Ghost boy (BTS x Male reader)

By thesoftestboi

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Ghosts, everyone has an opinion on whether or not they're real. What will happen when 7 skeptical boys move i... More

1. A new start
2. The piano
4. Sketchbooks and the attic hatch
5. Photo albums and lost memories
6. 10 long years (Tw: violence)
7. Jennie the psychic
8. The full moon ritual
9. The clicking of heels
10. The banging of doors
11. They once were eight
12. But now they're no more
A small epilogue-(TOMORROW is a new day)
Its been a while

3. The key

10.7K 381 118
By thesoftestboi

Yoongi woke up early that morning. After the strange events of the night before, he wanted to take a look at the piano to see what was making  some notes sound strange.

There was a knock on the bedroom door.
"Yoongi, we're going out and wondered if you were gonna join us. Tae isn't feeling too well so he's going to stay home."
"I think I'll stay here. What time will you all be back?"
He asked Namjoon.
"We'll probably be out all day. I'll let you know when we're coming back."
Yoongi said goodbye to Namjoon.

Once he knew they were out the door, he knocked on Taehyung's door.
"I know you're not sick so why don't you come out?"
Tae opens the door, his face pale white.
"What's wrong? I know you're not ill but you don't look good either."
"I had a dream."
Yoongi tilted his head, already intrigued.
"I saw this figure. They were crying out to me, telling me to look for a key. That's when that song started playing again. The figure started humming along and then I woke up. I'm scared Hyung, something feels off about this place, like we're not alone here."
Yoongi pulled Tae into a hug which was an incredibly rare sight.
"Don't worry, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Now, how about we check inside the piano to see what's causing the g note to sound strange."
Tae nodded, thankful to have someone as calm and collected as Yoongi. Had he been with any of his other Hyungs, they most likely would have panicked.

Tae and Yoongi worked together to lift the lid off of the back of the piano. With a flashlight in hand, Yoongi leant over the piano to look inside.  Everything seemed to be in perfect working order. He shined his light all over, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, anything inside of the instrument. He was beginning to think that there was nothing wrong inside of the piano until his light shone upon it. He couldn't see it too well at first so he grabbed it and pulled it out carefully.

"We're home!"
No response. Namjoon was worried and his gut instinct was telling him something wasn't right. Then he heard crying, it sounded like Taehyung and it was coming from upstairs. The boys hurried up the stairs. Coming closer, they could hear Yoongi comforting the younger boy.
"What's wrong?"
Yoongi simply held up a silver key. It was small and although it had been in a piano for god knows how long, it was in pristine condition. No rust or chew marks from where it had been lodged.

Namjoon stared at the key in confusion.
"There's something wrong with this house Joon. Tae had a dream."
"We all have dreams Hyung."
Jimin spoke, confused.
"This was different! It was strange! I don't know how to explain it. There was this figure and they were crying, begging for me to help them. They kept telling me to look for a key. That's when Yoongi Hyung and I went to look inside the piano. He thought something was lodged inside of it."
"That's where the key came from. In the dream Tae had, the figure started humming. The same song we've heard for weeks. Something is in this house Namjoon and it's trying to communicate with us."

They all went downstairs to calm down. Jin made everyone some tea and coffee and they all sat around.
"Why are you home early? I thought you said you'd be out all day."
"We were going to stay out but then we heard that a storm was coming. We didn't want to get caught driving home in it so we came back."
Yoongi nodded as Namjoon turned to Taehyung.
"Tae, could you tell us more about this dream?"
He reluctantly nodded and began telling all of them what he had dreamt.
"I think they were a boy, at least, they sounded kind of like one. I couldn't see anything other than their silhouette. They were dashing about and then they started to cry."
Tae paused as if he was scared to keep talking. He continued though. His eyes were brimming with tears.
"They were begging me to help. It was saying how it was trapped and that I need to find the key. I didn't know what they meant. Then they started to hum. It wasn't the usual calm humming that we've all heard, it was panicked and everyone now and then they'd sob. I wanted to help them. I wanted so bad to just reach out and asked them what was wrong but I woke up too early."
Yoongi pulled Tae into another hug. It was rare for Yoongi to outwardly show that level of affection but he was just as shaken up as Tae.
"So what do we-"
Jin was cut off as thunder crashed. The storm had arrived and until it had passed, they couldn't leave the mysterious house. Then they heard it again. Sweet humming. It was coming from the floor above.
"Oh my god, I know what the key is for!"
Jimin exclaimed.
"The spare room. You said they couldn't find a key for it. No one would ever think to look in a piano for a key so it went unnoticed."

They were all stood outside the door, the key in the hole, unturned.
"Are you ready?"
Jimin asked. Since he was the one who figured it out, he was the one who opened the door.
They all nodded as Jimin turned the key. What awaited them beyond that door was far more than they ever expected.

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