In the Midst of the Light~ Th...

By StefanieMorton

2.3K 337 18


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART ONE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART THREE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART FOUR
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART FIVE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART SIX
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART SEVEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART EIGHT
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART NINE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART TEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~PART ELEVEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART TWELVE
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART THIRTEEN
Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART FOURTEEN
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART TWO

55 7 0
By StefanieMorton

In the Midst of the Light



The Warlock

I always did love practicing magic in the dead of night, but there's something about using black magic in the middle of the wood, without a soul around for miles, that just makes it even better. I feel myself getting angrier, and I know it's because of the darkness. To be honest, I'm welcoming it. My powers, mixed with Logan's, Spencer's and Josie's, are unrivaled. Not even Mom is this strong, not that I've tested that theory. I just know it is.

"If Spencer is correct," Logan says from his spot over on the ground, "and he can find more people to join us, then we need to find somewhere big enough that we can gather."

I sigh. "Then figure it out, Logan. And make sure it's well hidden."

I hear Logan click his tongue against his teeth, and then he sighs. "Or we could just build a place."

I turn to look at him, and say, "I don't care if we build it, or if a safe house is already out there, just figure it out."

Logan looks me up and down for a moment. "You're crabby," he points out as he stands from the base of the tree he's sitting against. "Have you allowed the darkness to take over?"

My eyebrows scrunch together. "I thought I already had."

He shakes his head at me. "You're on edge too much, and besides, you'll know if you do."

"Have you let it take over?"

He smiles at me, raises his hands, and then two balls of fire ignite in his palms. He flattens his palms, and the fire shoots up to the sky, burning the leaves in the trees. I smile at the flames, and then look at Logan.

"How do I let it take over?" I ask as I come over to him.

Logan puts out the flames, and replies, "You just let it. At least, that's what I did."

I take a deep breath, work my neck and shoulders, and then let the breath out. I take another deep breath, close my eyes, and focus on the darkness inside me. Just like when I was connecting to my wolf when I was three, I reach out to grab the darkness. As soon as I feel it against my, metaphorical, fingertips, I feel it unleash inside me.

It wraps around me like a security blanket, squeezing me tight enough to make me cry out. My life has been filled with love and happiness from the second I was born. I've never known heartache, nor struggle. I've always done the right thing, regardless of what it cost me. But, as I lose myself to the black magic, as I'm consumed by it, I feel all that change.

I want to cause heartache and destruction. I want to punish others, even if they haven't done anything wrong. I want to make others hurt, to make them bleed. I want to kill. No longer do I care about correcting Uncle Septimus' soul. No longer do I care if Logan, my best friend, finds his peace. All I care about is creating chaos, and being remembered for more than just being Cauis and Esmerelda Heteria's youngest child who hides in the shadows.

As the darkness completely takes over, a smile forms on my lips and I slowly open my eyes. I lift my head to Logan, and say, "I am The Warlock, and I answer to no one now."

Logan takes a few steps up to me, leaving a little distance between us, and goes down on both his knees, lowering his head. He's silent for a moment, and as he lifts his head to me, he says, "And I am Zombie, named after my cracked soul that doesn't allow me to be here, nor there." He picks up a rock right next to his right leg, cuts his palm, and then lets his blood drop between my feet. He looks back up to me, and continues, "I bind myself to you, and to your word, Master Warlock."

"I don't give a single fuck, Zombie," I growl at him. "I want to create a bomb, and yes, I want to set it off in a populated area."

Zombie ticks his head from side to side while he chews on the inside of his cheek. "What kind of bomb though?"

A wicked smile pulls on my face. "One filled with the coven's powers. I don't want explosives in it. I want there to be nothing but black magic inside of it."

He sighs, stands from his chair across from my desk in our new headquarters, and then moves to look out the window that overlooks the ritual room we have yet to use. This place is far enough away that there's no way the family, or anyone else, will find it. Yet, it's close enough that if we have to, we can teleport home in an instant. Logan really did do a great job finding this place, and the renovations for it were cheap enough that no one will notice the money missing.

"It's been two months since we organized the coven, Warlock," he says as he keeps his back to me, "do you honestly believe they're ready for that?"

I run my tongue across my front teeth. "We have to test our strength somehow, Zombie."

He sighs, turns around to me, drops his head, and then nods it. "You're right," he breathes as he lifts his head. "They've all accepted the dark magic, and I can't think of another way to really test how powerful we are together. I'll get everyone to the meeting room."

"Thank you," I reply as the both of us put our robes on.

R.C., Aemilia says to me, are you busy?

I growl, work my jaw, and reply, No, why? What's up? I look at Zombie, and rush out, "Aemilia wants me for something. Address the coven, tell them what I want, and then make everyone take a blood oath." I manifest a knife and vial, cut my palm, and then position my cut over the vial's opening. When it's full, I pass it to Logan, and say, "Everyone, Zombie, everyone."

He nods his head as he takes the vial from my hand, and then I curl my fingers, leaving behind my robe and mask to go back to the cabin quickly. I run to the kitchen, just barely opening my can of soda before Aemilia is in the room. I chug the drink, needing a second to compose myself in some way before actually speaking to her.

Sometimes, I'll wonder how it is she hasn't picked up on not seeing mine and Zombie's futures anymore.

"Three months, R.C.," Aemilia whispers as she comes into the kitchen area.

I hide my smile as I pull the can away from my lips. I'm going to have to thank Keegan when I actually meet him. I now know why it is Aemilia hasn't noticed not seeing our futures. She's too focused on him.

When I turn my head to look at her, I see her working her fingers. She's about to start freaking out over Keegan again. Valerio must be busy doing something with Lexie, or else Aemilia would be with him right now. According to my sister, Valerio will mark Lexie next month. Aemilia has warned all of us, except Valerio and Lexie themselves.

I turn to my right and gather the things to make us tea. I'm not sure why, but for some reason, when I make Aemilia tea, she calms down. I don't do anything special to it. I just put water and a tea bag in it.

Once the mugs are ready, I turn around with both of them in my hands, and pass one to her. "Here, calm down," I instruct her as she snatches the cup from my hand.

"Thank you," she whispers as she puts the rim to her lips.

I sip on my tea, wishing I was the one addressing the coven right now. Testing our strength now that all thirteen members have embraced the black magic was my idea. It should be me, not Zombie and Spencer doing it. But, the family will notice me being gone more than Logan. The only upside is that Aemilia contacted me before I started the address.

"I'm worried about how Keegan will do as Second," Aemilia says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I take a deep breath, steadying myself. I've heard that Keegan will be my brother's Second since I was a baby. Honestly, it pisses me off now, unlike every other time I've heard it. Why would he not choose me? Am I not good enough to be Second? Uncle Eric was Uncle Luke's Second when Uncle Luke had a pack, so a younger brother can be Second. Why I am different?

I swallow, take another sip of my tea, and then reply, "I'm sure he'll do fine."

Aemilia sighs as she begins walking over to the kitchen table. With her back to me for a second, I make a disgusted face. I've never held any resentment towards Keegan, nor anyone else, but with embracing who I am now as The Warlock, I find myself hating everyone around me when I'm at home. My home is at my headquarters, with my coven, doing what we do best. My home is no longer at this inanely large house, with people who don't understand me anymore. Nor is it constantly having to reassure my older sister. I mean, she can see into the future for fuck's sake. She's known when, where, and how Keegan will come into her life for years.

Grow a pair, sister.

"Excuse me, Warlock," Josie says from behind me with a touch of fear in her voice. I stop writing out the spell for our test bomb, and slowly turn around to look at her, causing my robe to sway as I turn. Out of everyone in the coven, only Spencer and Josie knows what Zombie and I look like, and I intend to keep it that way. Since the coven is gathered in the ritual room right now, I have to wear my robes and mask.

"Yes, Josie?" I ask her after she doesn't say anything.

She smiles at me, and asks, "I was wondering if you considered compacting the spell. You know, making so when it detonates, the compression of it allows it to be more forceful."

I lift my chin, making the nose of my mask reach into the air. In the two and a half month since the coven was formed and each member turned to black magic, Josie has, I think, made the most progress. Her magic is actually stronger than Spencer's, but I gave her my word that her Uncle would be Third. Besides, Spencer will be putting himself in danger delivering my bombs to whatever location we decide. I've grown to care for Josie, a lot, and I don't want her in that kind of danger.

I haven't told her how I feel about her. I'm part lycanthrope, and my wolf doesn't have the connection to her that I myself feel. She's not my mate, but I want her to be. Josie is smart, quick on her feet, and the most exotic woman I've ever met. I've known her for almost three months now, and every morning when I wake up, she's my very first thought of the day. The way her wavy brown hair flows just below her ears makes my dick throb anytime she's around. Her bright, ocean blue eyes that are nearly all white always seem to go right through me, like she knows who I really am.

I have to watch what I say, and how I say it, around her at all times; even though all I want to do is let her in.

Snorting at her question, I turn back to the desk in the ritual room and continue writing out the spell. "Yes, I have considered it," I reply, trying to sound irritated at the question, "and that's what I plan on doing with it." I look over my shoulder to her, and ask, "Is there anything else?"

"No, Master," she whispers, making me hate myself for talking to her that way. Josie quickly retreats back to where the other coven members are waiting to get started.

I look over to Zombie, and he ticks his head to one side. She likes you too, he tells me.

The coven doesn't know that the two of us are half warlock and half lycanthrope. They just believe we're powerful warlocks who have casted a spell on the two of us to make it so we can speak silently to each other. I want to tell Josie the truth about what I am, but what if my wolf side disgusts her? I'm a half breed, whereas she is full blood.

I sigh, finish the spell, and then pick up the thick parchment paper from the desk. I turn around to where the alter is and smile at the man strapped to the top of it. The man's wife whimpers in the chair she's tied to right next to the alter. I will kill the man now, allowing myself to direct his life force to flow into the bomb. The woman will stay alive until it's time for the bomb to go off. Her death, once I've melted her wedding ring, along with her husband's, and put it in the spell, will trigger the bomb to go off.

"Raise the alter," I tell Spencer.

He moves his hands, and the alter levitates from the stone flooring. As the alter gets into position, I make my way over to the wife. I walk behind her, where her wrists are bound with ropes, and unclench her fist so I can get her ring off.

"Please!" She screams as she tries to clench her fist again. "Just let us go! I promise, we won't say a word! To anyone!"

"Shut up," I growl at her. I curl my fingers, forcing her hand to stay open, and then slide the white gold off her finger.

I stand back up straight just as the alter is coming to a halt vertically. Zombie is getting the husband's ring, and when he has it, he turns to me. He drops the ring in the basin at the husband's feet, steps away to stand with the coven, and dips his head to me. I walk to the basin confidently and drop the wife's ring in with it's match. I pass the paper with the spell on it to Spencer, and then turn to the husband.

"Everyone read the spell quickly. I want to get started," I tell the coven as the husband and I stare at each other. I wait a moment , and then melt the wedding rings with a flick of my fingers. I look at Spencer, and he nods his head to me. "Everyone get in position."

The coven moves as one, each of them grabbing a knife from the table. Josie passes me a knife as she comes to stand beside me, and I smile at her, even though she doesn't see it. I take a steady breath as we form a circle around the husband and wife. I bring my left arm up, and make a cut to my forearm after pulling the sleeve to my robe up. The coven follows my actions, and then as one, we start to chant the spell.

I take a step forwards, continuing to chant, and make a cut to the husband's bare chest. I make the cut deep, but not so deep it will kill him. Blood starts flowing down his body, eventually dribbling into the basin. I walk backwards to my spot, and then Zombie steps forwards, making a new cut to the husband. The coven's chants grow louder in volume, effectively cutting off the sounds from the wife.

As each member cuts the husband, the basin fills with more blood. When Josie is done making the final cut, I step back up to the husband. I bring my knife to his throat, chant louder, and then slide the blade across his flesh. I look down to the basin, and when it gets half full, I pick it up off the floor. I move to the table, the coven following me, and set the basin down as we continue to chant.

When I feel the spell seal, I stop chanting, pick the basin back up, and then pour the husband's blood and the melted wedding rings into a small wooden box. I put the lid on it, move to the wife, cut her forearm to bind her to the box, and then smear her blood over the top of the wooden box.

I sigh a small breath of relief. Creating the bomb has been easy, but the true challenge is to see if it actually works like it should. I turn to Spencer, and say, "Take the bomb to the nearest shopping mall. Let me know when it's in position so I can kill the wife."

Spencer dips his head, breathes, "Yes, Master," and then picks up the box.

Josie flicks her fingers towards her Uncle, making him disappear. I walk back over to the wife as Zombie takes the husband off the alter. I untie the wife, cover her mouth with my hand to muffle her screaming, and then look to the alter. Josie starts putting the alter back down, allowing me to put the wife on it. As Zombie and I finish tying her to the alter just like we did with her husband, the air starts to move in the room.

"It's ready, Warlock," Spencer tells me as he comes back into the room.

"Good work, Spencer." I'm about to tell someone to bring a TV in the room, but then Josie waves her hand and then a large screen is sitting on the table. "Thank you, Josie," I say to her as she turns it on to a local news station.

I wait for a commercial break, and when it finally comes, I slit the wife's throat.

One month later...

The first bomb was a complete success. Thirty-nine people died at the mall that day, but I did learn something. If I want to cause chaos and destruction, I need more human sacrifices. Since the test bomb, the coven and I have killed fifty-four humans. The last bomb, which Spencer put in the Kremlin, killed over a hundred people at once. The bombs are becoming more powerful, which is exactly what I want.

I had planned on creating another bomb tonight, but the family is having a party for Lexie and the twins graduating. According to Aemilia, tonight Valerio will mark Lexie. I honestly don't care to witness it, but if Zombie and I aren't at the party, the family will notice. At least I know that once Valerio does finally claim her, Zombie and I will be free to leave.

"Can't we just use the decoys again?" Zombie asks grumbling.

"No," I answer sharply. "We've been using them too much. We need to stay here for one night."

"Fine," he continues to grumble. "Are you ready then?"

I sigh. "I guess."

Zombie waves his hand, taking the two of us to the back patio. Upbeat music fills the area, and already I hate everything about tonight. I just want it over with.

"R.C.!" Mom exclaims when she sees me. Her long blonde hair flows behind her as she races over to me. "I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks," she says as she gives me a hug.

That's probably because you haven't actually seen me.

"I'm just in the cabin, Mom," I chuckle, trying to act normal. I unwrap my arms from around her, and continue, "If you want to see me, all you have to do is come to the cabin."

She makes a face at me. "Oh, why did you have to move so far away?"

I shake my head at her. "It's twenty miles away, Mom. You can get there," I bring my hand up, and snap my fingers, causing her to flinch a little, "just like that."

"R.C.!" Dad booms at me. "Go help Septimus bring out the cakes," he growls.

Jesus. What did I do?

I turn, giving Zombie an arched eyebrow, and then walk inside. I walk across the living room, through the dinning area, and then come into the kitchen where Aunt Hope and Uncle Septimus are trying to figure out how to carrying three cakes outside.

"I'm here to help," I tell them with fake cheerfulness, which they eat right into.

Uncle Septimus smiles at me. "Thank you, R.C."

"Not a problem," I reply with a fake smile on my face.

How stupid is my family? Really? For months now I have been something completely different, and none of them have noticed. Am I that good at hiding it? Or does no one really even pay attention?

I pick up Braelyn's cake, and then follow my Aunt and Uncle back outside.

"Time to cut the cakes!" Aemilia sings, slyly telling everyone Valerio is about to claim Lexie.

I set Braelyn's cake down on one of the tables, and then retreat next to Zombie. I shove my fists into my pockets, knowing soon Zombie and I can escape to our real world. Lexie, Brianna, and Braelyn step up to the table with the cakes on it, and I suddenly get a strong desire to be with Josie. I don't even want to say anything to her. I just want to wrap my arms around her and hold her to me. My wolf, however, doesn't like that idea.

How would Josie react if she knew the truth about me? I've never heard her say anything about hating werewolves, but she could. Even being a witch, she's heard of the Heteria family. My mother is famous across all species, and if I tell Josie my name is Remus Cyrus Heteria, who knows what could happen.

As the wind picks up, Valerio stiffens next to Mom and Dad. I blink once, and then he's suddenly spinning Lexie around. I roll my eyes as he buries his head into the crook of her neck, and then Zombie flicks his fingers towards them at the same time as Uncle Eric.

Thank you, I tell him as I try to control shaking my head.

You really should talk to Josie, he replies as the mated couples in the family start giving their mates a look.

She's not my mate. There's no future for us. Besides, if she knows I'm a Heteria, it could destroy the coven.

Zombie turns to me, and says quietly, "So make there be a future between you two. She wants you, just like you want her. Just go to her."

I take a deep breath as I scan the family. Josie may not be my mate, but I am crazy about her. I can't explain it. Anytime she's not around me, I'm always on edge. And if she is around, I get flustered. About two months ago, I was mixing together a potion for a truth serum I'm working on, and she came into my office at headquarters, and just her walking into the room made me spill the mixing bowl.

"Warlock," Zombie whispers as he inches closer to me, "go to her."

I lock my jaw as Mom and Dad clean up Lexie's cake. I swallow, look at Zombie, and tell him, "Cover for me."

He nods his head as I curl my fingers still in my pocket, taking myself to headquarters. I don't know what the hell I'm thinking. Even with Valerio and Lexie gone to complete their mating, it's still Brianna and Braelyn's graduation party too. I don't really care for either of them, but Braelyn I can still tolerate a little at least. Brianna is just so, nice; and it sickens me sometimes. Braelyn can hang out with Zombie and I and not get on my last nerve. I always make sure to stay at family functions long enough to seem normal, but I wasn't even on the patio for more than five minutes before I vanished.

Zombie better come up with a good excuse for me.

Like always, my real home appears empty as I enter the main hall. First thing Zombie and I did after renovations were complete, and we were able to actually use the fortress, was put a spell in place that makes it seem no one is here. It's an illusion spell of sorts, and highly effective. There are times it works so well that Spencer can pass right by me and not see me.

I make my way down the short entrance hall, curl my fingers to put my robe and mask on, and make a left turn at the fork. I have no idea what I'm going to say to Josie. I just know that if I don't tell her she means something to me, of which I'm not even sure of yet, then I'm going to have to create a spell to make this feeling go away. I turn another corner, open the door, and walk into the coven's living quarters.

Alec, Tonny, Adrian and Josie stand from their desks, dipping their heads to me. Jessie stays in her seat, scribbling furiously. Alec overly exaggerates clearing his throat, making Jessie jump up from her chair. Each of them has a look of fear in their eyes, expect Josie; who is all I can look at.

I take a deep breath, swallow, and ask, "Josie, would you come with me?"

She looks at Alec and Adrian before nodding. I turn to go back out of the living quarters when she starts walking towards me, and instantly my hands become sweaty and shaky. Am I really about to tell her who I am? Was Zombie right in making me come to her? This is going to end in disaster.

Josie walks just a few steps behind me, like everyone else in the coven, as we make our way to my office. I don't want her to be a few steps behind me. I want her next to me. As I wave my hand to unlock my office, I swallow hard. The door opens by itself, and I side step to let Josie walk in first. She smiles at me, walks passed me, and as I follow after her, I take a deep breath.

"What can I do for you, Warlock?" She asks once the door is closed.

I curl my fingers, taking my robe and mask off. Her outstanding blue eyes widen significantly. She's only seen me once without my mask on, and that was when we met. Out of all my other coven members, Josie is the only one who I feel like I actually know and can somewhat be myself around, besides Zombie of course. I know what kind of food she likes, who her favorite musician is, and even how she prefers to sleep. I don't know any other coven member that well.

But maybe she's not ready to hear what I have to say. Ever since I embraced the black magic, I've done everything in baby steps, just making sure everything stays as it should. Telling Josie the truth is definitely not baby steps.

"I want to talk to you," I reply, making sure to sound confident, "and I felt face to face would be best."

Her thin eyebrows knot together, but she nods her head. "Of course, Warlock. What do you need to talk to me about?"

I take a deep breath through my nose, square my shoulders, and say, "What I'm about to tell you is going to shock you, but know," I take a step towards her, which she doesn't step away from, "just because of who I am, that doesn't change how I feel about you."

Her breathing hitches as her lips part, causing her bottom lip to tremble. "What are you talking about?"

I smile at her, causing her eyes to widen even more. I don't think I've ever smiled in front of her without my mask on. "My name is Remus Cyrus Heteria."

Her mouth completely falls open, and I'm pretty sure she stops breathing for a moment. We stare at each other as she tries to make sense of any of it. After a minute, her nose wrinkles and her eyes turn hard as she starts looking me up and down.

"Heteria?" She snarls, making it sound disgusting. "You're Esmerelda's youngest son?" Her face turns even more horrified before she scoffs and pushes passed me. Just as she's getting to the door, I keep my back to her as she says, "I won't tell the coven who you really are, R.C., but I can't be involved with," she pauses, "someone like you."

Someone like me? Those words cut deeper than I thought possible.

Thanks for reading!


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