3 am 》sykes

By Keeleigh_Saunders

21.1K 941 191

"A lot of things can happen at 3 am" © Keeleigh_Saunders More

New book?? Help!!!
New book!!! (And a slight bitch)


1.2K 79 28
By Keeleigh_Saunders

Idk, I feel shit, enjoy

50 votes



I woke up in the early hours, the living room was just beginning to brighten with the autumn dawn. I blinked a few times and took a deep breath, Nathan's arm was still draped over me, I could feel his deep uneven breath on my back; he was still sleeping.

It was obvious that the pair of us hadn't moved all night, this was proved when I tried to ait up and found all my limbs stiff and achey. I slowly and gently removed Nathan's arms from off me and forced my complaining body to a sitting position. When I finally got I to the position I wanted I rubbed my tired eyes.

I looked at the clock on the shelf, the time reading twenty to six. I had plenty of time before Josh would be here to pick me up. I sighed now, realising my next challenge was forcing my stiff body up into a standing position and then climbing the stairs. I took a deep breath and rolled myself, up off the couch only to find the floor make contact with my body as I fell

"That sounded painful"

I looked up to see my dad stood in the doorway. Seeing him sober and stood before me was enough to get my joints to move. I stood up and looked at him, only just able to see his face in the light. I watched as he looked over to the couch, where Nathan was still laid out fast asleep.

"Dad" I whispered

He pointed to Nathan "He take care of you?"

"Well, yeah but like I mean-"

"You're not together because he was your sisters boyfriend" Dad looked at me

I felt my mouth drop open and I lost all ability to close it once more. "How?"

"The book was on her bed"

I cursed under my breath and looked back to dad still stood there, he looked at me and sighed deep, watching me as I stood there. Both of us taking in the others presence, it was a time when he would remember me and I saw my dad for who I knew that he was, not the drunken mess he seems to prefer.

"You take good care of me babygirl" He said, sniffing and rubbing his eyes like he was about to cry

I nodded "I love you dad"

I heard him sniff and he spoke up again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm such an awful father to you"

"No, dad don't" I felt the tears build in my tired eyes. "We've all been through so much"

He looked down at the floor, not saying anything but both of us just stood there. I took a step foward and he looked up, his eyes brimmed with tears as he looked at me. I bit my lip and walked so I was directly infornt of him.

He held his arms out which I went into without hesitation again. This was the first time I had been able to hug my father when he would remember it, it was the first time he would remeber my face through the day. I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy this rare moment between father and daughter, when his arms wrapped around me, keeping me safe from harm and as his arms tightened around me I felt all worry and concern and sadness drain away.

I felt myself fall back to the little girl that would run into her fathers arms when he came home from work, he would crouch down and open both arms for Cory and I to run into. Both of us giggling as we knocked him back, his arms holding us tight as he laughed with us.

I sighed as I came back to reality and pulled out of my fathers grip. he looked at me and ran his thumb under my eye, cathing the tear that I didn't know had fell. He gave me a watery smile and ran his thumb across my cheek.

"Chin up babygirl...Smile for once, none of us see it enough" He whispered

I managed a half smile and sniffed "I miss you dad"

He looked away "I can't promise you anything Dylan, I can't promise you that I will get better, I can't promise you that I will stop driniking, I can't promise you the world as you want it...You cope with it all by shutting everyone else, living in solitude in the house...I cope by drinking myself into a state of coma and loving the felling of the numbness that comes with it"

"I love you dad" I whispered, feeling a tear run off the end of my nose

He pulled me into a hug once more "And I love you too my beautiful, Dylan"

I pulled away and looked behind me hearing Nathan stir on the couch, Dad looked as well and smiled at me. I managed a weak laugh back "It's not what you think...We've been through this"

He smiled "He looks after you?"

"I haven't known him long"

He smiled and looked at his watch on his right wrist, he sighed and looked back to me "I better get off"

I looked down and nodded, I walked to the door with him. As he left he pulled me into one final hug and kissed the top of my head before he walked down the path and out of sight. I closed the door and put my head in my hands.

"He seems nice"

I looked up to see a very tired looking Nathan walk intot he hallway wraped in the blanket, I smiled at his hair sticking up in all directions. He rubbed his face with the blanket and looked at me again, I smiled once more and began walking up the stairs with him following me "How much did you hear?"

"The majority of it" His groggy voice came from behind

I sighed and walked into my room, I gestured to the bed "You can stay here again"

He climbed into the covers and pulled them up to his face, he watched me and I sat down on my stool. I looked at him in the mirror and chuckled "What are you looking at?"

He rolled his eyes and rolled over on the bed, I smiled and looked down at my makeup on the side. I decided againt a shower this mornign and would have one when I got back in. I was just finishing my mascara when the doorbell rang. It made me jump and i managed to poke myself in the eye with the mascara wand.

"Quick, it's your boyfriend" Nathan said sarcasticaly

"Oh shut up"

I ran down the stairs and opened the door to see Josh stood there, he smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back at him, my eye was twitching wildly after being stabbed with my mascara wand.

"Come in" I stepped aside to let him pass

He walked in and took my shoulders, pressing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and didn't know what to do with my arms so they just hung there, nearly dropping the mascara out of my hand as they did.

He pulled away and smiled at me "Morning baby"

I blushed at his use of the word 'baby' towards me. I frantically tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and bit my lip "Morning"

He laughed and pulled me into a hug "Go finish getting ready"

I nodded and ran back up the stairs and into my room, I must've been smiling like a mad woman when I got in the room because I heard Nathan chuckle and say "You look flustered dear, what'd he do? Dry hump you up the wall?"

I gasped and scowled at him, he chuckled again as I walked back over to my dresser to finish getting ready. Once my make-up was finished I walked over to my wardrobe, I could see Nathan watching me as I crossed the room.

"What?" I asked him

"Where's my packet of fags?"

I felt my eyes widen as I remembered that I threw them out the window last night, I bit my lip and rubbed my arm guiltily "I uhm-I-Oh god, I'm so sorry but I kinda threw them out the window last night"

"What?!" He shouted sitting bolt upright in bed

I hushed him and looked to the door, before looking back at a fuming Nathan. I bit my lip and winced when I spoke again "Sorry"

"Why would you do that?!" He whisper shouted at me

I watched as he jumped out of bed and hurried to the window, he threw it open and I had to pull him away "My dad was home last night"

He carried on trying to hang out the window and fought against me as I tried to pull him back "Where did they land? I could find them"

"Nathan, stop trying to climb out the window! You're not Spiderman, you will fall and die" I now whisper shouted at him

He ignored me and got a knee on the ledge, I gasped and pulled with all my might as he carried on mumbling about his god damn cigarettes "Nathan! I have neighbours!"

He stopped and looked at me now, I was out of breath from struggling to keep him this side of the window. His eyes searched my face as I scowled at him yet again, he sighed and ran a hand through his already messy hair "You're the most frustrating person, ever!"

"Because I threw a practically empty packet of fags out the window?" I folded my arms over my chest

"Yes! You must be mad to waste any precious nicotine!" His eyes wandered to the window again

I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me "You just called me mad?!"

"You threw a good packet of cigarettes away! Yes!" He looked me directly

I rolled my eyes and kept hold of his face "You call me mad? Sorry, but who was just scrambling out a window to retrieve them? You could die from this height if you fell!"

He opened his mouth to say something, but soon closed it. I threw his face back and snorted "I thought so"

"You could've at least kissed me then, we we're close enough" He said as he sulked his way back into my bed

I rolled my eyes and threw my wardrobe doors open to pick out and outfit for today. I pulled out some back skinny jeans and a t-shirt with a red zip up jacket. I poked my head round the doors to see Nathan looking up at the ceiling.

"Remember not to look"

"Don't tease me by basically telling me you're naked, only makes me want to look even more" I heard him chuckled

"You do and see what happens" I pulled some clean underwear on

I heard the bed creak "I think I deserve it after what you've done"

I rolled my eyes but didn't reply as I pulled my underwear up my legs. I was just reaching for my bra when:

"Shame I didn't get here quick enough, would've seen you fully bare"

I jumped and spun round, realising I didn't have a bra on I fell back into my wardrobe, the door shutting behind me "NATHAN!"

I heard him laugh and I scrambled to find something to cover my chest with, I pulled a jumper over me just as Nathan opened the door. I glared at him as he held back a chuckle, offering his hand to me. I kicked it away and climbed out myself, glaring at him as I did.

"You fucking-"

"Dylan are you okay?"

It was Josh, I shoved Nathan out the way and went to the door to see him stood there, I smiled and brushed a few strands of hair out of my face, half concealed behind the door as I was still half naked.

"Yeah, I'm fine it was just my...Hamster, yeah Nathan my hamster was being a bugger" I said, probably the most unconvincing lie I've ever told.

He raised an eyebrow "I didn't know you had a hamster"

"Yeah, had him for years, great little thing" I waved my hand and smiling

He nodded "Can I see him?"

"No!" I shouted and kicked myself "I mean, you can't he-uh- jumped out the window"

Josh gasped "Should we find him?"

"Nah, he was a pesky rodent anyway" I chuckled nervously

He nodded "Well, as long as you're okay?"

"I'm fine, but I would like to finish getting ready now" I smiled at him

He nodded and walked back downstairs. I closed the door and turned to see Nathan staring at me, a smirk playing on his lips "I'm a pesky rodent?"

I just glared at him and walked past, ignoring the smart comment he made about my body looking extremely nice bare and how he would like to make a proper assessment on it. I carried on getting dressed and once I was done I slammed my doors shut and looked at Nathan, back in my bed.

"I'm going now, don't try anything!" I warned him

"Or what?" He teased

"Or I will castrate you with my teeth" I turned my back to him

He laughed "Sounds fun, I might enjoy it"

I shook my head in disbelief "What is wrong with you today?"

He shrugged "I guess I'm sexually frustrated, I haven't had sex in like five months"

"Well you can go else where for that sonny Jim" I scoffed

He chuckled "I always get my way Dylan"

"I'm leaving now" I said and closed the door behind me

I sighed as I walked down the stairs, I can't say that I'm not attracted to Nathan, but Josh. I've waited years to finally have this chance with Josh, and now I've got it I'm not going to let it go. I got to the bottom of the stairs and picked my bag up as Josh came out the living room.

I smiled at him as he took my hand and led me out the house "So, we're going to school today, right?"

He laughed "Of course, we have to announce us"

I felt butterflies and warmth spread through me as he said the words that made me and him officially an 'us' and it made me happy beyond belief...


I know it's not as long as usual, but I'm so ill and drained so I promise the next one will be longer.

I've had no voice for over a week now, breathing through my nose is an impossibility and I'm coughing like I'm smoking 40 a day...Not attractive

Anyway, hope this is still okay ((even though it's short)) and you still enjoyed it

Till next time my loves

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