Hating You Sweetly

By romolavinia91

5.9M 133K 31.1K

Laura hated his every move, his every breath and Chris hated Laura with every fiber in his body. So how is it... More

1. Engagement Party
2. Morning Regrets
3. Heating Rage
4. Laundry Room
5. Kiss me not
6. Swimming in Dirty Water
8. Until We Meet Again
9. Sweet Reunion
10. Forgetting Pain
11. Admitting Hate
12. It's Too Late
13. Farewell
14. Don't Go
15. Back to the Beginning
16. Under the Bus
17. Unspoken Words
18. To the Moon and Back
19. Nowhere To Go
20. Needing You Now
21. Losing the Fight
22. Waiting on the Past
23. Awestruck Answer
24. Confession
25. Our Love Story
An Update

7. Wanting You

241K 5.5K 1.5K
By romolavinia91

Laura's POV

After a few more hours of just hanging around we all decided to pack up the gear and head home since the sun was going to set any minute. I did my best trying to avoid all contact with Chris. I'm sure I kept at least a five foot radius away from him. 


He jammed the last sleeping bag into the back of the Acura and turned to me once he was sure it wouldn't come out. 

"Yeah Laura," he was smiling at me and I'm sure he was curious why I called his name. 

I wanted to talk about what happened between us today but I wasn't sure this was the time. I dont' know what his intentions were but I know I had to make it clear. But to be honest that wasn't why I wanted to talk to him. 

"I need you to do me a favor."

He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked at me. "Actually you owe me a favor, remember. I didn't push you in the water."

Man he was right. Tommy pushed me in. I bit my lip. "Really?" Maybe if I play the dumb card he'll go easy on me. 

He nodded playfully and his adorable dimples showed up. Aww why was he so cute? "Oh yes Laura you promised to do anything." 

Please go easy on me. "I guess I did. Alright Aaron what do you want?" 

Aaron innocently looked at me with his hazel eyes for a few seconds before turning to shut the trunk and then lean against the car. "I won't tell you right now. I'll save it for later."

What? Why would he do that?

"So what is it you wanted from me Laura?"

Oh right. "I umm I need you to promise me a seat next to you with whatever car you decide to go in." This way I was sure I wouldn't be next to Chris for the next few hours.

Aaron looked at me like he was waiting for an ultimatum. I guess he did have the right to look at me that way since it was a rather wierd request.

"I just don't want be next to someone I don't get along with," I gave a pointed stare towards Ren like it was her who was bothering me. 

Aaron shook his head with understanding. "I'd love your company Laura."


We didn't look away from each other. I wanted to but for some reason I felt I shouldn't. 

"Hey Aaron!" 

Aaron ended up breaking our locked gaze to look at Michael. "What?"

"Can you drive the Honda? Angelo has to work in the morning so he doesn't want to drive back home." 

Aaron looked at me and smiled. The Honda was the really packed car that had only room for two people: the driver and passenger. 

"Buddy system. I'm riding with Aaron," I yelled at Michael while claiming my seat on the passenger side. 

Aaron laughed and got in as well. Not long after we were back on the highway heading for home. I was happy about it too because honestly I was getting tired of being eaten alive by bugs. 

The stack of CDs on the side door caught my attention and I started going through them. I popped one in called "summer mix" and started singing along when a song by Justin Timberlake played. 

Aaron kept glancing my way every once in a while with a goofy look on his face. He was probably trying his best to keep from laughing out loud. I didn't care though. It was a great song. 

"Alright," I said turning down the music. "Do you perfer snickers or reeses?"

He took a moment to answer. "Reeses."

"Night or day?"


"T-shirts or Polos?" 


I ranked my brain for a harder question. "Team Edward or Jacob?" I wondered if he would really answer.

Aaron's eyes left the road and landed on me with a disgusted look. "Really Laura?"

"Whatever. You can deny it all you want but I'm sure you've seen the movies."

He let out a sigh. "I'm not answering."

"Come on. I know you've picked a team." I leaned in closer to him, barely touching his arm. "It's okay Aaron you can tell me. I promise no one will know."

He shook his head and laughed. "You're ridiculous Laura."

"De-nial is not just a river in Egypt."

His beautiful hazel eyes looked gold in the setting sunlight. "I'm Switzerland."

I busted out in laughter. "I totally knew you read the books." 

"I just wanted to know what all you girls made a fuss over," Aaron confessed. 

"Sure you did." I couldn't keep the smile off my face. 

Aaron drove towards the gas station pumps like the rest of the cars were doing. I hadn't realized we were so low on gas or how far we had drove. 

"I'm gonna get something to snack on. Do you want anything?" I asked while opening my door.

"Sunflower seeds."

"Got it," I hopped out and headed for the doors. I had no idea where we were exactly but the place was pretty dingy and empty except for a few guys by the beer section. 

I grabbed a couple of packs of sunflower seeds and two Starbucks coffees. I'm 100% positive Aaron likes Starbucks. I mean who doesn't. I looked around and spotted the empty cashier's table. 

As I was walking past the group of guys to get to the front I felt someone grab my arm. My head jerked around to see who it was. A tall buff looking guy with dirty blonde hair was smiling down at me. He was awfully cute but I didn't like the way his blue eyes were openly scanning my body like I was a food idea. 

"Hey there doll face," he said in a southern accent. 

"Hi. You mind letting go of my arm," it was seriously  making me uncomfortable. His grip only tightened as he stepped closer. 

"Not until you give me your name." 

Was this guy for real? "You already said it." 

His other hand came around to my shoulder. I wanted to get away from him so bad but I had to remind myself to calm down. His buddies were also watching us from a distance. I was slowly beginning to panic. 

"Then how about your number doll face." 

His beer smelling breath was hitting my nostrils and I knew this was not going to end well. "How about not."

His cricked smile was sending chills down my back which was also pinned to a wall with his massive body blocking my way of escape. 

"Now doll face let's play nice. I promise I'll treat you right if you do the same to me." 

I tried shoving his chest away but it was a pathetic move on my part. This guy looked like he born half a bear. 

"I'm not a very nice person. So I suggest you let me go and find yourself another girl to harass." 

"Mmmm I would but you're just too pretty to let go." He started to lean closer. 

Was this seriously happening? Where was everyone? I'm guessing everyone fell asleep in the cars since it was so late and dark but still was nobody seeing this? 

"Let go of me," I said in the most serious tone I had ever done in my life. 

His blue eyes were glazed and shining. "How about not," he repeated my own words. 

I jerked my arms around to get his grip loosened but it didn't work. I swore I was going to have bruises in the morning. "Get your hands off me."

The guy didn't listen and I think his buddies were smiling and laughing at my expense. I'm pretty sure they were all drunk and looking for a 'good time'. 

This was not my day.

"Just give me a kiss and I might consider it," he was leaning closer and closer. 

My heart was beating a million times faster as I was slashing around. "No, stop. Please."

His lips were only a few centimeters from mine when the guy was knocked over by someone's fist. I raised my gaze to see who had saved me from that horrible moment and found a furious looking Chris with clinched fists. 

Somehow during that time Aaron pulled me into his arms. "Are you okay Laura?" 

I subconsciously nodded my head as I was still looking at Chris who had his eyes locked on the douchebag that tried to kiss me. The blonde haired guy got up and wiped the blood off his face while his three other buddies moved in closer towards us. 

They all looked pissed especially blondie who buffing out his chest like he didn't just get his ego wounded. "You shouldn't have done that man."

Chris clinched his jaw before speaking. "You shouldn't have forced yourself on a girl who obviously didn't want anything to do with you." 

Those words coming out of his mouth sounded oddly ironic if you ask me. 

"How do you know she didn't want it?" 

His stupid smirk was seriously pissing me off and once he turned to me with a flirtious wink I knew Chris didn't like it either. Chris grabbed the guy's collar and shoved him back against the freezer doors. The guy's posse moved in but I think they were too stupid drunk or too afraid to get in the middle of Chris' smackdown. 

"When a girl says stop or no it typically means she doesn't want it." Chris shoved the guy's head extremely hard against the door. The blonde groaned but couldn't get out of Chris' hold. "Remember that next time a girl says no cause I'm sure it happens often." 

Chris let the guy go and Aaron pulled me away. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around him just so I could feel somewhat safer. We went to the car and he opened the door for me but he didn't let me go right away. Aaron actually pulled me tighter to his chest while rubbing my back. 


I reluctantly pulled away so I could look into his worried eyes. "I'm fine. I can't except much from a bunch of drunk guys. Thank you for coming after me thou." 

He leaned in and surprised me by kissing my forehead ever so gently. "Lets get out of here."

I nodded and got in the car. Once in I scanned the other cars for Chris. 

I didn't expect that from him; to come to my defense and all. But then again would I have expected him to sit and watch. No I guess not. I don't think he's a bad guy just a really messed up one. Chris had some major problems. I could bet anything his was battling some kind of demons of his own that he was hiding from everyone else. 

I couldn't find him and once we were on the road again I tried blocking it from my mind. Whatever that was, was going to stay back there. I didn't need to remember things like that. 

After another hour of silence I was getting restless. "Are we almost home?"

"Yeah almost." 

I was hating the quietness that was surrounding us in the car. Aaron and I could always keep a conversation going. I placed my hand over his which was on the shifter. His head dropped to our hands and then up at my face. 

"Say something."

But he didn't instead he took my hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed my knuckles. I felt heat crawling up my body. What was happening to me; to us? 

"I want to tell you what I want from you now?"

I swallowed because for some reason I knew this was going to change everything about us. "Okay."

He laced our hands together before he spoke. "I want to take you out."

"On a date?" I said biting my lip. Of course on a date.

"Laura we've known each other for a long time now and you can't deny this connection we have with each other. We get each other; we laugh, talk, and open up to each other. I don't do that with other girls but I can with you. All I want is a date, a chance." 

What? No, no, no, no. Could I? After everything Chris said to me; after everything Chris and I have done together. I wasn't even sure why I was thinking about Chris or why I cared what he thought. Chris was a stupid, troubled guy that wanted nothing to do with me beside make my life miserable. What would he do if he found out I was seeing Aaron? He would most likely go insane and do everything to stop me from ruining yet another one of his cousins. 

"Aaron I..." What was I supposed to say? In some ways I wanted to say yes because I had to admit Aaron and I had great chemistry. 

"Laura all I want is a chance. I know things with Ben were really bad but I can't help the way I feel about you. I don't want to let this go without giving us a try."

What Ben and I had was completely different from what Aaron and I have now. My head was spinning and my gut was punching me senseless. Why couldn't I be with him? Why couldn't I be with Aaron and be happy? Don't I deserve be happy. Well not according to Chris, I don't. Forget him thou. 

"If we do this I don't want anyone to know." 

Aaron looked a little sad. "Why?"

"I don't want anyone to know until were are completely sure about the way we feel about each other."

Aaron smiled and shook his head. "I understand. No one will know; not even my family."

I smiled and pushed myself off the seat so I could kiss his cheek. He was honestly the sweetest guy I have and ever will know. "Thank you." 

It was just one date after all. If it didn't work out we would and could always be friends. A few minutes later Aaron drove up my driveway and I was in complete bliss to finally be back home. That trip seriously drained me of all sanity. I needed my bed and the comfort of my room.

"Alright well this is all of it," Aaron said handing me my bag. 

I took it from him. "Thank you. I'll call you later." I was already making my way towards the front door when he shouted, "I'll be waiting."

That night sleeping in my bed honestly made me feel so much better. Not that the camping trip didn't end well because it did. Aaron made it so much better but the whole trip started off bad once Chris started ranting about nonsense. It just made me so mad having him throw accusations in my face. I didn't expect Ben to tell his familly the truth about our breakup but did he seriously have to lie like a sleeze and make me out as the bad guy. I guess he hasn't changed a bit. 

I had a huge smile on my face once I saw Dania walk into my room. She looked happy and I'm sure it's all the cause of one particular person. 

"Hey you ready to go?" She asked fiddling with my perfumes. 

"Yeah just let me grab a sweater." 

We were supposed to head over to Michael's house to try on our bridesmaid dresses. His mom was one of the best semstresses I knew and she was working hard to make our dresses look flawless. It will be my first time trying in on. I hope I didn't gain any weight. That was suck.

We ended up taking her Getta since I had no gas in mine. Dania didn't complain she actually liked driving. 

"So how's it going with you and Angelo? You guys looked like you were hitting it off the other day."

Her smile was a given. "It was really good. I can't believe I like him so much. It's crazy. But I think we really had something going this weekend."

"That's good. I'm happy for you." He was a good guy even though he didn't always have the reputation of one. 

"We click so well but sometimes and I mean lately he's been pulling away from me. I don't feel like we're as open as we can be with each other." 

"Well don't give up on him. Everyone has their tough moments." I should know. It was the story of my life actually.

"I won't," she declared. "So you were all cozy with Aaron on our way home."

What do I say to that? I can't tell her what really went on between us. "Yeah, he's a good friend."

She scrunched her nose. "He's just a friend? That poor guy has had a crush on you for a while now." 

I narrowed my eyes at her even though she couldn't see it since she was watching the road. "How the heck does everyone know and not tell me? I have been oblivious to this fact until yestereday."

Dania shrugged. "I guess your stuck in your own world."

My world consisted of nothing good lately. I was so conscious of Chris being around that I haven't been paying attention to anything else. 

"I don't know what to do about it," I whined resting my head on the dashboard.

"Why don't you give it a chance? You know he's a great guy and you deserve be with someone who makes you laugh."

I understood that but something was still off about all this. "Isn't it a little weird to go out with him when I have such a horrible past with his cousin. Wouldn't I look like a tramp going out with guys from the same family?" 

Wow, did that just come out of my mouth? Chris was seriously getting to my head. Ugh. 

"No. Ben was a douchebag. Who cares what anybody thinks?"

I guess that's why I loved her so much. She always made me feel better. 

We finally got to Michael's house and Sarah was already there waiting for us with Mrs. Compton. 

"Alright girls your dresses are upstairs in the play room. Go put them on and come down." Only two minutes into the house and Mrs. Compton was already directing us. I guess she just wanted to get done as soon as possible since the wedding was only like a one month and a half away. 

The dresses were a beautiful royal satin blue. They laced up in the back so they basically hugged our every curve but at least they flared out on the bottom. Tying each other up took longer then expected but once we got down stairs Mrs. Compton wasted no time. She examined every inch of our outfits. 

And just to add on to our luck or rather mine Michael and Chris walked into the living room where we were occupying at the moment. Michael had his geninune gorgeous smile on while he gave us a quick glance. 

"You ladies look beautiful,"he said making his way towards Sarah. 

"They do don't they," Mrs. Compton mumbled out as she fiddled with the back of Dania's dress. I think it needed to be taken in a little. 

"Don't they Chris?" Sarah chimed in. For some odd reason she really valued his opinion on particular matters. I'm guessing this is one of them. 

I didn't want to look at him but somehow I couldn't help it. Chris was staring me up and down but when he spoke he was looking directly at Dania. "They do." 

"Good now Laura dear you can go change. I still have a few things to do to Dania's dress." 

I nodded and quickly made a pass at the door. Chris' presence will always make me uncomfortable I have concluded. I made it to the play room but I was distracted by the starry night that I forgot all about taking off my dress first. 

I got out onto the balcony and sat on the homemade swing so I could look out towards the sky. I was swinging myself back and forth not having a care in the world when his voice came out of nowhere. 

"Aunt Martha used to get so mad at us for swinging on that," Chris' deep voice pulled me out of my trance. 

I turned to my left to find him leaning on the post, watching me. "Why?"

He laughed and I got up. Was it broken or something? I went right passed him and sat on the couch that was also facing the outside. Chris came and sat next to me; a good six inches away. 

"Because me and Michael would swing like monkeys on that thing. She was afraid we'd fall and bust our heads or something." 

This was new. Were we having a decent conversation. I smiled at his memory. "You guys must have given her a heartattack cause I'm sure you didn't listen."

He smirked and turned to gaze at the night sky. The moonlight was shining on his face and I can see his deepened emotions written on his face. "No. My father..." 

His short pause was a clear sign of pain. I had almost forgotten his father was died. I believe he passed away from some kind of cancer. I know Chris always looked up to him. I was sure this was a very hard and touchy subject for him. 

"My father would alway try and calm her down. 'Boys are meant to get hurt. It's the only way they will learn' he'd tell her everytime she'd try and stop us from having our fun." 

His sad eyes were hard to see. 

"I'm sorry...about your father."

Chris turned his head and he was now facing me. Even though his facial features were strong and composed I knew he was feeling some pain. He didn't say a word and I wasn't sure what to do. He was just looking at me like he was trying to figure me out. 

"I didn't get a chance but...thank you for yesterday; for punching that guy and stopping him..." I started fidgeting with my fingers. "From whatever he was planning on doing."

It was quiet for a moment or two then he finally softened a bit and said, "No problem." Chris got up off the couch without another glance towards me. "I should go."

He was walking away; I could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to the door. That's when I remembered something. This stupid dress was a lace up and I couldn't get it off myself. Dania wasn't here and I wasn't sure how much longer she would take and without giving it much thought I called out his name. 


He stopped and turned his head back around; giving me a questioning look. 

"I um..." Damn this was so stupid. "Could you help me with this dress? I can't undo the back myself." 

Gah I just wanted to hit myself in the face right now. Chris was behind me in no time. I could feel the warmth of his body very close to mine. Breathe, I had to remind myself. 

He gently and slowly began untying the lace. I was surprised to see how at ease he was with the whole thing. And when I was sure he was close to the bottom I felt his hand trail up my back towards my shoulders. 

His thumb started to gently caress my skin which in turn made small shivers run down my back. I could feel his head close to my neck and his lips softly teasing my untouched flesh. 

"Your skin is so soft," his sultry voice whispered into my ear. 

Was that actually a compliment? "I like to moisturize."

I felt a smile playing at his lips as he pressed them at the base of my neck. My head moved to the side on its on accord to give him more of my skin to devour. 

Oh God, this was wrong. Why was I letting this happen again?

"I don't get you," I said with a raspy voice. "You hate me."

"Yes," he whispered before placing a lingering kiss just below my ear. 

"Everything about me sickens you. I repulse you in every way imaginable." I stated and I felt his hands claw their way around my waist. He twisted me around so quickly then slammed our bodies against the wall. 

I could finally look up into his eyes. All I saw was lust mixed with a strange dangerous fibe. His lips came down on me and I welcomed them. He was hungry and at the moment I didn't mind taking from him what he so often took from me. My hands laced themselves through his soft straight hair. 

"Your point?" He whispered on my lips. 

It took me a moment to catch my breath. "Then why do you kiss me? If I am such a vile, sick person."

He was using me; I wasn't stupid but I knew it went deeper than that. I was missing something and I wanted to know what. 

I felt his hand slip through the back fabric of my dress. His fingertips were playing with the skin at my lower back and I wanted to shudder at the contact. 

"I don't know," he got out before capturing my lips once again. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss by bitting his top lip. I swore I heard him moan. 

"I think I know," I said pulling away. 

His other hand cupped my face and pulled me in for another breath taking kiss. "Why?"

Oh wow, how I wanted to laugh at my situation? How did I get myself in these kinds of messes? I opened my eyes and waited till I had his full attention. I'm sure he'd love nothing more then to silence me but I had to get this out. 

"Because secretly you want me." He may not like me but I'm sure as hell he wanted me. 

He was still; completely blank for a few seconds before that stupid cool exterior showed up again. Chris leaned in close and sensually began nibbling on my ear. 

Damn him. 

"You'd like that wouldn't you sweet cheeks." He took a step back and I lost all his warmth. "Only in your dreams." 

He started walking off but I had one last thing to say to him. "No, but I'm sure they're in yours."

I'm pretty sure he wanted to stop and comment back but for some reason he didn't. He acted like he didn't hear and walked out. 

Wow, my life is screwed up. 
Let me know what you think.. 

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