On the throne as Godfather(BW...

By Starcrossed4ever

93.4K 4.1K 517

Samuel Mussolini Jr. has now taken over as Godfather. This is all that he has even wanted but without the lov... More

Ch 1. three months later(part 1)
Ch 2 Three months later(Part 2)
Ch 3. 3:15am
Ch 4. Talking about us
Ch 5. Anything
Ch 6 Sammy's Past Part 1
Ch 7 Sammy's Past part 2
Ch 8 Sammy's Past Part 3
ch 9. Annabel's judgement
Ch 10 Why are you here
Ch 11. Meeting Veronica
Ch 12 The plan
Ch 13 Telling the wildcats
Ch 14 Telling the family
Ch 15 Getting ready part 1
Ch 16 Getting ready part 2
Ch 17 The Engagement Party Part 1
Ch 18 The Engagement Party Part 2
Ch 19 The Engagement Party Part 3
Ch 20 The Engagement Party Part 4
Ch 21 The Engagement Party Part 5
Ch 22 3:07 am
Ch 23 No more Drama
Ch 25 Getting Ready for the wedding
ch 26 The Wedding Day
ch 27. The Reception
Ch 28. The Wedding Night
Ch. 29 Seven years after the wedding
Ch 30 The Annual Charity Gala
3rd book or epilogue?
3rd book is up

Ch 24 More drama

1.5K 91 19
By Starcrossed4ever

Ch 24

This chapter is dedicated to pmgayles. In chapter 20 You literally made me laugh out loud when you said "I was surprised that Anabel learned Italian. I would be happy but she's still stuck on stupid". Thank you for making me smile.

Annabel POV

I told the wildcats (Melissa, Abby, Adrianna, Liz, and Stephanie) to meet at my house and that I am on my way to tell them something important. They each have a key to my house so I will just meet them inside my living room.

"Hey girls" I hugged them each

"I actually had a fun time at the engagement party, I couldn't even tell that this was all for show" Stephanie admits

"Yeah. I can't believe you and your sister put so much work into a fake engagement. By the way, you were so convincing all night. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that you and Sammy were actually engaged. You can be an actress" Liz agrees

"ha-ha. that's funny, Sammy actually made that same comment" I laugh

"so, what was so important that we had to leave our comfortable homes right after we had to take off our clothes and wash our makeup off." Abby asks

"okay. So, I am going to reveal something that may be upsetting to you guys. However, I ask that you don't interrupt me and let me finish before responding."

"Deal." Each of them agreed giving me a confused look.

"Okay but just to warn you; it's a long story and I will start from the beginning" I say

Then I began my story

"As you girls know before I even met Sammy I honestly didn't want a boyfriend at that time because I was content in my single life. I thought getting into a relationship was just going to be too much work, so I turned down all the guys that hit on me even the handsome or smart ones. However, I was awestruck when I saw Sammy. I can't even describe the feeling. He was literally screaming at his siblings in a totally foreign language looking very upset and had a huge death before dishonor tattoo on his ribs and all I could think about was damn that man looked fine. Then when I spent time with him and his siblings it felt like we had been best friends forever. We just seemed to click. As I said I was totally awestruck by him and he was intelligent, funny, and had a great personality. However, I knew that I didn't want a relationship especially with a Sex God like him since they always seem to be trouble. I guess I was right about that. But when Sammy asked me out I only said yes because I was thinking that this was going to be the start of a new friendship, not even realizing that we would end up engaged a year later.

As you girls know when we dated, we did have our ups and downs. I was right that being in a relationship was a lot of work because there are 2 different personalities in a relationship. However, we loved each other so much that we thought that being together was worth our little fights and after a while we learned how to communicate better and not overreact over certain things.

You guys don't know it, but he had severe trust issues before we met because he was burned so many times. That's the reason for him not believing in serious friendships or serious relationships. He thought both was just a waste of time. However, after a while he began to trust me because he knew I was different from all the other people that disappointed him in his life and he knew that I wasn't going to leave him.

After I broke off our engagement, I thought that he was the biggest hypocrite and he was like all the other people in his life that disappointed him.

However, a few weeks after our breakup, I decided to listen to my psychiatrist advice on evaluating our whole relationship. Then I came to the sad realization that he was right.

In the beginning of our relationship, we had many fights over him not opening up to me. In one of those fights, he told me that he knows that if he opens up to me that I would just end up judging him and running away from him. I of course promised him that I would never do that. After I told him that and continued just being me he did begin to show me different sides of him and revealed to me many things that not even his own family knew.

After remembering that, I now understood the reason for him not telling me about who he really was. He finally found a person that he loved, could be vulnerable with, could trust, and not feel judged, and he didn't want to lose that. I am not defending him, and he absolutely went about it the wrong way, but I could now understand the dilemma that he was facing.

When I think back, I do feel sort of guilty by my actions because he told me his biggest fear of what I would do if I knew every single detail about him and I did exactly that. I judged him and ran away from him.

That revelation made it easier for me to forgive him. I didn't forgive him to his face, but I forgave him in my heart. Once that happened, I couldn't help but remember all the good times and bad times and how we grew together over this past year. All my feelings never went away. I avoided him and tried to keep my mine busy, so I wouldn't think about how he was, if he was missing me, if he got over me etc. My psychiatrist told me that burying my feelings for him was extremely unhealthy and I needed to face my emotions head on, but I was really scared.

I am not blaming you but if I am being completely honest I was afraid of you girls. You think he is a psychopath and every time I would just mention his name; you guys didn't hesitate to tear him down. I do get you were trying to protect me, but I just felt more miserable because I knew that I was over this whole thing and I just wanted to marry him. The thing that constantly stopped me from just telling Sammy my feelings is the thought of your reactions. You girls are my best friends and I love you each, so I didn't want to be a disappointment to you guys. I didn't want the way you felt about him become the way you felt about me.

I must confess that these past 3 weeks and this party tonight was not fake for me. Everything I said on the stage was 100% true. Like I told Sammy, I am not that good of an actress. After the party Sammy and I talked, and the wedding is back on. I hope you guys forgive me for not telling you how I really felt about Sammy and that I am still in love with him. I also hope that you would respect my decision, help me plan my wedding, and will still be my bridesmaids after all of this drama."

I could tell that was a lot for them to take in but at least they now know the whole truth.

It was quiet for a while, so I said

"So now will be a good time to ask me any questions or if you have any comments to make" I say

"Okay. I am sorry that you felt that you couldn't come to us and tell us how you really felt. I love you Annabel and if Sammy makes you happy, then I am happy." Melissa informs me

"Yeah, I agree with Melissa. I will be happy to help you prepare for you wedding. Plus, I don't really have any choice since I already bought that expensive bridesmaid dress and I do want to wear it outside of the house." Abby joked

"Are you serious Melissa and Abby, how can you guys be okay with this and just joke around. She is marrying a known serial killer. Sorry Annabel but I am disappointed in you. Melissa and Abby may forget that Sammy is evil but the rest of us do not." Adrianna stated

"You and Stephanie might not be okay with them being together, but I am okay with it and I will be joining Melissa and Abby at the wedding. I don't have to approve of his job but they both clearly love each other so it would be cruel if any of us tried to keep them apart" Liz informs Adrianna

"Actually Adrianna, sorry but I am with the others. I am going to be her bridesmaid. I would not support the wedding if Sammy abused her emotionally or physically, but he treats her very well and I am not going to stand in the way of my friend marrying a great guy. Honestly, the only bad thing he does is being Godfather. He has even been nice to us and I know that he must be a good guy because of Christina. Christina is an awesome friend and one of the most genuine and nicest people I met so I know if Sammy was a really bad guy then she wouldn't love her brother so much." Stephanie says

The others except Adrianna agreed that Christina was a great friend

"How do you girls know that Christina is actually a great friend. She lied to all of us about Sammy. How do we know that she isn't keeping anything from us now?" Adrianna asks

"Okay, now you are being overly dramatic. Christina is friendly to you, so you need to get over your anger towards her and must accept that Christina is one of us now. She is a wildcat" Melissa tells Adrianna frustrated

"Fine you guys can do whatever you want but I am not coming to her wedding if she marries Sammy" Adrianna tells the 4 of them

"Come on, we are best friends you can't do this to me. You should be supporting me like the others" I beg

" No, a real friend should be honest with their friends and I am being honest with you. Your fiancé is a psychopath that needs medical help and should be locked up. I refuse to come to a wedding that I don't support" Adrianna insists

"You are seriously being a bitch right now. If you think Sammy is a psychopath, then I guess I am too because I will be marrying him whether you like it or not. Fine if you don't want to come then don't come. Obviously, you don't care enough about me to set aside your issues with him and just do what makes me happy" I tell her angry

"I do care about you and that's is the reason I think you should not get back with Sammy. He is not good for you and he has clearly changed you. The old Annabel would have never married a serial killer"

"Stop calling him a serial killer and all you really care about is you. You still can't get over what his dad to your family, loved ones, and your parent's friends. I understand your anger, but you can't blame Sammy for what his father did and stop acting like I am making the biggest mistake of my life by taking him back." I yell frustrated

"Well sorry to break it to you honey but he and his father are both serial killers and you are making the biggest mistake of your life by taking Sammy back. Annabel I can't stand by and watch you marry or even date Sammy. It's either him or me"

"That choice is unfair. I am not going to choose between my best friend and the man I love. I want both of you." I say

"Me or Him?" she repeats

"Him" I say not hesitating which made her laugh

"Wow. You knew me way longer than you knew Sammy and you pick him over me. What a true friend you are?" she says slamming the door behind her

I was so mad at her that I couldn't even cry that I had lost one of my best friends

"Don't worry, she just needs some space, I am sure she will realize that she is overreacting" Stephanie tries to comfort me

"I honestly don't even care anymore. If she changes her mind great but If she can't accept my future husband, then I don't want to be around her. I can't have that negative energy around me and my family and I am not changing my mind"

Wow. Who thinks that was a lot of drama. Does anyone agree with Adrianna? Do you think it was wrong for Annabel to pick Sammy over Adrianna? Be honest would any of you pick the guy that you are madly in love with over your best friend? 

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