Fury Rider (A Httyd Fanfictio...

By Snapmite1998

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Toothless is dead. Killed by Astrid Hofferson and all of Berk praises her for slaying the infamous dragon. Wi... More

Chapter 1: Defying death
Chapter 2: Recovered
Chapter 3: Meeting the Hydra
Chapter 4: Battle of titans
Chapter 5: Meeting Danes
Chapter 6: Proposition
Chapter 7: Hail King Hiccup
Chapter 8: Scouting the prize
Chapter 9: Confession
Chapter 10: Siege of Paris
Chapter 11: Five years later
Chapter 13: Back from the dead
Chapter 14: I trust you
Chapter 15: Your past comes back to haunt you
Chapter 16: Promise
Chapter 17: Returning the bitter favor
Chapter 18: Bloodbath part I
Chapter 19: Bloodbath part II
Chapter 20: Vengeance is claimed

Chapter 12: A mother never forgets

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By Snapmite1998

(Normal pov)

While Hiccup and Gunhild were getting comfortable in their shared chambers, outside, Danish warriors patrolled the streets, they clutched their fur cloaks tightly around their bodies to keep the cold from creeping into their bones. Nothing was out of the ordinary, the Danish and Viking people all going about their own business, slavers selling their latest stock to the highest bidder, traders and merchants dealing in exotic items and the Danish dragon riders patrolling the sky.

A Danish warrior then heard a dragon roar, yet the roar was unfamiliar, the sun was suddenly blocked and the warrior looked up to see a massive dragon descend and land. The dragon was unlike anything the Dane had seen before, though the warrior knew that this dragon was a male. This dragon had an owl mannerism and a second set of wings under his main set that can splay and become an 'X-wing'. His 'X-wings' beat up and down in sync and is probably used for extremely tight turns, maneuvers, and for fighting foes. He has a very muscular and sturdy build; mainly walking on two legs and his two bottom wings. The dragon's face has two long spines that branch off his nose and to the side with a "smashed" face, much like an owl's. On his back he has spikes that resemble a Skrill's

And to the Danes surprise, the dragon had a rider on top of its back. The dragons rider wore a strange looking helmet with long skinny horns in all directions and had two short tusks in the front of mask, the figure had a large fur hoodie strapped around their shoulders, they had a shield in hand and had a strange looking staff as well.

"You! Who are you?" The warrior demanded, soon, handfuls more of Danish warriors and shield maidens surrounded the large dragon and its rider with weapons at the ready, but the rider then spoke out. "I have heard rumor that... this city was taken by King Hiccup Haddock III. Is this true?" The warriors grunted in confirmation and were surprised by the female voice that came from underneath that strange mask. "It is. Though not alone, King Haddock and the rest of our Danish kings and queens have conquered the whole of Frankia for the Black Danes!" One of the Danish shield maidens said to the mysterious dragon rider.

Hearing this news, the rider slid off her dragon and approached the nearest warrior and spoke softly. "I wish to have an audience with King Haddock." The warriors and shield maidens all turned to each other and then turned back to this mysterious dragon rider, she was no foreigner, she spoke perfect Norse, and yet she was a stranger. "Why should we grant you an audience with King Haddock woman?" One of the warriors asked, the dragon rider removed her mask and glared into that warriors eyes and spoke four words.

"Because I'm his mother."

(Hiccup's pov)

"Why... are you sssooo... amazing... at this?" Gunhild moaned out as she lay against our bed as I traced kisses along the skin of her exposed stomach. I had ceased my soft kisses upon her lips, to which she made a small pout and a whimper but was quickly rewarded by my tongue leaving a trail of fire along her neck, over her breast bindings and down to where her skin met her legging ... and now came the return journey.

Except I was more urgent and ferocious this time.

I began to use my teeth now; the strong enamel creating sensations she's never experienced. Combined with how my tongue drew intricate patterns along her stomach; and even how it tried to dig deeper into her naval. My hands carried their own attack on her legs, caressing them as if they were feathers that would wilt away at the wrong touch.

That was how she felt every time I touched her... like a feather.

Gunhild couldn't suppress the pleasured yelp when I gently bit her skin, just above her naval. She propped herself on her elbows and brought her head up to see me grinning as I planted another hickey on her pristine stomach. I always knew what made her gasp, yelp and moan, even though we haven't had sex yet. She knew I didn't have any other girl before her... I confessed that to her in the past. Many among our ranks questioned Gunhild how did I know how to pleasure her so well? And why we hadn't even had sex yet.

Her thoughts were cut short when my face came directly in front of hers and captured her lips. She gave no resistance as I laid her back down and let her hands roam my toned chest. I flinched slightly when she brought one of her hands over a new scar I received during sparring. I was still getting used to Gunhild touching me in a sexual or heated manner like this, but she understood my tension completely since it brought back horrible memories of me being raped. Usually when a person goes through an experience like that, they think of home or a loved one to take their mind off the horrible pain inflicted upon them.

I didn't have anyone, besides Toothless at the time.  All I thought about was the pain of the words of humiliation and torment thrown my way, each punch and each time I was raped by Snotlout and Tuffnut.

But looking into Gunhild's ocean blue eyes, I could see genuine love in them for me. She wanted to be my escape every time I suffered from bad memories of my time on Berk.

She gently rolled us over, so she was now straddling me, running her hands over my newly inflicted scars, causing me to flinch each time she ran her hand over a new one. She noticed that they were unintentional flinches; even my hands momentarily reaching up to stop her seemed second nature to her. She wanted me to feel safe with her and that she could comfort me every time nightmares of my terrible past would crop up.

She guided her lips over each scar on my chest and stomach, feeling the hard, toned and rough skin leave its imprint on her lips— at the same time imagining the pain I must have felt when the cold Danish steel would slash across my body.

Her warm exhales brought a sense of comfort and security that I could only dream of. Watching her treat me like a delicate flower reminded me why I fell in love with her again. She was capable of displaying limitless amounts of compassion and care.

"King Haddock!"

Gunhild ceased her loving kisses and I growled due to the interruption, the doors of our chamber opened to reveal two of my bodyguards, I glared daggers at them and ordered them to avert their eyes from Gunhild's half nakedness. They did so immediately and I caressed Gunhild's firm and strong thighs before speaking to my bodyguards. "What is it?" I asked in a harsh tone, one of the guards spoke up with his head still bowed. "Lord, there is a woman here for you, she rides a dragon we've never seen before."

I regrettably pry Gunhild off my body and I approach the guards and ask. "A woman?" Both guards lift their heads to face me and nod in confirmation. "Yes Lord Haddock. This woman claims to be... your mother." My heart ceases to beat for at least four seconds, I then pull out a long knife strapped to my leather pants and press the cold steel to the guards throat, the man gasps in fear and swallows thickly as I bare my teeth at him. "What sick game is this?" I demand, the guard in question shakes his head at me and quickly responds. "W-With respect Lord Haddock... she looks very similar to you and has similar qualities you possess."

Gunhild who wrapped herself in a sleek black rope approached me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I thought your mother was dead." She said, I turned to her and replied back. "I need to see this." I then remove my knife from the guards throat and grab a black robe and throw it over my toned body and order the guards to take me to this... woman who claims to be my long dead mother.

(Ten minutes later)

As me and my two bodyguards moved along the halls of the castle, the guards jogged towards a massive door and opened them for me to pass through, when the doors were opened, I laid eyes on a tall, lithe and beautiful mid aged woman who wore strange looking armor. She wore orange war paint across her eyes and a thin layer of it under her eyes as well, she has hollow cheekbones, she had blue eyes, auburn hair that was done in three long braids that reached her tail bone, and by the look, she appeared to be in her early forties. She then slowly approached me and I could see tears swimming in the woman's eyes.

"H-Hiccup? Is it really you?"

I took a step back and turned to my guards, silently ordering them to close the doors, they bowed their heads and closed the doors. Turning back to the woman who claimed to be my mother, my lip curls at her and I growl out. "Who are you?" The woman swallows thickly and looks right into my eyes before answering. "I-I... I was once Queen of the Hairy Hooligans and husband to Stoick the Vast. Now? I'm a feral dragon woman who's heard word spread like wildfire that King Hiccup Haddock III and his army of Danes conquer all of Frankia alongside dragons." The woman approaches me and when she was finally within arms length of me, she inspected me from head to toe and gasped as she laid eyes on the small scar on my chin.

She backs away slightly and she chokes out. "It is you. My son!" Dropping her strange looking staff, the woman places her hands over her mouth and I could see the tears in her eyes finally burst and stream down her cheeks.

As for me? I didn't know what to say or even react to this news. T-This was my mother?! No. They said she was killed by dragons!

"If you claim to be my mother... whats the year of my birth?" I demand, the woman sniffles and wipes the tears off her cheeks and answers. "You were born the ninth day of Āprel." Inhaling sharply, I turn away from her and walk around the room while stroking my goatee and heavy with thought. I mean... this woman could be anybody, perhaps she aided my mother in giving birth to me, but before any more theories could pop up in my mind, the woman continued to speak.

"You came early into this world, you were so frail; so fragile, that your father feared you wouldn't survive your first winter. But... I told him that our son would become the greatest Viking our world has ever seen, that our son will become a warrior that will be above all others and that our son— Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III will become the most legendary Viking on Midgard." The woman then attempted to place a hand on my cheek, but I immediately retreated from her touch and shook my head at her. "My mother is dead!" I seethed out, she shook her head. "No. You were only a babe when I was taken. But a mother never forgets her child." She said with regret in her tone, I then began hyperventilating and backed away from her until I then let out an enraged cry and grabbed a nearby vase and smashed it on the ground.

Turning back to this woman, I snarled out. "You truly are my mother?" She flinched in fear at my tone and nodded her head furiously and answered. "I-I am. My name is Valka. Valka Haddock." I could feel tears sliding down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away and shook my head in disbelief, shock and outrage. "When I was... taken, the dragon that took me wasn't apart of the swarm that dwelled in Helheim's Gate, the dragon that took me belonged to the nest of the Bewilderbeast, the King of Dragons." I look back to Valka and see her rubbing her arm before looking back at me. "It broke my heart to stay away and not come back to you, but I thought you'd be safer if I did."

I scoff at her words and seethed out. "You thought wrong." Marching over to Valka, she backed away in fear that I might strike her in anger, she backed up against the wall and gasped when I was mere inches from her face. "Do you know what your husband and the rest of the Hairy Hooligans did to me in the fifteen years you've been absent?" When she didn't answer, I nodded at her and answered my own question. "Stoick treated me like I was a curse! He dumped all his anger, hatred and pain on me. As did the rest of the village, for fifteen years, I was nothing but Berks punching bag! They beat me within an inch of my life, they humiliated me, hurt me with their words and..." I close my eyes and do everything in my power not to cry, I then finish my sentence. "...I was raped." Valka's eyes widened in horror, disgust and shock.

Backing away from her, I remembered in vivd detail of the night Snotlout and Tuffnut raped me, how they laughed, taunted me, treated me like a common whore and how easy it was for them to strip away what little innocence I had left. Clenching my hands into fists, I snarled out. "I was raped for hours. Against my will, it happened on my fifteen birthday. Two of my tormentors— Snotlout and Tuffnut told me that the teens in the village were throwing me a birthday party, but instead I ended up receiving their cocks." I spat out in disgust, Valka looked like she'd hurl and I could see tears streaming down her face.

Letting out a humorless laugh, I shrugged and continued. "When they finally stopped raping me? They told me that if I told anyone, that they'd do it again. That night, I truly wanted to die. I had nobody who loved me, acknowledged me as a living being and nobody cared about me." I shuddered out, as I sighed heavily, a light smile suddenly graced my lips as I murmured out. "That was... until I met Toothless."

Valka cocked her head an wiped away her tears before asking out. "T-Toothless?" Looking into my mothers eyes, I nod and explain. "Toothless was the very first dragon I bonded with and was a Night Fury." Her eyes widened at this news and I continued. "I had gone to a cove on Berk and cried for hours, that was until Toothless snuck up on me and... instead of killing me like I thought and actually begged him to do... he instead comforted me." A tear slid down my cheek at the memory of Toothless nuzzling into my torso and giving me apologetic croons and warbles.

"That day, Toothless became the only living thing I cared about in Midgard at the time and our friendship blossomed each and every day." I then closed my eyes and my lips trembled as I continued. "Unfortunately, I guess I was followed and someone saw me and Toothless down together in the cove and reported it to Stoick. So he and Berks best warriors came to arrest me and kill Toothless. And the only living being I cared for during that time fell to the battle axe of Astrid Hofferson." I snarled out, my nails imprinting themselves into my palm, I hissed in pain as I saw blood trickling down my palm and droplets landing on the marble floor beneath out feet.

"So, I have sworn to the gods that Berk and all its people will die." I said turning back to Valka, the woman finally found her voice again and actually pleaded out. "Hiccup, son..." I flinched when she called me that, she had no right to call me that now, she noticed me flinching when she said son and continued speaking. "...Hiccup, killing everyone on Berk won't make you feel better. It won't bring Toothless back."

"Of course I'll feel better." I scoff out. "Those people, hurt me and you're defending them?!" Approaching Valka once more, she tensed in fear as I glared into her eyes with a fire that made her turn away, I cupped her cheek tightly and she whimpered in fear as I leaned in and whispered coldly. "I will burn that island to the ground and sink it to the bottom of the sea, but not before everyone there has learned suffering beyond imagination." Releasing Valka's cheeks, I could see her shrink away in fear and she murmured out. "You can't do this son. I forbid it."

"WHO ARE YOU TO SAY!!" I roared out in outrage, causing Valka to flinch again at my tone, I then point a finger at her and snarl out. "Because "mother" you were never there for me! You chose to stay with dragons and not return to Berk and be there for me!!" Shaking my head at her, I scoffed out. "You chose to live amongst dragons rather than be on Berk and protect your one and only son!" My harsh words were like a slap to Valka and she then sobbed out in shame and regret, I then turn towards the doors and bark out. "Guards!!"

My body guards open the doors and bow their heads at me. "Yes King Haddock?" I then turn to Valka and sneer at her. "Get this woman out of my sight. Do not allow her to return!" My bodyguards nodded in understanding and seized Valka's arms and led her out, but Valka then cried out. "Hiccup!! Please!! I'm your mother!!" I then turn to her and could see her eyes were full of pleading; begging me not to cast her out and to not take this path of vengeance. Instead, I replied back to her cooly. "You had your chance to save me from the hell I once called home. You're not my mother. For my mother died when I was a babe." My words caused Valka's face to twist with sheer agony.


Let her feel the sting of rejection and know just how painful it is.

When my guards closed the doors, I approached the nearest window and roared out in fury and punched straight through the window, causing glass to shatter and fall down, I groaned in pain as I saw my bloody knuckles. Clutching my shaking hand, I then cry out again. "Guards!!" Once more, another pair of bodyguards enter the room and bow their heads. "Yes King Haddock?" I turn to them and snarl out. "Inform the other Danish rulers that I wish to sail to Berk in three days time. I wish to wipe those dogs off the face of Midgard." The guards bow their heads and head off to inform the other Danish rulers of my intentions.

Looking back out the window, I gaze at the horizon and snarl out. "Enjoy your remaining days Hairy Hooligans. Your past returns to haunt you."

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