You Have To Save Her

By fangirl3r5

48.8K 1.2K 147

Sequel to Supercorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena Luthor. More

You Need To Forget About Me
You Lena Luthor Will Always Be My Kryptonite
Wait She Is Breathing Right
What Have I Done
I Almost Died!!
I'm So Sorry
That Was Awkward
Go To Hell
Psychotic Mothers
Wait For Me
A Killer
I Don't Deserve You
I Will Always Come Back
Um Sorry?

Love Of My Life

2.1K 60 5
By fangirl3r5

     I hear the door open and see Lillian walking toward me. “Where is she?” She asks me while looking at the chains that are now on the ground. “None of your concern.
You want me, not her.” I tell her. “I could care less about her. I know someone else is here. Someone helped you.” She tells me while looking around the room. “

You’re wrong, you jus underestimated me.” I tell her. She shakes her head and starts walking around the room. I know I have to do something before she finds Lena “Why are you really doing this? Is it because you have lost everything and nobody can stand to be around you if you don’t threaten or pay them off?” I say with a smirk, trying to get her angry.
     I watch her freeze before turning around and quickly walking to me.
She slaps me hard across my face. “You know nothing about me!” She screams at me before continuing to punch me in the face. By the time she stops blood is running out of my nose and I have to try hard to keep my eyes open.
     “You know it’s true. Everybody hates you. Look around nobody is here. Nobody cares and nobody ever will. Your own daughter tried to kill you.” I say to her knowing mentioning Lena’s hate for her
will trigger her more than anything else. She pulls out a gun and aims it right at my head.
“No! You’re lying. I know deep down she can forgive me one day.” She says and I can tell she is trying her best not to break down. “You’re stupider than I thought if you actually believe that.” I say after a force out an evil laugh.
She kick the chair over so I land with a hard thump on the ground.

     She puts her foot on my chest and pushes down so hard that I can barely breathe. “I know you’re lying. You always do. Now it is time to die.” I close my eyes and wait for the shot, but it doesn’t come. “If you believe these things, then you would never kill the woman I love.” I hear Lena say which causes my eyes to shoot open.

     I lean my head to the left and see
Lena with her hands raised while cautiously stepping toward her mother. “Lena.” She says out of shock. “Please don’t hurt her anymore than you already have. I have so
many things I still want to do with her.” She says while looking at me.

“You didn’t actually believe me when I said those things. I just needed a way to draw you out.” Lillian says with an evil smirk. “No. Don’t hurt her. Kill me, please.” I tell Lillian while looking into her cold and void eyes. She smirks at me then points the gun at Lena.“How about I kill the both of you and we call it a day?” Lillian says while looking back at me.
     I see Lena reach behind her and slowly pull out a gun. “Oh Lena. You never learn. You think you can kill me don’t you?” She says. I see her finger move slightly on the trigger. I use the last of my strength to speed in front of Lena just in time for the bullet to hit me in the back. I hear another gunshot when I fall to the ground. I look over and see Lillian running out the door while holding her shoulder.

     “Nice aim.” I say while trying to mask the pain. When Lena doesn’t say anything I look at her. “What’s wrong?” I ask her. She pulls her hand away from her stomach and she is bleeding. She falls to the ground right next to me. “No. This can’t be happening. I have so many things I want to do with you.” I whisper to her as I crawl next to her. I lay her head in my lap and look into the eyes that
I feel so deeply in love with.

“Let me be the one to save you this time.” She says while holding my hand. “If you die then I’m going with you.” I tell her. She nods and closes her eyes. “No, come on you have to stay awake.” I tell her. “I want to ask you something.”

She slowly opens her eyes and her grip on my hand gets tighter. “What is it Lena?” “Marry me?” She asks me and I stare at her in disbelief. “Of course.” I tell her and kiss her. She pulls away and starts coughing up blood. “How romantic?” She says quietly before looking up at me.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way. Just us in all of her craziness and everything that comes with it.” I tell her. “All I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if that life ends right now or in 50 years I will still be happy.” She tells me. “Me too. All I know is that this isn’t the end for us. We will never end.” I tell her and
watch as she closes her eyes. I close mine in content with dying with the love of my life.

Sorry for the sad shit, it's just where am at in life at the moment. Probably will be like that for awhile.

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