Choose your future. Choose li...

By shesabitch

10.4K 289 25

... but why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the... More

Choose life
Closet romantic
Lust for life
the aftermath
The awakening
looking for answers
brick wall
unwanted guest
For now
An apple a day
Little baby dawn
The calm before the storm
That day
The arrival
Realising (Epilogue)

Last words

250 6 1
By shesabitch



' what happened doc?' Sickboy whispered, tears thrusting to spill.

'There was a complication during the birth, the baby's fine, but Charlie lost a lot of blood.' The doctor began to tell the two. Sickboy felt ill, he felt like he was dreaming. This couldn't happen. Not to her.

'Where is she?' Alison asked, knowing Sickboy was to stunned to say anything.

'Charlottes in room 11a at the moment, she's hooked up and we've tried to make her as comfortable as anything.' He tried to reassure them. But Sickboy could see straight through him. He knew what the doctor was saying. He had heard it before. Heard it countless times on tv shows, in films... god he'd even heard his own friends say it when a relative of theirs passed away. 'They were comfortable' almost like trying to say there's comfort when someone passes. It's a way people can try and see the lighter side of the whole situation, 'they were comfortable when they passed.' But there was no lighter side in this situation, all Sickboy could see was the dark, it felt like it consumed him. The doctor kept nattering on, most likely trying to explain it in detail to Alison, but Sickboy wasn't listening, everything around him became a distant murmur as all he could think about was the mother of his child, feeling comfortable lying on her death bed.

'Can I go see her?' Sickboy asked.

'I think it'd be best if you be with your daughter at the moment sir.' The doctor replied with a answer that Sickboy didn't like.

'No, I want to see Charlie' Sickboy almost shouted, his Scottish accent coming in thick.

'I think Doctor, if it's alright with you, I'll go see the baby and Sickboy can go with you to check on Charlie' Alison stated, trying to keep a cool head in the situation at hand. The doctor gave a grave smile and nodded, telling her the directions to where little baby Dawn was.

'If you follow me sir, I'll take you to your girlfriend' The doctor nodded at Sickboy, and started to lead the way to 11a.

Sickboys legs felt like there were going to give out any moment. The walk to Charlie felt like forever and with ever step he took, the world seemed to get a little dark, almost knowing what was coming up. It was like the light was dying with Charlie. Like she was the sunshine of his life, however cheesy that sounds. At this point he didn't care about how cheesy something sounded. He didn't care about anything. All he cared about was getting his girl back, but he didn't know if that was possible at this point. They both came to a door labelled 11a and behind it was Charlie. The doctor paused for a moment, before opening up the door and turned to Sickboy.

'I need to warn you, Charlie is holding on by a thread, she will look a little worse for wear to you, but I assure you we are doing everything in our power to make sure she doesn't slip away.' The doctor told Sickboy, giving him a reassure squeeze on the shoulder. Sickboy could only nod, he feared if he said anything he might burst out into tears. With one final reassuring smile, the doctor opened up the door. What Sickboy saw made the tears in his eyes fall. There on a massive white bed, lay his Charlie. Frail and almost blending in with the bed sheets, a very pale Charlie was hooked up to what seemed to be a million different boxes on wheels. The faint beeping of the monitor informed them that her heart was still beating and that she hadn't given up. Sickboy looked up to the doctor the way a young boy would look up to his parents to ask silent permission. They exchanged a few looks and after a confirming nod from the doctor, Sickboy walked up to his girl that lay lifeless on the bed. He looked down at her hand, seeing needles poke out of her arm and hand. Sickboy gave a sad laugh, knowing too well if Charlie was awake she would be ripping the needles out, due to her hatred on them. He took up her frail hand as he took the seat next to her and got to her level. The darkness seemed to consume everything in the room apart from Charlie; a faint glow still consumed her and Sickboy was moving her hand up to kiss it.

'Come on Charlie, after everything we've been through... you can't leave me know' Sickboy whispered to her in attempt to try and wake her up. He was waiting for her to squeeze his hand, or move her foot or even flutter her eyelashes; anything to prove that she was going to wake up, but nothing came. Just the ever growing silence and the beeping of the heart monitor. His hand went to go stroke her hair and move the odd strand that was obstructing her face.

'I can't do this without you, you need to wake up' he begged. This whole entire time they were planning for the babies arrival, he could never see it any different; Charlie holding the baby, whilst Sickboy came in from work. The two of the them kissing and little baby Dawn reaching out to get ahold of her daddy. He pictured going to his parents house to introduce the new addition to the family together. Going to see her off for the first day of school, with happy tears coming out of there eyes. All the things parents are usually excited for, he never pictured them without her. He couldn't. He had never thought about what could go wrong, to him it was always impossible for it to go bad.

'I love you Charlie, please' he stated, hoping that by some miracle that it would be like one of those romantic films you see, where after the declaration of love, the women wakes up and they all live happily ever after. But this wasn't a film, it was real life. And real life hurt. Doctors kept coming in and out, checking on her, waiting for some sign that never came. Alison came by the visit with the baby, but Sickboy didn't want to see anyone, else alone the baby. However bad it made him feel, he thought that the baby was responsible for putting Charlie here. He knew full well that if Charlie was awake she would clip him round the ear and tell him off for blaming a harmless baby, but where his head was at that very moment, he couldn't help but think any differently. So after Alison saw Charlie and tried to comfort Sickboy, she went back outside and to where she was before, knowing what was going to happen and taking it upon herself to look after the little baby.

It wasn't until two hours later that something happened. Charlie's eyelashes were flickering. Sickboy sat up in his seat, taking Charlie's hand once more and whispered sweet encouragement into her ear. She opened up her eyes a slither, only enough to faintly see Sickboy, she smiled weakly to him, giving him hope that they could get themselves out of this hole they were in. Waiting in anticipation for her to say something, Sickboy shuffles closer to her, never letting go of her hand. Charlie kept opening her mouth, looking as if she wanted to say something, but nothing came out. It was until the third time that she was able to put together a sentence.

'I love you too' Charlie said, barely above a whisper. Sickboy smiled sweetly, now knowing she was able to hear him whilst she was asleep. However, almost as quickly as the wind changes, the situation they found themselves in quickly truened on its head. Charlie's eyes close and her smile was wiped off her face. The machine beside her started screaming bloody murder and the ext thing Sickboy knew, he was getting ushered out of the room. He tried to stand his guard, tried to talk to the doctors that were currently trying to bring Charlie back to him, but it was no use. The light that Charlie was holding onto was slowly diminishing with ever second, rapidly turning into black. It wasn't until he saw them put a blanket over her face that he really understood what was happening. It wasn't until the doctors were offering there condolences, that he broke down in tears and realised she was dead.

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