The Survivor {Naruto x Reader}

By PikaJovi

200K 6.1K 13.9K

Everything was going exactly the way they are supposed to go, and all was good. Until someone new shows up, s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

4.7K 159 109
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

A few days after the major fight with Pain, the people of Konoha started to work around the area where our village used to be. The rebuilding of the village needs to start so that people can get their homes back and get their business back to work! I have to say; the villagers are working really fast... every day I walk around and see more buildings up, and the process is just impressive!

The Ninjas who fought or were involved in the battle were allowed to take those few days as a break to rest and refill their energy and Chakra. Especially Naruto, he needed it the most out of most of us. He wasn't pleased about it at first, but I managed to talk him into it, well I kind of scolded him, and that did the trick.

Unfortunately, Tsunade was hurt the most... she used all her healing power to help and save the people around the village during the fight, that right now she is completely drained, and she entered a coma... no one really knows what to do to help. She was the best at these things, and she can't really give us advice when she is in a deep sleep. Shizumi is staying by her side and making sure her condition doesn't get worse, but we just don't know when she could wake up.

As if that wasn't bad enough, there is talk about her losing her Hokage position. The village needs an active Hokage, and right now Tsunade isn't really active... the talk is about appointing a sixth Hokage, and a lot of people aren't happy about it! They are treating Tsunade as if she is dead and we need a replacement!!

The problem is, this issue is not in our hands... the council and higher-ups that take care of the village and make the decisions about it, and they don't care about the opinions of some kids that could be biased in their decision because they are close to Tsunade.

When I was walking around, I heard rumors from people talking. They are saying that there is a possibility that Danzō might be chosen to be the Sixth Hokage. The second I heard that name I froze in place! That's the name of the guy that manipulated Itachi... and the fact that they are actually thinking of appointing that man as Hokage proves to me that no one has any idea of what he actually did all these years ago!

He's the reason I lost my entire family! My home! The reason Itachi had to go through all this pain, even Sasuke. I wanted to do something about it, but right now might not be the best time, and I don't actually have a plan on how to do it... I'm thinking of telling Naruto about the truth, maybe that way he will help me find a way to expose the truth and not only get Danzō put away for his actual crimes but also get Itachi and Sasuke back into the village and be accepted!

That problem will need to be put on hold for now, though. Now that Naruto is feeling a lot better; I swear this fast healing thing he has going on is a blessing! He has been meaning to go to the tent that all the patients from the hospital are being held; he wants to visit Jiraiya and make sure he is ok after all this. He wants me to come with him, for emotional support, I guess. Once we check on Jiraiya and make sure he is ok, maybe then I will sit Naruto down and tell him the truth behind the Uchiha Massacre.

"Don't worry Naruto; I'm sure he is fine. All the other patients didn't face any issues and just continued with their treatments." I try to console him as we walk up to the tent. "I know... but with Baa-Chan now in a coma and Pervy-Sage was in one as well, I just want some kind of good news to come out from all this destruction." He takes in a deep breath, and I hold his hand as we enter the tent. The doctors decided to put Jiraiya in his own private tent, not just cause he is a Sennin, but also cause his condition is the worst out of everyone at the moment.

Once we are inside, we see Jiraiya as he was before Pain attacked the village, still sleeping in his bed with all the cables and machines attached to him. The nurse informed us that he is stable but still no sign of him waking up... it brought Naruto down, but he didn't lose hope yet.

We sat with him for about an hour, Naruto spoke to him about his training and his fight with Pain. We weren't sure if Jiraiya could actually hear him, but Naruto didn't really care, he just really wanted to tell his Master how far he has gotten.

After a while, Naruto decided to go out and get some water and a few snacks for both of us. I was left sitting with Jiraiya in complete silence. Naruto found it better to talk to him, but the thought of me talking to him when he was in this condition... it didn't make me feel better, it just depressed me more. I want him to wake up and make fun of Naruto's confidence in himself and scold him and just be himself. "I wish I got to you faster... maybe you wouldn't be like this. Please wake up...? Naruto really needs you. Everyone needs you. Didn't you sleep enough already...?" I let out my thoughts, I intended them as a whisper, but I guess in this complete silence they seemed louder.

"What about you?" I hear someone say, their voice was very hoarse. My head was lowered as my elbows were resting on my knees. I didn't bother looking up at who is speaking, I was alone in the room anyway. "It doesn't matter what I need, Naruto is more important at the-" Wait! I interrupt myself. It's exactly as I said, I'm alone here! Who? My head shoots up towards Jiraiya's bed and I see the old man looking towards me, his eyes barely open and his breathing slow.

Oh my God! His eyes are open! He's awake! Jiraiya's awake! I stand up suddenly and stare at him. My words were just not coming out of my mouth, I mean my mouth was open but nothing came out. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" His voice is really hoarse, and you can tell that he is tired just from hearing it, but he has enough energy to make jokes and sarcastic comments.

"You're awake! Oh man! I need to get the nurse! No, wait! Naruto! I need to call Naruto!" I struggle with my decision on who to call, and I guess it was amusing since it made Jiraiya chuckle a bit. "Sit down (Y/N) and calm down, or else you will need a doctor." He finally tells me, when I do take his advice and somehow get myself to calm down a bit, still staring at him. I feel a few tears going down my cheeks before he could make fun of me about it, Naruto walk in talking.

"Hey, so I got us water and the snacks, but dinner is going to be soon so I don't suggest-" when he sees my state, he runs to me and kneels to get a better look at me. "Oi! What happened?! Are you ok?" I nod my head and just point my finger towards Jiraiya. When he turns around to look at where I'm pointing, he freezes. "Hey, kid. How have you been?" Jiraiya asks as if it is completely normal! Like he hasn't been in a coma for God knows how long!

"Ero-Sennin...? You're awake..." Naruto finally says. "I think I slept enough haha." It amazes me how he has the energy to actually joke around. "From the second he woke up he's been making jokes, so I think he's fine now." I tell naruto while a small laugh escapes me.

The second Naruto confirmed that Jiraiya is actually ok, he ran up to him and started shaking him from the shoulders. "Are you crazy!! Did you know that you almost died?! No! You were practically dead if (Y/N) didn't arrive and save you!! No one takes on a leader of an evil organization alone!! Even if you are such a big hot shot!! Aaaah! If you weren't already all beat up I would beat you up myself for that stupid decision!!" Naruto yells at him and lets out his frustration.

"N-Naruto! I don't think you should shake him so much!" I try to stop him. All Jiraiya did was just laugh at loud!

All the ruckus we made, alerted the nurses. When they saw him awake and laughing, they were shocked, and I guess everyone just had the same reaction! They called the doctor, and he did all the checkups he could think about to make sure that Jiraiya was truly ok and not in danger anymore. We were told that they will keep him here for a couple more days, just to track and see how he is doing before they release him and let him resume his crazy life.

When we were finally left alone, Naruto regained his excitement and loudness and just everything that explained Naruto and told Jiraiya all the stories he missed. The training and the fight and the condition the village is now. He basically told him all the drama that has happened.

"Now that is all amazing and impressive honestly, but I want to know something even more interesting and important!" He looks seriously at us and we just sit there wondering what could be more important? "The last time I saw you guys, you were shy and acting all cute around each other. But it seems you are closer now? What happened? Spill the beans!" Oh my God... is that all he cares about?

"OH! Well, we are much... much closer now!" Naruto grabs my hand in his and lifts them up showing him with a huge grin on his face, but I felt there was a hidden meaning to his sentence... "N-Naruto!!" I blush at the way he just blurted it out! "What? Isn't that what he wanted to know? And it's true! You told me you loved me!" Oh, God!! Kill me! This is so embarrassing! I try to hide my face with my other hand when I hear Jiraiya just bursting in laughter!

"Good job, Naruto! That's my boy!! You have caught a good one!" They both just start laughing and talking about Naruto and me and our relationship... I guess this is how it would be like if I actually met his dad!

Speaking of Naruto's dad, I was amazed when he told me that his father is actually the Fourth Hokage! He told me all about his meeting with him when he almost lost control of the seal. Naruto's face was just like a child, his eyes were shining, and his smile just wouldn't leave his face. It made me happy hearing him talk about his dad and how even though they didn't have a lot of time, they still bonded. He said he found one of the missing pieces in his life, the only piece left was I guess his mom? I'm not sure how that's going to happen, but I hope he gets the chance to find out who his mom was and finally get all the answers he is looking for.

The next day, I wake up and notice Naruto already awake and looking at me... when did he come into my tent? Why didn't he wake me up? "Were you watching me sleep?" I ask, sleep still in my voice. I guess he doesn't pay attention when he just nods with a small smile on his face.

"You're not supposed to admit that, silly haha. What are you doing here? Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask sitting up, he comes closer and sits next to me and pulls me into a hug. "Naruto?" I question the sudden hug. "Sorry. It's just after losing you twice, a part of me wanted to make sure you are here and that you're ok. It's like I don't want you out of my sight." My heart squeezed at his honesty. I mean he could've just come up with any reason. I break the hug and pull his cheek until he feels pain.

"What the hell was that for!?" He asks while rubbing his cheek in the most adorable way ever! "Haha! I'm just showing you I'm real and here. Sorry about the last time on the bridge, I really should have listened to you, but with Pain, I would do it again if it's to protect you." He doesn't like the last part of my answer, when he comes to argue with me, I lean closer to him and plant a small kiss on his lips and boop his nose.

"You would do the same for me. If I'm supposed to be ok with you risking your life for me, you have to be ok with it too!" He pouts and after a minute of thinking, he says, "fine! I'll get stronger so that I don't need saving, that way you will be safe." How can someone be this adorable! We both laugh it out and just stay in each other's arms for a few minutes.

After lunch, towards the end of the day, when the sun was getting ready to set. I pull Naruto and walk into the woods. "(Y/N)! Where are we going? Where are you taking me?" He questions but still allows me to pull him. Once we were far away from the village and from anyone who could hear us, I stop and turn around to look at Naruto with all seriousness. "Naruto. Do you trust me?" I ask him. He sees the seriousness in my eyes and decides to be serious as well. "Of course I trust you!" He straightens up when he answers, I guess Naruto isn't used to being serious haha. "Do you trust my judgment? You can trust my decisions?" I guess a part of me is worried that Naruto won't stand on my side, but I still want to tell him.

He sees the conflict in my eyes and relaxes. "Yes (Y/N). I trust everything you do." Phew! "Ok, we are going to meet some people... and I need you to remember that you decided to trust me! Just hear me out till the end and then you can say and do whatever you see fit, ok?" I tell him as we start walking again, my confidence fading a bit in my voice. He stays quiet until we get to the meeting place.

We are still in the forest, the village is far, but not too far. This distance will ensure that no one is spying or listening in. "Ok! There's no one around except us! You can come out now, he will hear me out." I yell into the forest, Naruto is confused by what is happening and just looks around, trying to see who I'm talking to.

That's when two people jump in front of us and three more behind them. "SASUKE!? And Itachi!!? What is he doing here?" Naruto takes a defensive stand and tries to solve this in his head. "Naruto! It's fine! They are the ones we are meeting. Just calm down ok, they come in peace." I tell him and look between him and the Uchiha Brothers. "Although I would love to throw a punch at the Dobe's face." Augh Sasuke! "What did you say Teme!?" They are like children!

"Enough guys!! This is serious!" I stand between both Naruto and the other side of the party. "What's going on here (Y/N)? Wasn't the Teme pissed at his brother and wanted to kill him?" Before Sasuke could answer and start another argument, I cut in and try to explain. "That's in the past now. I guess I can start by saying that Itachi is my Master... he taught me everything I know. He's the guardian that I kept talking about." If it was possible, Naruto's jaw would have hit the floor.

We spend the next hour or so just explaining everything to Naruto. From my training and childhood to the Uchiha Massacre and Itachi's decision leading to it. Itachi chipped in on the explanation on the things I didn't know how to say or just didn't have the nerve to say. Sasuke and the others stayed quiet, but I can tell that Sasuke was studying Naruto's expression to guess his thoughts before anything.

Naruto's expression changed from shocked to upset and then anger. He was not happy. I didn't know what that meant... was he angry at what Itachi did? Angry at us talking about the village like that? Or angry at the village for what they did...? When the story was done, there was a moment of silence, Naruto was looking at the ground with his frown getting deeper.

I kept looking between him and Itachi, trying to ask him silently on what I should do. "You guys are sure about this? You are sure it's not speculations on your side?" Naruto finally says lifting his head and looking straight at Itachi. "Are you saying my brother is lying?" Sasuke just can't help himself... "No Teme! But this is serious! If this is true then the higher ups in the village need to know. We can't go to them if this isn't a hundred percent true!"

Naruto looks at Sasuke, his serious expression not changing a bit, that made Sasuke hold his tongue and comments. And I have to say... seeing Naruto this serious, and with his voice getting deeper cause of it, he is looking hotter than usual... serious Naruto is so attractive!

Ahem! Back to the actual problem! "I understand your doubt Naruto. I wish I had some kind of proof about the incident, but with all honesty, back then I wasn't expecting to look back at it. Even now, I still think we should leave it as it is. Sasuke should just go back with you guys and everything will be fine." Augh! Why is Itachi still saying all this!

Sasuke and I try to jump in to argue his point but Naruto beats us to it. "No, that's wrong. Both of you deserve to return home. I always thought it was weird how they called you evil, especially since every time we met you would tell me to look after Sasuke and make sure he's ok!" He says while scratching the back of his neck and laughing.

"Nii-San! Why would you do that?!" Sasuke yells at his brother with a slight blush covering his cheeks. Naruto didn't miss the chance to tease Sasuke about how he called his brother 'Nii-San' when all he used to say was 'that guy'. They all laugh it off and tease each other more until they are satisfied.

"Tsunade-Sama is out of commission right now... I was kind of relying on her to help me with this and especially to help you Itachi... sorry, I think you will have to hold on for a little while more." I bring up the problem at our hand and try to start thinking of a plan. "Don't worry too much about it (Y/N). I'll be fine." He tries to reassure me with a smile, but it's not working on me.

Naruto questions what I meant and once he was told, he worried about Itachi as if he was his longtime childhood friend. "Is there no one else other than Danzō that knows the truth about the Uchiha Tragedy?" I ask Itachi again, we obviously can't go to Danzō, it's not like he's suddenly going to accept and confess his sins. "Isn't that the guy trying to run for Hokage right now?" Naruto shares his thought.

"Ya... that's why we need to stop him before that! It's going to be a bigger problem if we are going up against a Hokage." The Uchiha brothers were not happy with the new news about Danzō plans.

We spend the rest of the night, sitting together and discussing all the information we have and trying to come up with some kind of plan that would not lead to our death or banishment or anything bad really... we only have one chance at this and failing is not an option!

Itachi informs us that luckily Danzō was not the only one who knew and ordered Itachi to kill off the Uchiha clan! Some elders knew, and they were part of it as well! Itachi thinks that if they were concerned, they might throw Danzō in the heat to save their own names. I think we can use that to our advantage!

"Ok! We somehow have a solid plan! Let's just hope that we can outsmart Danzō and intimidate the Elders into following our plan! If everything works, you guys can finally come home! We can explain everything else to the villagers after we succeed! Leave everything to me! I'll make sure to succeed and bring my family back home!" I say failing at hiding my excitement at the hope of our plan succeeding.

"(Y/N), I would love nothing than to have my Ototo and you back into my daily life, even better if we are home. But I-" I interrupt him with a soft glare and my hand in front of his face. "If I remember correctly, you were always a positive person! So start thinking positive again!" He smiles and bows his head. I really don't get why everyone treats me like some kind of princess giving off orders...

Naruto and I go back to the village to get some rest for the night. The plan shall be executed tomorrow!




I guess it wasn't the end!! What could the plan be?! Do you think it will work? Or will it fail and cause even more issues...?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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