By ppppoppoo

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°nct dream mystery/crime au° [ COMPLETE ] Book 1 of irregularseries " solving the school's mystery case... More



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By ppppoppoo

Chapter 18: Neh


I was picking my outfit for my 'date' with renjun and i can't find an outfit to wear. Whatever I'll just wing it.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my purse renjun is waiting for me for five minutes already. I'm embarrassing myself.

I went down stairs and went out of the door. I saw a car parked infront of our gate i knocked on the window and it rolled down revealing a renjun on the driver's seat.

" get in" he said as i sat next to him and closed the door.

"sorry for being late" i said as he fixed his mirror.

"that's fine i just got here just now" he said i looked at him in a confusing manner.

" you said you're already here like ten minutes ago" i said.

" well i lied and I'm sorry" he said as we drove off. He played some tunes while we are heading to the oceanarium.

" is this your car renjunie?" i asked him.

" renjunie huh?" he said in a teasing way.

" hey I'm asking you" i said

" it's a gift from my uncle a year ago" he said.

After a few chutchats here and there we already at the place. I was about to get out until renjun opened the door for me.

" thanks" i said as he smiled at me.

" welcome my lady" he said. We walked near the entrance and i was amazed at how beautiful it is. It's like an indoor garden.

" I'll just going to get tickets I'll be right back" renjun said as i sat down.

I looked at the flowers infront of me and smelled it. Roses. I lift my head up and i saw a man standing on the other side across me wearing an all black outfit. Sunglasses, mask and a cao coveribg his head and he was holding a file in his hands. I tilt my head and a bunch of people came by blocking my view. The people walked inside and the man was gone.

I swear i saw that man staring at me.

Renjun came to me holding the tickets as i looked at him he frowned.

" what's wrong areum?" he asked.

" oh it's nothing" as i smiled at him.

" ok come on let's go" he said as he grabbed my arm and we went inside.

As we got inside renjun and i explored the whole aquarium filled with cool fishes and bright corals but then again i saw the man standing across me few meters away holding that file i didn't look away but then renjun called.

" areum?" he said i looked at him and he has this worried face.

" are you ok?" he asked i looled back at the man and he was gone.

" yeah.. I think so" i replied.

" let's get going then" renjun said as we went to another place. This time renjun forced me to get inside of the aquarium. It's like those illusions that when a glass dome was inside of the aquarium. So as i got there renjun took out his camera and took a picture at me amazed by the fishes inside.

" renjun come here" i said but he shook his head.

As i got out renjun showed me his phone with my picture in it.

" i looked ugly" i said

" no way that's a lie" he said.

" whatever"

After we tour around the place we got tired. So we obviously eat food. Renjun was getting us food but then again for the third time i saw the man again. He was not near me but he was near renjun.

I ran towards renjun and dragged him away. The man was looking at us until he was out of sight.

" areum what are you doing?" he asked.

" i swear renjun that man who was just next to you was following us" i said to him.

" what?! Are you serious? Is that the reason you've been spacing out?"

" yes and we need to get out of here right now this is creeping me" i said as renjun dragged my arm to his car.

We drove off and i sigh in relief.

" im sorry that i ruined this day" i said to him.

" don't worry the important thibg is you're safe" he said.

" we are safe"

__ -:- __

" what the hell?!" mark shouted making the people at the cafe turn their head to us.

After Saturday's event where me and renjun had a date. Renjun decided that we all meet up today before class.

" that's so creepy I'm getting goosebumps from it" jisung put his hands on his arms as a shiver went throughout his body.

" it's more creepy when your areum jisung" haechan said.

We are talking about what happened two days ago while renjun and i explaining what the guy was doing.

" ok i saw him holding a file. I don't know why would he hold that but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with me" i said.

" okay since y'all are talking about that I've found something infront of our headquarters last Saturday. " heachan said as he flashed us his phone where in the guy who i specifically saw last Saturday was trying to hack our door.

He didn't open it though but he dropped something on the floor. It's not accidentally dropped but purposely.

" let's go to the headquarters" mark commanded as we all ran to the club building.

As we got to the headquarters there was an envelope infront of our door. Jeno grabbed it and opened it up. He grabbed what was inside of it and placed it infront of our eyes.

" that's m-me.." i said as i grabbed the paper from jeno's hands.

There was a huge ☓ in front of my face it was in red ink and there was something written on the bottom.

" ok we need to burn this down" chenle said as haechan snatched the paper from me and crumpled it and threw it in the trash bin.

" we should get going now we'll be late for class"

Me and jaemin went to our class while the others went to theirs.

__ -:- __

" hey hyuck i need your ass here" mark yelled as haechan went to mark.

We're at the headquarters right now and I'm just sitting on my seat while I'm searching answers for our homework.

" areum can you pass me the papers next to you" renjun pointed at the paper on the table. I grabbed it but something fell when i was about to gave it to renjun. I picked it up and it was a flash drive.

" oh great you've found the flash drive that i was looking for" renjun said as i gave it to him.

" what's inside of that?" i asked him.

" oh just a hacking device" he said as he stuffed it inside of his pockets.

" so what are we going to do today?" i asked him.

" nothing much.. Its just mark and the other members are needed today writting purposes" he replied as i nodded.

" I'll just walk outside" i said as i stood up from my seat.

" be careful" renjun said as i gave him a smile.

" i will" i replied.

I opened the door and went outside. I walked through the hallways as i spotted professor moon walking towards my name.

" oh hello professor moon" i said as i bowed down to him.

" hello areum" he said as he flashed a smile at me.

" what are you doing here professor?" i asked him.

" i was going to talk to you actually about something important" he said

" oh what is it then sir?" i asled him while he was searching something from his pocket.

" actually just keep this a secret okay?" he whispered to me as he handed me a small envelope.

" what is this sir?" i asked him while he was looking at his left and right before looking at me.

" just open it when your alone okay-" he was about to finish his sentence but i cut him off.

" what do you mean by that sir?" i asked him.

" just listen to me.. Just keep your mouth shut we never know what will happen to you or the guys near you. Just promise me that you'll open that alone. No one else should know about that" he said as he went off.

I syarted at him while his back was facing me walking away.

I stuffed the envelope into my pocket and went back to the headquarters. I walked to my seat and i saw renjun on his computer.

" how was the walk?" he asked me. As i was reminded what happened earlier.

" actually keep this a secret okay?"

" it was refreshing" i lied.

He went back to his computer.

" areum.." someone called me.

I turned my head to the door and i saw donghyuck standing on the door.

" yes haechan?" i said

" can i talk to you privately?" he said in a serious manner.

" yeah sure" i said as i stood up from seat we went to his place upstairs. He closed the door and we took a seat.

" what is it donghyuck?" i asked him.

" professor moon talked to you?" he asked. My eyes widen by his question. How did he knew about it?

" i saw you talking with him while you're out i was near the restroom that time and i was about to went to you but you are talking to him. What are you two talking about it looked like it was something serious" he said.

" it was nothing its about our project he said it needs some fixing because it's difficult to build it especially the data will input to it" i lied again. Damn it.

" well i guess i must have been out of my mind i thought hyu- i mean professor moon was saying something to you" he said

" oh okay.. I'll get going now haechan" i said as i left my room.

That's weird..

I was about to go down stairs but mark called my name in jaemin and jeno's room.

" what is it mark?" i asked as i went inside of their room.

" are you feeling better now?" he asked.

" yeah I'm fine, I'm over it" i said as i smiled. What a fucking liar areum of course your terrified by that note.

" oh okay I'm just checking up on you, that was some fucking scary note and you weren't even afraid of it" mark said as i went down stairs.

I lied to mark because i don't want him to get worried. He was stressed out when jaemin got hurt and i don't want him to stress out because of that. I just wish we could find out whatever was what happening sooner because this mission is so complicated.

I went down and sat on the couch. I kinda feel this is the most comfortable spot in this place even though it is old it has some great use for my butt because it is comfy.

The journal is still infront of me. Honestly it's been days and we still haven't figure on how to open this journal. Haechan suggests that we should break it open but i think it could break the whole thing since it was kinda old.

I brought out the envelop that professor moon gave me and held it in my hands. Should i open it?

I flipped the envelop open and it revealed a note inside. I pulled out the note and read it.

The key is hidden.
Tick tock tick tock.
The key is secured.
Tick tock tick tock.
The key is somewhere.
Tick tock tick tock.
The clock is ticking.
The key to journal..

I'm bad at this fuck!

I flipped the note to see something behind it and it only says...

     You can do it
             - /(/) /(/(/(/) /( C/(/) /(//(

The name was scribbled down by ink and i couldn't see the name of it only the letter C.

This note was pertaining to the journal that we found and this note was givibg me a hit where the key is. I put back the note into the envelope and stuffed it inside of my pockets.

I need to find where the key is.

__ -:- __

__ -:- __

(guess this..)
W h e r e  d o  y o u  t h i n k  t h e  k e y  i s ?


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