Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Rea...

By Super_Human456

84.8K 824 487

"Final Part of Breaking the Shell" After meeting your father, you and your friends set out to Vacuo to see yo... More

Morning on the Ship
The Kraken Attack
Welcome to Vacuo
Family Reunion
First Day In Vacuo
Raider Invaders
Welcome Home Committee
Meeting the Mother
Raiding Party
The Pit
Breeding Grounds
Battle of the Grimm
Killing the Queen
I Want You Forever (Epilogue Part 1)

A Happy Life (Epilogue Part 2)

7.7K 58 47
By Super_Human456

Yang slowly began to open her eyes, having been used to waking up around 6:30 in the morning ever since they were born. Not that she minded of course. She was active in her children's lives and loved having them around. Yang shifted and turned over in her bed and reached out across the bed. However, Yang couldn't find what she was reaching for...her husband, you. Yang's head shot up and looked around her shared bedroom for you. She sighed to herself and slipped out of bed and stretched her back and reached for her toes.

Yang then walked over to her mirror and looked at herself. She gripped her stomach and turned to her side, measuring herself. Despite being pregnant twice and giving a successful birth twice, she was able to stay in shape and get some of her baby fat off of herself early on. However, that never stopped Yang from looking at herself and sometimes thinking she could better. Especially since she was now 36, she always did try to have her 17 year old weight.

Yang: I seriously think I'm getting fatter.

Yang then smelled something in the air. Assuming you had already left for work, she began to get concern that her oldest was already making breakfast without her.

Yang: Oh, God not again.

Yang ran from her downstairs bedroom towards the kitchen. However, once she got inside her eyes widen and she almost seemed to freeze in place. There you were, making breakfast, waffles, Yang's favorite. Next to the stove and watching the waffles was your oldest son, Bronze, while you were moving between the main table to feed your youngest daughter, Amber, and the stove to make sure the food didn't burn.

Bronze turned his head over and saw Yang watching the chaos unfold before herself. His eyes widen and he turned around.

Bronze: Dad?!

(Y/N): What is it, son?

Bronze: Mom's here!

(Y/N): What do you mean, "Mom's-" oh. Hey, sweetie.

Yang: What's all this for?

(Y/N): Well, uh-

Bronze: Happy Birthday, Mom!

Amber made giggles and incoherent sounds to communicate to Yang. You sighed and walked over to her and pecked her lips.

(Y/N): Happy birthday sweetie. Want breakfast?

Yang: Uh, yeah. Wow, this is a surprise. I would have never thought this would be an opening birthday gift.

(Y/N): Well, believe it Blondie. So, eat up?

Yang smiled and began to eat the breakfast you provided for her. You then began to make food for both you and Bronze. You would occasionally glance over to Yang and see her playing with Amber. Yang would lead her hand away and Amber would track it and try to grab it. Yang also kept up with feeding Amber so you could focus on cooking the waffles for everyone else.

After the waffles were made, you cut some for Bronze and brought them over to the table and everyone sat down and hand a nice family breakfast. Once breakfast was over, the bus came by and picked Bronze up for school and you began to clean up your kitchen. As you were cleaning up the mess of the morning, Yang walked back in from dropping Amber in a play area and helped you clean up.

(Y/N): You should spend today with her.

Yang: Never said I wouldn't. What? I need permission to spend some time with my lovely man?

(Y/N): (Sarcastically) Ha ha. Oh, shut it you.

Yang: You first.

Yang slapped your rear and gave you a wink and smirk and walked off. You rolled your eyes and laughed to yourself. After cleaning up breakfast, you walked back into your bedroom and see Yang was on your bed, cuddling up to Amber while watching some cartoon that was apparently really great for kids that Yang watched as a child.

(Y/N): She having fun?

Yang: Don't know? (To Amber) What do you think?

Amber made more incoherent sounds, clearly trying to respond. Yang laugh and kissed her upper head.

Yang: There's my baby girl.

You got onto the bed and laid down next to Yang, your head right by Amber. You reached up and placed a finger on your daughter's nose.

(Y/N): Boop.

Amber laughed a bit in response. Yang grabbed and pulled you over and placed your head on her leg. You took Amber into your arms and watched the show together. After a few hours, Bronze came home and the four of you went off to Yang's favorite family restaurant, her father's. As it turns out, both you, Ruby and Tai had planned this entire day and wanted to give Yang another amazing birthday party.

So, you took the 10 minute drive down the street to Tai's house and walked on inside. The place was loaded with decorations, gifts and so forth and so ons. Bronze got to show his grandfather some of his new drawings and Tai and Ruby practically battled one another for Amber's attention. Ultimately, Amber chose Ruby of course, but that never stopped Tai and Yang from having a fun time, especially with you and Bronze.

Aside from that, it was now time for dinner and presents, both Yang's and Bronze's favorite part about any birthday party. Ruby had gotten Yang some new clothing that she had been asking for, as did Weiss once her gift came through the mail. Blake had sent Yang a book that Yang was now of fan over due to her best friend. You got Yang a new necklace, something small but nice all the same. Tai had gotten her the best gift. "Ultimate Death Battle Ninja Fight: 420/5". The next in a long series of fighting games that Yang had introduced you too at Beacon.

Once the party officially came to a close, Tai offered to let the kids spend the night, which Bronze was all to happy to agree to. Both you and Yang agreed and let the two have fun with grandpa while you and Ruby drove Yang home.

Once at home, she was surprised to see all our friends from Beacon. Your team, her team and JNPR all there and ready to celebrate. Thus commenced another game night. The game was of course pictionary along with the usual card game here and there. You guys played poker and used your standard teams to commence with the games. Overall, Burly was the biggest loser as he lost more than a fair share of money during the poker round of cards.

You guys also went on and played some progressive bridge which made the party last well towards midnight. As such, everyone left after the game was called and you and Blake actually tied. Silver and Weiss were the firsts to leave, seeing as they wanted to get back home to their son, Sterling. Pyrrha and Jaune left soon after also not wanting to keep Jaune's oldest sister awake with their twins. Ren dragged Nora home which was easy because she acted the exactly same way for Yang's bachelorette party. Then again, that's how Nora acted for every bachelorette party, even her own. Next were Gure and Blake, wanting to get home to their own twins.

Finally, the night came to a close after Burly helped with clean up and went home back to his apartment. You and Yang went from the kitchen and back to your bedroom and just laid on the bed. You glanced over to her and she shared the same glance. Both of you smiled and grabbed one another's hands. From there, you both looked up at the celling and leaned against one another.

(Y/N): So, did you have a good birthday?

Yang: Yeah! The kids were great and that final two hours were more than enough fun.

(Y/N): Well, that's good to know.

Yang leaned over and pecked your cheek.

(Y/N): Get everything you want?

Yang laughed a bit and continued to cuddle up to you.

Yang: I want a third kid.

(Y/N): R-really?

Yang: Yeah? Why not? I mean, I know those two can be kinda hard to handle but that shouldn't deter us from having another one.

(Y/N): I mean, look at Amber, she's only 11 months old. Do you really think she's ready to become the middle child already.

Yang: Not now. Maybe in like a year or two...maybe more. Or now, if you're up for it?

(Y/N): You know what? (Claps hands) Let's get to work!

Yang smiled and climbed up on top of you and kissed your lips.

Yang: I love you.

(Y/N): I love you too. 

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