One Day

By bevlay2

569K 12.4K 5.1K

17 year old Hailey Smith doesn't do parties. Or boys. Or anything socially exhausting for that matter. What s... More

Authors note
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

18.5K 447 96
By bevlay2

Hailey's POV

Once I'd said his name it was took late to take it back. I had to say something.

"Hailey?" He said looking at me expectingly.

I was silent for a moment, trying to calm myself down, before I nervously said, "Why did you kiss me?"

That's it. It was done. I couldn't take it back and I can't believe I actually asked. I was planning on just waiting until he brought it up, if he ever did.

River tensed next to me, clearly not expecting me to say anything.

He laughed as he regained his composure and said, "What do you mean? I kissed you because I wanted to."

I guess that wasn't a bad answer?

I gave him a slightly confused look and he quickly added, "Why? Did you not want me to?"

No. I definitely wanted him to. I'd kissed a couple of guys before but none never felt like they did with River.

"No." I said shyly

"No you didn't want me to?" River asked quickly and slightly panicked.

"No!" I quickly corrected, "I wanted you to"

River smiled and I turned away from him because I was embarrassed of what I had just admitted. I kept on denying the fact that I like River but after that kiss there is no way I can deny it. He drives me crazy and bothers me. He steals my food and fights with me. I thought there was no way I could ever feel like this for him, yet I'm crazy about him.

"What are thinking about?" River asked quietly

The whole vibe in the room had changed since my confession.

With a wave of confidence I answered River and said, "You."

He smiled and said, "What about me?"

"About how much you annoy me." I said as I looked up at him.

He looked at me with mischief in his eyes before he held down my hands and started tickling me ferociously.

"River! Pl-please!" I yelled through laughs.

This only made River laugh and tickle me harder.

"I-I can't br-breathe." I said still laughing.

Suddenly River stopped and I looked up and noticed he was completely on top of me.

We both suddenly got serious.

River looked straight into my eyes and said, "Hails I don't know what you're doing to me."

That pushed me over the edge. I don't know how i ever denied having feelings for him.

I decided to take control and I pulled his face to mine and kissed him deeply. This time it held more emotion and want. Now that we both knew that we wanted this, we couldn't get enough of each other. River was on top of me trying to keep his weight off, but I pulled him down so we were flush against each other. We pulled apart for a second to breathe and he flipped us over so now I was on top of him, straddling his lap. He looked at me and smiled shyly before i bent back down and reconnected our lips. He nipped my bottom lip causing me to moan into his mouth. His hands were in my hair and he cautiously moved down them down to my hips. I slipped my hands under his shirt wanting to feel his abs and he let out a low grunt in response. We both jumped apart when we heard Stacy say "Kids dinner is ready!"

My first though was 'this is a really early dinner' but I didn't say anything because I was still hungry.

I apprehensively went to get off rivers lap but he pulled me down and kissed me again. As much as I wanted to stay here, I didn't want to be rude to Stacy.

"River" I said pulling away, "your mom is calling us."

River grunted in annoyance not wanting to go downstairs.

I finally got up from the bed and grabbed his hands and pulled him up to follow me.

As I walked towards the door, River stopped me as he hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. It was weird being like this with River, but I loved it.

"Do we really have to go?" He whispered in my ear.

"Yes." I responded laughing lightly.

I was flattered that River wanted to stay here with me, just like I wanted to stay with him, but I couldn't risk his moms first impression of me to be her catching us making out on his bed.

He sighed and let go of me and grumpily said, "fine let's go."

I suddenly felt a little cold without his touch, but I waved it off and followed him downstairs

Once we got down, Stacy had already set the table and there were plates of food already out.

She was sat at one side of the table while she set me and Rivers plates right next to each other. She was smiling wildly as she looked at River and I.

I don't know why I was so nervous to be eating with his mom right now. It's not like we're dating or anything so this should just be a friendly dinner.

What are me and River doing right now? I mean, I know we've only kissed twice but I feel like it's different with River. At least for me. This could just be a game to him. I know he's never had a girlfriend and why would I be any different?

Stacy interrupted my thoughts when she said, "So Hailey, how has my son been treating you? I know he can be a little much."

I laughed, unsure of what her question meant

"Ummm.... he's been nice. You know driving me around. But I'm not going to lie, he can get kinda annoying sometimes." I said jokingly

Stacy laughed as River scowled at me. Stacey was quick to come up with another question as she asked, "So, what do your parents do sweetie?"

Just as she asked that River stuck his hand under the table and interlocked it with mine, smirking at me.

I coughed trying not to be distracted by his actions

"Well my dad is-uh- pharmacist and my mom is a teacher at um a small preschool." I rushed out trying to not focus on River who had already inhaled his whole plate of food.

Stacy nodded as she continued to eat.

I had only eaten half of mine and I saw River eying it. A second passed before he reached over with his free hand and took my plate.

I just rolled my eyes, seeing as I'm already used to this everyday at lunch.

"River!" Stacy yelled.

"Give her back her food!" She added.

"No." He said already eating it

"It's okay. He does this everyday I'm used to it." I said reassuring her.

Stacy scoffed and gave River a dirty look which had no effect on him.

"Do you want more food, Hailey? There's more in the kitchen." Stacy asked embarrassed by River.

"No, I'm okay I'm not hungry anymore. Thank you though, it was delicious." I said.

"Oh" she waves me off "it's nothing! you have to come by more often though."

River was still holding my hand sending butterflies through my body and I could barely process anything being said.

"Do you want dessert? I'm sure I can whip something up!" Stacy said.

Even though I loved Stacy and her cooking, I really had to get home.

"No thank you, I really have to head home." I said sorrily.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart, next time!" She said excitedly.

"I can take you home now, if you want." River offered

I nodded and said, "I'm just going to go get my jacket from your room. I'll be right back."

I got up from the table and skipped to Rivers room to grab my jacket.

As I walked down the stairs I heard Stacy whispering. I didn't want to be rude and listen, but I couldn't help it.

"River I like her a lot. You better not mess this up, she's perfect for you." She said.

I heard River sigh and say, "My god mom, you're so embarrassing."

Stacy cackled and I heard her walk off so I took this moment to slip back to the dining room.

"Hey, you ready?" River said.

I couldn't help but think about what Stacy said. What does she mean I'm perfect for him?

"Yea." I smiled

We walked to the kitchen and I said, "bye! Thank you for having me."

Stacy walked towards me and embraced me in a hug before saying, "You're welcome here anytime."

I smiled and we walked off to the driveway.

In the car River and I were in a comfortable silence before I said, "So, your mom is nice."

He looked at me and said, "Yea. She's the best."

I really wanted to ask about his father but I know that isn't a subject he's very open about. I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"River..." I said hesitantly

"Yea?" He asked a little concerned with my tone.

"What happened to your dad?" He immediately tensed and squeezed the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white. He directed his gaze on the road and said, "nothing" with his jaw clenched.

"What do you mean 'nothing'?" I asked as my curiosity getting the best of me.

"I said nothing, Hailey!" He yelled out of nowhere.

"It's none of your damn business anyways!" He added.

I wasn't going to push him any further than that. It was clear there was something bad going on there and even though I wanted to know, I wanted him to tell me when he was ready.

I just turned my head so I was looking out the window quietly. The tension in the car was almost unbearable.

The car ride lasted an eternity so when we pulled up outside my house I immediately stepped out of the car and said, "thanks." He didn't even move his head and just looked straight.

When I shut the door, he immediately drove off. I was so confused on what was so bad that he could get so mad.

I went up to my room, not even checking if my parents were home, and buried myself in homework.

Whenever River and I got into a fight I always found myself doing things that weren't necessary, like writing an essay that wasn't even due until 2 weeks later. I did other assignments that I could've easily done a lot later than tonight.

Eventually I decided to call it a night so I took a quick shower and changed into my pajamas. I walked over to my bed and threw off all the extra pillows and got into my comfortable solace.

I fell asleep quickly due to the stress of River.


I woke up to my phone buzzing, I reached over to my nightstand and saw it was ‪2:30‬ in the morning. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID before I declined the call, too tired to deal with it.

My phone started ringing again, and then again. I finally picked it up and said, "what?" A little angrily.

"Hailey?" River said softly.

That was the last person I was expecting.

"River?" I asked confused.

"Can you unlock your window?" He asked a little weirdly and I already knew he had to be drunk.

I sighed and said, "what? Why?"

"Please?" He said

"Ok fine." I walked over to the window and unlocked it confused.

I heard rattling on the other line and a couple seconds later, River climbed in through my window.

I put down the phone and said, "River! What are you doing here?"

I was completely shocked that he was here. He was screaming at me and now he's crawling through my window?

"I had to come see you." He said

I took in his appearance. His eyes were red and swollen as if he'd been crying, he wreaked of alcohol, and his hair was a mess. He looked broken. This must've been about his dad.

"River? What happened?" I said to him.

He walked up to me and grabbed my face in his hands. "Hails, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked him although I knew what he probably meant.

"For yelling at you and getting mad for no reason. It was just a question." He said gloomily.

I sighed and said, "It's okay, River."

I really wasn't mad at him, just worried. I didn't want him to feel bad for not wanting to tell me whatever happened to him.

"No it's not. I'm sorry." He said before he placed a chaste kiss on my lips and engulfed my body in a comforting hug.

His shoulders were slumped as I hugged him back.

"I just didn't want to talk about it." He added

"It's okay." I said rubbing his back.

"Can I stay here?" He said defeated.

"I didn't drive here because well I'm a little drunk so I don't know how we are going to get to school tomorrow.

I felt so bad for whatever was going on with him so I said, "yea, c'mon."

I grabbed his hand and walked over to my bed. He sat down and took off his shoes, and then he slid off his shirt without a second thought. I pulled in a breath at the sight in front of me. Although he looked broken and sad, he also looked hot.

I got into the bed and a second later I felt him wrap his arm around my body and pull me against his. He intertwined his legs with mine and he kissed my cheek and said "Goodnight, Hails".

"Goodnight, River." I said pressing myself closer to his body.

Why did we always find ourselves in this position?

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