Be My Mistake - Matty Healy F...

By mrxserotoninx

92.5K 1.4K 674

//COMPLETE // ---- " Look at him" I chuckled with a wide smile as I studied Matty and Adam dancing around in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Four

5.2K 80 74
By mrxserotoninx

Ok, this is a loooong one. I hope you enjoy.

Don't forget to follow: on IG to follow my writing process and have a chance to win your own character in this story!



Matty's p.o.v

I smiled, observing her as she walked through the grass in bare feet with a six-pack of beer in her hand.

" You got the fire going, I see," she said as she crashed down beside me. I had gotten the make-the-bonfire-duty while everybody else prepared dinner. Preparing dinner meant shopping and opening the plastic bags and boxes so it could go on the fire.
I smiled and strummed my guitar with a nod.

" The others will be done with the food soon," she smiled " But I brought the fun," she chuckled, holding up the beer. She was incredibly beautiful as she sat there in the orange-reddish light from the fire. It was reflecting in her eyes, and her long brown curls fell down her back, blowing lightly in the summer breeze. I smiled at her before looking at the guitar in my lap.

" You play?" I asked her, nodding towards the instrument. She shook her head no.

" Come here then," I smiled, patting my lap so she could sit. She hesitantly stood from her spot beside me and sat in my lap. I placed the guitar across her body and grabbed her hands, placing them across the strings.

" Like this?" she asked, placing her fingers in the E minor chord I had shown her 2 minutes earlier.

"Exactly like that," I assured her with a chuckle. She giggled excitedly and shifted between a couple of chords I had shown her. Her hair smelled nice. The sweet smell of her shampoo being carried by the wind once in a while. I had my arms around her. She didn't seem to mind. I didn't either. It just felt natural.

"We brought food" Ross yelled, disturbing my peaceful thoughts as he made his way across the grass.


"Aw man, that was terrible" George laughed loudly after we all finished singing 'country roads' at the top of our lounges around the bonfire.

Lots of empty bottles were scattered around and it was no surprise that everyone was tipsy. Some more than others.
I looked around at the guys and Rosie that were all sat laughing at one another with beers and cigarettes in their hands.

" I'm really glad that you guys have taken such good care of me," Rosie stated drunkenly, resting against George's knee. He laughed and rubbed her head. I smiled at her and threw the end of my fag into an empty beer bottle. She was probably the type of girl who turned rather sentimental when drunk.

"This calls for a celebration." George stood up from his spot, making Rosie tilt to the side, catching herself before she collided with the floor. I chuckled at her but turned my attention back to George who reached into his pocket, pulling out a joint. I quickly stood and snatched it from his fingers. It was true George didn't support my drug use, but that didn't include weed. It was more the stronger things he tried to protect me from. After all, he couldn't ban me from something he enjoyed himself. I quickly lit it and took a long drag, making the smoke fill my lungs before blowing it out into the summer breeze.

" Me too," Rosie whined, practically crawling from her place beside George towards where I was sitting, and sat right in front of my face. I took another drag and held in the smoke, looking at George for approval. One thing was that I smoked, another was getting his cousin high. He looked between her and me before nodding slowly. I blew the thick smoke into her face, making her giggle before handing her the joint.

God, that giggle.

I didn't wanna admit it but it created a slight tingle of joy in my chest. Something I hadn't experienced in many years.

I looked at George who lit another and passed in around the other way of the circle around the bonfire.

I looked at Rosie who was still sat right in front of my face, looking at me. She was drunk as fuck. She was one big ball of giggles and I don't think the weed made it better. She blew the smoke back in my face, trying to get some sort of revenge, but I just chuckled and took it from her, placing it between my own lips.

" I think you have had enough, little one, " I laughed, resulting in her whining and resting her head against my chest. I placed my hand on her back, rubbing it softly. George was too fucked to care at this point. So were Adam and Ross who sang loudly into the garden. If they woke up the neighbours, this was on them. I couldn't help but laugh anyway. They were my best mates and also they looked fucking stupid.


"It's about time we get you to bed," George said, tugging lightly at Rosie's arm, resulting in her holding around my waist even tighter.

She was absolutely wasted and had been clinging onto me for the last thirty minutes.
George sighted tiredly, rubbing his face, giving up. He had been trying to get her to bed for the last 10 minutes, but she wasn't having it.

" Mate, she's your responsibility now," He said, pointing to her small body before collecting the last rubbish that was lying around.
Everybody had gone inside and the fire had gone out.

" Let's get you to bed Princess," I said, rubbing her head as I felt her shake it no.

"It's getting cold and we'll be sick if we don't go inside," I argued, not really caring if I got sick. At this point, it was just all about getting her inside.

"I'm too tired, "she whined, looking up at me with a slight pout.

Even with her hair in a mess and her makeup all over her face, she was stunning.
I couldn't help but laugh at her statement. She had tired herself out as she had been dancing around us an hour ago, annoying the shit out of everybody. She had been on a high, and was now slowly spiralling down. I couldn't tell whether it was the weed or just because she was lightweight but either way, it was sort of funny.
I slowly reached underneath her knees and reached around her back, picking her up. I knew she wouldn't go herself no matter what I said. She leaned her face against my chest as I carried her to her room.

"You smell nice," she mumbled, making me chuckle.

" Yeah, I seriously doubt that though" I replied, opening the door into her room and putting her down onto her bed.
She yawned, unbuttoning her pants, wiggling her way out of them and kicked them onto the floor. I instinctively looked away, not wanting to violate her in her drunken state. I helped to tug her into the sheets and leaned down, kissing her forehead, turning around to leave the room, when I suddenly felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Stay," she mumbled tiredly, forcing her green eyes open to look at me.
I debated with myself shortly before laying down beside her, after removing my own jeans and shoes. She wiggled closer to me with her back against me, making me spoon her. I smiled lightly as I nuzzled my face into her neck. Her hair smelled like weed, making me chuckle. She kept surprising me.

" You are gonna be my mistake," I mumbled as I was about to drift off. She turned slightly to look at me over her shoulder.

" What?"

" I'm gonna break you..." I replied.

She was perfect, and somebody like me couldn't have nice things. If I did, they would end up hurt or broken.
Soon I heard light snores escaping her mouth and I closed my eyes.


Rosie's p.o.v

I rolled over with a groan. Matty's arms rested loosely around my small body. His curls fell delicately around his face. His eyes were closed, and he took deep regular breaths as he laid there sleeping. I smiled and brushed a curl behind his ear as I had done so many times before. It was funny how a person with so much going on inside his head, somehow could manage to look so peaceful when sleeping.

My head was hurting, my eyes squinting together as I reached for my phone carefully, not wanting to wake up the dragon. I could do with a little more peace and quiet before having to tiptoe around Matty and his unpredictable mood swings.


I had slept longer than intended even though it was expected after last nights bonfire in the garden.
I slowly unlocked my phone to reveal a text message from Alex.

Alex - 11.34

Hey R. I was wondering if you wanna meet up tonight. You can come over for dinner and study? Let me know what you think - Alex

I smiled to myself before quickly typing a reply.

Alex - 12.05

Sound nice! Text me your address and I'll be there around half six :)

I slowly untangled my legs from Matty's, getting out of bed. I quickly put on a shirt and a pair of mum jeans before I made my way to the kitchen, meeting Ross and Adam as I turned around the corner.

" Oh look she's alive," Adam chuckled, putting down his coffee as I opened the fridge.

No one ever seemed to eat in this house. I looked at the different containers, cartons and boxes in the fridge, pulling out the ones that weren't too far over the best-before-date.
I could feel their eyes on my back and I slowly turned around to see their smiling faces.

"What?" I said, lifting an eyebrow. They looked at each other before smirking back at me.

" How's Matty?" Adam asked, grinning.

"How should I know," I replied, mixing some egg and flour in a bowl.

Ross chuckled.

" I don't know. It's just, Matty wasn't in his room this morning, and I just figured that you might know.."

" Know what?" George asked as he turned the corner into the kitchen before flopping down on a chair beside the others.

"Know how to make pancakes" I replied before pouring a cup of the mixture into a pan, making it sizzle.

"Cause I'm making you some," I continued, hoping it would move their attention to something else.

"She's definitely staying!" Adam grinned before finding plates and cups for everybody.
I smiled and flipped the pancake and celebrated my little victory of leading the previous subject of conversation astray. Truth was, I wasn't even sure what to say. It was quite innocent really but still weird to discuss with your cousin and his best mates.

" Do I smell pancakes?" Matty said, stepping into the kitchen only wearing a pair of pants before flopping down on the last chair.
I smiled and nodded, putting the last pancake on top of the stack before placing the plate down in the middle of the table.

" Here you are," I smiled, grabbing a pancake, holding my plate under my chin as I leaned against the kitchen counter, eating it.

It was quite funny watching the boys eat. It was clear that none of them were culinary master chefs, and that it had been a long time since any of them had the pleasure of a good meal for breakfast. The scene before my eyes reminded me of how the same scenario would play out in a kindergarten or preschool.
I swallowed my last bite before reaching for George's coffee, as I had done on my first day here. He gave me a daring look.

" What is it with you and stealing my coffee?" he laughed with his mouth full of pancakes.

"Shush," I laughed and sipped it.

" Can't you make your own?"

" Sure. Then you do your own pancakes" I replied, making all the other boys laugh loudly in unison. I smiled to myself as I sat in George's lap. Who would have thought it would be this easy to live with four guys? Sure, they were messy and they smelled a bit at times, but generally, they weren't that bad, although Matty could be frustrating at times. That boy continued to confuse and surprise me, but still, I felt the need to look after him.

He looked to be in a generally good mood today. He ate, he smiled and laughed at the stupid jokes that were shared around the table.

"So what's happening today?" I asked them, looking around.
George smiled brightly and looked around the table as if he had something big to announce.

" Yeah about that.." he started, making the others send him a questioning look. He clearly knew something they didn't. "We have to practice today. Like a lot," he stated with an excited grin plastered on his face.

"Spill it already man!" Ross exclaimed.

" We have a meeting in two days in the morning. If we are lucky we'll get a record deal" he announced, making everybody cheer.
" That's awesome!" I grinned, hugging George. " I'm proud of you guys."

He laughed and hugged me before looking back at the boys with a serious expression.

" But we have to practice and be focused," he said, observing his mates around the table, looking extra long at Matty who just rolled his eyes.

Honestly, I felt a little bad for him. It seemed George always blamed him even before he misstepped. He didn't really get a chance because George expected the worst.
My eyes caught Matty's and I sent him a sympathetic smile which made him smile back slightly. Despite the fact that I was slightly younger, smaller and maybe just as fragile as him, I still felt the need to look out for him.

"What about you? What are you doing today?" Ross asked, looking at me. I quickly snapped my head back in his direction.

" Uhm, I have a study-dinner-date with my friend Alex from uni" I replied with a smile.
I could see Matty's eyes on me, out of the corner of my eye.


" So the best thing would be not to scold but to support right?" I asked, looking up at Alex who was sat in front of me. He was wearing his glasses, and he was resting his head in his hands with his eyes glued to his psychology book.

" Yeah, that's what I get from it as well," he said, pointing into the book.

" You are not supposed to make the individual feel worse by telling them that they are wrong. That way they'll never get it under control. You'll have to make it attractive to gain control, " he continued. I nodded and sipped the coffee he had made us after our dinner. He wasn't a brilliant cook but it was very nice to catch up with someone who wasn't the boys at home.
It was nice not focusing on them, even though Matty continuously popped up in my head when I read psychology. It seemed everything was easily linked to him. Somehow.

" What's Jonah doing tonight?" I asked, trying to give my brain a break.

" Oh, he's working tonight," he replied, looking up from his book. He removed his glasses and looked at me with a smile.

" So.," he said, smirking as he picked up his coffee.

" Have you got your eyes on anybody?" he asked, pushing his book aside. I didn't mind as I was already knackered from the studying. I blushed and looked down at my fingers.

" Honestly, I'm not sure," I replied, meeting his eyes.

" I'm confusing myself. I like him I think, but I also hate him for being difficult. He's not always well," I added. It was weird. Matty was incredibly attractive and he had a beautiful but yet twisted mind that I would never learn to understand no matter how much psychology I studied. At the same time, I think George would have a difficult time if anything were to happen between Matty and me.


It was around midnight, when I returned home that night. It was a cold night and I had walked 15 minutes to get back to the flat. I tiptoed through the hallway carefully, trying not to wake anybody up. I could see light in Matty's room as I passed his door.

I quickly slipped into my room, closing the door behind me, before stripping down to my underwear and pulling a random t-shirt on as well as a thick pair of socks on. The room was freezing and as soon as I had removed my make-up and brushed my teeth, I slipped into my bed and under the covers. I shivered as my skin met the cold fabric of the duvet, and I tried my best to cuddle up into a ball. My mind was racing and my body shaking, and my thoughts belonged to Matty. How he seemed to be drowning his feelings whenever things didn't work out for him, opposite to how his face lit up whenever he was happy and around people he loved. I wanted him here to keep me warm and to keep his mind on the right path.
The light in the hall was still on, and I slowly slipped out from under the covers and into the hallway, slowly making my way towards the room with the lights on. His room.
I knocked carefully before pushing the door open.

" Matty?" I whispered, sticking my head in. He was sat on the edge of his bed and it was clear, that he was about to go to sleep.
He looked mildly surprised by my presence. I looked around his room. It was quite nice and not nearly as messy as I would have expected.

" C-can I sleep here maybe?" I had closed the door and stood in front of him, hugging my body, trying to protect it from the cold. "I'm cold."
A smile formed on his face and he reached his hand out for me.

" Of course," he said calmly, laying down and pulling me with him under the duvet.
I smiled at him as he wrapped his hands around my back and rested his forehead against mine. I could feel his breath tingle my lips.

"Good dinner?" he asked, chuckling.

" Pretty mediocre. Good band practice?"

" Pretty mediocre" he mimicked me, making us both laugh. The laugh turned into giggling before it died out. Silence filled the room except for the sound of our breathing.

He slowly lifted his hand to my cheek without breaking eye contact. His fingertips creating a slight tingling sensation against my skin. Out of pure instinct, I leaned in against his palm, making him smile before leaning in, making our lips meet.
It was not a hungry kiss, neither an eager kiss but a soft one. Like we both felt the need to test out whatever had been going on between us. Something I thought, I was the only one who had felt. I placed my hand against his jaw, smiling into the kiss before pulling back slightly to meet his eyes once again. He smiled and leaned in to kiss my forehead before pulling me into his side. I nuzzled my face into his chest. Suddenly I wasn't cold anymore and in a matter of minutes, I was drifting into a deep, comfortable sleep.

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