In Our Free Time

By themanbeckylynch

83.5K 1.5K 123

What if one night of talking leads to more? More



7.7K 70 3
By themanbeckylynch

"Rebecca Quin long time no see." Seth Rollins said as he moved to the stool next to Becky Lynch at the hotel bar. It was the night before Summerslam and both had important matches but neither could sleep.

"You ever just feel like you're going nowhere here?" She asked as he ordered the same beer she was drinking.

"What do you mean? Like you're stuck in the same rut, same matches over and over?" She nodded. "Right now, yes. Why?"

"It's just.." She paused as she sighed. "I've done nothing but pour my heart and soul into this but get passed over because Charlotte 'as her name and I'm just her sidekick."

"Maybe you should just go off script." She eyed him carefully. "Sometimes you just have to say fuck it and do what you're feeling at that moment. If you want to punch Charlotte in the face then do it. You just have to do what feels right to you at that exact moment. Sometimes you have to be The Man even if you get some backlash in return." She nodded before taking a sip of her drink.

"So what's going on with you?" He chuckled.

"Too much shit to get into." Her eyes met his.

"I've got time." He took a long drink of the alcohol before he took a breath.

"I just feel miserable right now. My relationship is going nowhere and I think she's been cheating on me for months now, but I never get the chance to fucking talk to her so I can end it. Then my one shot at Brock gets taken away because they think that I'm pushing myself too hard." She started to laugh.

"Sound like my life." She watched him take a long sip of his beer. "I know this sounds bad but if she doesn't want to talk there are other ways to break up with a person.."

"I can't get her out of my fucking house." He grumbled before her hand gently ran along his shoulders.

"Break up with her through a text and go talk to the lawyers. They've helped me get someone unwanted out of my house." He nodded before he pulled out his now ringing phone.

"Why the fuck is that tramps hand on your shoulder?!" Becky could hear the yelling coming from the other end of the phone. Though she couldn't make out the words she knew it wasn't going to be a pretty conversation.

"Where are you?" He grumbled.

"Turn around you cheating asshole." If the redhead could have shrunk down to microscopic size she would have. She watched Seth's girlfriend make a beeline towards her. He dropped his phone before intercepting the brunettes hand. He moved between the two women before grabbing his phone and showing her an image that immediately stopped all of her movement.

"I want you out of my house by Thursday. If you're not gone you'll be arrested for trespassing." Seth was smacked hard across the cheek before the brunette left.

"Wanna go back to my room? I think there's some beer in the mini fridge." Becky said as she stood behind the now shaking man.

"That sounds wonderful." She could hear the anger he was trying to suffocate. She could always pick up on a persons mood through their tone and words. Seth followed her down the long hallway to her room. "How'd you swing a room alone?" She lightly laughed.

"Charlotte is with Andrade for the night that's how." He raised an eyebrow in question. "I know a lot of things. She never told me who she was going to be with but when everyone's down the same hall its easy to see her tall blonde ass walking into the room with him." He started to laugh.

"I guess I need to be more observant then." She nodded.

"Sometimes it works out well then other times you see sights that make your eyes burn." She said as she opened the door. He raised an eyebrow at her trying to get her to elaborate as she handed him a beer. "I've seen some weird hookups." She said as she sat on her bed and she sat on the chair across from him.

"Who?" He said as he cracked the top on his. When she started to struggle he leaned to remove the bottle cap keeping her from the alcoholic beverage.

"Saw a very drunk Nia with Braun." Seth's mouth dropped. "Saw Lexi and Buddy before they started dating." He shivered as he remembered when he did.

"Saw that too. They were practically fucking in the hallway when I caught them." Becky had to keep herself from spitting out the beer she had in her mouth. "Though I did recently see Bayley and Fergal." She raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't know if it was anything but they were making out outside of a bathroom at a bar."

"Wow." She said. "See you need to keep an eye out for stuff like this so that way when the pay per views roll around we can do this." He nodded as a smile grew on his face.

"I'd like that as long as it doesn't involve crazy ex's or significant others." She shot him a sympathetic smile.

"Well I'm not seeing anyone so we're safe as long as you don't find a crazy." He chuckled as his eyes met hers.

"Don't think that's going to happen anytime soon." A small smile appeared on her face as her eyes lingered on his for longer than they should have. "So tell me.." He said as he reluctantly broke eye contact. "Whats going down tomorrow?"

"Not gonna tell you." The sound that came out of him next was a mixture between a whine and a groan.

"Come onnnnn. I'll tell you what's happening in mine." She started to laugh as he began to sound like a child.

"I don't even know at this point honestly. After Charlotte got added in all plans went to shit. The three of us won't know until we get there tomorrow." He shook his head.

"God they do you all do dirty. We know our matches weeks in advance and even know if someone is going to get added last minute. That's kind of ridiculous." She nodded as she moved to lean against the headboard.

"Unfortunately it happens all the time. Hell half the time we don't know we have matches or promo until the day of." He shook his head before she patted the bed next to her. His head slowly shook.

"I'm alright Bex. I'm not going to stay long. You look like you're about to fall asleep." She laughed as she shook her head.

"Not tired Seth." He rolled his eyes.

"Sure.." Her middle finger was extended towards him before he began to laugh. "That's the attitude you need tomorrow. No matter what happens just say fuck it and be who you want to be." She nodded.

"Depending on what happens I might just do that."

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