White Room

By mizzgabs

7.7K 154 15

What happens when you wake up in a White Room? The whole having choices in your life fly out of the window? W... More

White Room
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

623 15 4
By mizzgabs

"Im going out!" I shouted up to my mother who was upstairs before making my way outside.

I was angry, humiliated, frustrated. Pissed off is an understatement. Felt like i was having a panic attack as i walked down the street.

Tonight i felt like getting drunk, to get my mind of things. I tucked a bit of my hair behind my ear as i walked down the street. I was 18 for God's sake, i can go out now without my parents permission. Still however, they would have none of it.

There was a pub at the corner i targeted and went in, sitting at the bar and ordered a pint. Why not?

"Your pint." The bartender grinned at me and placed the pint down infront of me, before ordering another costumer.

I sipped abit looking around at my surroundings. There were a few middle-aged men in the pub, playing pool, with there grubby dirty hands, most of them looked like builders and are out tonight to come home absoultly wasted and their wife's to pick them back up again, actually correction, drag them. These men probably weighed twice of me. With their leather jackets with no sleeves, tatted and dirty, with white tshirts that had seen better days.

Their beards made there dark tanned faces looked cleaner than they actually were. They smelt but if i said anything, im sure i wouldnt live to see tomorrow.

I had quickly finished my drink and was asking for another. The bartender a middle aged man too, grabbed a glass from under the counter and began pooring me a pint.

I heard someone whistle and the bartender walked over with my drink still in his hands. I huffed still waiting for my drink. I looked round at the other men in the pub playing snooker or darts, or watching tv which was faintly playing in the background.

I looked back over at the two men, giving a glare. The young bloke gave me a wink before finishing his conversation with the bar tender and allowing him to give me my pint.

The bloke had dark tanned skin with a lightly shaven beard, he had bushy eyebrows, he looked in the late 20s, his clothes were dark and plain. He sipped at his pint watching me as i drank mine.

What did he want?

He watched me the rest of the night, giving me glances as i took slow sips of my pint, enjoying every sip, the taste, the liquid slowly falling down my throat.

I tryed not to make to much eye contact, but he stared at me even longer, i could see from the corner of my eye.

But i suddenly started feeling light headed, a sudden pain rushed through me, pounding in my head. Someone was whispering to me.

I felt as light as i feather as i staggered to my feet, and grabbed my bag from the floor and stumbled to the door feeling drunk, but i wasnt. I wasnt a light weight. I had only had 2 pints? This is alcohol.

My head pounded, as i could hear voices in my head, talking to me. Alexia where are you going?

Turn around.



I staggered abit more as i slowly turned round to face the pub, my vision was blurred. My breathing deep. The dark was chasing me.

Alexia turn around.

I did as i was told and i turn around to face the road again and the young man was standing infront of me, close. Our faces werent far apart, i could feel his cold breath hit me.


I ran right, down the street towards the forests. The air was cold, the wind hit me, like knifes, piercing my skin. My vision was still blurred, i stumbled and tripped, still holding myself up, i carried on running, trying to get away. Alexia keep up.

I carried on still stumbling, turning around to look where the man was, but he wasnt there. It was like the darkness had taken him, made him invisible.

I could barely see, my breath quickened, as i tryed to pace myself, i was panicking. Whats happeneing?

Alexia please run.

 The voice still in my head. I couldnt get rid of it. I turned around once more to look.

I looked back again and he was there infront of me. I collided straight into him and hit the floor landing on my bum. I could barely see, and my head was pounding.

Too late.

He grabbed me underneath my arms, i was barely concsious, i could barely breath, my head pounded. He picked me up bridal style and carried me.

He said nothing, and i did nothing, i could now barely move my arms, like i was paralysed. I felt cold and weak as he controlled me. He was taking me? Where?

I couldnt do anything. I couldnt speak.

All i could hear was the voice.

Alexia, your safe now.

Safe? But you told me to run? I was so confussed, i couldnt move, i could barely speak, i couldnt do anything. I was weak helpless. Desperate. Someone help me?

I felt myself slip in and out of conscious in his arms, as dumped me in the passenger seat.

I felt myself drift of to sleep and the darkness filled my eyes as i fell asleep.

I woke up, my head pounding, i looked round, realising i was in a completly white room, the ceiling was white, the walls were padded with white leather. The floor was soft and padded in leather, i sat up on the floor. My neck hurt from the uncomftablness of not having a pillow.

I looked down at myself to realise i was wearing a full, what looked like a wet suit from my neck down to my ankles. Skin tight leather, that hugged my curves and made my dark mid-length brunette hair stand out even more. It had no opening to take it off.

I dont know where i was, or who had taken me. Ive been kidnapped? Whats going on? There was no door, no windows, i felt trapped.

I looked round, looking for something. Where can i escape.

I ran to one of the walls, trying to pull at the leather fabric tile shape, trying to pull it off. It did not budge. I pulled and pulled. I got rougher and rougher with it, yanking at it, but nothing.

"Eugh!" I screamed. "Let me out!" I screamed. I paced the small room. Walking in circles.

Someones got to hear me? Havent they? Be quiet Alexia.

The voice said in my head again. Its still there, that familiar voice? It never left?

I was so confussed, i dont know where i am or whats happening.

"Where am I!" I shouted. Still pacing the room.

"Hello! I know you can here me!" I whispered. I huffed, pacing again.

"Let me...Out!" I bellowed. I suddenly heard a hiss, i spun round to see a gap in the wall, open and a young man walked, the same one who had kidnapped me. He wasnt alone.

3 men walked in behind me, guards. They wore, helmets that were round with eye protection on , the mask covered their faces. They were in white costumes too, like me? They were bare feet, like me. The only difference were that they had spears. Un-usual ones, with electricity bulbes at the top, which flashed and moved as the electricity pumped through it.

"Ah your awake Alexia!"

"How do you know my name?" I questioned tilting my head.

"Dont question me, now a very important day today." He walked closer to me. The man had changed, he was in a suit, black of course. With a bow tie and black shoes. He looked nothing like me or the 3 male guards. He was clean and looked like he had scrubbed himself with a wire brush.

He had shaven his light beard off and looked as clean as ever.

"Whats important?"

"Questions, questions, questions. You will find out, my dear." He walked closer to me, reaching out to hold my hand, his fingers wore many big heavy looking rings of all shapes and sizes. He lifted my hand up and kissed it lightly before i pulled it away quickly.

"Intresting." He looked puzzled at my actions.

"Im not going with you."

"Shame, women usually obey me."


Be quiet Alexia, the voice whispered inside my head.

He nodded and clicked his fingers. The guards moved forward towards me, pointing their spears at me. They quickly grabbed me underneath my arms and picked me up and carried me through the door behind the man.

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