Suicide Squad: Parent Scenari...

By Davidsmate24

103K 1.5K 397

What's so good about being bad? How about having the badest of bad be your new parents? All chaos will regin... More

How They Became Your Parents
Your First Night at Your Home with Your Parents
Their First Thoughts about You
They Take Care of You
Christmas Special
Christmas Special (Part 2)
New Year's Special
Your First Word(s): Good & Bad
Your First Steps
You Get Kidnapped
Easter Special
Mother's Day Special
How They React When You Watch a Horror Movie
Your 1st Birthday
When You Get Promoted to Big Sister/Brother
You Get to Meet Your Baby Sister/Brother
First Day of Kindergarten & Your First Friend
Your First Bully & How Your Parents React to You Getting Bullied
Daddy's Unicorn Collection (Captain Boomerang)
Halloween Speical
Kindergarten Graduation
You Get into a Fight with Your Parents & Run Away from Home
When Your Parents Come Find You and Bring You Home
Your 1st Day of High School
Book on Hold/ Imporant Message
Welcome Back/ Amanda Waller Catch-Up
How They React When You Get a Boyfriend/Girlfriend
When Your Parents Teach You How to Drive

Father's Day Special

1.6K 28 12
By Davidsmate24

A/N- This chapter is dedicated to all the dads out there. Also Enchantress will not be in chapter.

Joker & Harley- Your daddy always hated the holidays, but that was before you came along and made him feel happy again, but today he wasn't happy. He hated today due to his past. No matter how hard he tried to please his father, his dad wasn't satisfied. He promised himself that if he became a father, he would be better than what his father was and your daddy kept that promise, for you were his world and his everything. Your mommy was very worried, for she thought that your daddy would hurt you and kick you out, but he never did, for you changed his heart.  Whenever he came home from a mission, heist, etc. he would go wash up before heading to your nursery to see you, his little clown.  If you were asleep, he would smile and slip his fingers through the crib and tickle your little feet.  You would smile and laugh as you saw your daddy. 

Today, your daddy was out on business, so it just you, your mommy, Bud and Lou. You were happily playing with Bud and Lou, while your mommy was on the phone talking to your aunt Ivy.  "So what are you doing, Harley?" "Nothing much Red. Just babysittin' y/n and my babies." "Oh. Where's the clown?" "Mistah J is out on at a business meeting." "Oh I see. How would you and y/n like to  do some shopping?"  "I think that's a great idea, Red. I'll go get ready now." Your mommy said as she hung up the phone and went over to where you were. "What are you doing, Puddin' pop?" "Uppy (Puppy)" "Yes baby girl/boy. Bud and Lou are puppies. Let's go get ready for auntie Ivy's comin' over to take us out for the day." Your mommy cooed as she took you to your nursery to change you. 

"Aw, y/n. You're so cute that I could eat you up." Your mommy cooed. A little later, you heard a car horn and you knew that it was your aunt Ivy. "Time to go y/n." Your mommy said as she locked the door and carried you to Ivy's car.  (Time skip to the mall)

When all of you arrived at the mall,  you and your mommy went shopping for your daddy, while Ivy went shopping for herself. "Alright, Puddin' pop. Let's go fine some gifts for daddy." She cooed.  After your mommy and aunt Ivy were done shopping, they went out to eat and headed back home.  "Okay y/n. Wanna help mommy wrap daddy's gifts?" "Dada!" "(Chuckles) Yes Puddin' pop. Dada." She cooed. A little later you and your mommy were watching TV in her and your daddy's bedroom, when you heard the front door open/close. "Where's Daddy's lil clown and monster?" "Dada!" You said as your mommy placed you the floor and listened to your tiny feet hit the floor as you ran to your daddy. "There you are, my sweet baby girl/boy. Daddy missed you. Did you miss Daddy?" He cooed and gave you tickles.  "Hi Daddy." "Ah my lil monster.  We have a meeting tonight at the club, so be ready by7pm." "What about lil clown? Isn't y/n comin' with us?" Your mommy asked. "Of course lil clown is comin' with us, baby. I wouldn't leave y/n with any of my men unless it was Frosty or Panda. But they are going to be with us, so y/n comes too." He said.  (Time skip to your parents getting ready)

Your mommy was putting on her make-up, while your daddy got you ready. "All done, baby girl/boy. My, don't you look beautiful/ handsome tonight, my lil clown." He cooed as he went to check on your mommy. "Harley, darling? Are you ready yet?" "Almost Puddin'. I just gotta put on my shoes and grab my purse and the diaper bag." She called out from the master bathroom. "I'll have Frosty get those things, just hurry up or we're going to be late! And you know I HATE being late."  He said as he took you to the car and buckled you into your car seat. (Time skip to the Smile & Grin)

As you ad parents arrived, your daddy placed you on the couch and played with you for a little bit before he left to go to his meeting. You began to cry for your daddy, but he was gone. "Shh... my sweet lil Puddin' pop. Mommy's got you and so is your hyena." She cooed, but you didn't want your hyena, you wanted your daddy. "Frosty!" "Yes, Ms. Quinn?" "Is mistah J's meeting almost done?"  Just then a gun shot could be heard from the club. "I believe his meeting is done now, Ms. Quinn, but may I ask why?" "Y/n needs him." "Oh, why is my lil clown cryin', hmm?" Your daddy said as he picked you up and rubbed your back. "No dada."  "I'm sorry lil clown. Daddy's here now and he'll always will be."  He cooed. After all of you ate, you got your daddy's gifts and gave them to him. "Hmm? What's this, lil clown?" "Dada." "It's for me? Well thank you, y/n." He said as he opened it. 

Your daddy was speechless, for no one, (other than Harley) was kind to him. "A-are these for me, lil clown?" He asked you as you nodded yes. Your daddy was very happy that an actual happy smile, a normal smile formed on his face. "Oh, y/n. Harley. T-thank you for making me the happiest man on earth." He said. You and your mommy hugged him. Just then he saw the Bat signal in the sky. "Harley, dear. I think we better head home before Batsy ruins my day." He said as he told Frost to take you home, if incase your parents should get caught by him. 

Katana & Diablo- You were in your playroom playing with your daddy, while your mommy made dinner reservations at your daddy's favorite restaurant.  "What our my two favorite people doing?" Your mommy asked as she stood in the doorway of the playroom. "Mama!" "Hello my darling. Did you have fun with daddy?" She cooed. "We always have fun, don't we my little angel?" Your daddy cooed and gave you a kiss.  "Well babe I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to give y/n a bath." Your daddy said. "Don't worry honey. I can give y/n a bath, so we can have some mommy and me time." She said as she took you to the other bathroom, while your daddy showered in the master bathroom.  

"Guess what, my little dragon. We're going out tonight to celebrate Father's day." Your mommy cooed as she washed you with the Baby Magic body wash. After you were done with your bath, your mommy dried, diapered and dressed you.  "My goodness. Someone is very happy. aren't you baby girl/boy?" Your mommy cooed.  (Time skip to the restaurant)

As your daddy pulled up to the restaurant, he was getting very specious on what was going on. He got the car seat out and walked inside with your mommy. "Hello. We have a reservation." "Oh yes. Please follow me. Let me grab a highchair for the little one while you two get settled in." The hostess said.  Once you were taken care of,  your parents got to order what they wanted for dinner.  After your parents finished dinner, they got an sundae to share with you, their pride and joy. "Wait babe. Y/n and I got you something." Your mommy said as she gave it to him. "Now you or y/n didn't have to get me anything." Your daddy said as he opened his gift. 

He began to laugh when he saw the Charmander plush. "Let me guess, you got this guy, didn't you, my sweet little girl/boy?" He cooed. "Ire!" "Yes, y/n. He has fire on his tail." He cooed.  After he opened all his gifts he gave you and your mommy a kiss and a hug.  "Thank you my loves. Now who wants to go to the movies?"  You squealed happily for you already knew what movie you were going to see with your parents, Toy Story 4.

Deadshot- Early in the morning of Father's day, Zoe, Ms. Baker and you were making your daddy's breakfast. You got to help by making the pancake batter and mixing it with some help from your big sister.  Once the batter was done, Zoe showed you how to scoop the batter and pour it onto the griddle.  "Yay y/n! You did it" Zoe and Ms. Baker cooed. Once the pancakes were done, Zoe made fresh squeezed orange juice. Ms. Baker saw you that you were hungry, so she gave a small stack of pancakes, already cut and placed some syrup on them. "Here you go, y/n. You deserve them." She cooed. Just then your daddy got up and went to the kitchen to see breakfast being made. ""Happy Father's Day, Daddy!" "Dada!" "Oh wow. I wasn't expecting this. Breakfast with my favorite people, this beats going out."  He said. After breakfast, you and Zoe made a special card for your daddy and Ms. Baker got the gifts out. 

"Ah, Zoe. Y/n. Thank you so much." "But we're not done yet dad." Zoe said as Ms. Baker gave your daddy a huge box. As he went through the box, he had to laugh at the sign that Zoe had picked out and that you picked out Bullseye from Toy Story 2. But the best gift he had received was a new family. "Thank you Zoe, y/n and Ms. Baker." "You're welcome and Floyd and I have an answer for you and the kids. I would love to be your wife and be the mother to Zoe and y/n." "Really?" Zoe asked. "Yes my dear." "Yay! We get a new mom!" Zoe cheered, for even though she did love her mother, but she really wasn't really there for her, unlike Ms. Baker, who was always there 24/7.   "We a wedding to plan." Your daddy said as all of you hugged. 

Killer Croc & Poison Ivy-  You and your mommy were going out doing some shopping for your daddy, while he was at home napping, since he had a rough night last night.  "Are you ready to help mommy get some nice gifts for daddy, my little flower?" Your mommy cooed as she pushed the cart into the store and began to look around.  Your mommy got a new jacket since your daddy's old one was smelling horrible.  You saw a stuffed crocodile and wanted to get it for him. "What's wrong, y/n? Did you find something for daddy?" Your mommy asked as she saw you make grabby hands at the stuffed crocodile. Your mommy got for you and let you hold it.  Since they were the only things your mommy could find, she got two cards and went to pay for the items.  (Time skip to home)

Once both of you returned, your daddy was still sleeping, which was good, for your mommy knew that he wouldn't be snooping around. So your mommy wrapped up her gift while you tried to wrap the crocodile.  "Good job honey. " Your mommy praised you, as you began to rub your eyes. "Uh oh. I think it's passed someone's naptime." She cooed as she prepped a bottle, swaddled you up and fed you. After you were fed and burped, your mommy rocked you to sleep and placed you in your crib. 

After your nap, your daddy was up and went to check on you. "There's my little croc. How was your nap?" He cooed as he changed your diaper. "All baby fresh again, little croc. Now let's go see mommy. "Mama!" You called to her as she turned to see you with your daddy. "Well hello y/n and daddy. Did we enjoy our naps?"  She cooed at you.  "Shall we give daddy his gifts, now little flower?" You nodded as your mommy gave you your gift to give your daddy. "Dada!" "Hmm? What is it little croc?" He asked as you placed the gift on his lap. "Is this for me?" He asked as you nodded. He opened it he smiled. 

"Aw. Thank you little croc." "And don't forget mine, dear." Your mommy said as she gave her gift to him.  "Oh honey. I love it." "So what would you like to do, since it is your day." "I just want to relax and be with my wife and little croc." He said as all of you cuddled together on the couch and watched movies together. 

Captain Boomerang- Your daddy wasn't feeling so good, so he had the squad come over to help babysit you and get him taken care of. You were with Joker, since Harley was doing the wash, while Katana made homemade chicken soup and Diablo went to get some medicine. Diablo asked Joker if he could take you with him, since Joker did have some work to do. Joker didn't mind so he gave you to him. "Alright y/n. Ready to go for a ride with uncle D?" He cooed as he placed you in your car seat and drove off.  As the two of you arrived, you wanted to look around. Your uncle D looked at the line, which was pretty long, so the two of you went to get some gifts for him.  You saw a unicorn blanket and wanted to get it for your daddy. "Did you find something for daddy, y/n?" He asked as you made grabby hands at the blanket. "Good job, y/n. Daddy's going to love this." He said. Since the blanket was the only thing that you really liked, your uncle went to get the medicine and check out. 

Once you and your uncle returned, you were hungry, so your aunt Katana picked you up and made you some lunch.  "Here you go, sweetie. A yummy lunch made with love." She cooed as she began to fed you.  After you ate, your aunt Harley and you got to make a Father's day card for your daddy.   

Your aunt Katana came out and asked if you wanted to go see your daddy. Before she knew it you already near his bedroom. "Hey Boomerang. I got someone here to see you." "Mate!" "Hi y/n. You're not causing trouble for aunts and uncles are you?" Your daddy teased. "Mate." You said giving him the card and blanket.  "Aw, y/n. Thank you, my little roo." He cooed. "Okay y/n. Daddy needs to sleep now, y/n." Your aunt Katana cooed as she took you to the living room where your aunt Harley, uncle J and uncle D were. "There's our lil niece/nephew. Come sit by uncle J." He cooed as you walked to him. All of you were watching Fairly Odd Parents, when your daddy woke up feeling 100% better. "What are you doing little mate?" "Dada!" You said as you got off of your uncle J's lap and ran to him and gave him a big bear hug. "Dada no ick?" "Nope. Dada's all better thanks to you, little mate. And your aunts and uncles too." He cooed as your uncle J ordered take out for dinner for all you of you. 

Dr. June Moone & Rick Flag- It was Father's day and your daddy wasn't home yet.  You and your mommy were missing him deeply, so to take your minds off of him, your mommy decided to make something special for your daddy.  She found a pair of his old boots and painted the bottoms and stamped them onto the paper, while you were happily playing in your highchair with your toys.  Once the paint was dry, your mommy painted your feet, which made you giggle as the paint brush tickled your feet. "Do you like that baby girl/boy?" She cooed as she gently pressed your feet onto the paper. "All done. Now mommy has to wash those little baby feet." She cooed as she tickled you.  After that, your mommy went online and got cute onesie for you and another gift for your daddy. The package arrived the same day and it was just in time for your daddy was on his way home.  Your mommy got everything set up and ready, when both of you heard the front door open/close.  "June? Y/n? Daddy's home!" He called out as you went running towards him. "Dada!" "Oh my little soldier. I missed you so, so, so much." He cooed. Your mommy came out with his gift and a drink for him. "We've missed you so much Rick." "And I missed my family more." He said as he gave your mommy a kiss. 

He opened his gift and love it and you gave him his card, where he noticed your new onesie. "Really June?" "What? It's cute, funny and true." Your mommy said as she laughed. "Silly mommy."

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