Fragile Heart Reverse Ending

Per AmaterasuSensei

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Heart Ache


524 20 18
Per AmaterasuSensei

"There's a possibility that he had a heart attack"

When I heard that I felt all the blood drain from my face. I looked at the fragile boy on the gurney. We where still driving towards the hospital. I felt my self shake and I took Misaki's hand in my own and squeezed it tightly whispering sweet words as well as prayers. After what seemed like hours (which in fact it only took 10 minutes) we finely arrived at the hospital.

Like lightning, the paramedics lowered Misaki from the ambulance and rushed in the building, I followed closely after.


All hell broke lose at these orders, nurses running here and there setting things up. I followed them as far as the emergency room but once their I was not permitted beyond that point.

Nurse- "Sir, you can wait here"

She led me to a waiting room where a couch laid and a couple of arm chairs. As soon as I sat down a dark blue haired doctor came out.

"Hello, I'm Nowaki Kusama and i'll be Misaki's doctor for now." Nowaki said introducing himself to me.

"Your Hiro-san's lover?!" I stated surprised.

Nowaki also looked surprise. "Yes, how did you know that?"

"Hiro-san and I are friends, I'm Usami Akihiko. Now hows Misaki?" I had asked getting over my surprise rather quickly and was now quiet serious.

"Misaki, as far as we can tell, suffered from a minor heart attack due to prolonged stress and sickness. We've done a MRI and have found a blood clot in one of his veins, so were going to have to unclog that and when he suffered from his attack of course part of heart is now dead but among the dead section a part survived but its giving off an electric pulse that clashed with the rest of the hearts natural pacemaker, so we ended up having to stop his heart in order to get it working right. We will need to give him surgery and implant a device that will help keep his heart in check. I will personally inform you on his condition."

"Alright" I barley whispered. I was still in shock on how bad my Misaki's condition was.

I sat in a chair and my heart ached for Misaki...for him to be alright. Nowaki said that his heart attack was due to prolong sickness and stress. I struggled to remember when Misaki seemed stressed or sick besides today.

Flash back Nobodys POV

5 weeks ago-

Misaki came home from school a little late.

"OI What took you so long?" Usagi huffed?

"Gomen Usagi I was just walking slowly, I won't do it again if you don't like it"

Usagi peered at Misaki and saw shadows forming in his eyes. However when Usagi questioned them Misaki passed it off as allergy shadows.

3 weeks Saturday night

Usagi was siting at the couch reading a book when he heard Misaki walking down the stairs. He got up to see what he was doing and saw him taking down some sleeping pills.

He remembered asking if He was okay but Misaki said he was having trouble sleeping.

He remembered countless times Misaki coughing or sneezing or clutching his head or chest. But he had always passed it of as either allergies or just soreness after sex.


Usagi waited for Misaki to walk in the door before he pounced him.

"U...Usagi-san" Misaki had said startled "I thought you were working"

"I need to refill my self with Misaki other wise I can't think"

Misaki had only nodded his head in acceptance which surprised Usagi since Misaki always struggled against having sex. But Usagi took Misaki's obedience as a way for him to say that he wanted it too.

Flash back end Nobody's POV

How could he have missed the signs?! It was inexcusable, it was. Usagi felt as if he had failed as Misaki's lover and felt his heart break in pieces as he thought of how Misaki covered up his stress and sickness to please him.

Hours later, Misaki was still in surgery when Takahiro came in. He looked around and spotted Usagi quickly.

"Usagi, How's Misaki...What happened...all I was told was that Misaki was in the hospital. I tried to get here as soon as I could, but you know long it takes for me to travel here from my place."

Usagi stared at Takahiro, and repeated all that Nowaki had told him. Then he fell silent.

Takahiro sat down and grabbed his head as he whispered "It finally happened, I hoped that he would be lucky and it not come to this!"

Usagi heard this and looked to Takahiro, "What are you talking about?"

Takahiro swallow and said "On our dad's side Arrhythmia's ran in the family, it's a heart disease that is inherited, but it is usually found out at an early age. We thought that it skipped our generation because both of us tested negative for it. But a couple months ago Misaki was visiting my house, while he was there, he told me that he had gone to the doctors cause he was having chest pains...He said that the doctors told him that he has arrhythmia, that it had developed in him.

"WHAT! WHY WAS I NOT TOLD!?" Usagi asked raising his voice in shock of the news.

"I wanted to tell you but he begged and begged me not to!"

"Who did?"

"Misaki, he said he didn't want to burden you. He said if you knew of his condition that you would agonize over it and he doesn't want that."

Usagi felt tears come to his eyes but he refused to let them fall. He could feel his heart tear even more.

"Misaki has been suffering a heart condition but he's been putting my happiness above his comfort. I was too rough...if only I had known how fragile you where...Misaki...I'm so sorry..."

Usagi agonized over these thoughts sinking into a depression.

Hours later Nowaki came out very tiered looking and withdrawn.

Usagi and Takahiro held their breath until Nowaki gave a sad smile and told them that the surgery was a success.

Both Usagi and Takahiro released their breath in relief.

Nowaki continued with, "However he has not woken yet, we think that his body put him into a comma so we wont know how long it will be before he wakes. We moved him to room 172, because he just got out of surgery we need to check his vitals, so we need you all to wait for another hour

Takahiro was the first to speak "Alright...thank much..."

Nowaki left the two to wait for the time where they could visit Misaki.

Takahiro then turned to address Usagi, "When Misaki wakes, I've decided that he's going to come back home with me...he needs to be with his family."

Usagi, shocked at this, stood up quickly, despair evident in his eyes, "NO, YOU CAN'T!"

Takahiro also stood, his brow furrowed in confusion, "Why not...he needs to be cared for and only his family wold have the love and patience to hep him through this."

Those words hurt Usagi but he knew he couldn't give up on Misaki. He could not live without the emerald eye brunet, it would be his downfall, so he replied to Takahiro, "But I do love him like you love him" "and even more than you do" he thought to himself. "Besides, wouldn't suddenly moving him, as well as disrupting his routine, stress him out more?"

Takahiro bit his lip and said, "I guess your right, just promise me you will take good care of him."

Usagi felt relief as Takahiro gave in, "I promise"

Time moved agonizingly slow, or so Usagi thought, but the one hour wait was finally up and a nurse led the two gentle men to Misaki's room.

Nurse- "If he wakes push the nurse call button so we can examine him."

With that Takahiro and Usagi stepped into the room.

The first thing Usagi noticed was the many machinery beeping, he followed the wires and tubing up to where they lay, connected in Misaki's body.

Misaki himself laid underneath many blankets and an oxygen mask on his face.

Takahiro walked to the bed side and broke down.

"Misaki...your brothers here, I'm here" Takahiro stroked the boys hair.

Even though Usagi didn't want to, he decided to let Takahiro be with Misaki alone, so he went outside to smoke.

Usagi was siting his back against the hospital building, cigarette in mouth and surrounded by the cigarette butts that he already smoked when Takahiro came out.

After spotting Usagi he walked over to him.

"I have to go back to Osaka, Manami's delivery date is nearly here, so I need to stay by her side. I won't be able to visit much."

"Alright" Usagi said standing. "If you're not here when he wakes I'll give you a call."

Takahiro suddenly placed a hand on Usagi's shoulder's, "Thank you Usagi...for letting me be alone with my brother...I really appreciated it."

"No problem, have a safe trip home."

As Takahiro left Usagi headed for Misaki's room.

When he entered he made sure to close the door behind him.

He walked over to Misaki's bed side and pulled up a chair next to him.

Usagi then took one of Misaki's unusually cold hands in his own.

"Misaki...I'm sorry...Misaki please wake up...Come back to me...I love you so much...So please wake up!" Usagi's shoulders shook as he finally allowed his tears to fall again.

"See Misaki, I will only cry in front of you...Only you are allowed to see me in this wretched state."

Usagi just held Misaki's hand crying and never did he leave the teens side.

Misaki's Mind

Where am I?

Why is it so dark?

HELLO...Can anyone hear me?

Am I alone?

I...I"m scared!


Usagi, who was dozing, woke suddenly. What caused him to wake he wondered. Then he heard it,


"Misaki!" Usagi quickly stood over Misaki "It's okay...Misaki I'm here...Come on wake up"

Usagi kissed his Misaki's head. and tears feel from his eyes and onto Misaki's forehead.

Wake up?

Am I asleep?

Usagi...I want to wake...but it's so heavy...this darkness...

Misaki feels the tear drop

Usagi why are you crying?

-Misaki...I Love You...-

Usagi, why do you sound so sad?

Hold on...I'll be there in a minuet...just let me find the exit...

Misaki struggled as hard as he could but he couldn't find an exit when all of a sudden he feels a warmth of love and saw a glimpse of light.

Seizing the opportunity he rushed to the light and opened his eyes.

Usagi's POV

I was siting looking at a book in on hand...not reading it of course...while my other hand was still holding Misaki's. My mind had wandered to the days I spent with Misaki.

All of a sudden I felt the hand in my hand stir. I stood up quickly...hoping... the book feel to the floor and I leaned over Misaki, studying his face, when at last his emerald eyes opened and meet my own violet eyes.

"MISAKI" I cried tears of joy welling in my eyes and spilling over. "MISAKI...MISAKI...MISAKI!" I cried and embraced him.

"Usagi?" The boy questioned, "Why are you crying Usagi?"

"I was so scared that you wouldn't wake. Please Misaki tell me next time when your sick okay?!"

"Usagi, aren't you being over dramatic, I mean I guess I passed out for a few hours but I'm fine, I was probably just tired."

I pulled back from Misaki and frowned, "No Misaki, You aren't fine."

I watched as my lover pulled a confused expression, "What are you talking about? Why aren't I fine?"

"Misaki, you had a heart attack and you've been in a coma going on five months."

I waited for Misaki's reaction as he absorbed this information.

I saw shock, fear, despair, nervousness, and anger pass through his eyes in the matter of seconds before he settled on a neutral face and tone.



"Have I missed anything important?"

"Not Much...Manami had her now you're an uncle"

"Did she?"

His answer sounded so distant, "Are you alright Misaki?

"Yeah I think so..."

Quickly I embraced him, "Misaki if you're afraid or sad then it's okay, you can tell me."

After I said this I felt Misaki shake as he started crying.

"I...I...thought...that I was only asleep...for a few moments...Gomen Usagi...Gomen..."

"What are you apologizing for?" I asked very surprised.

"I've be out for so long you must have been so worried...I've gone and became a burden to you...Gomen...I did not mean to trouble you or Nii-san"

My heart broke even further as I heard that the reason why Misaki was sad now, was not because of the fact of his heart attack or that he was in a coma, no he was crying for me, because he felt like he troubled me.

"Misaki don't you ever let me hear you say that you burden me, because there is no way in hell that you have ever been a burden to me."


I didn't let him finish as I suddenly crashed my lips to his in a heated passionate kiss trying to send as much love as I could, so that Misaki would get the message that because I love him he will never be a burden, and that without him...I'm nothing.

Nobody's POV

Misaki's eyes grew wide at Usagi's sudden kiss but he soon melted into it. He felt love that had been suppressed for the last five months pool in him making him shiver with pleasure. Usagi licked Misaki's bottom lip begging for entrance, Misaki granted him access after a moment, allowing the kiss deepen.

Usagi ran his tongue all in Misaki's wet cavern. Misaki tasted like eggs and peppermint tea to Usagi, so he enjoyed every minute of it. He enjoyed how soft the boys lips where, the pleasurable moaning sound Misaki was making. Usagi wished he could stay like that forever but like always all good things must come to an end .

He noticed Misaki tire, so he pulled back letting his lips touch Misaki's for 1...2...3 times before letting go.

The teen feel back against his bed already asleep.

Usagi then pushed the nurse call button and soon Nowaki came in.

"what happened Usami?"

"Misaki woke up"

Nowaki came and stood looking at Misaki's vitals.

"I see, care to explain why he is asleep then and has an increased heart rate?"

Usagi blushed.

"When he reawakens don't do anything that can tire him out... I do have to examine him while conscious OK?"

"alright" Usagi pouted.

As soon as Nowaki left Usagi pulled out his phone and dialed Takahiro's phone

*Ring* Ring*Ring*


"Hey Takahiro"

-Usagi-san how are you?-

"I'm fine, Takahiro...Misaki woke up..."


-I'll be there as soon as I can-


Usagi closed his phone after Takahiro hung up. To pass the time until either Takahiro got there or when Misaki woke again...Usagi made a list of things he would do as soon as Misaki could come home.

Misaki woke up a little over an hour after Usagi talked with Takahiro and this time, following the doctors orders, Usagi pushed the nurse button even though he wanted to continue where they had left off.

"How do you feel?" Nowaki asked.

Misaki took a moment to access how his body felt before replying, "I feel heavy and my head hurts"

Nowaki made a note on a clip board saying, "I thought you might say that. Well looking at your vitals you seem good to go in for another MRI.

"Why does he need another one?" Usagi asked fearfully.

"We just need to make sure his heart is fine that's all" Nowaki said reassuringly.

"Okay" Usagi grumbled.

"It'll be alright" Misaki said patting Usagi's head, "I'll be fine"

With that they rolled Misaki out of the room to get his MRI.

Two hours later and they finally brought Misaki back in. Usagi rushed to his side and asked Nowaki, "What the hell? Why did it take so damn long?"

"Sorry but we wanted to make sure everything was okay so we scanned everywhere on his body" Nowaki replied calmly.

"AND? Is he good or bad or what?" Usagi was losing his patience.

"He's all good we will keep him here in the hospital for the next week just to make sure everything settle's now that he is conscious and then he can be released. He will have to make regular appointments with a cardiologist and will have to come back to get an MRI scan every year so we can make sure his pace maker stays alright. And he will be on some heart medications for the rest of his life. He won't be able to do strenuous activities for a month at least"

"Damn, I still won't be able to fuck Misaki for a month!" Usagi thought.

"Otherwise Misaki will be fine" Nowaki continued, unaware of Usagi's previous perverted thought.

"Well thank you so much Nowaki-san"

"You're welcome"

With that Nowaki left the room.

It was another two hours when Takahiro came in followed by Manami who was carrying their newborn son.

"Hey Usagi how is he?"

"He's okay, they took him for another MRI for like two hours...No surprise that he feel asleep."

Takahiro went over and ran his hand through his sleeping brother's hair. The movement awoke Misaki.

"Sorry Misaki, did I wake you?"

"Takahiro?...Oh no, I was just about to wake any way"

"Well we brought someone to visit you."

Takahiro gestured for Manami to come over.

"This is your new nephew"

Misaki perked at this and looked to see the newest member of his family.

The baby was tiny with curly blue hair. He was wearing blue footy pajamas and a yellow hat. when the youngster opened his eyes, Misaki noticed that they were emerald green like his.

"He's such a beautiful boy what's his name?"

"His name is Mahiro Misaki Takashi"

Misaki's eyes widened, "You named your first child after me!"

"Of course Manami and myself really love you."

"I...I don't know what to say..."

"Then don't say anything, just love him." Nanami said smiling.

The little Mahiro grabbed Misaki's finger and gave a smile."

"Awwwww who's a cute little baby" Misaki cooed.

This made the child laugh.

Usagi smiled at how cute his lover was being and thought that Misaki would be a great mother.

Takahiro then turned and asked Usagi, "Do you know how long he will be here?"

"Nowaki said he wanted him here for a week for observation purposes."

"AHHHH, a week I don't want to be in here for a week!" Misaki sat back a pout evident on his face.

Usagi chuckled at his loves childish actions.

After a couple of hours of talking, laughing, and bringing Misaki up to speed on what was happening these days, Takahiro, Nanami, and their now sleeping son Mahiro left to go home.

Usagi took up residence next to his love who had also fallen asleep a little while ago.

'He's so an angel." Usagi thought staring at Misaki's angelic face.

The end of the week finally came and Misaki was discharged after being reminded to come back every year, and to take his medicine.

"And remember no activities of any sort for a month" Nowaki was nagging Usagi.

"I know, don't keep reminding me." Usagi said, already pissed that he couldn't make love to his Misaki.

As soon as they got back to the house Usagi picked up Misaki and carried Misaki bridal style toward the door.

"Put me down Usagi...Idiot...I can walk myself!" Misaki protested.

"But the doctor said no activities" Usagi replied smiling

"Walking is not an activity but just a function of life"

Usagi just kept smiling and said, "It is in my book"

With that Usagi opened the door and brought Misaki inside the shockingly clean house.

"I would have thought that the house would be trashed by now!"

"Well you are right about that, had I been home it probably would have been trash."

"Wait, are you telling me that you haven't gone home these past months?!"

Usagi frowned slightly and looked into Misaki's eyes, "How could I even think of coming home while you where in the hospital. It would have been too lonely for me."

Misaki was touched and happy at Usagi's statement, "Thank you Usagi" Misaki whispered.

Usagi's placed Misaki on the couch sighing, "Please don't torture me Misaki."

Misaki looked toward Usagi and demanded, "I just thanked you how was that tourMmhmhhh"

Usagi suddenly pulled Misaki into a kiss, "You are so cute but remember, I have to wait before I can fuck you senseless, and you trying to seduce me isn't helping my resolve." he whispered seductively.

Misaki struggled against Usagi until he finally broke free

"Usagi, don't do that, and I wasn't seducing you, you pervert" Misaki said gasping.

"But you thanking me while looking so adorable is the same thing as seducing me besides, if I can't fuck you, how else am I supposed to get my fill of Misaki?" Usagi whined. He then grabbed Misaki around the waist and pulled him towards himself placing his head in the crook of Misaki's neck

He then whispered , "You just can't understand how much I've been longing to feel you." he slid his hands under Misaki's shirt, feeling Misaki's skin.

"Or how much I've missed your smell" He then started to smell the now blushing teens hair.

"Or how I've wanted to hear you" Usagi then bit Misaki's ear, eliciting a moan of pleasure from him.

"And more importantly how much I've missed the taste of your lips." Usagi then tuned Misaki towards him and kissed him full force, shoving his tongue down Misaki's throat.

Misaki struggled against Usagi as hard as he could. He was too tired to be doing this. But Usagi continued kissing him until lack of oxygen forced him to pull back from Misaki's now flushed face.

"Usagi you can't be doing this, the doctor said no activities for a month" Misaki scolded.

"Kissing isn't an activity, but just a function of life" Usagi smirked using the exact same words Misaki had uses earlier.

Suddenly *GROWL*

Misaki blushed as his stomach growled.

"Looks kike it's time to make dinner for Misaki" Usagi said standing up.

"Usagi, DON'T YOU DARE STEP FOOT IN MY KITCHEN...I'M PRETTY SURE I MADE THAT CLEAR LAST TIME!" Misaki scolded Usagi. The vision of Usagi's last time trying to cook played in his head where Usagi placed a metal can in the microwave causing a fire and then putting one of Misaki's favorite aprons too close to the burner where it burned as well. After that Misaki banned him from the kitchen.

"But I need to feed you" Usagi argued.

"That's why I will make dinner." Misaki said getting up shakily.

"I don' think so, Sit Back Down Misaki." Usagi said very sternly when he saw Misaki shaking just from standing.

"You must think I'm out of my mind if you think I'm going to let you cook after getting out of the hospital"

Misaki was about to argue when he noticed a strange mix of fear, love and concern floating in Usagi's eye's so he said, "Fine but let's just order take-out"

Usagi softened his voice as he said, "I'm okay with that"

And that's just what they did.

The first few days that Misaki had come home went by smoothly.

It wasn't until the second week when every thing went down hill again for the couple.

It was 3:00 a.m. when Usagi was startled awake from sleeping at his desk in his office .(He was attempting to write a new novel).

What startled Usagi was a loud bang.

Usagi rushed to his room. Flipping the lights Usagi ,did not see his lover anywhere on the bed.

No...Misaki was on the floor.

Usagi thought that his Misaki had just fell out of bed and was too far asleep to wake. If only that was the truth.

Usagi went over and collected Misaki in his arms when suddenly the body he was holding started to shake violently.

In fact, he shook so violently that Usagi nearly dropped him.

Quickly Misaki was placed on the bed, though he continued to shake.

"MISAKI...MISAKI...WAKE UP" Usagi yelled frantically, fearing Misaki was in one of his nightmares. And as previously stated...if only that was true.

Usagi froze.


Misaki started violently coughing...

Misaki was coughing up blood...

Usagi watched the crimson liquid roll down Misaki's mouth entranced by it.

Usagi snapped back when he heard his lover's moan of pain.

Usagi finally sprung into action. He flipped open his phone so hard and fast that the hinge came undone some.

He dialed 119 and yelled his emergency to the operator. The uncontrolled terror was evident in his voice.

As soon as he finished he turned Misaki on his side so as to make sure he didn't choke on his own blood.

After what seemed like a life time, Usagi's door was kicked down and paramedic's, once again, rushed into the house.

They put Misaki in the ambulance and this time Usagi was not allowed to ride with due to the fact that there was an extra paramedic with them.

The ambulance put on their flashing blue sirens and was off.

Like a mad man, Usagi jumped into his own car and was off, following the emergency vehicle.

As soon as Usagi arrived at the funeral, he was informed that Misaki had been taken in for immediate surgery.

A few hours later the doctor who had treated Misaki last time came out.

Usagi asked, "How is Misaki!"

Nowaki looked away, "He's finally been stabilized and is currently resting, however he is no where near being healed"

Usagi looked at Nowaki fear swirling in his eyes.

"Usagi, I need to know what was Misaki's condition when you found him?" Nowaki asked seriously.

Usagi told everything he saw from Misaki being on the floor, his violent shaking, down to him coughing up blood.

Nowaki sighed and looked sadly at Usagi, "Misaki's brain has started to see Misaki's pace make has a threat so it's trying to get rid of it. But there are too many white blood cells attacking it that the boy's heart is starting to overload from producing so many."

Usagi desperately asked, "Well can't you do anything about it?"

Nowaki sighed and said, "The only thing we can do is go into his brain and force it to accept the pace maker using a series of brain chemicals but..."

"BUT WHAT!" Usagi stared to get impatient.

"The operation is a very delicate wrong move and he's dead...but if it is successful...he will have no memories of his life before" Nowaki said carefully watching Usagi's face.

Usagi felt faint. He sat down his eyes downcast. A very heavy darkness settled on his heart. He barley could hear what Nowaki had continued talking

"Of course because it's such a delicate situation we need to have Misaki's approval when he wakes up." Nowaki felt bad for Usagi, he could not imagine how he would have felt if something like this were to happen to his Hiro-san. Taking pity he then told Usagi that he could stay with Misaki until he woke up.

Moments later Usagi found himself siting at Misaki's bedside. Usagi, with trembling hands hands flipped open his phone, the screen no reading 8:13. He scrolled toward Takahiro's number and pushed call.


-This is Takashi Takahiro, I am currently busy and will call back as soon as possibly-

leave a message after the beep, when you are finished recording, you may hang up or dial 1 for more options *BEEP*

Usagi felt little relief, at least he didn't have to talk to Takahiro immediately,he didn't think he could handle the emotional stress,so he just told everything that happened into the message and hoped that Takahiro would get it soon.

It was a few hours before Misaki woke.

The visibly pale uke sat up slowly, blinking exhaustion from his crusted dark eyes.

Misaki turned when he felt someone squeeze his hand and he turned, and saw his rabbit watching him intensely.

Misaki finally realized that he was back in the hospital and slumped backwards with a soft *thump*

Usagi quickly stood over his lover, he saw realization, pain, and fear flash in the brunets emerald eyes.

Usagi squeezed Misaki's hand.

Misaki then asked in a shaky voice" have I..been...a..a..asleep for?"

Usagi replied softly, "It's okay love, you've only been out for a few hours."

He watched Misaki's tense form relax, and it was then that he realized that the young boy in front of him was scared that he had been out for months again.

"Usagi-san...why are you crying?"

Usagi was startled by Misaki's sudden question, "I'm no..." Usagi lifted his free hand to his face and stopped mid sentence as he felt how wet his face was. He felt tears slide down his face like a slow peaceful stream.

Usagi looked at Misaki's concerned face and thought he couldn't bear telling Misaki about his condition.

Just then the door opened and in walked Nowaki.

"I see your awake Mr. Takashi" Nowaki's voice uttered softly, sadness evident in his voice. The doctor and Usagi's eyes meet and sadness pooled in both eyes.

Misaki noticed the exchange knew something was wrong with him, why else was Usagi making such a painful expression, "What's going on? Whats wrong with me?"

Usagi watched Misaki's expression as Nowaki explained his condition and how he could be saved, but when he was about to say the side affects of the surgery Usagi stopped him.

"He doesn't need to know about that" Usagi pleaded.

Nowaki sadly and guiltily replied, "I'm sorry but I must tell will effect his answer but he needs to know"

"What side effect?" Misaki asked cautiously.

Usagi braced himself as Nowaki said, "If the surgery is a success...then you will lose all your memories from your past."

AngstyYaoiFangirl- man I'm on a roll here

Usagi- (knife behind his back) Oh Author dear?

AngstyYaoiFangirl- Yes

Usagi tries to stab me however I knew what was coming and evaded the attack

AngstyYaoiFangirl- TSK TSK TSK, Are you still mad about that story I read and favorited earlier?

Usagi- Of Course I'm Mad and I told you I was going to kill you

AngstyYaoiFangirl- so you readers know whats going on I happened upon this story called Save Me Usagi by Th4tFr3nchH0rnCh1c and it was really good. So I invited Usagi to read it but for some reason he got all mad at me and the author. It's such a great story here's the link s/10518133/1/Save-Me-Usagi.

AngstyYaoiFangirl- Well I really didn't want to stop here but then my mind was like give them a cliff hanger so I was like okay fine. SO read and review tell me what you think and maybe give me some suggestions. Okay now time to learn a really random fact on what happens while I type this. well ill be in the middle of a sentence when for some reason i capitalize a word that dose'nt need to be for example ill be like 'Well the day was Bright and cloudy' when i do that I'm like shit I did it again. oh well have a nice day and thank-you for reading this.

Continua llegint

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"Hey PJ, how've you been?" "Who's PJ? • Bad grammar and such intended • Trigger Warning: depression, mentions of suicide ### -completed as of 3/1/16-
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(ᴋɪʟʟᴜɢᴏɴ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴀᴜ ꜰɪᴄ) ᴋɪʟʟᴜᴀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ɴᴏ-ɢᴏᴏᴅ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ʙʀᴀᴛ, ᴀꜱ ᴍᴀɴʏ ʟᴏᴄᴀʟꜱ ꜱᴀʏ. ʜᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ɴᴏ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴛʀᴇᴇʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏᴏᴅꜱ ᴀʟʟ ᴀʟ...