Apocalypse Meltdown

By jazza-the-tree

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(Story not mine, just sharing this cool story to everyone. My opinion on this story is that every chapter is... More

Chapter 111-120
Chapter 121-130


399 18 0
By jazza-the-tree

Chapter 31: Evil Intentions

The door seemed to be unkemped as there were several swellings in its surface. It was caused by the zombies baring their claws and teeth in it for a long time. In other words, there were zombies behind the door! 

The door was kicked so heavily that it produced as sound so loud and so heavy as the door opened! 

Suddenly, a thick rancid smell came diffused quickly. 

Roaring-- -- 

Two slim and hungry zombies were in inside, one in the front and the other behind the first one. They staggered with a heavy pace. They were a male and a female. Looking from how rotten their bodies were, they should have been infected in the beginning of the explosion of the apocalyptic plague and they were trapped in this room. 

They had not eaten for a long time so they were weaker than other zombies. Speed and force was a huge threat to them. The meat of their skins almost fell off and there was only a film to cover their bones. 

Without hesitation, Chu Han easily dispatched them with his axe. The dark blood that flowed out from the bodies was very pungent and one could feel dizzy just by sniffing the scent alone. 

"I can't bear it!" Jia Chunjie quickly rushed to the window and tried to open it to allow air to go in. 

Whizzed-- -- 

A thick axe stopped Jia Chunjie. Due to the sharpness of the axe, it almost split the wind beneath his waist. 

Jia Chunjie had a chill suddenly rushing to his head but his anger was surging out when he found out that it was Chu Han who held the axe to stop him. It was him again! 

It was only with the insistence of Chu Han that they go to Ange Town and live in the inn. It was more disgusting than the sewers and he was not even allowed to open the window. 

Chu Han coldly made a stiff and ironic expression, "You had better not doubt my decision. You can go to the other room if you want to open the window." 

"What if I open it?" Chu Han’s strong intent made Jia Chunjie’s suppressed anger surged out. 

"I will throw you out. I try not to kill any human being only with the premise that you do not bring harm to me." 

Abstain from killing another human being was the principle that Chu Han persisted upon. Killing a human being was the most likely to happen in the apocalypse. The feeling was different from killing zombies. It brought happiness, excitement and addiction! 

Overcoming it was a skill Chu Han had to experience in the process but he would not also bear to let himself be harmed by others. 

I would not kill you if you do not harm me, otherwise; I would kill you all! 

Chu Han kicked the dead zombies. There were many smelly and rotten brains surging out from the heads of the dead zombies. It flowed along the carpet as the putrid smell in the house became even thicker. 

The smell of other zombies was the most perfect cover as zombies could not identify the difference, so they could be confused. Hence, it was the safest to live with a pile of zombies. 

Although he wanted the credit from killing zombies, he needed the airdrop bag more. The firearms and ammunition was his final target, so the lesser the trouble before he could get the airdrop bag, the better. 

Chu Han’s words suddenly made Jia Chunjie cold as he was afraid to say one more word. In the dozens of days of their peaceful journey, the low-keyness and quietness of Chu Han made him almost forget the scenery where Chu Han shot Ye Tianlong without hesitation.

He almost forgot that the person in front of him was a man who killed without batting an eye. 

The apocalypse has created a world without law. Their inspiration becomes swollen as human nature is driven to the extremes and the darkness which was suppressed during their civilized time had been released. 

Murder and rape were so common in these turbulent times. 

"Ninth? Ninth!" 

Suddenly, the scream of a little girl broke the awkward air inside the room. 

Everyone quickly looked at Shang Jiuti limped on the floor. Eighteen quickly approached her. Her face was red and sweat could be seen in her forehead. 

Chu Han just ran forward and brought Shang Jiuti to a bed. He quickly bent down with an angle that he was used to to check her eyes and mouth with his hands. 

"You should be gentle!" Eighteen hurriedly tried to warn Chu Han since Chu Han seemed to gouge out the eyeballs of Shang Jiuti. 

"How is she?" Jia Chunjie quickly came to the bed. His attitude towards Shang Jiuti was totally different. 

"Is she going to become a zombie?" Chen Shaoye's nerves reacted quickly. The arms that held the axe was tightly and imperceptibly ready to strike at any moment. 

Chen Shaoye’s words shocked all the people in the room. A vague tense and hostile atmosphere extended among the people present. 


Is Shang Jiuti going to become a zombie? Was she bitten? Or was for another reason? 

How could it be?! 

"Bullshit!" Eighteen just looked at the boss with big eyes. She just powerfully pulled Chen Shaoye but her strength was weaker than Chen Shaoye, so she stumbled down from the force and she almost fell down. 

"No. I think it is impossible." Jia Chunjie unconsciously retreated one meter away, just looking at Shang Jiuti whose eyes were closed in the bed from afar. Although he was lascivious, he cared much more for his life than his desires. 

Chu Han looked at the reaction of all people. He loosened the palm that pinched the woman's jaw. 

The jaw became white due to the force. 

"It is only a fever but we have no fever medicne." Chu Han stood up and wet the towel and put it over Shang Jiuti’s forehead. 

Fever should not be a big deal and she could get well quickly, but it was troublesome now. Chu Han only collected medicines needed to handle wounds since he did not think about fever or cold. Obviously, Shang Jiuti could not resist it otherwise she would not be dizzy. 

Shit! Why didn't the woman say she was sick? 

Chu Han’s brows crumpled as he thought; would she die with such a poor immune system? 

Eighteen’s heart became excited again. She just looked at Chu Han with tears, "Brother Chu, will you help her? I do not want her to die." Looking at the red eyes of the little girl, Chu Han did not answer directly as he looked at Chen Shaoye, "I have to go out and all of you have to stay here." 

"I'll go with you!" Chen Shaoye just wanted to follow him subconsciously. 

Chu Han just tucked his mouth, "You should stay here. Don't move the things in the house as I will handle when I am back." 

"Take care." Chen Shaoye felt something wrong instinctively and he just nodded heavily. 

The silent Jia Chunjie suddenly felt excited. He looked at the back of the leaving Chu Han and then to the beauty in the bed with a fever. Suddenly, his devilishness began to consume his mind.

Chapter 32: Who Was It?

The woman with a fever was in a red face since she had a high fever. Her lips opened slightly and she was having difficulties with breathing. Her, lying in the bed made an alluring posture. 

Jia Chunjie directly looked at her since she was so captivating! 

Should he….. 

He could just do it then leave. There were many cars in the supermarket. Jia Chunjie carefully inspected it before entering the inn. He could have a good time before Chu Han came back and then just leave with some food in his hands. 

As to Shang Jiuti, her fate meant nothing to Jia Chunjie. All he wanted was to satisfy himself. 

He cared nothing about the rest. 

As evil intentions began sprawling into his mind without suppression; Jia Chunjie’s eyes just stared at Chen Shaoye and Eighteen who looked after Shang Jiuti. These two people were so easy to fool since one was an idiot and the other was simply too young! 


The map of Ange Town was not omplete but Chu Han could know where he should go with the vague memory he had during his previous incarnation. He did not go with a car nor a gun since he didn't have any bullets. 

Chu Han just took the axe, which was his most original equipment. A tall and strong body walked by the crossroads to escape unnecessary trouble. 

He was in a hurry since he wanted to get the airdrop bag ASAP and it was also bad for Shang Jiuti if the fever goes untreated for a long time. There was a complete medical kit in the airdrop bag. 


This place was an abandoned public toilet and there were maggots in the urinal that was cleaned by no one. It was in a street downtown of Ange Town. There was thick rancidity coming from the toilet, so people in the street could not even take a breath. 

The scenery before could not be seen here since this place was literally filled with rubbish. It looked like a graveyard full of garbage. There were at least 100 zombies that were wandering the streets, but most of them were separated and not in groups or hordes. These zombies just smelled carefully or stretched out their tongues and teeth to touch the dirty wreckage when they pass each part of the place. 

There was a two-story tea house opposite to the toilet. The plaque was gone and the glass was so dirty. It was dark and sticky with the rotten minced meat left behind by the zombies. 

Vague shadows could clearly be seen from the curtain draping from the windows at the front. 

There were four men. Three of them looked young and ragged while the other one was mature and wore a broken and tattered suit. They sat at the corner quietly with a gloomy expression. They just had a little communication. 

The smell of the public toilet almost smoked them out but they knew it was safer than other places. 

The environment was very putrid since it was very dirty, messy and very smelly. It was the dirtiest and messiest street of the downtown area. The adjacent street was clearer than it was and it was not as smelly, but there were much more zombies. 

Looking at the silent people with him, Xiao Yunfei could not help but worry. 

He was a handsome elite of the upperclassmen. He had a degree in mathematics from Oxford University and he received the top actuary's certificate of Mi Country. The 28-year old man had been a senior managerial staff in a foreign enterprise. The capital that he could randomly use had been in the tens of millions. 

He always thought highly of himself with his outstanding EQ and. 

However, the sudden explosion of the apocalyptic plague just swept it all away. Now he was even having a hard time to have a meal, let alone while avoiding the threat of death at any time. 

Xiao Yunfei tried to cover the panic in his eyes as he blatantly lied, "Don’t worry as we will find food. There are so many resources in this town and we will go out and find some after the break." 

He was ignored by these people. The three people were confused since they did not know when the tough life of hunger would end. 

There was anger in the eyes of Xiao Yunfei. He just smiled and entice them, "You should trust me. I promise that you guys will only reap advantages if you guard me to Shi City; including food, women and whatever you want! You should know of my social position. And even more, I am familiar with Shi City's military. There will be no hard days if we get there." 

In the end, he bequeathed the three people with false hope, "I promise." 

Affected by the surge of emotion of Xiao Yunfei, the three people opposite to him now wore bright faces. 

That was right. Xiao Yunfei said he would go to Shi City from the very start and they did hear the broadcast just a few days ago. There was a military base there! 

Xiao Yunfei must have a great background! 

"You can be at ease, President Xiao. I will guard you to Shi City even with my life!" One man hurried to show his honesty. 

"Yes, President Xiao. I will follow you in the future." The other one just sucked up to him. 

"President Xiao, you should remember me in the future!" The third man just refused to be outdone. 

These people were part of gangs and saw how to suck up to the higher ups and they also did it to Xiao Yunfei. They were thinking about hugging young girls at night and eating meat and fish everyday as well as kicking off the asses of those that harmed them. 

Xiao Yunfei just smiled warmly but there was endless mockery in his mind. He knew that they hid food before and these three people could not trick him again! These three people were useless when he arrived at the base. He would teach them a good lesson at that time! 

At the moment that they talked actively and happily, the zombies out of the tea house just made a terrible roar. It was the sound when they found food. It was an impatient sound filled with craving. 

Zombies seemed to be attracted t something as they collectively rushed towards a certain place. They were roaring all around. 

The sound was getting closer and clearer and louder! 

The number of the zombies increased! 

The four people in the house were nervous and panic-stricken. They did not know why there were suddenly so many zombies? Have the zombies found out their hiding spot. 

It was impossible since the rancidity was so thick to cover the smell of these four human beings. 

So what was actually happening? 

These people were afraid to move as they to take slight and slow breaths. They were afraid of death and they just peeked outside through the gap of the glass. 

Soon, surprise could clearly be seen plastered in the faces of these four people. 

There was a man with an axe that seemed to be so heavy. He was running with at an extremely quick speed. 

There was a large group of zombies numbering to about eighteen or nineteen. 

The zombies looked scary as they gave off a feeling of death. It made people panic unconsciously when there were so many zombies. However, these zombies could not catch up to the man. 

He was in common but clean clothes and he also looked young. He was not older than 20-years-old. 

He was only one person but he could wander in such a dangerous place easily and trick the zombies. 

Xiao Yunfei took hurried breaths as his eyes suddenly lit up. 

Who was it? 

Chapter 33: Is He Still Even Human?

Chu Han took his axe and quickly went through the smelly street. He was not that uncomfortable with the surrounding environment since it was just simply nothing compared with what he had experienced in his previous incarnation. 

He was not sure where the airdrop bag was but the country would ask their soldiers to throw it in a place with people and less zombies. It was limited information but Chu Han thought this was the most possible according to his experience in his previous incarnation! 

There were so many residences here and thus human beings would also be many although zombies would also be much more but the smell of the toilet could cover the smell of people, so the zombies were several times less in here than other streets. 

The apocalyptic plague was not caused by human beings or by a biochemical weapon. No one knew the reason why. The instant change reversed the entire world and all governments chose rescue and recovery first. However, China made a correct decision to drop airdrop bags at a large scale. The food and medicine in the bag was only the second most important thing as the firearms and ammunition issued in bulk were the most important. 

To drop the vast amount of airdrop bags, the military nearly turned out in full force. You should know that at least 70% of them turned into zombies. 

It had no relationship with the constitution, but the choice of nature. It was the survival of the fittest in this new age. 

According to the information Chu Han knew, there would be dozens of little countries that would be completely destroyed and there half of the world's countries would disappear. 

Finally, there were only several countries able to roughly survive; China was one of those countries. 

The sudden decrease in quantity of the military force compelled the country to send their militaries to rescue the people and the airdrop bags were the largest help they could supply. Airdrop bags could lead to more people surviving. 

China's population of over a billion people had been reduced several times during the plague. Population was the most important asset during the apocalypse. Only the survivors could have the ability to talk about the future and mention Reconstruction. 

Chu Han was in a fast pace to dump the zombies in the street afar, so these zombies could only smell the luring smell of a human being without eating him. He ran quickly took advantage of any geographical place he could take advantage of. 

However, where was the airdrop bag? 

He had run in the street for several times now and he has also searched all corners carefully. But he found nothing! 

The four people who were observing inside the tea house had been very careful in hiding themselves behind the curtains. Across the window, Chu Han was clearly the target of the zombies so they didn't notice that there were four human beings inside the tea house. 

"What is he trying to do?" Xiao Yunfei frowned and said slightly. 

He had seen Chu Han and naturally knew he had good skills since common people could not run back and forth in such high speeds for several times. Besides, he also found that he did not slow down even when he ran across here. 

"Is he an idiot?" The expression of the other turned despondent as he said in displeased tone, "He makes such a huge noise that zombies will come here." 

Xiao Yunfei's face changed after listening to the words of his company. Zombies from other streets flocked in after hearing the noise. They would soon number about a hundred. 

"What should we do if it keeps going like this?" Someone started to observe the danger. 

"This crazy guy!" Xiao Yunfei fiercely stared at the shadow. He really wanted to break this man's legs. Why did he run to here? Was he exercising? 

However, he could only curse as he had no solutions. With a gathering of this many zombies, making any noise would be very dangerous, let alone going out and stopping Chu Han. 

It was going straight to hell! 

At the moment that the four people could not bear and started to curse Chu Han-- - 

Chu Han’s footstep suddenly stopped. His eyes were bright as he cast his vision towards the top of the building in which the toilet was situated. 

The top of the toilet should be covered by shadows since the trunks of the two nearby trees were long and large. However, in the expanse of a single night, many plants withered under the effects of the plague. Leaves fell off and there only things left behind were the trunks. 

The top of the toilet should be covered by yellow leaves with thick layers. There was a vague camouflaged package in the yellow patch of leaves. Without observing carefully, it was extremely difficult to find. 

Chu Han was smiling once he found it out! 

He knew the meaning of dropping the bag here since human beings in the residential buildings opposite to the toilet could find the bag easily from this angle. 

"Shit!" The four people in the tea house could not bear but to curse, "Why is he suddenly going here?" 

The tea house was exactly opposite to the toilet and it was unknown why the owner of the teahouse built the teahouse in this place. 

After Chu Han stopped suddenly, the horde of zombies behind him were also getting closer and closer as they swarmed to the teahouse in an attempt to catch Chu Han. They now numbered in the hundreds and their roaring reverberated throughout the entire street. The roaring was extremely terrible and loud that even the buildings were trembling. 

"Shit! Fuck!" People in the teahouse sat on the ground as they were so scared to even shit themselves. 

Other people just surrendered to the terrible scenery as they could only squat down and hug their heads. The action seemed to release the fear in their heart. 

"This trash! Just run away and do not implicate me!" Xiao Yunfei cursed, "Do you know how much my life is?" His anger filled the teahouse but they could not stop the fact that vast crowds of zombies were crowding towards the door of the teahouse no matter what they did. 

Death was so near. 

Chu Han suddenly rushed forward as his speed increased faster even more. A strong power seemed to relapse out and he seemed to be a majestic-looking cheetah! 


Only his shadow was left as he easily dumped the zombies that tried to catch him. Chu Han just rushed to the gate of the toilet and then it was followed by a trampling of his foot--- 

Shiing! Shiing! 

He kicked on the wall precisely and with it brought upon an upwards force that leveraged him upwards! 

Shiing!! He just jumped up the wall! 

Next, he rolled at the top of the toilet! 

He just directly climbed the wall, or was he-- -flying? 

He did not even use his hands as he was using it to grip his axe tightly. 

Chapter 34: Stupid Behaviour

The people hiding in the teahouse was flabbergasted, was he still a human being? 

They did not know what had happened since he was too fast. As seen from their angle, Chu Han just jumped directly. Although the toilet was not that high, it should be at least two meters. 

Jumping upwards at that height was not something a normal person can do. 

"Who is he?!" Xiao Yunfei could not suppress the shock as he unconsciously crushed the curtain in his hands. 

"Is he a martial arts expert?" Another man blurted out. 

"Idiot!" Xiao Yunfei just stared at him, "This is not a martial arts novel!" 

Does he have a special leg? 

His eyes were back to Chu Han. They knew the person was very strong but Chu Han just circled around for such a long time to attract these zombies. Afterwards, he just jumped to the top of the public toilet. 

What did he want to do? 

The group of zombies in the center of the road just lost their target and suddenly seemed daze. They re-observed Chu Han's current position and they rushed towards the toilet's entrance. 

The distance was not far and the zombies crowded the surroundings of the toilet very soon. They did not know how to climb, but squeezing purely to stuff the toilet. They stared at their food with their unique pale pupils and they were scratching on the wall. Their arms were loose and their rotten meat just raised high to try and to catch him. 

Chu Han just ignored them as he just squatted at the top of the public toilet. He just unfolded the bag which was almost the same as his backpack. There were food, medicine and the rest of the items inside were firearms and ammunition! 

There were two rifles and a flexible pistol as well as bullets! 

Chu Han's heart leaped as the guns were equipped with silencer. Sound was one of the keys to attract zombies and it could reduce most of the trouble when there was a silencer to suppress the noise. 

"Stupid, he is trapped!" Xiao Yunfei who was observing Chu Han was grinning. 

The first reaction of people when meeting zombies would be to run when the apocalypse started, so did Xiao Yunfei. At this moment, there was happiness in his heart. The powerful person had nothing to do this many zombies, just like them. It was a moment of happiness! 

However, the four people just opened their eyes widely after he finished his words. They felt helpless when they saw Chu Han take out the gun inside the bag. The dark gun shot out a bright and powerful shock. He just reloaded the clip rapidly and the feeling of holding the gun was so familiar to him. It was already instinctual. 

And then, he just turned around and looked at the zombies making threatening gestures with a silent and solemn face. 

Different from Xiao Yunfei, Chu Han did not fear zombies. Whether it was in the past or the future, he did not try to escape. However, zombies were now only credit in his eyes. They were the capital to make him strong. 

The four people in the teahouse was silent at the very moment, and then-- -- 

"There were guns?! Shit! Shit! Fuck you!" Xiao Yunfei just shouted loudly with red, swollen eyes. His manners and etiquette were gone at this moment. 

There was a gun in the toilet! He had been hiding here for a very long time yet he didn't find it! 

He would be smooth sailing with a gun in hand. He could arrive at Shi City with his gun and he would have no need to waste time and patience on persuading these three stupid idiots! 

Kuang kuang kuang! Xiao Yunfei just hammered the window as profanities were spoken out just like a machine gun. The jealousy and unwillingness filled his entire brain. 

What ?! 

The gun should belong to him! 

What else was in the camouflage package? Food? Bullet? 

These should belong to him! It was all for him! 


Xiao Yunfei looked at Chu Han angrily and ferociously. He wished to carve out his flesh! 

The other three people in the house looked at the crazy Xiao Yunfei and one of them simply said, "He should be a part of the military, looking at how easy it is for him to hold the gun." 

The words of his company just dragged Xiao Yunfei out of his self induced trance. He stopped cursing and started to observe the Chu Han. 

"Ha ha ha!" Suddenly, Xiao Yunfei bursted out laughing as the three people with were rather baffled by his sudden change of attitude. 

"Stupid! He really is stupid!" Xiao Yunfei just laughed at him and pointed at Chu Han since he seemed to find out something very ridiculous. 

All people just looked at the top of the smelly toilet again and then there was ceaseless laughing, 

"Ha ha ha! He is so stupid!" 

"Is he a fool or an idiot?" 


Chu Han stood at the top of the toilet. He did not use the gun but held the rifle in his left hand casually. His right hand was firmly gripping the axe. 

He was using the axe to cut the down the zombies! 

Puff puff puff! 

The huge cleaving power broke the heads of several zombies at the same time since it was in a good position with such a dense group of zombies. Hence, Chu Han could kill them easily, just like playing whac-a-mole. 

It should be known that his axe was customized and it was longer, larger and heavier than other common axes! 

"So stupid! Ha ha ha!" Xiao Yunfei just laughed crazily and there was irony in his eyes, "He attracts so many zombies and he does not escape, yet he is using his axe? He's not using his gun. Ha ha ha! He is too stupid!" 

"Ha ha ha!" The three other people also laughed and mocked him. 

Xiao Yunfei looked at Chu Han evilly with thinking that he would rob the gun when Chu Han would die. He would not let the chance go and there was boundless reverie in his mind. 

However, the laughter of the four people has faded out and finally went out. The house was so silent even the sound of a falling needle could be heard. 

Puff, puff, puff! 

The sound of killing zombies was continuous. The zombies that made human beings scared collapsed like ants without threat in front of Chu Han. Lots of them had already been killed by the axe of Chu Han. Each wave of his axe could kill the head of five zombies at least. 

Chu Han did not spend too much time killing the more than a hundred zombies with just 20 cleaves of his axe! 

He only spent little force since his strength was only on phase-one. Waving his axe with one hand was extremely easy to him. He must be a fool if he still wasted bullets in such simple mechanical waving coupled with his invariably good position. 

Dark red blood, brain matter as well as a pile of rotten wreckage and skulls filled the surroundings of the toilets that was able to form an extremely terrible scene.

Chapter 35: Did They Die?

Zombies had no intelligence so they did not know how to climb, and so they were not able to reach Chu Han's position, so they were just basically waiting for their deaths. Exploiting the advantage height brought was the most basic technique in fighting. 

It was a fighting experience which Chu Han has brought from his ten years of fighting. Besides the meltdown system, his largest advantage was the information that others did not know and his fighting instinct. 

His credit has reached 328. 

Chu Han satisfyingly smiled. Talent opening needed five hundred points at least and a lot more points were needed for the upgrade of talents or strength in the future, but Chu Han had no need to hurry to improve his power since his strength was already better than all people. He had the time and the chance to accumulate points slowly after he picked up his parents. 

Slightly lifting his brows, Chu Han jumped towards the pile of zombies and walked to the messy street. He carried the airdrop bag with the rifle in his left hand while the axe in was right hand as he rushed towards the inn. 

He did not know what was Shang Jiuti's situation. 

She must not die! 

It was very difficult for him to improve the woman's loyalty to 30% 

In the destroyed teahouse, the deadly silence had been broken after Chu Han's shadow disappeared. There was silence outside the window and there were no more zombies. 

Hundred of terrible zombies were now dead. 

Their heads were accurately crushed. The scene of zombies gathering was so bloody and unreal that it even made people feel like it was a dream, but it was real. 

Xiao Yunfei was completely at a daze and his shock could not be described with any emotion. 

He did not prefer and was not willing to believe. 

How was it possible?! 

It was very quick. 

There were more than a hundred zombies, not just dozens! 

How could the man kill so many zombies in a fucking short time? Even some special and trained arms would not be able to do such cleaves of that axe. 

He did not even use a gun! 

It was ridiculous and their thinking had been completely reversed! 

"President Xiao," Suddenly, one person broke the Xiao Yunfei's daze, "He must be a part of the military!" 

"Yes, yes, yes! He must be a soldier that had undergone special training!" The other person said. 

"Yes! Otherwise he would not know that there are guns here." 

The voice of discussion was becoming fiercer and fiercer and everyone could not constrain their emotions since Chu Han shocked them so much. 

Xiao Yunfei was extremely acquiescent. Looking at the direction where Chu Han disappered, he said angrily, "Go. We just follow him!" 


Second floor of the inn. 

Jia Chunjie quickly dragged Chen Shaoye to the corridor and put him beside Eighteen. 

"Shit! This fatty is so heavy!" Jia Chunjie wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked inside the room. Evil intentions could be seen from his eyes without, he didn't even try to hide it. He then impatiently closed the door. He was so unhappy when looking at the doorknob that was kicked off by Chu Han, "Shit! It cannot be locked." 

However, he had no balls to go to another place. Although the room was very dirty and messy, it was, just as what Chu Han said, very safe. Jia Chunjie had a sudden moment of panic after thinking about Chu Han but it was also instantaneously suppressed by his lust. Chu Han should have gone to search for some febrifuge and since it was Chu Han's first time in this city, it would be a miracle if he knew where the pharmacy would be. He would take a long time searching and besides, Chu Han might also already be dead with the amount of zombies present in the surroundings! 

He should just ignore him and have fun first! 

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Jia Chunjie had a lewd smile on as he quickly went towards the bed. He quickly took off his belt and unscrupulously looked at Shang Jiuti. 

The woman was still having a high fever and she was in a coma. Her cheeks were beet red due to the fever, which made her look drunk. 

The slightly red lips were opening up slowly and closing again, a testament to that she was still breathing, even making Jia Chunjie's lust to increase even more as he was very tempted to kiss those lips.

The buttons of her black shirt seemed to break from the tightness which vaguely showed her white skin. 

Jia Chunjie kneeled down on the bed and quickly stretched out his hands. At the moment that he wanted to stretch out his hand-- - 


Jia Chunjie's body and movements stopped abruptly. He was still kneeling on the bed but his hand that wanted to touch Shang Jiuti was kept in place. 

She was holding a military knife. Its silver edge was glittering from the sharpness and the end was pointed towards Jia Chunjie's throat. 

Shang Jiuti was in cold sweat and she was only able to wake up with will alone. She just subconsciously did it. 

She looked at Jia Chunjie who was trying to rape her as a sinister killing intent emanated from her eyes. 

"Out!" The voice of the woman was still full of rage but she could not completely open her eyes. She suddenly felt dizzy again while the knife she was holding fell out of her grip. 

Jia Chunjie was scared, but then he was completely ecstatic as he saw the knife she was holding fall off her hands. 

Fuck, it was just a false alarm! 


Chu Han quickly walked towards the inn as he quickly escaped the group of zombies following him. He was sweating profusely with his phase-one strength completely active when he returned to the inn. It should be known that he was not a common person, but an evolved human with phase-one strength. He was just a little bit sweaty even after killing hundreds of zombies, so it could be imagined how fast he was moving. 

He felt a bad omen for no reason at all. 

Several zombies were still wandering around the ground floor but they were just normal zombies. Chu Han quickly went upstairs, lifting his brows. 

The second floor was just the same with when he left it. The bloody carpet adding on to the depressing environment of the inn was so terrible even with only just a dim light lighting up the path. 

The place opposite the corridor that had no lights could not be clearly seen. 

However, Chu Han just fiercely moved forward as he tightly held onto his axe. 

He was an evolved human with phase-one strength with all of his physical indexes surpassing the limitation of what a common person could have. He could feel things that others could not see or feel. 

Chu Han looked at the two people lying at the door that should have been empty without any people. 

They were Chen Shaoye and Eighteen. Something really happened! 

Are they dead? 

What actually happened after he left? 

Although he limited his emotions, it was still Chu Han's style to always keep his calm. He silently walked to a distance of the one meter from the two people lying by the door. He then slightly became more calm. 

At that moment-- 

"Out!" Shang Jiuti's voice could suddenly be heard from inside the room. Although it was full of killing intent, the sound was so weak that she could faint anytime. 

Chu Han quickly opened the door and looked inside. 

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