A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

377K 19.9K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
5. His Choices
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
21. Battle of Scorpious
22. Invader
23. Icy Times
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
35. The Young Don (Part 5)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
54. One Question
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
61. Fathers Minds
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
68. His Decisions & Choices

67. Cold Wind of Change

3.6K 187 45
By royal888

As his blindfold came off for third time, Stefano found himself to be back at the border and faced with being surrounded by many more cars that he had left behind. Many many cars belonging to Rosarios. It seemed like Alexander had called for back up. He explained that the situation was under control.

He went to Alexander "Why did you call for back up? I have got it under control."

Alexander said " Oh, back up is not for the Russians. It's for the Irish actually. Tristan didn't like that you interfered. He wanted to deal with the matter personally when he dropped Vienna off. This is for your protection just in case he loses his temper. You never know."

Stefano sighed "I don't need protection. Tristan is not unreasonable." He then got into the car and Alexander sat opposite him.

Alexander asked "Did Andrei really See Vienna there?"

Stefano said " He had seen her. Come on. When Tristan wants to leave someone alive he would use partially transparent hoods or blindfolds so they feel overpowered. He wasn't really torturing him. Was he? He was having a friendly chat. So yes. He could get some glimpse. Either that or he managed to see through some gaps. It happens."

As the cars were making their way Alexander looked at the side mirror. "They are gaining on us. Damn it. What does Tristan want with you?"

Stefano asked "Please tell me Vienna is not in these cars..."

Alexander said "No. He delivered her safely to her home and now he is coming back to get you. Good luck."

Stefano sighed "Stop the car. I don't like car chases. You know how it ends when the Irish are driving. Tristan's father hires drivers more skilled than formula 1 drivers."

Alexander signalled for the car's to stop. They were on a Not so busy highway road so it was possible to stop easily. He then asked "Formula 1? Really?"

Stefano said "It's true. They have criminal records so they can't get world class trophies. Can they?"

Stefano then got off the car and didn't have to wait long to be called up by Tristan. He signalled the Rosario men to stay in cars. They were surrounding him as the Irish men came to take stefano.

Stefano managed to convince them to stay back. Diplomacy was his job. He was lead to one of the cars that he assumed was Tristan's. He got in and sat down opposite Tristan. He then said "Hi. You wanted to see me?"

Tristan didn't respond and Stefano felt the threat. He had to answer to him and his people were right to send him back up. This king didn't take nonsense. All his worries about Andrei retaliating was evaporating. Did this guy look like he was just going to be defeated for Andrei to take his girl? He didn't think so.

As the door to the car closed, Tristan said calmly but harshly " Do you have any idea what you have done? ... I was going to resolve the situation personally and assess the threats. But you didn't even consult me... Now tell me... Who gave you orders to involve yourself? Explain to me exactly what you said and did? What did you hear? I want every detail. Even if you miss one tiny detail and I find out, you will be very sorry."

Stefano hesitated thinking over his words. He then started speaking slowly and carefully giving as much detail. He said his account and added "Vienna is as safe as she always has been. You can't predict the future. But I know Andrei. He fights fair."

Tristan said " I didn't ask you regarding how he fights. Tell me what was said and done... You may carry on."

Stefano stared at Tristan and took a deep breath " Well. This is almost everything... You know me Tristan. I don't like guess work. I only deal with the facts and evidence. I don't like estimations and doubt... I don't like to speculate..."

Tristan raised an eyebrow " Why are you holding back?"

Stefano said "I told you I don't like guess work. There is something I like you to know... You won't like to hear it... I am not certain so I am not keen to share. It's outrageous."

Tristan said " I am keen to hear it no matter how outrageous it may sound."

Stefano started playing with his tie loosening it "I can assure you of this... That it's not within their interests to come at you. Andrei has been quite bashed up by you. He won't try again for awhile to invade your side of the city. He told me he will see me in college. But he did say he wishes to exploit the unrest within the Irish families. Your uncle has disrupted the peace. The sooner he is caught and dealt with the sooner, it's possible to focus on business as usual. FBI is getting closer and closer. All they need is one slip up...."

Tristan said " I think you don't need to concern yourself with our affairs. I know all this already and it's not so outrageous... Tell me Stefano. What is it you are holding back?"

Stefano said "I don't know it for certain. Don't jump to conclusions ... It's about something that he said... I think Andrei ... might be ... you know ... liking Vienna..."

He immediately moved slightly away by instinct. He could see the fire in Tristan's eyes and he felt the heat. He better talk fast to explain what he had heard or he was going to be grilled and charred by the order of the king.


Vienna was with Clarissa. They were sitting in her bedroom looking at college information brochures and letters. The girls were both sitting on the bed leaning to the wall with the paperwork between then.

Clarissa said "How asked Vincenzo handling it? You studying medicine like your mother."

Vienna shrugged "He hasn't asked me what I am studying recently. He hasn't been home long enough to discuss it with me. Well if he wanted to try to stop me he can do it on enrolment day and you know I won't back down. He backed down after Tristan had a talk with him but I know he wants me to be a lawyer or engineer. As long as I am not a hippie drawing nature and people or dedicating myself to curing the sick, he won't object much."

Clarissa said " Gone are the days he can break your paint brushes or cancel your work experience placements at your mothers hospital."

Vienna said " I know it may sound crazy but with all that's happening ... I like to see some normal life. I would rather see him talk and argue with me rather than him closing the door on my face when I want him to open up. He is good at shutting people out. How about you? Is Tristan against the career you have chosen and what want to do?"

Clarissa stated "No. He is happy with my choice but your brother isn't. He would try to sabotage it. He doesn't like journalists."

Vienna said "But ... You are studying Economics with law. Not journalism."

Clarissa said "Well. The studying part is not the problem. The internships I have secured in advance are his problem. I am going to global journalist offices. It's as close as I can get to ... politicians and the law enforcement sector..."

Vienna gasped "Does Vincenzo know that? That you are trying to do this? You can be a lawyer and get some exposure to what you truly want..."

Clarissa said " Yes. He does... I don't like to restrict myself to one line of work. I inherit my mother's business and my father's partially. So I need to know economics. I need some knowledge of what my rights are. I have done some accountancy too in school... I want to be a whole round person when I come out. I don't want to be dependent on your brother or anyone else for that matter. I like to know what those under me do and what those who are fighting to bring me down are doing. I wonder if I can finish it all in 4 years. Maybe I will do a PhD..."

Vienna said "He won't like it. Vincenzo."

Clarissa said " No he doesn't... He thinks women should be bearing children at home instead of further study...".

Vienna said " You do know that he may ask you to marry him in college. Does it worry you? ..."

Clarissa said " I am aware. I will cross that bridge when I get to it... What about you Vienna? Are you ready for my brother when he pops the question? My brother and yours are turning eighteen in August..."

Vienna took a deep breath "I try not to think about it. My mind will go blank if he asked me the question. I will only turn seventeen in a few months like you. I don't want to say no but how can I say yes when I am so young?"

Clarissa smiled " I am ready to run. Always prepared to escape and avoid having to face such question that can lock me in wedlock."

Vienna said "What if he won't let you? He wants an answer."

Clarissa said "Running is answer when it comes to your brother sometimes. Distance may make him realise what he truly has and what he wants to keep close."

Vienna said "He loves you..."

Clarissa said " So do I..."

Vienna nodded "He is lucky... I thought your parents would oppose him dating you ... You know like how my mother opposes Tristan ..."

Clarissa shook her head " My mother definitely doesn't think like your mother. Well, your mother expects Tristan to change everything about himself, who he is, what he is and what he stands for. Then he won't be Tristan. Would he? Your mother wants him to change his identity and she won't ever truly be happy with your choice as long as it's Tristan..."

Vienna tried to defend her mother "But she is a mother. Mothers look out for their daughters. Tristan makes my mother sound like she is some kind of obstacle. My mother is part of my life. So is Tristan. If he wants to be part of my life he must accept my mother and her criticism and scrutiny of him. That's what mothers do.., I am sure your mother isnt exactly a member of Vincenzo's fan club..."

Clarissa said "Well. Yes and no. My mother has nothing against Vincenzo, who he is, what he stands for and what he does. She doesn't want him to change who he is but ... she doesn't like one thing about him. She doesn't like how he treats his family. I do agree with my mother. One hundred percent. If he loves me, he will stop showing disregard to his family and their feelings. I don't expect him to change who he is and what he does. Neither does my mother or my father for that matter. But I expect him to treat his family right. The way he is disrespecting your father is mind blowing to me. It's like he has no idea who his father truly is. Even your father's enemies acknowledge the extent of his sacrifice and the lengths he goes for his family. I don't see Vincenzo to be like your father and I don't expect him to be. But I expect him to respect your father."

Vienna smiled sadly and went quiet as she looked down as she played with her buttons on her dress.

Clarissa said "Your mother expects my brother to change. But my mother doesn't expect Vincenzo to change... She wants him to wake up and support his family. What do you make of it?"

Vienna whispered " I am sad too Clarissa. I didn't want to talk about it with Tristan when he asked." She then looked up at Clarissa as she was getting emotional " The new secrets ... The new revelations are ... breaking my heart. I can't even process all this information... How can my grandfather be so cruel? It just goes to show ... that my father was right all along to block him out... I don't ever want to hear his name, I never want to see his face, I don't want my father to forgive or forget."

Clarissa said "Come here."

The girls then embraced. As Vienna was almost tearing up she said "I can't understand it... I just want everything to go back to how it was... I want my grandfather ... to be dead..."

Clarissa said "That's what Vincenzo wanted too... He thought he would do it without even consulting your father disregarding how it was your father's business... That's not respect."

Vienna's voice was shaking "I want him to be dead ... But one will be truly dead if no one misses them... That's what my father defines being dead as... Some people maybe breathing but if no one acknowledges their existence they are as good as dead. It can be the opposite too... Someone maybe dead but when so many miss the person it's like they are alive." She then pulled away slowly "I hate it Clarissa. I hate how my grandfather is alive. Even if Vincenzo killed him, it won't matter. He is the favourite son of my great grandfather. Many will shed tears for him even if he dies... What's the point of killing a man like that who has a fan club?"

Clarissa said "That's what I tell Vincenzo. He needs to reveal your grandfather's manipulative and unholy ways. He must inform those who know him what a monster he is... Then the truth will be out there."

Vienna shook her head "What about my grandmother?"

Clarissa asked "What about her?"

Vienna said " It's all about her. It's all her. She is the one who is hurting my father the most... No matter what you or I or Vincenzo do... No matter who knows the truth ... She will miss him. She will shed a tear for him when no one does.  To her he will always be alive." She then wiped her tears that were betraying her no matter how hard she tried to hold it together "My father deserves better... He always did..."

Just then the door opened and they were interrupted. Tristan appeared at the door and as she saw her tears his expression changed. He walked closer and Vienna jumped up while wiping her tears "Tristan... you are back." She then stood and jumped in his embrace.

Clarissa stood up and put her hands up in surrender telling Tristan it wasn't her who made her cry because his eyes were zeroed on her. She mouthed "Not me." She then slowly left  the room.

As Clarissa left the room she felt like she needed some fresh air. She made her way down the corridor managed to find balcony. She leaned to the tall railings and closed her eyes as she felt the cold wind on her face. Her life felt like it was changing. The cold wind of change was over taking ... Back in the day, there was a time that her biggest goal was to do well in her indices exam. There was a time she cared for what she could ask for Christmas and what she had to leave for her birthday. There was a time life was simpler. The irony was she always wished the days to go by. She wanted to grow up so she could become an adult and take the control of her life into her hands. Now she was slowly getting there. Yet, she missed the old days.

She felt his arms around her waist. She let him hold her ... minutes went by in silence. He was just holding her as they were staring into the distance. They were silent.

Clarissa took a deep breath "Do you ever miss the past?"

Vincenzo said " I try not to.

Vincenzo slowly started kissing her cheek from the side "But I know one thing ... I have missed you so much... I don't ever want to let you go..."

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