An Arranged Marriage

By Marissa-Meyer-Fan

10.2K 347 46

Miserable. The one word I would use to describe my life. Someone else's view may think I am crazy and want my... More

Chapter 1- Announcement
Chapter 2- Shocked
Chapter 3- Telling My Brother and His Wife
Chapter 4- A New Home and Confession
Chapter 5- Meeting His Parents
Chapter 6- Movie Night
Chapter 8- Friends' Visit Part 1
Chapter 9- A Friends Visit Part 2
Chapter 10- Lunch
Chapter 11- England
Chapter 12- Betrayed
Chapter 13- Frogiving Him
Chapter 14- Movie Night Take 2
Chapter 15- Dinner Plans
Chapter 16- Big News
Chapter 17- The Wedding
Author Note
Author Note

Chapter 7- A Photo Shoot And A Kiss

446 14 5
By Marissa-Meyer-Fan

Hey y'all. Ok so I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also I wanted to say this but I knew no one really reads Author Notes so yeah. Anyway all of the pictures I use are from Pinterest. I do not own them. I just didn't want to take credit that I don't deserve. Now on with the chapter:

Mia's P.O.V.
   I woke up early and heard a sizzling noise coming from the kitchen. I was exhausted but managed to get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen. When I got there I smiled. Aaron was at the stove making bacon. There was also a plate of steaming pancakes beside him. I coughed to let him know I was here. He turned around surprised.
   "Oh h-hey Mia." He stuttered. I was confused as to why but didn't show it. "I made so-some pancakes and I'm making ba-bacon."

   "Oh thanks. But I can't have it. My diet remember?" I wanted the pancakes but my diet forbids me from having them.
   "Fuck that diet. Eat." I laughed as he pushed the plate to me. He gave a small smile. I ate a bit and moaned. They were delicious. I never thought that Aaron would be a good chef. I looked up and saw Aaron stare at me blushing. When he noticed that I noticed he looked away blushing more. I shook it away and continued eating not making noises anymore.
   "So how did you sleep?" He asked me sitting down.
   "Fine. Though I kind of had a crick in my neck when I woke up." I rubbed my neck.
   "Oh yeah. You fell asleep during the movie. I had to carry you to bed."
   "Seriously." I asked. He nodded and I blushed.
   "Yeah. Did you see any of the movie?" He asked me with food in his mouth. Again, something I never thought that Aaron Cox would do.
   "Yeah. I saw a good chunk of it." I took another bite.
   "Well I'm glad you saw some. Now what do you want to do today?"
   "Well, I have a photo shoot at 12. You could come."
   "Great I'd love to. What should I wear?"
   "Something nice but not too nice. My brother will be there after all."
   "Colton?" He had an alarmed look on his face.
   "No, no. Michael. Don't worry about Colton. He'll get used to you eventually. Oh but Michael is kind of protective. He will warm up to you quickly though." Aaron groaned loudly.
   "What is it with family being so protective of their daughters? Especially the men?" I laughed.
   "I don't know. Well, I am their only sister. And the youngest." He groaned again. I threw my head back laughing.
   "Ok well you finished?" He grabbed his plate and held a hand out for mine.
   "Oh yes." I handed him my plate. "Thanks for breakfast." He nodded and I went to get dressed. I normally don't wear too fancy clothes to photo shoots since I would be changing anyways. I chose a white sweater, jeans and white sneakers.
My outfit:

I grabbed my bag and put my phone, gum, charger, extra chapstick, a portable charger, my money in it. I ran back to the kitchen and saw Aaron waiting for me. He looked kind of hot actually in his outfit.

He looked at me and grabbed my hand leading me to his Lamborghini. It was hella cool.

Even though I owned my own, his was still really cool and I quickly got in. It was awesome. He chuckled at me but I didn't care. I went on my phone as we drove to where my photo shoot was happening. The beach. I loved having photo shoots there. It was always gorgeous. We stopped and I checked in.
"Hello. I'm Miss Thompson here for my photo shoot." I said.
"Alright, but why is he here?"
"Oh this is my fiancé. We came together. He won't be a bother I promise. He'll just watch from behind the cameras." Thankfully they let us in and we went to see my brother who was yelling at the camera guy.
"Michael!" I yell running to him.
"Mia! Awesome to see you. You ready?"
"Just have to get dressed then I will be fine."
"Awesome, awesome. Who's he?" Michael jutted a finger at Aaron.
"Aaron Cox." I answered.
"Well duh. But why's he here?"
"Ok well I'm his fiancé so-"
"Seriously What is with you and Colton screaming 'what' every time I mention I have a boyfriend and now fiancé?"
"You are too young!"
"You were my age when you got married!"
"Fine. But make sure he stays away from you."
"It is an Arranged Marriage. I'm only married to him for a year because our companies are merging." Michael sighed.
"Well in that case. Don't do anything naughty."
"Michael!!" He just laughed his ass off.
"Whatever. Just get in your first outfit." I nodded blushing and walked off. When I got in my room I got in the sundress that would be wearing. I got in it and went to where I would be taken photos of. The first was was beautiful. Though I wasn't a huge fan of modeling, I loved how pretty I felt and the way the photos turned out.
———————————————————Time Skip————————————
   We took photos of myself for awhile. I changed multiple times but I still had more fun this time because Aaron was hilarious. We talked a lot behind the cameras while I was waiting to get in my position.
Photos (Pretend Mia has black hair and silver eyes) :

   For some reason my brother wasn't happy with the photos.
   "They're missing something. But what?" Michael clawed a hand through his hair. "A boy! Your boyfriend. Get him dressed and put him in the photo shoot. No backing out!" He walked off and I rushed Aaron to my dressing room giving him some outfits.   
   "Hurry up. Michael does this sometimes. Go!" I shoved Aaron into the room and shut the door. When Aaron came out we instantly went into the poses he wanted us in.
Photos (again. Pretend that Mia has black hair and silver eyes, but also pretend Aaron has blonde hair and blue eyes.) :

I loved the new pictures, but when we took them, I didn't feel like my smile was forced. Or the look in my eyes was fake. I pushed the feeling down noticing how my breathing had quickened. I was calm until my brother spoke.
"Ok now I want Mia and Aaron to kiss." My brother said. He showed us the pose he wanted and we went to where we would be. He looked in my eyes and I could see a slight bit of lust in them. He picked me up and put his lips on mine. I don't know why but I kissed him back. You know how people say that when someone touches their hand electricity goes up their arm or whatever? Well that is how I felt but all over. Aaron broke the kiss leaning back and looking back in my eyes. His lips were swollen but it was barely noticeable so I knew mine were too. Also we were both blushing.
The photo:

We went back to Michael and looked at the photo. I loved it and it made my blush grow. A lot. I went back to my dressing to change with Aaron right behind me. I quickly went in shutting the door on Aaron so I could change and then I would let him in. When I closed the door and changed I imagined the kiss over and over.
Aaron's P.O.V.
As Mia shut the door I waited outside to go in and change once she was finished. I sighed and leaned against the camper thing. All I could think was that I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted the feeling of her lips on mine. I wanted the feeling of her hands wrapped around my neck. But I couldn't have that no matter how much I wanted it. She didn't like me the way I liked her. And besides. We weren't going to stay married. It was only for a year and we would divorce and nothing would happen.
The door opened and Mia stood there in her clothes from this morning. She looked beautiful but in a newer light. I stared at her but when she caught me I looked away blushing but when in the room. I got dressed in my normal clothing and went out to meet her. I hesitantly grabbed her hand not knowing if touching her would make me kiss her. For some reason it felt like Michael was watching me. Or at least his words though. I kept remembering them. I shook my head and got in the car. I didn't speak unsure of what would come out of my mouth.
We got back to my penthouse and went inside.
"He I'm gonna take a shower." Mia said running upstairs. I knew I should take one too but I couldn't help but call Jared.
"Dude. Hey. Why are you calling me?" Jared answers.
"I kissed Mia. I mean don't get excited. It was a kiss for a photo shoot she was doing. But still I think I really like her. Like a lot." I said into the phone slightly stuttering.
"Awesome! Does she like you?"
"I have no idea. I mean she kissed back and all but I still don't know."
"How about this. Me and Lola will come to have dinner with you and Lola will ask her. I will tell her obviously but yeah. Lola will replay this to me and then I will tell you." Jared said.
"Awesome dude. Thank you so much. I will tell Mia that you're coming. Bye" I hung up and ran to her bathroom. The water was running and music was playing. I knocked on the door and walked in. Shit. Mia was in the shower.
"Who is it?" She asked alarmed. I chuckled.
"It is Aaron. Yeah I won't come closer but my friend and his girlfriend are coming for dinner so just dress in normal clothing. Also my friend might get slightly drunk. So yeah. See ya." I walked out before she could comment. This was going to be fun.

Hey y'all. Ok this was one of my most favorite chapters I have written. It was fun and cool and romantic. I think that the next one will also be interesting. Anyways thank you for reading. Comment what you want to see next and any grammar/spelling mistakes. Adios!!

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