On the throne as Godfather(BW...

By Starcrossed4ever

93.3K 4.1K 517

Samuel Mussolini Jr. has now taken over as Godfather. This is all that he has even wanted but without the lov... More

Ch 1. three months later(part 1)
Ch 2 Three months later(Part 2)
Ch 3. 3:15am
Ch 4. Talking about us
Ch 5. Anything
Ch 6 Sammy's Past Part 1
Ch 7 Sammy's Past part 2
Ch 8 Sammy's Past Part 3
ch 9. Annabel's judgement
Ch 10 Why are you here
Ch 11. Meeting Veronica
Ch 12 The plan
Ch 13 Telling the wildcats
Ch 14 Telling the family
Ch 15 Getting ready part 1
Ch 16 Getting ready part 2
Ch 17 The Engagement Party Part 1
Ch 18 The Engagement Party Part 2
Ch 20 The Engagement Party Part 4
Ch 21 The Engagement Party Part 5
Ch 22 3:07 am
Ch 23 No more Drama
Ch 24 More drama
Ch 25 Getting Ready for the wedding
ch 26 The Wedding Day
ch 27. The Reception
Ch 28. The Wedding Night
Ch. 29 Seven years after the wedding
Ch 30 The Annual Charity Gala
3rd book or epilogue?
3rd book is up

Ch 19 The Engagement Party Part 3

1.5K 102 20
By Starcrossed4ever

Ch 19

Annabel POV

At the end of the party, Sammy and I stood on stage to thank everyone for coming.

"We just want to thank everyone for sharing our special moment with us. I hope all of you enjoyed our engagement party. Before you leave, don't forget to pick up your goodie bags that are on the back table." I say

Sammy then repeated what I said in Italian since a few of Sammy's relatives and some of his parents' friends only speak Italian.

Then we decided to speak about how we are so excited to get married. Sammy began as he looked at the crowd speaking in Italian first

"Ciao a tutti, come ha detto Annabel, siamo felici che siete venuti alla nostra festa di fidanzamento e speriamo che tutti voi possiate partecipare al nostro matrimonio. Conto alla rovescia dei giorni perché Annabel è l'amore della mia vita e non vedo l'ora che inizi la nostra nuova vita insieme. Voglio che tutti voi sappiate come Annabel che ha detto di sì mi ha reso la persona più felice della terra. Onestamente non mi è piaciuta l'idea del matrimonio o anche degli appuntamenti prima di incontrarla. Tuttavia, Annabel l'ha cambiato per me. Mi ha fatto capire che mi mancava qualcosa nella mia vita. No; in realtà, mi mancava qualcuno nella mia vita. Quel qualcuno era lei. Non mi ero mai sentito così per nessuna donna prima. Ogni volta che la guardo, ringrazio Dio che mi ha scelto nonostante tutti i miei difetti. So che la nostra relazione non era perfetta. So che essere il Padrino è stato molto da prendere per lei, ma sono grato che lei l'abbia visto e abbia capito che ciò che abbiamo è più importante della mia carriera o di tutti i miei difetti. So che entrambi siamo lungi dall'essere perfetti, ma siamo perfetti insieme e nessuno e niente può toglierci questo."

After he spoke it in Italian he translated it into English for the English speakers but sometimes he would glance at me while he said those words.

"Hi everyone, like Annabel said we are happy that you guys came to our engagement party and we hope all of you can make it to our wedding. I am counting down the days because Annabel is the love of my life and I can't wait till we begin our new life together. I want all of you to know how Annabel saying yes made me the happiest person on earth. I honestly didn't like the idea of marriage or even dating before I met her. However, Annabel changed that for me. She made me realize that I was missing something in my life. No; actually, I was missing someone in my life. That someone was her. I never felt this way about any woman before. Every time I look at her, I thank God that she chose me despite all my faults. I know our relationship wasn't perfect. I know being Godfather was a lot to take in for her, but I am grateful that she saw pass that and realized that what we have is more important than my career or all my faults. I know both of us are far from perfect, but we are perfect together and nobody and nothing can take that away from us."

Damn, that was heartfelt. Everyone clapped at the end of his speech. Him glancing at me while saying those words with such conviction gave me butterflies in my stomach. I always wanted a guy to feel that strongly about me, so his words almost made me cried and I decided to speak from my heart too.

Next, I decided to glance at him while I was speaking, and he grinned the whole time I spoke

"Thank you, Sammy, for the kind words. I love you with all my heart and I am blessed to have you in my life. When Sammy proposed to me, I didn't even hesitate because I knew that he was the one for me. I can't even describe the way you make feel because it's so unique and intense. He is right. I didn't approve of his career, but I realized that he was the one for me. I couldn't lose him. I need him in my life. I know I am not perfect either and while we were dating, I know sometimes I annoyed the hell out of him, but he never left me. He loved me despite my faults. He also had faults too, but he revealed to me what love means. Love looks pass faults. You love them and care for them regardless., It means loyalty. It means being affectionate. I know we are meant for each other. I know God put him in my life. I can't wait to walk down that aisle. I honestly love you Sammy."

He was about to translate into Italian until I said

"Grazie, Sammy, per le belle parole. Ti amo con tutto il cuore e sono felice di averti nella mia vita. Quando Sammy mi ha proposto, non ho nemmeno esitato perché sapevo che era lui per me. Non riesco nemmeno a descrivere il modo in cui ti senti perché è così unico e intenso. Ha ragione lui. Non approvavo la sua carriera, ma mi resi conto che lui era quello per me. Non potevo perderlo. Ho bisogno di lui nella mia vita. So di non essere perfetto neanche io e mentre ci frequentavamo, so che a volte gli davo fastidio, ma non mi ha mai lasciato. Mi amava nonostante i miei difetti. Aveva anche dei difetti, ma mi ha rivelato cosa significa l'amore. L'amore sembra superare i difetti. Li ami e ti prendi cura di loro indipendentemente. Significa lealtà. Significa essere affettuosi. So che siamo fatti l'uno per l'altro. So che Dio lo ha messo nella mia vita. Non vedo l'ora di camminare lungo quel corridoio. Sinceramente ti amo Sammy ".

He looked shocked when I started to speak Italian. After we broke up I secretly learned Italian. His lies and me being oblivious encouraged me to learn it. I promised myself that never again will someone deceive me.

After we left the stage he asked "so you speak Italian?


"beh, sembravi nativo. La tua grammatica e pronuncia sono eccellenti. Sono impressionato. A proposito, sei sembrato sexy da morire. Mi chiedo come suonerai in camera da letto." (well you sounded like a native. Your grammar and pronunciation are excellent. I am impressed. By the way you sounded sexy as hell. I wonder how you will sound in the bedroom). Sammy said

Before I could respond, the wicked witch from the west came to talk to us

"Great party, thanks for inviting me" Veronica stated

"I am glad that you enjoyed it and was able to make it" I lied, and she laughed

"Now it makes sense why Sammy dated you, your Italian. I knew he wouldn't date someone like you if you weren't apart of our culture. It would be so beneath him to have a Donna (wife of the godfather) that doesn't have Italian roots. God, imagine how your children would turn out." She laughed like she was so hilarious.

She was saying all of this directly to me and didn't even glance at Sammy who was next to me, so I know that she said all those things to insult me. I wasn't going to say anything because what do you say to that. Plus, she will know that her words really affected me. But luckily Sammy defended me.

"Veronica, what the fuck are you talking about. Annabel does not have Italian roots and she didn't even speak Italian when we met. I am crazy about her even when she was only an English speaker. Then he lied saying "After we were engaged, she learned Italian. Not because I wanted her to but because she wanted to. I wanted to marry her before. But I got to admit, she sounds sexy as hell and when we are intimate; if you know what I mean" he winked "it turns me on. Then again she is the best I ever had and very flexible" he smirked even though we never had sex.

After we finished talking with Veronica, we talked a little bit before we separated. I noticed that he had a frown on his face for the rest of the night and I couldn't understand why. Every time I approached him, he always had something to do or had to talk to someone. I even tried to hold his hands and he removed his hands from me and told me he had to go somewhere. I don't know what changed. He was so happy and loving to me earlier in the day but now he seems like he is avoiding me but maybe he is just tired because the party was long.

Sammy POV

When Annabel was speaking about me on the stage, it gave me butterflies and it sounded so genuine. I also can't believe she spoke Italian. God, she sounded so sexy speaking Italian. Now I understand when others say when a non-native speaks your language, it's such a turn-on because they cared enough to be immersed into your culture.

I also thought Christina's planned worked until we bumped into Veronica. After talking to Veronica and Veronica stomping out, Annabel had the biggest smile and she started to say how happy she was that Veronica was upset.

"That bitch got exactly what she deserved. We made a fool out of her so now she can go cry home to her mommy. Thank you for standing up for me. That was the best part and she was so angry. I can't believe she stomped out. This was the best plan ever. I got to thank Christina" She said with excitement

Her comment made me realize how stupid I was. This was not real for her. I am so stupid to think that everything she said on the stage was genuine. It was all for Veronica. She got what she wanted. She really doesn't care about me. After that I just couldn't be in her presence, so I avoided her like the plague. All I could think about as we were helping to clean up and greet people as they left, was how foolish I was to think that she would actually be with someone like me. All I am is a monster to her and there's nothing I can do about it. Nothing has ever hurt me this much. 

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