Southern Saturday Nights ✔️

By hallonn23

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Allyson Reed shapes her life to make her parents proud, but whenever she's with Daxson Winters, the star wide... More

Author's Note
1 | Hometowns
2 | A Chance Encounter
3 | Put A Little Party In It
4 | The First Game
5 | Friend-Zoned
6 | Troy's
7 | A Little Color
8 | Number One Fan
9 | Daxson's Secret
10 | Therapy Session
11 | Crossing The Line
13 | Take Back Home Girl
14 | Good News
15 | Trapped
16 | The Truth
17 | Bffs and Ice cream
18 | Christmas Cheer
19 | Making Amends
20 | Now or Never
21 | Together We Stand
22 | A Family Divided
Optional | Epilogue

12 | Meeting His Momma

1.2K 64 31
By hallonn23

When Daxson held my face between his hands, it felt like he was untying all of my knots. They dropped to grasp at my waist as his lips moved with mine in an intoxicating dance. Daxson pinned me between the hard wood of the barn wall and his muscular body, so hard my free hand had to cling to his neck. I've never wanted to be as close to someone as I wanted to be to Daxson. Thread by thread he'd unraveled every piece of me, allowing my emotions to bubble to the surface.

Our ragged breathing mingled in the small space between our lips when he broke the kiss. His nose brushed against mine like he wanted to kiss me again, but he hesitated. My eyes fluttered open in time to see his palm slam against the wood beside my head. While I couldn't even put my happiness into words, Daxson seemed to be going through another one of his mood swings. His shoulders tightened as he stepped away from me.

"Daxson, what's wrong?" My fingers spread across his forearm, wanting to pull him back to me.

He turned to face me, but there was a glint of sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

My eyebrows crashed together. "Sorry for what? For kissing me?"

Why couldn't he see my happiness?

"Yes. I allowed myself to get lost in the moment. I didn't even think about the consequences." A heavy sigh escaped him as he glanced off into the darkness.

My hand fell from his forearm and I tightened both hands around the hoodie he gave me. "Consequences?"

He folded his arms across his chest. "We're both still healing, Ally. I didn't think about how this would affect us... It really just complicates things. I was thinking about myself in the moment, and not about my family. It was selfish."

My heart ached at the mention of his family's struggles. It would be hard for them to trust someone like me, and for good reason. I still hadn't been completely honest with Daxson either, but after our kiss the desire to be with him was stronger than ever. It was something I wanted to feel again, over and over.

"I'm selfish too."

"What do you mean?" He questioned as his golden eyes focused on me.

I stepped forward until I was directly in front of him. "I'm selfish because I want you, too. No matter the trials and tribulations we might face, I want you. Since day one, you've been by my side and helped me grow into the person I am today. Daxson, you've helped me finally find myself. If I lost you now, it'd be like losing a piece of me." My fingers trailed along his cheek, enjoying the small sparks of static between our skin.

"I'm scared of how you make me feel." His tone was softer than normal as he lifted his hand to touch my cheek in return.

I smiled and leaned into his hand. "I'm scared too, Dax, but I want to try. I'm ready to try."

Daxson's handsome smile returned to his face and threatened to melt me into a puddle at his feet. I glanced away from him, but he pulled me against his chest. His nose tickled my ear. I let out a tiny gasp and squirmed uncomfortably. I'd never been so intimately handled, but I enjoyed it. His lips softly grazed my neck, forcing a flush to my cheeks. I summoned enough courage to meet his gaze. Daxson's golden eyes sparkled. He's trying to make me feel like this.

I tilted my head to kiss him again when Madison and Camila appeared around the corner of the barn. Daxson and I stepped far enough away from each to avoid any questions from my nosey friends, but stayed close enough to feel the strange static between us.

"There you guys are," Camila whispered, unable to hide the curiosity glistening in her brown eyes. "Everything good?"

Madison rushed over to me and grabbed my arm. "Allyson, should I be worried if Keith hasn't messaged me yet? I've never done a long distance relationship before. I'm freaking out a little bit."

"Everything's great," Daxson replied with a smile. "I've got to go get my jacket back from Thea. I'll meet you ladies at the truck in five. I've got to turn in early because tomorrow's game day." Daxson's eyes met mine before he strolled past Camila.

I didn't want him to leave, but I was comforted by how our talk ended. My attention turned to Madison, who scrolled through her phone at an accelerated rate.

"Just take a few deep breaths. It's a long flight to California. I'm sure he will respond when he can," I assured her.

Madison took a couple of deep breaths before shoving her phone into her pocket. "You're right. I'm being that obsessive girlfriend." She fanned her hands in front of her face. "I've never felt like this before."

"It happens." I smiled at Madison. "It means you've got something good."

Camila stepped closer to us. "Uh, are you not curious as to who this Thea girl is that Daxson loaned his jacket to?"

I shrugged my shoulders with a smile. "Not really."

Madison raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"Because I know he's not interested in her." I flipped my dark hair over my shoulder with a smirk.

Camila's eyes widened. "Something happened, didn't it?"

I nodded as Madison squealed in my ear.

"Tell us," Madison begged and grabbed my hand.

I shrugged. "It's really not a big deal. We just kissed."

It sounded strange to say it out loud.

"Oh my god. You kissed Daxson Winters." Madison released my wrists and clapped her hands together. "Finally."

Camilla nodded with a big smile. "It's about time. You two were driving me crazy."

I laughed and stared at them incredulously. "How about you two stay out of my relationship business?"

Madison grinned. "How was it?"

"I'm not telling you."

Camila rolled her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips. "Do you want to kiss him again?"

I pretended to zip my lips. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell."

Madison sighed and pushed her bottom lip out. "But I want to know all the details."

"Just know I'm happy." I gave her a warm smile.

Camila's eyes landed on the hoodie in my hands. "What's that?"

I smiled as I pulled the hoodie over my head. "A gift." My hands ran along the picture of the horse on the front of the hoodie.

"I'm so happy for you." Camila smiled before grabbing onto my arm.

"I'm happy for you too," Madison added as she grabbed the other.

I let the happiness soak right into my bones. For the first time in forever, there were no expectations to meet and no schedules to follow. My mind and body relaxed as my two best-friends sandwiched me between them. They chatted along about the festival as we approached Daxson's truck.

My heart leapt against my rib cage when I saw him leaning against the tailgate with a bright smile on his face. His jacket collar was flared out around his neck as he pulled his hands from his pockets. Once we got close to him, Madison and Camila giggled and released my arms. They continued around to the side of the truck to pile into the backseat.

"It seems like it didn't stay a secret very long." Daxson's eyes followed them as they climbed into the truck.

I shrugged with a small smile. "They're detectives. What can I say?"

Daxson laughed and followed me to the passenger's side of the truck. "You look beautiful in your hoodie." His golden eyes studied me as he pulled the door open.

"Thanks, Dax." I stretched to give him a peck on the lips before climbing into the seat of the truck.

He closed the door and made his way to the driver's side.

"So stinking cute," Madison whispered from the backseat.

I shot her a glare over my shoulder as Daxson slid into the driver's seat and started the truck. She rolled her eyes and whispered something to Camila. The ride back to the residence hall was quiet except for the radio playing in the background. Daxson's fingers were interlaced with mine on the console.

He parked the truck in front of the residence hall and relaxed into his seat. I rolled down the window as Madison and Camila crawled out of the backseat and stood outside the truck.

"We'll give you a few minutes," Madison said with a smile.

Camila nodded. "See you in the room."

I waved at them as they hurried inside the front doors of the residence hall.

Daxson leaned against the inside of the truck door. "You've surrounded yourself with some good friends."

"I got lucky. Camila's original roommate backed out at the last minute and we got stuck together. We bonded over our love of God and reading. We just had a lot in common." I shrugged. "And Madison and I met at orientation. I thought she hated me at first, but she just was having a bad day. Apparently right before orientation started, her mother had called to tell her about her brother going back to prison. I pulled some of my jokes from The Office out which made her laugh. We've been pretty close since then."

"I got lucky too. My Momma always told me you make your best-friends in college. I didn't realize how right she would be. The guys on the team have become more like my brothers." Daxson shifted his weight in his seat.

I smiled as I placed my hand on the door handle. "I've always heard playing a sport is really rewarding. You really get a chance to build a bond with your teammates, especially for you at the collegiate level. I only did cheer in high school, but I didn't get along with all the girls on the team."

The corners of Daxson's mouth curved into a smirk as he leaned across the console. "I would've loved to have you cheer for me."

"Oh, really? Would it be because of my cheering ability or the short skirt?" I raised an eyebrow.

Daxson chuckled and grinned like he knew he could win our battle to see who could make the other uncomfortable. "Definitely the actual cheering. I love to hear you say my name."

I had every intention of pushing Daxson further until his words lit an inferno inside my body that was concentrated between my legs. The acceleration of my heart-rate had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with what my body really wanted. I glanced away from him to hide the intense reaction until he touched my hand.

He urged me to look back to him. "Can I ask for a favor?"

Curiosity got the better of me. I leaned on the console so that our faces were inches from each other. "Of course. I'd do anything for you."

Daxson lifted his hand to touch my cheek. "Will you come stay with me tonight? It'll be easier for you to meet my family when they get here in the morning."

The flush of red rushed to my cheeks before I could stop it. I glanced away from him as I fidgeted with the bottom of my hoodie. "I guess I can, but..."

He used his fingertips to force me to look at him again. "But what?"

"I've never stayed over at a guy's house or anything. I know, I'm lame." I brushed my hair behind my ears.

Daxson laughed and shook his head. "You're not lame, Ally. Innocent maybe, but not lame. Don't worry, you'll be staying with me. You've already stayed out with me one time before. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you."

A piece of me was terrified to stay the night with him. There were a million things that could go wrong, but it was Daxson. A million things could go right. This was another chance to step out of my comfort zone.

"Fine, but I need to go pack my stuff."

Daxson leaned forward to kiss my forehead. "Do you want to go alone or do you want me to come with you?"

I smiled at him as I slid from the truck. "I'm a big girl. I'll be fine." I slammed the door shut and headed toward the residence hall.

After packing a small duffle bag full of clothes and squealing in excitement with Camila, I hurried back to his truck with a skip in my step. I climbed into the front seat and tossed the bag over my shoulder into the back. Daxson started the truck and it roared to life.

"Alright, I'm ready." I relaxed into the front seat and let out a quiet sigh.

Daxson pulled away from the residence hall and glanced at me. "Are you okay? You didn't have to come if you didn't want too. I don't want to pressure you to do anything."

"No, no I want too. I'm actually nervous about meeting your family in the morning. After everything that's happened, I just wonder if they'll like me."

Daxson's knuckles tightened on the steering wheel. "I'm not worried about my siblings. They love everyone who treats them right. My mother is a different story though. This will be a challenge for her. She's been angry for a while, but I'm hoping that if she sees me moving on, she'll be able to move on as well. Dr. Hawthorn taught me that you that you can't hold onto the past forever. Your scars show where you've been, but they don't dictate where you're going."

I nodded. "Dr. Hawthorn has some really good advice."

Daxson laughed. "That's why I've stuck with him for so long."

"I'm still going to be on my best behavior tomorrow," I replied.

My mother always taught me a first appearance was everything.

Daxson shook his head. "Just be you, Ally. If she likes you, that's great. If she can't find it in her heart to forgive, then it'll still be fine. We're in this together." He interlaced our fingers on the console.

I stared at our hands. Why did he always make me feel so damn good? When I was with Daxson, all my fears and anxiety disappeared. Somehow, he had a way of making everything okay.

When the truck slowed, I tore my eyes away from our hands to look at the apartment complex with tall, brown buildings. They were positioned in a circle around a small man-made pond with a fountain in the middle. Bright lights aimed at the fountain reflected off the water droplets and revealed tiny rainbows across the water. He pulled into a parking spot in front of the last building in the complex and turned the truck off. Grabbing my bag from the back, he slipped from the truck walked around the hood. I closed my door and met him in front of the truck.

"Now, I know the entrance was quite grand, but don't expect anything glamorous inside," Daxson said as I followed him up the sidewalk to his door.

"I'm expecting tile floors and marble countertops. Maybe even a chandelier." I grinned.

Daxson chuckled as he unlocked the door. "You're going to be very disappointed." He pushed the door open.

I stepped inside as he flicked the lights on. His place was clean and modern, but he was right when he said it wasn't anything glamorous. It looked like any other broke college student's apartment. Not a single piece of his furniture matched. In reality, it looked like each person in his family had given him a piece of hand-me-down furniture to fill his small living space.

Daxson walked past me to set my bag down on a large green sectional couch. "I can sleep on the couch if you want to take the bed."

The green couch was worn out in certain spots, but it still looked comfortable.

"No, you have a game tomorrow. You need all your rest. I'll sleep on the couch. I just need a pillow and a blanket." I hopped over to him and fell onto the couch with a soft thud.

"Are you sure?" He questioned, walking over to retrieve a pillow and a blanket from a small side closet.

"I'm positive. Don't worry about me." I smiled as I took the items from him.

He let out a soft sigh. "If you say so. Do you need anything before I head to my room?"

"Nope, I'm fine. Go get some sleep, Dax. I'll see you in the morning."

"Sweet dreams, Ally." He placed a sweet kiss against my forehead and flicked off the light before disappearing around the corner.

Tossing the blanket over my toes, I settled into the couch in complete darkness. It didn't take much for me to fall asleep, and I slept well until rays of light warmed my face. I turned on the couch until I looked like a contortionist as I tried to evade the bright rays of sunlight pouring through the window.

The sizzle of grease in a pan and the smell of bacon forced me to open my eyes. Metal pans clanging together made me smile. I had no idea that Daxson could cook. With a yawn, I crawled from the couch and ran my hands through my hair.

"Daxson?" I called as I rounded the corner into the kitchen.

He stood with the blonde tips of his curls sticking in every direction in front of the stove and flipped a few pieces of bacon in a pan. He looked relaxed in a gray t-shirt which fit snuggly to the muscular curvature of his body.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." He took a sip from a sport's drink beside him.

The spread of food on the table caught my attention. Freshly made chocolate chip pancakes accompanied eggs and sausage. My stomach growled in response.

"Good morning. You're up early preparing a feast," I mumbled, folding my arms across my chest.

"My family will be here soon. They love a good breakfast." He flashed his white smile as he glanced at me.

Oh, shit. I had totally forgotten I'd be meeting his family today.

The food no longer looked inviting as my stomach churned uneasily and my head buzzed with possibilities. My fingers ran along the hem on the sleeve of my t-shirt.

"Then, I really need to get ready." I left his side to return to the couch.

After grabbing my bag and a change of clothes, I wandered down the only hallway in the apartment until I found the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror and tapped my fingers along the edge of the sink. Like hail on a glass pane, the drumming of my fingers was as relentless as it was loud. This important game day would either see another hard-fought win or a bitter loss for the Tide, but for me it could be just game one of a series. There was a big chance Daxson's mother wouldn't like me. I set my small, purple make-up bag on the counter and rummaged through it. I didn't want to ruin the one time he got to see her. What would we do if she didn't want anything to do with me? I applied my base as I inhaled a few deep breaths.

My lungs constricted when a loud knock echoed through the apartment. They're here. I didn't have any more time to panic. Voices chattered excitedly in the distance. I steadied my hand to draw on my last line of dark eyeliner beneath my eye. My hands fumbled with my clothes as I changed into Daxson's jersey and some black skinny jeans. I piled the last of my stuff back into my bag and pushed it into the corner of the bathroom. Breathe, Allyson.

"Ally? You ready?" Daxson's voice was soft on the other side of the door, but I could sense a bit of nervousness.

I pulled the door open and smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm ready. Are you?"

"About as ready as I can be. Hey, once again, we're in this together." He tilted his head to press his lips to mine.

My hands rested against his toned stomach and grasped his shirt. The kiss was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. After I broke the kiss, a smile formed upon my lips.

"Lead the way," I said, tucking my thick curls behind my ears.

Daxson interlaced our fingers and took a deep breath before leading me down the hallway. The anxiety reminded me of the time I got attacked by a nest of fire ants. It crawled across my skin and left my breathing uneven. When we entered the kitchen, Daxson's two brothers were standing by the table and piling their plates.

"Demarcus, Malik, where'd Momma go?" Daxson asked.

The boy's eyes flew from the food to their brother before settling on me. Daxson's brothers were almost spitting images of a younger Daxson. They were both tall and lanky with the same caramel colored skin. Neither one of them had grown facial hair yet, but the hair on their heads was the same dark color.

"She took Alexis out to the car. She forgot her phone or something," the younger-looking brother replied as he sat in one of the chairs at the table.

"Who's your friend?" The other brother asked, picking up one of his pancakes with his hand.

"Demarcus, show some manners." Daxson threw a roll of paper towels at him. "Use a damn fork."

Demarcus dodged the paper towels so they landed on the counter behind him. "My bad, big bro." He set his plate down and searched the drawers for a fork.

"I'm Allyson," I replied with a smile.

Malik glanced up from his spot at the table with a smirk on his face. "You just couldn't stay away from the white girls, huh, Dax?" He gave Demarcus a high-five and laughed.

Daxson leaned against the table. "It's not about white or black. It's about finding someone who gets you. Allyson is a really cool person."

"Didn't you say that about Jacie too?" Demarcus countered as he took a bite of his food with his newly found fork.

Malik's eyes widened. He punched Demarcus in the shoulder. "D, man, that's not cool."

Daxson glared at Demarcus. "You really went there, didn't you?"

Demarcus set his plate back on the table as his shoulders tightened. He stuck his chest out as his brown eyes locked on Daxson. "I did. You don't know how rough it's been with Momma since Dad passed. You've been out here living it up while we've been stuck in that nightmare of a town."

Daxson crossed the room until he was standing in front of Demarcus. "You think I've had this fucking easy? You have no idea how much that whole incident has affected me, D. My whole family has been torn apart. I lost my father and the girl I loved to hatred. I lost them to something as minute and trivial as skin color. The worst part was I wasn't there to help. I couldn't be there to step into their place. Don't act like I'm out here acting as if that shit didn't happen." His jaw locked as he stared him down with his hands curled into fists at his side.

Demarcus shoved Daxson's chest. "You act like you're hurting, like you're in so much pain over this, but the crazy part is bro, it's all because you brought someone like that into our house." His eyes flickered over to me as he raised his hand.

"You can't treat every white person the same just because one white person hurt you. It isn't fair to them or to you. People like Allyson and Jacie are just as much victims as we are to people who do carry hatred inside them. I had to learn that the hard way, D."

Demarcus' tough guy routine crumbled beneath Daxson's gaze. I glanced to my right as Daxson's mother and little sister entered the room. His mother was tall and built like an athlete. Black braids fell about her face, creating soft shadows of youthfulness along her cheekbones. She didn't look old enough to have four children.

"What's going on here?" His mother snapped as her eyes flickered between her sons and I.

"Nothing, Momma. Just a little brotherly bonding," Malik replied with a smile.

Demarcus slunk into a chair beside Daxson to start eating his food again.

"Who is this girl?" His mother's light brown eyes focused on me.

For some reason, I lost my ability to speak, but as always Daxson came to my rescue.

"This is Allyson. She's a close friend of mine." He stepped around the table to stand beside me. "Allyson, this is my Momma."

"I've heard so much about you." I stuck my hand out.

His mother looked from my face to my hand before turning her nose into the air. "Daxson, we need to talk outside."

Daxson gave me a reassuring look before he nodded. He motioned for her to lead the way outside. My heart sank into my stomach. This exact scenario is what I wanted to avoid. I sat in one of the small, white chairs at the table across from Daxson's two brothers and sister.

While his two brothers ate their breakfast in silence, Alexis tinkered with some small wires she pulled from her backpack. She pushed a pair of thick glasses higher on her nose.

"Don't worry about Momma not liking you. She'll come around at some point. She loves her family too much to let someone separate us." Alexis never looked up from her project as she spoke.

Malik nodded from his spot. "She's right, Allyson. Just stand your ground, and she'll respect you."

Demarcus dropped his fork onto his plate and shoved it forward. "Why don't you guys just shut up?" He stood from the table and left the kitchen.

Alexis rolled her eyes. "He's mad at Daxson. Not you." She twisted the wires together which earned a small spark. "I'm Alexis, by the way."

"It's nice to meet you. Daxson talks a lot about you guys and how much he misses y'all."

Malik placed his fork down and smiled brightly. "We miss him too, especially without Dad around the house, but we know he's out here doing great things."

"He really is. He's a great guy." I smiled at Malik.

"Daxson seems to be the happiest he's been in a while. I'm assuming that's because of you." Alexis attached the wires to a remote.

"What're you working on?" I asked, trying to deflect the statement about Daxson and I.

Alexis smiled as she looked up from her project for the first time. "This is my project to go with my application for MIT's youth camp next summer."

"Wow. That's really impressive. My brother would love to help you with something like that." My mind raced to all the electronics Caleb took apart in his room. "He used to take apart old computers and televisions to use the parts to build new things."

"Your brother sounds awesome. I can't wait to meet him one day." Alexis tucked some of her braids behind her ears.

"Does your brother like sports?" Malik asked.

"No, not really. He's too introverted for sports." I gave him a smile.

"They aren't for everyone. I want to follow in Daxson's footsteps though. He's my role model." Malik flashed another smile that reminded me of Daxson.

The front door closed and left us all in silence. Daxson and his mother entered the kitchen, chatting away about the game later. I was curious what about the words they had exchanged.

"Allyson, I apologize for my rudeness earlier. I'm just not fond of strangers. I hope you can forgive me." His mother stopped by the table and placed a few pieces of bacon on a plate.

"Of course I can." I smiled as Daxson sat in the chair beside me.

"Daxson said you were going to be on the sideline with us at the game today. Are you a big sports fan?" His mother asked, showing off her jersey by pinching it between two of her fingers to flash the Alabama logo.

"Definitely. I grew up watching every sport, but football was always my favorite." I tucked my hair behind my ears.

"She wanted to be in the league when she was little," Daxson added with a smile.

"Hey, I'm all for girls changing the world. That's why we're trying to get Alexis accepted into the MIT summer camp." She squeezed Alexis' shoulder.

"You should get your brother to apply as well." Alexis glanced at me from across the table.

Daxson nodded. "Oh, yeah. Allyson that would be a great opportunity for him. You know that's one of his dreams."

"I'm not sure if my mother would let him go that far. That would be a big change for Caleb." I played with my hands in my lap.

"Just keep it in mind. No reason to let her crush his dreams too," Daxson whispered before he glanced at his watch. "Dang. I've got to go. We've got some team stuff to do before the game, but I'll see y'all on the sidelines later, a'ight?"

His words stuck in my mind. Caleb deserved a chance to live out his dreams. My mother shouldn't get in the way like she tried to do for me.

"We'll all be there." I smiled at him as he grabbed his bag from the floor.

Daxson kissed the top of my head. "Everything will be fine." He turned to hug his Momma and Alexis tightly. "I love you guys."

"We love you too, baby. Get ready to kill it for us tonight." His mother waved at him as he exited the kitchen.

Demarcus returned to the room as soon as the front door closed. His attitude never changed the entire morning. He sulked around in silence while the rest of us talked about everything under the sun. The conversations were easy and never forced.

Daxson's mother made me feel more welcomed than I could have ever imagined. After her talk with Daxson, she treated me as if I was family. She told me about her job with the Department of Human Services and all the kids she'd saved from broken homes. She had a passion for children and helping people in need. I could understand why Daxson loved his family so much. It hurt me to know how much pain they had suffered to get to this point, but they all still smiled and carried on with their lives.

As the sun started to sink behind the sky, we made our way to Bryant-Denny stadium. Malik and Demarcus walked out in front of us and shoved each other back and forth. Alexis strapped her backpack strap around her chest and stayed close to me.

"Boys, chill out before I give you a whooping in front of all these people," their Momma barked with the snap of her fingers.

Alexis snickered beside me. "They always get in trouble."

I laughed as we entered the stadium with a mass of other fans. Once our bags were checked, we all placed our sideline passes around our necks. Daxson's mother led the way down the stands toward the gate to the sideline. The security guard assessed all our passes and let us onto the field.

"Momma, I'm going to play on this field like Dax one day. I might even wear his number." Malik bounced up and down on the turf as he stared out at the players warming up on the field.

"I know you are, baby. Keep working hard." She smiled as we came to a stop in a small box assigned for fans at the end of the Tide bench.

Demarcus folded his arms across his chest and took a seat on the turf. He typed away on his phone like he was uninterested in the whole experience.

"Where's Dax at, Allyson? I want to wish him luck before the game." Alexis tugged at my hand as she stood on her tiptoes to scan the field.

I caught sight of Daxson as he caught a pass in the end zone. "Oh, I see him." I knelt down low and turned my back to Alexis. "Climb on and maybe you can see him."

Alexis climbed into my back and wrapped her arms around my neck. I stood up on my tiptoes and she squealed in excitement.

"There he is!" She waved her arms around. "Go Daxson!"

Daxson's head turned in the direction of her voice. He removed his helmet and smiled as he jogged over to us. He gave everyone a high-five and stopped in front of Demarcus, who never even looked up to acknowledge his presence. Daxson dropped to his knees in front of him and exchanged a few words. Demarcus turned away from him.

Alexis rested her hands on top of my head. "Your hair smells good, Allyson."

I laughed quietly when I noticed one of the recruitment coaches walking along the sideline.

He stopped in front of Daxson's mother. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Winters. Thank you for trusting your son in our hands. He's become not only a great player; but a great person." He shook her hand firmly.

"You're welcome, Jeff. Thanks for giving him all the opportunities in the world. I couldn't be a more proud momma." She flashed a bright smile as she released his hand.

Jeff's eyes wandered down to Malik, who couldn't take his eyes off the players on the field. "I've been keeping an eye on this one too. His team plays in the first round of the playoffs next week, right?"

Daxson's mother nodded. "He wants to play for Alabama too, Coach. He's only got a few more years."

"I can't wait to have an official meeting with him." Jeff placed his hands behind his back. "Well, I just wanted to say hi, and I hope you guys enjoy the game."

After Coach Jeff and Daxson rejoined the team, it wasn't long until the game started. The referees had to control the tense game early to prevent any aggressive fights between the teams. The LSU and Alabama game had become a recent rivalry in the Southeastern Conference with both teams staying undefeated until their meeting. The game lived up to the hype too.

Neither of the teams scored until the second half when Daxson caught a touchdown pass to secure the lead. After the touchdown, the Tide's defense went on to eventually seal the win with a shutout. It was the toughest game the Tide had played all year, but it was also the most fun for me. Being on the sideline with Daxson's mother and siblings was an experience I'd never forget. It reminded me of all the times I sat in the floor of the living room and cheered for the team with my father. Daxson's mother would grab onto my hand and jump up and down every time Daxson made a catch, while Alexis clung to my side like I was her new best friend.

We danced along the sidelines like there wasn't a care in the world. All my worry and anxiety about not getting along with them faded into the distance because being with them was like being with Daxson. It was comforting and warm.

As Daxson finished celebrating with the team at the student section, he jogged down the field toward us with a huge smile plastered across his face. His mother pulled Malik into her side and tossed her arm across Alexis' shoulder while Alexis wrapped an arm around me. Malik tried to coax Demarcus into the circle, but he just rolled his eyes. Their mother let out a soft sigh. I could tell she didn't want to leave Demarcus out, but she turned to face Daxson anyway. We stood like a big happy family waiting to welcome a soldier home from war. I knew I'd have to tell Daxson about the racism in my family soon, but for now that was a problem for another day because the smile stuck on my face was something real and genuine. Stop trying to ruin it with negative thoughts, Allyson. Alexis squeezed my side tight and smiled up at me.

Despite everything that had happened to them, Daxson's family didn't turn their backs on me. Instead, they opened their arms. They didn't judge me or try to change me.

They accepted me, and I couldn't ask for more than that. 

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