Holding Back [COMPLETED]

By joymoment

975K 72.2K 65.6K

"I love how this book is turning out!😍 Not cliche at all!" - i_hatecliche "We might live next door to each o... More

Cast List
Worst Author's Note Ever
Chapter 1 - "You want me to give you a lift?"
Chapter 2 - "You're not special."
Chapter 3 - "What's wrong with being alone?"
Chapter 4 - "In case you're wondering, it's for drug running."
Chapter 5 - "No promises."
Chapter 6 - "Did you just say you'll talk to the nail?"
Chapter 7 - "Tempting, but I'll pass."
Chapter 8 - "Why did you come over?"
Chapter 9 - "Ummm...where's dad?"
Chapter 10 - "Cal, ninjas! Hide!"
Chapter 11 - "Can you give me a ride home?"
Chapter 12 - "Now you're the one flirting with me."
Chapter 13 - "Thanks for being my alarm."
Chapter 14 - "You two are great together."
Chapter 15 - "Oh my gosh, who freaking cares?"
Chapter 16 - "We're not dating."
Chapter 17 - "I promise I won't leave."
Chapter 18 - "I see you, Haley Day."
Chapter 19 - "I might have to take you up on that offer sometime."
Chapter 20 - "What can I say I'm full of surprises."
Chapter 21 - "Are you happy, Haley Day?"
Chapter 22 - "What they say isn't true."
Chapter 23 - "Why did you ask me to come over?"
Chapter 24 - "Why were you even drinking?"
Chapter 25 - "No, I'm fine."
Chapter 26 - "I don't want to drown myself in ice cream."
Chapter 27 - "It's a bit of a cliché, right?"
Chapter 28 - "Why didn't you invite me?"
Chapter 29 - "I'm still yours."
Chapter 30 - "You flashed us earlier. I'm guessing that counts."
Chapter 31 - "Ha! I knew I was your source of happiness."
Chapter 32 - "I think you'd look good in anything."
Chapter 34 - "I did warn you."
Chapter 35 - "You're still on to man the kissing booth, correct?"
Chapter 36 - "The kissing booth."
Chapter 37 - "Is this where I get a free kiss?"
Chapter 38 - "I don't want to talk."
Chapter 39 - "Why do you care?"
Chapter 40 - "Is there anything I can do?"
Chapter 41 - "Why are you lying?"
Chapter 42 - "We fix Haley Day's broken heart."
Chapter 43 - "There's the Haley Day I know."
My Heart Is Yours
Haley Meets Carter
Six Years Later

Chapter 33 - "I knew you only liked me for my body."

16.6K 1.3K 1.8K
By joymoment

As Haley left the girls' locker room, she stared down at her outfit. Though her red shorts were faded, they were still cute and the white tank top was old but still decent enough and had the advantage of showing off her freckled shoulders. Too focused on inspecting her clothes, she nearly ran into Jace as he exited the boys' locker room.

"Woah," he said, holding onto Haley so she wouldn't stumble.

She jerked her head up and he grinned at her.

"New paint clothes?" he asked, a teasing note in his voice.

Though Haley attempted to fight it, she blushed.

"How would you know they're new?" she asked, crossing her arms.

Smirking, Jace leaned against the wall, his hands sliding into the pockets of his ratty gym shorts.

"Because that isn't what you wore last time to paint and they have no paint on them." He raised a taunting eyebrow. "Are you trying to look cute for a certain someone?"

"No!" The response came too fast to be anything but incriminating.

Jace put a hand over his heart. "Haley Day, you didn't need to try and impress me. You had me at the monkey shorts and Metallica pajama t-shirt."

She smacked his arm making him laugh. In retaliation for the abuse, he wrapped an arm around her neck and messed up her hair.

"Jace!" she yelled, trying to shove him away.

What she got was a wall of toned stomach muscles that would not yield.

"Seriously, Haley Day," he said, still rubbing her head. "You're such a flirt. If anyone sees us they are likely to get ideas."

Growling with annoyance, she pushed harder. Finally, Jace relented. Haley pulled out her ponytail and ran her hands through her hair, trying to make it look less like a knotted bird's nest. As she was tying it back up in the rubber band, Jace poked her nose.

"Don't worry, you still look as cute as ever."

She hit his hand away as they headed for the exit.

"I don't see how you can judge me when you're not wearing your original paint clothes either."

It was true, though the gym shorts were years old and his t-shirt was fraying at the sleeves, there wasn't a speck of paint on them.

"Yeah, my mom found my old ones and just tossed them." He shrugged. "Besides, I can always paint shirtless if I don't want to ruin this one."

"Yes, cause that wouldn't be distracting at all."

Sighing, Jace shook his head. "I knew you only liked me for my body."

She bumped him and he hit the metal door frame.

"We really need to work on your abuse of me," Jace said rubbing his arm in mock pain.

"We really need to work on your delusion that I like you for your body."

"You like me just for my mind. That is more comforting."

Unable to help herself, Haley laughed. They stepped out of the confines of the gym and into the hot afternoon. Heat rose from the concrete in waves washing over the campus. Stretched across the crystal blue sky were skeins of tangled clouds. Already sprawled on the grass and clumped into groups were the rest of their project companions. Conversations floated about like the blue jays that soared overhead, looking for lunches left behind.

Towards the outskirts, Isaac sat with a pair of gangly students that were talking animatedly, their hands waving as they nodded to each then focused back on Isaac, seeming to be explaining something.

For his part, Isaac looked content, his arms draped over his knees, listening. When Haley and Jace moved in the general direction of where he was, Isaac's gaze found her and a smile made its slow way up his lips. Jace leaned towards her.

"I think the outfit is a success," he said.

Face going bright red, Haley whacked him in the stomach with the back of her hand.

"Woman! You need to stop hitting me," he said.

"I'll stop when you stop."

Jace opened his mouth but then closed it and shrugged. As they settled down onto the warm grass, Ty and Josie came racing around the gym. When they spotted Haley, their faces broke out into identical grins and Josie skipped, her dark hair bouncing around her shoulders. Before they even reached Haley, they were talking, Josie letting out a squeak of excitement.

"We got them! We did it!"

The girls plopped themselves down in front of the pair, their voices overlapping each other and making no sense. Haley held up her hands.

"Stop!" she said. "What in the world are you talking about?"

As Josie took a breath, Ty plunged onward.

"We got the tickets! We're going to see Seven Ships this summer!"

Ty did a seated dance while Josie squeaked again, her smile threatening to break her face. Isaac walked over, his brows scrunched together with curiosity.

"What are you excited about?" he asked.

Both girls stood up and crowded around him.

"We're going to see Seven Ships!" they shouted in unison.

The widest grin Haley had ever seen cut across Isaac's face.

"What! Really?!"

Both girls nodded and Josie started jumping up and down, pulling on Isaac's arm. To Haley's surprise and amusement, Isaac jumped with her, cheering the whole time, his glasses sliding down his nose. The commotion drew people's attention but the trio didn't seem to notice or care. Haley found herself just staring, realizing she had never seen Ty so smiley. When their excitement finally lessened so their volume was tolerable, they all sat back down.

"Haley!" Josie said. "How are you not screaming along with us? I thought you would be more excited!"

"Yeah," Ty added. "I skipped fifth and sixth period to make this happen."

Haley fidgeted under their eager faces.

"I never gave you my answer, I figured just you got tickets."

Josie beamed as Ty shook her head. "Nope, we knew you would come so we got you a ticket as well."

Words deserted Haley at that point. After everything that had occurred on their first real interaction these girls had easily accepted her and went the next step including her on something that went past the limits of school. The gesture was so carelessly given that she didn't know how to respond like something so kind was just a simple thing. When she didn't speak, Jace did.

"I see how you so easily leave me out of this," he said. "Even when I made mention that I would enjoy such an event."

Ty and Josie both shared a look.

"We got you a ticket too," Josie said.

"What! Really?!" His face mimicked Isaac's, going from pretend annoyance to pure excitement. "Yes!" He threw his hands into the air and Josie grinned at the reception to the news.

"Okay," Ty said, her expression dimming into its normal thoughtful state. "We have to decide if we are going to coordinate what we wear."

Before Haley could ask what she meant and Ty could go into detail, Rachel appeared and called for everyone's attention.

"So sorry I'm late," she said, Nick, walking right alongside her. "I had to figure out last minute arrangements for tomorrow's setup. Now! We are so close to being done and by the end of the day we should have everything completed!"

As always Jace took this announcement as an opportunity to give a loud cheer. Josie's excitement seemed to still be bubbling and she shouted along with him, adding a little wiggle dance. The group readily joined in and Rachel offered up a bigger smile in response. Even Haley clapped and smiled, swept up into the crowd's teamwork attitude.

"Yes, it's amazing how much you have all accomplished in such a short amount of time. So to celebrate your hard work I'm throwing a party at my house once we are finished! Of course, you can go home and clean off whatever paint you attained. But after you do that then grab your bathing suits and headed over to my house."

"Party time!" Jace yelled out.

Laughter ran in waves around the group and Rachel nodded and pointed to him.

"Exactly, party time. So let's get this work done so we can relax!"

Energized with the reward to come, everyone got to their feet and went to collect booths and painting supplies. Haley was helping Ty carrying their booth onto the grass when Rachel approached them.

"Ty, Josie and Sam are going to come work with you, I'm going to steal Haley for another project."

Ty shrugged and lowered her end of the booth down. Focusing on Haley, Rachel nodded her to follow. Before Haley did, she looked back at Ty.

"I never got to say this, but thanks for getting me a ticket."

"Of course," Ty said, smiling. "We tried on dresses together, we're bonded."

Grinning and feel a sense of hope, Haley jogged to catch up to Rachel. She led her over to where the concrete and grass met. Waiting there were Jace and Isaac.

"Okay," Rachel said, waving Haley over to stand beside the two guys. "I have a final booth that needs to be made and you three are the ones I trust to do it, cause I know you won't make a mess. It's the balloon paint booth."

Jace frowned in puzzlement. Before he could voice his confusion, Rachel went on.

"It's that booth where you throw darts at balloons trying to pop them."

All three of them nodded in understanding.

"For this, you'll be filling up balloons with water and paint mixtures and nailing the knotted balloons to the board. Make sense?"

Haley raised her hand and then dropped it realizing how stupid it looked.

"How are we getting the water downed paint into the balloons?" she asked.

"Turkey basters. Any more questions?"

Haley looked to Jace and Isaac and found them staring back at her. Realizing that they were all in agreement, Haley looked to Rachel.

"We're good," she said.

"Great, I'll let you get to it. Make sure to use a variety of colors."

When she left, Jace rounded on Haley and Isaac.

"Okay team," he said, placing his hands on his hips and looking a little bit like a superhero with the action. "I'll collect paint, Haley why don't you get buckets, a few jars - if we have them, balloons, and turkey basters. Isaac, you get the board. If it's too big to get alone then I'll help. Okay, break!" Jace clapped like they were splitting off from a huddle.

"You play baseball, not football," Haley said.

"Still works, now get to it!"

Rolling her eyes at his overly demanding tone, she headed for the gym. Isaac quickened his steps and fell in beside her.

"Did you figure out what you're wearing for prom?" he asked.

The fact that he asked seemed to lighten Haley's step and she walked/half skipped for a step. At the obvious answer, Isaac grinned. There was an eagerness to the look like he was always searching for a reason to smile around her. It was that ease in which he felt around her that she felt the cracks in her walls widening.

"I did," she said.

"Are you going to tell me what it looks like?"

Clasping her hands behind her back, Haley spun around and walked in front of him backward.

"Nope, you'll just have to wait and see."

The lack of an answer only seemed to spur Isaac's smile on, his blue eyes joining in with the enjoyment. Before he could urge her to tell him, Haley spoke.

"Did you figure out what you're wearing?"

"Something blue. I was told it would bring out my eyes."

There was a flirty undertone to his words and Haley turned away before her face could betray her.

"Whoever said that made a good point."

They entered the storage space and split ways. In the back, Haley found what she was looking for. Arms full, she went to leave and found Isaac staggering a bit, the board barely being contained in his hold and completely obscuring his line of sight. A laugh slipped out and Isaac twisted his head to her, grinning.

"Need help?" she asked.

"Nope, I've got it completely under control."

The second the statement was out, he faltered and bumped into the edge of the doorway. The board tipped backward and hit his face, knocking his glasses off his nose.

"Ow," Isaac said, wincing.

Setting her supplies down, Haley retrieved his glasses. Isaac managed to hold the board steady as she placed them back on his face. When they were in place, he blinked and smiled at her, this time only the edge of his mouth curling, as if he liked how she was the first thing he saw when the world came into focus.

"How about you let me help?" she asked.

"I think I got it."

The board bumped against a wall and Haley reached out, stabilizing it before it could hit Isaac again.

"We're prison mates, right?"

"I guess so."

Isaac released one half the board and Haley took hold of it. With Isaac swiveling his head back and forth they managed to get the piece of wood out of the supply closet without further incident.

"Like Jace says, teamwork!" Haley said.

"I'm pretty sure a lot of people say that besides Jace."

Haley shrugged as they navigated their way over to where Jace was standing.

"Yes, but he usually says it with more spirit than most."

"That's probably true."

They lowered the board to the ground and propped the other side up against the gym wall.

"Teamwork!" Jace said, raising his hands into the air.

Sharing a secret joke, Haley and Isaac looked at each other. Someone had taken it upon themselves to play DJ and music danced through conversations. The scent of paint already filled the air and grew stronger with every dipping of a brush into a bucket.

Seeing as Haley had offered a hand with his work, Isaac said he would help get the supplies. The two of them returned to the storage room, comfortable with the other's presence. When they got back to their designated spot, Jace was sitting on the ground, paint cans clustered around him.

"Okay," he said, unsticking two buckets that Haley had handed him. "These will be for the balloons. Once we have a good amount, someone can start nailing them to the board."

Haley kneeled before Jace, the concrete warm and rough beneath her bare knees. As she set out the rest of their supplies, Jace took stock of it all, sorting it out into different piles. The sun burned away the chill the air-conditioned gym had settled over Haley and made her skin tingle. The paint colors were divided up and the trio got to work.

As they filled, knotted and tossed balloons into the bucket they threw out all manner of conversation topics. Despite the way Haley spent most of her time with each guy separately they blended well together, Jace and Isaac's previous friendship helping meld hers with them. There were even points where Jace and Isaac would wander off on a tangent that Haley was left out of. The two of them had a natural flow though they looked like polar opposites.

Halfway through when Jace and Isaac had already served a sentence of hammering the balloons to the board, Haley took her turn. She was piercing a nail through a balloon when it popped.

Instinctively, she snapped her eyes shut as paint exploded in her face. The cold liquid dripped down her cheeks, plopping onto her chest above her shirt. The scent of it clogged her nose.

From behind her, Jace let out a surprised laugh. Lowering the hammer, Haley made to wipe her face clean when a pair of hands on her arms stilled her motion.

"Don't move," Isaac said. "You don't want to rub it into your eyes."

Haley froze, nodding instead of speaking, afraid the paint would get into her mouth as well.

"I'm going to help you sit down, okay?" he said.

Another nod. Isaac guided Haley away from the board, her feet stumbling blindly.

"It's okay, I got you," he said.

Haley shuffled and felt as the concrete stopped and the ground softened.

"Now sit."

Isaac eased Haley down to the grass and she felt the familiar tickle of blades on her bare legs.

"Jace give me something to wipe the paint off."

Instead of hearing movement, Haley heard a rustling and the absence of one of Isaac's hands on her arms. The skin went cool despite the sun's heat.

"I guess that will work," Isaac said.

Haley wondered what had been given when Isaac shifted closer to her. Though she couldn't see, she could sense his closeness, the way his breath - smelling faintly of mint - fanned across her. One hand moved to the back of her head as something soft was brushed across her face. When she was certain her mouth was safe, she spoke.

"You're using Jace's shirt, aren't you?" she said.

Isaac gave a soft chuckle, the sound flowing over Haley.

"How'd you guess?" he asked, carefully wiping at her cheeks.

"It smells like him."

Isaac stilled for half a breath before continuing. From across the way, Haley heard Josie call out.

"Jace," she said. "Do you have any other talent than taking your shirt off?"

A smile tugged at Haley's lips and she could picture Josie standing with one hand on her hip, staring at Jace.

"I'm a really good whistler," Jace replied. "It's a family trait I share with a distant blonde cousin of mine."

Laughter filled the air around Haley. Isaac shuffled and the hold on her head fell away.

"I don't think I got it all," Isaac said. "Come on, I'll help you to the bathroom and make sure I get the rest."

"Thanks," Haley said.

"Of course."

Still blind, Haley could hear the hint of a smile in his voice. The heat from his body diminished as he stood. She held up her hands and he took them, lifting her up.

"You need help?" Jace asked from somewhere on Haley's right.

"Nah, we're good," Isaac said, already leading Haley away.

Despite the lack of sight, Haley didn't feel lost. Isaac talked to her as they walked, telling her where objects at her feet were located and instructing her each step. His voice was soothing like he was trying to keep all worry and hesitation away. It worked, she never felt blind even though she couldn't see.

"Girls' or boys' bathroom?" he asked, pausing.

"Boys'. I can't see and I'm not sure how girls would react if you walked in."

"Smart thinking."

The whine of a door came followed by the typical bathroom smell. In response, Haley wrinkled her nose. Their footsteps echoed around the tiled room as they entered. Isaac turned Haley and she felt the chill of a sink against her back.

Isaac's hands left hers and for some reason, she wished he hadn't let go. Vulnerable, she crossed her arms, waiting. There was the rush of water then the brush of fabric on her leg as Isaac passed her and took up a spot before her again.

"You seem so cautious," Haley said, as he dabbed a dry paper towel against her eyes.

"Yeah, well last year my dad and I were painting the house and even with my glasses, I managed to get some paint in my eye. Hurt like hell. I figured I would save you from that."

Cold dampness wiped across her eyes. The motion was slow and deliberate.

"Well, thank you," Haley said.

She set her hands on the edge of the sink, letting the quiet form around them.

"There," Isaac said. "You can open your eyes."

Nervous, Haley lifted one lid. When she was certain that paint wasn't going to fall into her eye, she opened the second. Isaac was standing before her, close enough she could reach out and touch him, but not close enough that it felt intruding.

"Good?" he asked.

She blinked a few more times to check and nodded.

"Yes, thank you."

Pleased, he tossed the balled up paper towels into the nearby trash can.

"Look," he said, his hands sliding into his pockets. "I was wondering...are you going to go to the party afterward? Rachel's party."

"Yeah, why?"

Isaac scratched the back of his neck, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Well, I'm planning on going and last time she had a party of sorts you didn't seem like you wanted to be there. So I just wanted to see if you would actually be coming to this one. Cause I would be there and..."

As she took a step closer, a smile blooming on her lips, he met her gaze, his hand dropping.

"I wouldn't miss it," she said.


Bonjour, Yugo!
(Yeah, pretty sure I've done French before.)

Wow oh wow! Do we have a change in the winds? What could this mean? Thoughts?

I must say, at least Jace and Isaac didn't try to do the whole alpha male thing and fight over Haley. They were actually quite civilized! Who knew it was possible.

Did you catch the Girl Power Galaxy reference?

I have to tell you something, I think my thumb lost weight. I mean I know it's been working out and had goals and stuff, but I never thought it would actually happen. These are only things that you dream about happening!

I'm serous though, I have a thumb ring that I've worn for the past two years and now it feels loose. Can a thumb really lose weight? Did I have a fat thumb before? Can I use the word fat about a thumb? Am I hand shaming my thumb if I say it must have been fat before?

Gosh, these really are the pressing issues of our time. And when I say 'our' I mean no one's ever!

Any who, I thought I would let you know that I'm still odd as ever. Not going to lie I kind of worried about it the other night, feeling like maybe I hadn't been as odd in this book and then wondering if a person could lose their oddness and if that happens do they just turn into a normal human being and then facing the fear over that whether that could happen to me!

Maybe I lost the thumb weight over stressing about being odd? Make sense.

What's your favorite digit?

I like seven and my pinkies are pretty cute. But don't tell them that, it will only go to their cuticles.

If I don't make sense...well that's nothing new. Vote, comment, follow!

Just chill yo

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