Bruises | George Smith

By hopelesslymanic

5.7K 133 9

I woke up by multiple beeps, the light above me was bright and there was a hand clutching mine. It was a mira... More

"You were 12 then"
"What kind of sick person are you..."
"What would you do if i kissed you. Right here, right now?"
"You are to never see that boy again."
"Yeah we bought you tea."
"He'll get over it. I swear he gets fatter every day."
"Harold wasn't simple as."
"Crazy how you can fall for someone so fast."
"Say could you pass with being 18 tonight?"
"So I say let's finish off what had happened on the train."
"Morning Luna. Bit early isn't it?"
"By the way I made vanilla cheesecake for dessert."
"You are the daughter I never had."
"Quite well I'd say"
"It would kill them to find out you're being hurt"
"My darling."
"Me and you against the world baby."
"My tits are cold."
"I wouldn't call it love"
"If you want that to be all then i won't say anymore."
"I've sorta cheated on him."
"there's millions of girls waiting to fall in love with you. Why me?"
"I wish you could see yourself the way that i see you."
"Getting drunk on a Monday night that's where he is."
"Noting to be concerned about Mr Richardson."
"Adios puta!!"
"You slut. You ditched school to fuck some boy."
"I think i have a fever."
"I was going to as - you know what never mind"
"I just called you my fucking"
"Try and shag George while I'm gone"
"Reece what is happening?!"
"I'm not going to break if you come closer"
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"Don't take it out on her"
"God I can just kill him!"
"Did you think I was going to hit you?"
"I was going to say hi but you looked occupied"
"Wait your dad found out that you've been at it like bunnies?"
"Please don't drunk drive"

"What's that on your arm?"

359 4 0
By hopelesslymanic

I creep out the house straightening my school uniform as I walk out. I was annoyed at the idea of being a 6th Former and having to wear a uniform. It wasn't as bad as the year 11's and below but it was still ugly. It was a burgundy and green kilt shorter than the grey kilt form last year. A burgundy blazer and a plain white shirt. Of course there was a tie which was green and burgundy striped. I mean being in an private all girls school wasn't the best. My dad paid for my education and I would try to visit him at least every month. My mum wouldn't let him take custody over me after their divorce which was a shame because I preferred him much more, he now lived in Bedford and I was up in Luton so there wasn't the biggest difference. Than my mum got remarried to a squiffy man called Jason. He was an absolute prick. He would always beat me up for no reason but luckily for me I could defend my self sometimes . Last night he had pinned me to the ground and repeatedly punched my stomach, I was trying to be strong not to cry so I had brought my knee up and kicked him in the balls. Mum Just stood there watching.

I was walking to school and there was a big ugly bruise on my arm I knew people would see it when I remove my blazer but I would make up and excuse and say I was caught in the door way. I had mad my way into the school building 15 minuets early and I saw my friend Isla sitting on her phone in the 6th Former common room. "Isla. How was you're weekend?" I ask her. I knew she went to visit her cousin Reece over the weekend in Accrington.

"Luna hi!" She exclaimed "It was good. I met his friends and also they're coming down this weekend so please I want to introduce them to you." I'm not big on meeting new people but I knew Reece and he was a friend so I'd do it just for them both.

"Alright" i tell her as I tug my blazer off and place it next to me. There was only a handful of people on the common room so I didn't worry big time about my arm.

"Luna?" Isla asks me I hum in response "what's that on your arm?" She asks pointing at my bruise.

"I was caught i the door way on Saturday." I tell her with a nervous laugh. She looks like she doesn't believe me but she shrugs and moves on.

The day went fast and I had ended up locked in my bedroom writing out paragraphs for my Spanish. Believe it or not I was Spanish on my dad side, however my honey coloured skin made me look British. I took A-Level Spanish since it was an easy A* and they are going to let me take the exams with they year thirteen's in a couple of weeks now since it was almost June. I heard the front door open so I had a feeling it was Jason coming back from the bar that was only a few seconds away from us. I had a song called 'Dicen' on loop in the background whilst I was doing my homework.

I looked at the pile of poetry books in the corner of my room which I bought myself for my birthday in March I had finished them in less then a month and now I needed more books and poetry. "Luna Luís." I hear my name being called It definitely wasn't my mum or Jason so I looked out my window and find Isla standing there.

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