Percy sniffed, "But you didn't have to deal with Nico when he was all 'bluuuueeurrghh, does he liiiikkee me or am I just reading iiiiinnn to iiiiittt, I'm probably just reading iiiiinnn to iiiittt, gods you guys I'm so hhhhhhhh'."

Nico covered his face. "Shut uuuuuup."

"See," Percy said, gesturing vaguely towards Nico with extreme enthusiasm. "That's the schist I was dealing with."

"Anyway," Bruce said, "I'm assuming there's more to the story."

"Yes!" Thor shouted. He looked very excited about hearing the rest of the tale, leaning forward, eyes gleaming. It was... honestly a little funny to see a god acting like.... Well... like such a rom-com-fueled teen girl.

"I can't tell the story if you all don't shut up," Nico said, rolling his eyes. He waited until the room fell silent again, and proceded.

It was about four weeks after Nico's begrudging stay in the Infirmary had ended, and Will was taking an aimless walk around Camp. He was sore, having trained and doctored all day, and the cool night air did good for him. That, and the fact that there wasn't really anyone around to annoy him...

... Or so he thought.

"Hey!" Calling to him from across the grassy plane between all cabins was none other than Jason Grace. "Will!"

"Uhhh...." said Will rather intelligently, standing still and looking very confused as Jason approached. "Hey?"

"Look," Jason said, looking unsure and a little uncomfortable. "I... I gotta... Wow, okay, this is harder than I thought." He took a deep breath. "I need to know for--" he glanced over Will's shoulder-- "uh... scientific purposes. Do. Uh. Do you like my cousin?"

"Which one?" asked Will, guarded.

"Nico," Jason said. "I-- do you like Nico?"

"Sure," said Will, "he's a nice person, under his whole gruff emo exterior--"

"No," Jason interrupted. "I mean. Gods, don't make me say it." He winced. "I mean... do you.... Like-like Nico."

Will's face shot bright red. "I. Uhm. Well-- I mean-- I hhhhh-" Will suddenly found himself incapable of speech. He looked down at his wrist, which was bare. "Wouldja look at the time. I have to go right now immediately to do-- uh-- doctorly stuff and. Things."

Will dashed-- away. He wasn't really paying attention to where he was going, he just needed to get away from-- gods-- what was all of that about--?

Lost in his own whirling thoughts, Will didn't realize he had made it to the Dining Pavilion-- and he only realized then because he tripped over... something. Something that was wearing all black and squatting in front of the crack that ran along the marble floor. Nico. Oh, geez.

"Ow!" Nico yelped. "Will? What--"

"Oh, gods, he followed me!" Will screeched and hid as best he could behind the still-burning sacrificial brazier. "Don't let him know I'm here!"

Nico rolled his eyes, waving a hand. Suddenly, Will was shielded by shadows, now completely hidden. Unfortunately, that meant he could not see anything that happened more than half a foot in front of him, instead having to rely on sound.

"Hey," he heard Jason say. "Have you seen Will?"

"Uh..." Nico said, "No. Not recently, anyway. Why?"

"I... uhhhhh..." Will could picture Jason standing there, bashful, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhmmmm..."

"Oh, gods," Nico groaned. "You didn't-- you're not trying to get him to ask me out, are you? I told you, he doesn't like me the way I like hi--"

Nico cut off abruptly. Will's face was red. Oh. Oh my.

"Shit," Nico cursed.

"I'm... gonna go... See you around, Neeks." More loudly, now ignoring Nico's indignant 'don't call me that!', Jason added, "Talk to you later, Will!"

"Damn." Will cursed. He sat, cross legged, on the cold ground, his face warm to the touch as he buried it in his hands.

He was vaguely aware of the shadows that had shielded him none too well falling back into place, and there was a part of him that thought to chastise Nico on using his powers so soon after he'd almost Faded, but-- but Nico was stronger, now, somehow. And besides, now really... wasn't the time.

"Uh," said Nico, sounding beyond awkward. "I... I'm gonna..."

"Wait!" Will called, without really thinking about it. He suddenly noticed he was standing, and also that his face was redder than Ella the Harpy's feathers. "I... Was..." he sighed, frustrated, and looked at Nico, who was half facing Will, looking anywhere but at him, hands shoved in his pocket.

"Look," Nico said, "You don't have to say anything."

"I do, though," Will said. "I... Nico, I..."

"I get it, okay," Nico snapped. "You don't like me, not like that anyway. That's fine. I-- I didn't expect you to, so you don't have to-- to let me down easy, or whatever." And, oh, gods, Nico looked... beyond sad. Will's heart panged. He really liked Nico.

Like. Like-liked Nico. Thing was, he was too godsdamned flustered whenever Nico was anywhere near him to say anything about it. Feelings who? Will had never heard of them, and was more than happy to spend his days yearning... until he saw the heartbreak on Nico's face. Fuck yearning. Will needed to make it absolutely Claritin-clear Nico's feelings were far from unrequited. 

Which was why he reached out and grabbed Nico's arm as he went to walk away. "Nico, I..." Will said, and took a deep breath, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. "I do like you, though. Like that, I mean. And obviously in the general way, too, but I'm more talking about--"

"Shut up," Nico said, harsh. "You don't have to lie for my sake."

And, oh. Oh. Will's heart was shattering in his chest just a little bit. "Nico, I'm not-- I'm not lying." Will grabbed Nico's hands, pulling them up and clutching them firmly but gently, looking Nico dead in the eyes. "I wouldn't lie about that."

Hundreds of emotions flickered across Nico's face, all of them hopeful, all of them bright. Will could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest, drowning out all other noise, and, slowly, he leant down ever so slightly, his face gravitating towards Nico's.

"Will..." Nico said, placing his hand on Will's chest. "For the record... I like you too. A lot."

And suddenly the gap between their faces was closed, and they were kissing, and gods did kissing always feel this amazing?

Will would have to test that question at some later date, because all too soon, about five gallons of water crashed down on him and Nico, causing them to break apart. Spluttering, Will looked around wildly, trying to find where the Hell that water came from-- or, really, where Percy Jackson was hiding, because this had his name written all over it.

He spotted him in the bushes just a bit away, crouched down with Jason, an ecstatic grin on his face-- an ecstatic grin that faded away as soon as he realize he'd been caught.

"PERSEUS JACKSON," Nico shouted-- he, too, had located his cousin. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?!"

"It was an underwater kiss," Percy said, weakly, standing awkwardly stiff now. "Cos... uh... you're each other's' type?"

"You're never gonna let that go, are you?" Nico murmured.

"Jackson..." Will said, voice eerily calm. And, uh oh. He had a scary look in his eyes. He didn't continue, instead letting the look in his eyes do all the talking for him.

"Uh," Jason said, patting Percy on the shoulder. "Run. Fast."

Percy bolted away, but, unfortunately for him, Will was ready, and followed fast on his heels.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, JACKSON!" Will hollered, running full speed behind a terrified Percy. "AND THEN I'M GONNA HAVE NICO BRING YOU BACK SO I CAN KILL YOU AGAIN!"

It wasn't a serious threat, not really, but, at the same time, wasn't it?

It didn't matter. It was very real to Percy, especially in the moment, and he ran with no forethought, screeching in fear. As he ran through the cabin area, campers stuck their heads out of doors and windows alike, wondering when banshees became real, or what was that little girl screaming about, anyway? Much to their delightful shock, however, it was Percy making such an... interesting... noise-- but what could possibly scare a Hero of Olympus so?

Their questions were answered the moment they saw Will streaking after him, a murderous look on his face. Not far behind him was Nico, cackling as he ran, taunting his cousin over Will's loud, swear-filled threats.

Ah, the citizens of Camp Half-Blood thought collectively, that explains it.

And, no longer interested in the cacophony outside, they went back to their beds, or to whatever else they'd been doing so late at night.

Gods rest Percy Jackson's soul.

"And that," Nico said, "is how Will and I got together."

"I... was made to regret my actions," Percy admitted. "I was on sanitization duty in the infirmary for two whole weeks. Honestly, I think I got more scars from that than I did all throughout the War."

"Hold up," Natasha said, "What war?"

"Uh," Annabeth said rather intelligently.

"Yeah," Bruce added. "You mentioned it before, too. Something about... Gaea?"

Percy winced. "It's... a long story."

"But a good one!" exclaimed Thor. "It echoes through the Halls of Asgard even now, alongside the tales of how you three defeated the armies of Kronos!"

"Wait," Steve said, a horrified look on his face, "What?!"

"Oh, Schist," Percy swore. "Well. I hope you all are in a comfortable position, because this is gonna take a while."


So. I'm so absolutely incredibly fucking dumb. I totally skipped this chapter. Like I never uploaded it, I just went straight for the next one. Like an idiot. Because I am one. An idiot, that is. A total dumbass. No braincells to be found. Ugh. Sorry about that, and sorry about any confusion re: what the fuck i was talking about with the beginning of the next chapter. Oof. 

I'm also upset it was THIS chapter I missed! It's so cute! And funny! I didn't add all the tumblr jokes I did in the OG version cos that was too... yeah. But I hope I made up for it in the downright shenanigans and subtle gay jokes. Yearning. Ha. That fills my being every day I'm so gay y'all I'm a trainwreck I just want to h*ld a girl's h*nd under the moonlight and share a chaste kiss and then go tend a fucking farm with her and--

Anyway. Gayness a zounds. 

Anyway RIP in Peace Percy Jackson. Merc'd by Will Solace. Zoinks. 

yee haw


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