By alicelovezackforever

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COMPLETE đź’• A loner Full of secrets, Trying to live like a Normal person MEET A Trouble maker who is A King... More

â–  Prolouge â– 
Chapter 1 â–  Fight me â– 
Chapter 2 â–  Lord?! â– 
Chapter 3 â–  Deal â– 
Chapter 4 â–  DEAL part 2 â– 
Chapter 5 â–  Crap...â– 
•• CHAPTER 6 : Wrightes not Wrongs. ••
•• CHAPTER 8: Love ••
•• CHAPTER 9 : Truth ••
Authors Note❤️❤️❤️
••CHAPTER 10:chance••
••Chapter 12:UN-FORGIVEN••
•• Authors note ••
•• chapter 13 --Death▪▪
•• Chapter 14 : This is me••
•• Chapter 15 : Last Subject••
•• Chapter 16 : LAST BREATH (END) ••
chapter 17 ••♡ Special ♡••
The End


5K 72 3
By alicelovezackforever

>> Livius Gray Xerxes POV <<

'Damn whats wrong with me...'
I've been repeating this question in my mind... I didn't even realize that am here inside the elevator. I unconsciously pushed the button going to the basement.

My mind is all occupied on what am I thinking right now that I didn't even realize where am I going.

'What should I do now? What will happen if Arshly hate me because I step on her private boundaries? Damn what to do now?'
I scratched my head and hit my head in the elevators wall.

"Damn what now!" I screamed when suddenly someone speaks

"Well that hurt" A voice coming besides me. "E-Emperor?" I shockingly asked him. He laughed and slowly enter inside.  "What are you doing?" He asked. "It was nothing" I answered and he chuckled.

"You're so occupied that you didn't even realized that I was standing in front of you. What happen? why are you going back?" he asked.

"I don't know" I said the again brushed my hair. "Hm..Hm.." The Emperor nodded twice and looked at me. "Is there something bothering you?" he asked, I looked at him in the eyes. "Uh... You know Emperor.. I've been thinking about this.. I know in my self that I loved arshly... but I feel lost" I said.

"Why Lost?" he asked.

"I mean, I loved her but I know that I will never be the one for her cause I know... She never liked me" I explained

"To be direct. You are scared that she doesn't love you" He straightly answered me. I can only nod my head and scratched my neck.

"Then why not... Make her fall for you?" he suggested.

"HUH?---wait.. What?" I shockingly looked at him "You mean...?" I was about to tell it when he interrupt me. "You know..ahem! Im willing to let you have my bless but you can't hurt her because make her cry and you'll lose your whole clan. Understand?" he said then point his gun at my head.

As fast as I can, kneel before him..

"Oh Lord...Emperor of the north. I Livius Gray Xerxes... The next king of the xerxes country--Will never fail you!" I shouted inside the elevator and it echoes.

"Rise" The Emperor said then hold my head. "I am in ease" he said then walk out of the elevator. I pushed the button going to the basement. "Damn Way to go  Livius!!!" I shouted then walk go outside to my car.

>> Kenshly Blue Wrightes POV <<

'Love at First sight? damn youngsters..'

(Flashback... Before Emperor Meet Livius)

"Well..." all of them said in unison.

"Well what?" I asked.

"Livius...is.. um.. How can I say this?" Sir Edward stopped then brushed his hair.

"Hmm? say what?" I cluelessly asked.

'Truth is.. I already have a clue about what is happening right now..'

"Well Emperor, as one of the lowly people living in this world, we are not obligated to say this to you because this might sound rude... Still I will say this to inform you. Livius gray Xerxes is in love with the substitute Queen of England. We beg for forgiveness instead of our country's Crown prince." He explained as he bowed in front of me, the other two bowed as well.

"Raise your heads... Are you for real?" I asked.

"Yes" All of them answered. "Love? how?" I asked again then sit properly. "Love at first sight I guess?" sir benedict said.

I nodded  my head twice. "Love at first sight huh...." I murmured. I slowly stand up and walk away. "Ill be back" I Said as I leave the room leaving the three of them inside.

As I wait for the elevator an unexpected face pops out. "Oh hello there.. " I said and looked at his stiff and angry face. Xion Xrian Vigors... The Vigors country's Crowned Prince, same title with livius. "Lord--Emperor" He said and bowed to me as a respect.

I smirked as I saw a fist mark in his face.  'I bet that is Livius doing.'

"What happen?" I asked. "Someone punched me and claims that she is Arshly's husband! Emperor, brother in law tell me! who was that?! I am arshly's fiancee. How come she got her self a husband?" He said then hold both of my shoulders and shakes me. I hold him in his arm.

"Im afraid you are not" I said then put his hands away.

"What do you mean? Am more suitable for her!" He shouted.

Im slowly losing my patience "Im sorry to disappoint you but from now on your not... and please from now on Don't call  me brother in law. You hurt my sister not once but twice and the only thing I can do as a past friend of yours is forgive you... but don't ever try my patience." I said then goes out leaving him alone and suffering.

I waited for another elevator that took minutes to come.. when it opens I saw Livius smashing his head on the steel wall of the elevator.

'What the heck?'

(Flashback ends)

'Damn I wish that this is the right choice' I said in my mind and travel back to the room where I left those three visitors of mine.

>> Benedict Santos POV <<

*Sigh~* Its been 20 minutes since the emperor left and he's not yet back, same with those two idiots... Damn I wish I didn't lose that jack n'poy.

(Flashback. After Emperor Kenshly leave)

"Damn Im so bored! I want to go out." I said then stretched my arms.

"But we can't we need someone to wait here" Edward said.

'Well he's right if we all leave and the emperor came back with no one to welcome him. We are good as dead'

"Then why not let's decide this by game. The one who will lose will be waiting here" Simon suggested as he hold out his hand in front. Edward and me nodded and hold our hands out.

(Flashback ends)

"Daaaamn! I hate theem. I hate them so much! Damn them" I screamed here as I punched the pillow beside me.

"Damn who??" asked by someone. I turned around him and shouted "Youu!" in his face but I didn't expect what I saw.  "Ahehehe...Emperor hahaha. am not--yeah am sorry... I thought its Edward" I explained as I scratched my head.

'Damn am dead'

"Its fine" he said the sits on the sofa.

'Am Alivveeee!' I screamed in my mind as I seat properly facing him. I can feel my sweat droping from my forehead to my neck.

"Where's the two of them?" he asked.

As fast as I can answered "Uh.. They're---" but I was Interrupted when someone slams at the door making a loud sound. We both looked at the door and the two people exhausted standing in there.

"E-Emergency! Li.. hah.. hah" Edward said as he catch up oh his breath.

"What happen?" We both asked. Simon speaks and we never expect what he just said. "L-Livius... Livius got kidnapped!" Simon shout.

Both me and the Emperor was shocked. "What?!"

'Livius?! Holy shit. Who have guts to do that?!'

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