Tenebris Angelus

By SnazzyWannaBeAuthor

63 0 0

With a haunting past and bad humour, will the Dark Angel be able to survive her encounter? If she doesn't- s... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Background
Chapter 2: Background continued
Chapter 3: The Escape
Chapter 4: The mum friend
Chapter 5: The Secret Group
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Girls night
Chapter 8: The Party
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Author's note

Chapter 28

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By SnazzyWannaBeAuthor

“you want to make a deal with the devil's daughter?” I ask and he nods “I know how your father loves making deals so I knew you were the same”. I shrug “what's the deal?”.

He stops a few steps near me “I will help you if you only destroy midgard and not the rest of the realms”, I stay silent thinking. “deal” I put my hand out and he takes it, he breathes sharply in pain and quickly takes his hand back. “you burnt me” he looks at his hand and sees a mark that has a wolf outline, “the mark will go after the deal is carried out, if the deal is not done…” I step towards him leaning up a bit because he's taller than me “... Let's just say you don't want to find out” I whisper and walk off.

I glance at the time, perfect it's early meaning people won't be ready to react. I wave my hand and my clothes change all black and a cloak appears on my back, I walk to Loki and he glances at me.

“time to have fun” I grab his arm and teleport him to outside the avengers facility, there's not many queen jets because of how early it is but there are a few scientists and agents walking around.

I take out my bow and shoot an explosive arrow at one of the doors, it goes off making people yell and start running. A few agents run out holding their guns up, I put my hood up so it covers most of my face, “good luck” I whisper to Loki and teleport away so they can't see me but I can still see them.

Agents surround him and he puts his hands up, I hear a familiar sound and smile. A metal suit lands infront of Loki “Loki?! Why are you here?” I hear Stark ask.

I teleport into the science labs knowing that it won't be as guarded because of a certain god stood outside, the scientists in the lab all start to move away from me. “leave” I say making them all fumble out the door, I get to a computer and start typing away.

I smile and press a button which makes an AC/DC song play through the building. I carry on typing leaving the song playing, the wall moves showing a bunch of weapons and armour.

“oh my beejees” I gasp walking to the weapons, I gently move my hand over them stopping at something that looks like a gun.

back in black” I sing along with the song while looking at the gun.

“stop right there!” I hear a voice yell behind me, I grab the gun and turn to the voice. “put the gun down” Natasha says aiming two handguns at me, I smirk “I don't think you'll shoot”.

She frowns trying to figure out my voice, I pull my hood down. She gasps a bit lowering her guns, “bad mistake” I say but before she could react I teleport infront of her and kick her making her fall through the door. She stands up quickly but I shoot her in the leg, her eyes widen as she stumbles back a bit.

She jumps at me trying to attack me, I put my arm out catching her around her neck. She wiggles trying to get free, I tighten my hand and she gasps for air. A tear rolls down her cheek, before she blacks out I throw her across the room. She lands with a thud, I walk back to the weapons putting them all in a large bag, I put the back on my shoulder and teleport outside.

I quickly put my hood back up and teleport in between Stark and Loki, Stark steps back a bit. “thank you for your cooperation” I say, he stays silent confused at what I was on about. I punch his chest making him slide back across the floor, I turn to Loki and grab his arm to teleport us away.

I feel a sharp pain in my arm and look at it, I see a dart in my arm. I look back at Loki “did you just tranquilise me?”, I stumble back falling to my knees.

Agents try to grab me but I grab my gun and start shooting, they all move putting their arms up. I stand up stumbling a bit, I hear someone land behind me. I turn hitting the metal mask making him step back again “we need another dart” he says through the suit. I hear a whoosh sound and quickly grab the tranquilizer dart, as I grabbed that one I felt a pinch on the back of my leg.

I fall forwards on the floor, feeling someone grab me. I turn and punch the person “Jesus how are you still fighting?” Stark asks, I try to teleport but something hits the back of my head.  

I wake up sat in a chair; handcuffed to a table, I try to teleport but nothing happens. I pull at the handcuffs trying to break them, “I wouldn't do that if I was you” I look up to see Nick Fury. He sits down “they will send an electrical surge through your body if you try to break them”.

“you can't keep me here forever” I lean back in my chair, he smiles “no I can't but I can hand you over to Asgard”. I glare at him “they couldn't hold me the first time”, he raises an eyebrow “I heard you were helped”.

He stands up slamming the door behind him, I stand up ripping the handcuffs away from the table. I break the chain connecting my hands, an electric shock shoots through my body. I guess he wasn't bluffing.

It kept going and I fell on the floor, the door opens “Nice to see you listen” the person presses a button on the cuffs and the electric stops. I jump up wrapping my arms around the person's neck, “wa-wait… Clint!” Stark shouts his name and he barges into the room.

He shoots an arrow at my leg making me let go of Stark, he quickly steps out of my grasp and pats his suit down. “damn someone's in a good mood” Stark says rubbing his neck, I pull the arrow out of my leg and sit down on the chair.

Clint quickly grabs the arrow from me, I get comfortable on the seat and glance at my leg to see it healed “I want to see Loki”. They look at each other then back at me “What are you planning?” Clint asks, I ignore him and stare at the wall opposite me. They carry on asking questions but soon give up “fine but try anything and I won't hesitate to shoot you again” Clint sighs walking out the room with Stark following behind.

A few minutes later Loki walks in with handcuffs on as well, he sits opposite me. “you broke the deal” I glare at him, he puts his hands up “I said I'd help you, I didn't say in which way… so I'm helping you by making your friends bring your old self back”.

they aren't your friends, they didn't want you’they're better without you’ the words kept repeating through my head, “they were my friends” I look at the two way mirror knowing one of them will be there.

“this is not who you are” Loki whispers, probably so no one can hear him being nice. “shut up” I snap at him, he stares into my eyes like he's searching for something.

He puts his hands out towards me, I instantly move back standing up. “advocabit lupus Dionysius” I say quietly, Loki looks at me confused. I put my arms out infront of me “advocabit lupus Dionysius” I repeat louder.

Loki stands up confused at what's going on. The handcuffs on my arm break and my orange eyes shine brighter “advocabit lupus Dionysius, advocabit lupus Dionysius!” I shout.

“whatever she's doing stop her! The sky has gone dark, and it's only 9am” Stark says through the speaker, Loki walks towards me grabbing my hand. I look at him and pull his handcuffs making them electrocute him, he falls to the floor. “advocabit lupus Dionysius!” I shout again.

Banging and shouting starts from outside the cell. I kneel next to Loki and lean towards him, I grab his face making him look at me “you chose the wrong side”. I let go of his face and stand back up.

I hear a growl and people shouting. I then hear the people start shooting and more growls along with thuds, it all goes silent until something jumps into the door knocking it off its hinges.

I smile kneeling down a bit when I see a pure black wolf with orange eyes like me, it walks up to me wagging its tail and I pat it's head. “let's go Dionysius” I stand up and walk out with my wolf following closely behind.

Walking down the hall I stop when a figure emerges “Stop” the person says, “T'challa” I smirk putting my hand up to stop Dion from attacking. “This is craziness, return to your cell” T'challa says stepping forwards, I shake my head “sorry your majesty, no can do”.

T'challa makes the claws in his suit grow longer and sprints towards me, “stay here I've got this” I whisper to Dion, she sits down and I turn to run at T'challa. I slide on the floor dodging his claws, I stand back up quickly punching him. We hand-to-hand fight until I hear footsteps approaching from behind me. Dion growls, I look at her and shake my hand making her sit back down.

“thank you for letting me in” I say as T'challa stays quiet confused at what I was talking about, black smoke surrounds my hands and I put them on his head. T'challa stops fighting me, I step from in front of and look at the person who was behind me.

“Angel?” Steve's eyes widen when he sees me, I smile at him “impetu”. Steve gives me a confused look but before he could say anything T'challa runs at him and begins to attack. I look at Dion and nod my head to the left, she walks first through the corridor and I follow closely behind.

“we have a problem, the person isn't who you expect… stay on guard” I hear Steve say.

I walk down another corridor and hear a bang, I turn my head quickly lifting my hand to protect Dion. The bullet falls just before it hits her, “did you just try to shoot my wolf?” I spit looking at the person. “Angel?” Zhi says lowering her gun.  

“we were called here to help with a dangerous person… I didn't expect you… Bucky misse-”, I cut Zhi off “you tried to kill my wolf”. Zhi glances down at the wolf sat at my feet then back at me, I step forwards as Zhi steps back “I didn't know”.

I run at her hitting her arm to make the gun fall, Zhi swings her hand but I grab it before she hits me, her eyes widen. I twist her wrist and throw her over me, she lands on the floor with a thud, the impact knocking her out cold. I crouch near her “don't try to shoot my wolf”, I stand back up and walk down the corridor with Dion following.

I walk down more corridors, jeez how many corridors are they, I feel like I'm in a maze. I spot a elevator and sigh happily, I don't have to walk for ages anymore. I step into the elevator with Dion and press the ground button, “they need to change this music” I huff listening to the hypnotic sounding music, Dion huffs in agreement.

The elevator suddenly jolts to a stop, the lights go out but luckily I can see clearly in the dark. I look at Dion who looks back at me.

“this is for your own good, you're causing too many problems” a voice says from a speaker, I glance up at the camera knowing they can see me “stark, banner” I nod my head towards the camera.

“you're hurting people Angel… this isn't you” Banner says softly, I glare at the camera “you don't know me”. “no but we have someone who does” stark says, I frown thinking who they could have.

“Angel…” Ads voice echoes through the elevator, I shake my head and try to open the elevator. “please stop” Ads says softly, I glare at the camera again “this is your fault, you didn't want me… none of you did!”.

“I did” a different voice says, I scream clutching my head. The old angel is not coming back no matter how much she tries, I punch at the elevator doors.

“anyone have anymore plans?” I hear stark ask, I carry on punching the doors until they open a bit. The elevator starts up again and the doors open on a higher floor, when the doors open I'm greeted with a group of people.

I push the voice to the back of my head, no I'm not going back to my angel side. The people tighten their grip on their guns, stark points his metal hand at me as Steve gets ready to charge at me.

I go to attack but stop when a figure steps out of the crowd, he lifts his hands up stepping towards me “Angel” Bucky says softly. I narrow my eyes at him but he carries on stepping forwards, “move” I mumble glaring at Bucky. He shakes his head.

“Fine your choice” I shrug grabbing his metal arm, I throw him into the crowd making alot of them fall.

I look at back at the people before me, I run forwards but stop when a figure appears in front of me. Dion steps forwards growling but stops when she sees the person, she sits down wagging her tail. Great guard.

“Father” I smile looking at the man, “have I made you proud?” I put my arms out to the side. He shakes his head and grabs my arm teleporting us to a different place, “I never wanted you to be like me” he says sitting on a table, I sit opposite him confused at when hell got a table.

“I wanted you to be an angel like your mother… find happiness” my dad begins to say looking at me, he smiles sadly at my appearance. “my happiness is gone” I mumble looking away from him.

“I know what happiness look like and I know you had it” he says waving his hand, an image appears showing Bucky sat at a table with his hand over the necklace I gave him. Why does he look sad? He said he didn't want me.

My father waves his hand making the image disappear “Hunter tricked you, what he showed you was a lie, they were all upset when you left”. I go to say something but he cuts me off “I know your angel side is still in there and I can help you but you have to have happy memories to hold onto or-”.

“or it will destroy my mind” I finish his sentence.

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