Please Stay With Me (Minecraf...

Honorchior által

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"Welcome to another day at Daycare!" From shipping #Tyan to making plans to go through the portal when the sp... Több

Ryan x Tina
Goldy x Unicorn_Mann
Cookie's Plan
Psychotic Tina (Tina X Ryan)
When You Go Through The Portal (Tony x Kat)
Holiday Time!
Yandere Ryan? (Ryan? x Tina)
My Fear - Goldy
Birthday Cake
My Fear - Ryan
My Fear - Unicorn Mann
My Fear - Tina
My Fear - Explanation
Can We Discusss the Elephant in the Room?
Lizzie's Book
Goldyrella (Kinda Goldycorn And Tyan?)
Tea Party (Tyan)
Sabre's War
Slumber Party (Goldycorn, Kony, and Tyan)
Derp's Quest (Origin Story)
Happy 2019!!! (Tyan And Goldycorn)
It Was Just a Dare (Tyan*)
Snuggles (Tyan)
Comic and •Author Note•
Visits | Part 1 (Juke)
Visits | Part 2 (Juke)
What's The Catch (Gina)
Gender Swap?! (Tyan)
It's Not Like I Like You! (AU Gender Bent Tyan)
Cupcakes (Rash)
When It's All My Fault (GoldyCorn)
The Clock
100 Vote Special! (Thank You Guys So Much!!)
"Someday" (Goldycorn)
The Broken (New Story Announcment!)
Tea?! (Rash)
The New Knife Squad (Tyan)
Friend Zoned (Comic!)
Best Friends (FavreMyRyan)
Another Text Chat Story
Oblivious (A Dragons Story) (Important Author Note!)
Lizzie's Guide To Taking Exams
WAR!!!!! (With 5 Exclamation Marks For Your Enjoyment) | Part 1
The Author Breaks Everything | Part 2
The Author's Dice Are Broken | Part 3
Death Knows Your Name | Divines (Asher)
50 Chapter Special! [Comic Take 3]
I Didn't Mean To Hurt You (Asher)
Best Friends = Revenge Buddies
Updates and Important Info
Minecraft Daycare: Here We Go Again | Teaser (Part 1/3)
Minecraft Daycare: Here We Go Again | Teaser (Part 2/3)
Minecraft Daycare: Here We Go Again | Teaser (Part 3/3)
Skydiving (Tyan)
Left Brain, Right Brain: Tina Edition
Tyan With Hats
Incorrect Dragons Quotes
Tyan With Hats Part 2
Yes, Police Officer? (Tyan)
Hold Me When I'm Scared (Gina)
Tyan With Hats Part 3
The Call of the Ants
Betrayal (Tina Centered With Goldycorn?)
Tyan With Hats Part 4
Cliche (Goldy Centered With Tyan?)
Tyan With Hats Part 5
The Curse
Incorrect Daycare Quotes
Tyan with Hats Part 6
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 2)
Tyan with Hats Part 7
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 3)
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 4)
Tyan with Hats Part 8
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 5)
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 6)
Tyan with Hats Part 9
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 7)
Incorrect Life Quotes
Minecraft Life Season 3? Thoughts and Reviews
Incorrect LIFE Quotes (Part 2)
Tyan with Hats Part 10
Incorrect LIFE Quotes (Part 3)
Tyan with Hats Part 11
Dear Diary
1000 Votes?! Are you ready for your reward?
The Royal Bachelorette Party (Goldycorn with a hint of Tyan)
We Should Get Married (Platonically) - (Gina)

A Very Marvelous Day | Spider-Man Crossover?!

473 15 21
Honorchior által

"Alright, Peter, just sit still."

"Alright Mr. Stark!"

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Test: "How does Spider Sense Work?" Trial 17. Initiate!"

"Right away, sir."

"How you doing Peter?"

"Uhhh I feel weird..."

"Weird as in-?"

"Sir! Something has gone wrong!"

"What's going on F.R.I.D.A.Y.?"

"I'm not sure."

"Stop the test!"

"It's too late to stop it, sir!"

"Mr. Stark? What's going on."

"Peter! Take the headset off!"


Cough cough cough cough.


"Mr. Stark? I feel weird..."

"Oh. My. Gosh..."

"I don't think that went as intended, sir."

"No F.R.I.D.A.Y., that did not go as intended."


"Welcome to another day at Daycare!!!" Ryan calls out.

"Uhh excuse me!" A voice says from behind him. Ryan turns around to see a tall man in sun glasses holding the hand of a young boy about Ryan's age, maybe five or six in age.

"Hello!" Ryan waves. "Can I help you?"

"Uhh yeah... My name is Tony and this is my... Nephew! Yeah! Nephew... I'm really busy today, and I know it is short notice, but does this Daycare accept one day kids.

"Yeah. All the time." Ryan nods. The man looked familiar to Ryan somehow, but he couldn't quite place it.

"How do I get him signed up?" The man asked.

"I can just let everyone know, it should be fine." Ryan shrugged.

"Uhh Alright." The man crouched down and got eye level with the other boy. "I know this feels stupid and stuff, but I can't have people asking why I have a six-year-old around the lab. I'll find a cure by the time you have to go see May, Alright? Please just behave."

"I will. Don't worry." The kid nodded. "But you owe me big." He huffed.

"Yeah, yeah... I know... We will discuss this when we get you back to your normal self, okay?"

"Okay." The kid agreed.

"Alright. You have your phone, right?" The kid nodded again. "Okay, if it is too crazy or something goes terribly wrong, let me know and I'll be here in five minutes. You'll do fine." The man ruffled the kid's hair, then stood up. "Alright, cool. Let whoever's in charge know I'll pay for his stay when I get back."

Ryan just shrugged. "Okay." Adults tend to not understand how a kid like him would be in charge anyways, so he didn't try and correct the man.

"You'll be fine." The man squeezed the kid's shoulder reassuringly.

"I know. I also know that you'll be fine."

"Bye Peter." The man waved.

"Bye!!" The kid waved back.

Ryan walked up to the boy. "Hi, my name is Ryan, what is your name?"

"I'm Peter."

"Nice to meet you, Peter, come inside, I'll show you around and introduce you to everybody."

"Sure." The boy shrugged.

The two walked inside and went up the stairs. "Hiiiii everybody!!!!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Cutie!" Tina cheered, hugging him, before noticing the new kid. "Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Peter. He's going to be hanging out with us today." Ryan introduced.

"Hi Peter! My name is Tina. This is Kat, Tony, Cookie, Derp, Pup, Dave, Danny, Lizzie, and Goldy." Tina introduced.

"Hi!" Everyone greeted.

"You have a dog?" Peter asked.

"He's very nice." Tina nodded.

"Unicorn Mann is down in his basement. UNICORN!!!" Ryan yelled.

"Coming!!!" Unicorn shouted. Soon he was at the top of the stairs. "What's up?"

"This is Peter. He's hanging out with us today." Ryan explained.

"Oh hi."

"Do you like super heroes?" Peter asked, looking at Unicorn's outfit.

"I AM a super hero!" Unicorn bragged.

"I've never seen a Unicorn super hero before..." Peter trailed off.

"Just because everyone knows about the Avengers, doesn't mean they are the only super heroes out there..." Unicorn shook his head. Peter nodded as if he understood.

"Wait..." Ryan trailed off. "That guy who dropped you off... What was his name... Tony?"

"Uhhh...." Peter seemed suddenly flustered. "What do you guys do around here?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Oh! We go though the portal and play games!" Goldy exclaimed.

"The-the portal?" Peter asked.

"Come on! I'll show you!" Goldy exclaimed, grabbing Peter by his arm and dragging him over to the portal. "Come on guys! In three! Two! One! Go!!!!"


"Ahhhh!!!" Peter screamed as he felt his organs go all crazy inside of him. If he had gone though the portal before the spider bite, he would have likely released the contents of his stomach on the pavement, but his enhanced abilities enabled him to not make a total fool of himself.

"What the heck?" He asked, looking around. "Where are we?"

"The amusement park!" Goldy exclaimed.

"Goldy... You shouldn't have just pulled him though like that..." Unicorn Mann shook his head.

"Sorry..." Goldy sighed.

"How does that work?" Peter asked. "That does not obey the laws of physics..." Peter felt like a lot of things weren't obeying the laws of physics lately.

"We don't really know how it works, just that it does." Ryan shrugged.

"I tried to understand it... It doesn't work like that..." Unicorn shrugged.

"It's best to try not to understand it, and to just go with it." Tina told Peter.

"But... Like... What?!"

"Let's go on a roller coaster!" Goldy suddenly exclaimed, running off.

"Goldy!" Unicorn Mann exclaimed. "Wait for us!"

"We should probably go after her..." Ryan sighed. "Come on, Peter, let's go!"

Everyone followed Goldy as she ran off toward the roller coaster.

The line was nonexistent, which Peter though weird as it was the weekend, but nonetheless, they got on the roller coaster. Unicorn and Goldy sat in the front, with Ryan, Tina, and Peter in the second row.

As soon as the coaster started to move, Peter's Spider Senses started going crazy. Tina must have noticed that he was uncomfortable, because she asked if he had been on a roller coaster before.

"I have... I just am not a fan of heights, and I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Oh..." Tina nodded. "Don't worry, we will be fine." Tina shrugged, but Peter's Spider Senses we're telling him otherwise.

He looked around vigorously for some sort of danger, a loose bolt, a rusty track, a broken plank, anything, and though he saw nothing, his Senses continued to get crazier and crazier.

Up to this point the hills were short and not too scary, but suddenly they were going up a very tall hill, and Peter was having a tiny panic attack, his Senses were not making this any easier.

And then they stopped.

At the top.

"Uhhh what's going on?" Goldy asked, suddenly very disappointed.

Peter was trying to control his breath.


Peter was freaking out. His Spider Senses were off the hook and he was less than half his normal size, so he knew his suit wouldn't fit. Even if it did, he couldn't change into it in front of these kids he just met. That would give away his identity!

"UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL OF YOU ON THE RIDES ARE HOSTAGES UNTIL THE POLICE GIVE US WHAT WE WANT!" The speaker boomed. Peter slowly pulled out his phone and texted his mentor "Help!!!!" With his location. This was going to be fun to explain...

"Hey, Unicorn?" Tina asked.


Tina felt pretty good about herself right now. They were up pretty high, sure, and they were hostages now, which kinda sucks, but these idiots didn't realize who they were messing with. A Yandere, a PVP genius, a super hero, and a reckless and oblivious idiot. Oh and Peter... Right... He was there too, and he was freaking out.

"Hey, Unicorn?" Tina asked.


"Can you get us down please?"

"Yeah, sure."

Tina watched as Unicorn used his wish magic to poof the five down to the ground.

Peter's eyes grew wide when he realized where he was.

"See, he's a super hero." Goldy laughed. Peter just nodded in reply, clearly too confused to do anything else.

"We should probably go stop whoever's doing this." Tina suggested. Peter looked at them in horror.

"But you guys are like six!"

"And Scarlet Witch was like 14 when she became an Avenger. Age doesn't matter." Tina pointed out.

"That's still more than twice your guy's ages!"

Tina shrugged and pulled out her lightsaber. "Stay here then..."

And the four ran off together.

"Should we really leave him on his own?" Goldy asked as they ran.

"He's safer away from the danger..." Tina pointed out.

"True." Unicorn nodded.

"Let's get this guy."


Peter's phone was ringing.

"I would ask how you got there, but I need to know what to expect when I arrive in 30 seconds."

"Hostage situation on multiple rides, crazy dude trying to get money from the police, and four six-year-olds trying to stop him. Oh one of the girls has a lightsaber from Star Wars and one of the boys has super powers..."

"I send you to Daycare ONE TIME!"

"I didn't mean to get in trouble!"

"Yeah Yeah Yeah... Just stay out of the way."


"Hey you!" Unicorn exclaims. "Let go of the hostages and walk away now, or I'll release my Tiger-Friend on you."

"Children? Where are your parents. You shouldn't get involved in things you don't understand..." The man laughs.

"We understandthat you are a bad guy, and are gonna go to jail." Ryan scoffed.

"The Avengers really are getting children to think they are invincible." The man muttered under his breath.

"But we are..." Goldy questioned. "We have God mode..."

"I don't know what that means, but you should leave before you get hurt." The man told them.

Tina pulled out her lightsaber.

"What the heck?!" The man exclaimed, stumbling backwards.

Together, the four kids worked together, Unicorn using his powers, Ryan using a gun, and Tina her lightsaber (Goldy Just cheered them on from the sidelines), to get the man cornered.

There was a loud crash behind the kids as the roof was smashed through.

The kids turned around, careful not to let the man escape.

"Iron Man?!" Tina exclaimed.

"Tony Stark..." Unicorn said breathlessly.

"Wait... Tony Stark? THAT'S why he looked so familiar..." Ryan realized.

"Uhhh. Hello children." Iron Man greeted, shocked to see these six-year-olds seemed to have everything under control.

"This isn't what I signed up for." The man gasped before fainting.

"It's safe to come in!" Iron Man called out.

Around a dozen cops came in and put the passed out man in hand cuffs and dragged him out. "Please follow me, kids." Iron Man said, leading the kids out of the control room. Some employees entered as they left to get everyone off of the rides safely.

Iron Man walked the kids back over to Peter, and his suit retracted back into his glowing core thingy as they walked.


"You guys are okay!" Peter exclaimed, running over to meet them as soon as he had spotted them.

"Yep, we are fine, kid." Mr. Stark greeted. "Though these kids had it under control by the time I got there." He admitted.

"How... How does the lightsaber work?" Peter suddenly asked Tina, who was still holding her lightsaber in hand.

"Not sure. I just got it from magic mode." Tina shrugged.

"M-magic mode?" Peter asked.

Tina just nodded.

"Uhh right... Peter I should probably get you home..."

"So wait. You guys are like related?" Ryan asked.

"Uhhh Yeah. Family friend." Mr. Stark excused.

"Okay." Ryan shrugged.

"Do you guys need a ride back to your Daycare?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Nah, we've got it." Goldy shrugged. "Bye Peter, it was nice to meet you!"

"Thanks guys. Bye!" Peter waved.

The Iron Man suit formed around Mr. Stark as he picked Peter up. Peter latched on in shock as they flew off, he wasn't expecting to go home via suit.

"So... How did you get there?" Mr. Stark questioned.

"They have some sort of teleported in their Daycare." Peter explained. "It nearly made me throw up..." He confessed.

"It isn't the first time we've encountered some form of teleportation."

"That's true." Peter shrugged. "Did you make a cure?"

"Yeah, no need to worry. I think I figured out what happened so this doesn't happen again."

"Oh thank God." Peter sighed in relief.

Mr. Stark laughed at Peter's evident ease. "Let's try not to send you to Daycare again, Alright?"

"Sounds good to me." Peter paused. "Uhhh... Do you think we could go get ice cream after this? I don't know why but I feel like I'm suppose to go get ice cream or something..."

"Daycare tends to have that effect. Yeah let's get ice cream." Mr. Stark nodded in agreement.


"So... Iron Man's nephew?" Tina asked.

"I guess so..." Ryan shrugged.

"It's not the weirdest person we've had come to the Daycare." Goldy pointed out. "Remember the Paul's?"

"How could we forget?" Unicorn laughed.

"Let's go home." Tina suggested.

"Alright! Back though the portal in three... Two... One... Go!!!!" Goldy commanded.



"I'm gonna go home." Ryan resolved. "Wanna go watch The Flash with me, Tina?"

"Sure, cutie!" Tina cheered.

"Bye everyone!" The two waved.

"Bye Ryan! Bye Tina!" Everyone exclaimed.

"And that was another day at Daycare!!!" Ryan called out.

Hey guys! Guess what?! Today, May 19, is my birthday! I'm really excited as I've turned 17. You know what I noticed though, I didn't do anything for Janet or Ash's birthdays, and Luke's is coming up soon if I recall correctly, so look out for more birthday specials in the coming future! Anyways guys, I hope you've enjoyed this little crossover. I've wanted to write a Marvel-inspired story for awhile, but I didn't want to start another One Shot book, so I just made a crossover. I hope you have all enjoyed! Anyways, see you later Marvel Fans! Peace!

And yes, this was a birthday gift to myself.

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