Revenge | JEONGIN

By prismlwis

3.3K 69 24

I don't care if I fall in love to a devil, as long as the devil will love me the way he loves hell. More



238 3 0
By prismlwis

"You gotta move on, Ella."

Chan understands the pain of the girl, but keeping on thinking about it and cry over it, it won't do any good to her mental health. He tries to make her understand that life goes on and she should start thinking a bit more about herself because, in the end, she will have to live with the person that she is.

"I can't." Ella confesses.

"Well, you don't have much choice, do you?" Chan asks almost rhetorically.

"He was all I had." Ella sighs.

"Can you tell me why you guys even broke up?" Chan asks the question he never made.

"I guess we were just giving up on each other. He started saying we shouldn't be together anymore, but we tried... didn't work as you can see." Ella replies.

"Well, what will you do if you can't get over him?" Chan tries to know what is on her mind.

"Eventually I will. I'm just tired of people reminding me of him and making me feel bad." Ella rants about it, pointing out the situation from that morning.

"You look like you need some vacations from everything, really far from here." Chan makes a suggestion.

"I'm planning to return to Italy, just don't know yet." The girl wants to run away from her current life.

"Wow. You leaving the Magic World?" Chan can't believe the rushed decision of Ella.

"Probably." Ella confirms, uncertain of her future.

"Will you be happy that way?" Chan tries to know the most necessary thing of this change.

"Am I happy now?" Ella asks sarcastically.

Chan sighs, "Well, I support your choice then."

"Thank you," The sad woman holds her tears.

"Will you still go to the meeting?" Chan was thinking that she wouldn't attend to it.

"I am. I miss Minho and the others." Ella reveals.

"I'm glad." Chan looks to his clock, "Well, I'll leave you to rest, good night."

"Good night, Chan."

While making his way home, Chan decided to call Jisung and Hyunjin to invite them, Jisung and Hyunjin were in the Far East looking for an Occamy. An a plumed, two-legged serpentine-bodied creature, with wings that reached up to fifteen feet in height. They had to be careful because the creature was extremely aggressive to anyone or anything that tries to approach it. They were sneaking inside a habitat known as home to many Occam's.

"Remember, if things don't go well, we jump into the case and wait some time before getting out of here." Jisung prevented Hyunjin.

Jisung opened the case and got ready for an encounter with a creature. They walk slowly without making too much noise. Hyunjin spots a nest of an Occamy with five bright silver eggs. Jisung signals the friend to not go near it, but Hyunjin already only had eyes on those eggs and that shiny shell of theirs. Jisung couldn't do much since the case was big and he needed both hands to keep it open. Hyunjin got close and passed his hand on that soft shell of the eggs. A sound can be heard, the mother of those eggs wasn't happy with the intruders. The big creature appears in the sky, with her wings wide open, revealing its whole body. Hyunjin started to run to Jisung. The beast flew dashed in their direction, ready for an aerial attack. The fear took control of Jisung, who opened the case on the floor and jumped in. Hyunjin ran as fast as he could and jumped too. As he falls inside the case, the Occamy failed his attack, which gave the opportunity to Jisung close the case.

"Oh my God..." Jisung sat down on a desk, panting out of control, "Are you crazy?!"

"Those eggs were so beautiful and shiny! It took control of me!" Hyunjin tries to justify himself.

"Occamy mothers are super protective, you were going to kill us," Jisung complains.

They keep on arguing until the cellphone on their desks rings. They didn't usually receive any calls, so that was weird. Jisung took the cellphone and brought it to his ear.


"Hey! How are you guys?" It was Chan.

"Hey! Well, we're alive, I just don't know for how long!" Jisung says, looking mad at Hyunjin.

"Can you guys survive and come to meet with the group?" Chan invites the two explorers.

"When?" Jisung asked.

"This weekend," Chan replied.

"We'll be there."

Chan hangs out and decides to call Jeongin, who was at a pub, with a girl called Evelyn. They went out several times already and this was just one of them. The things were going ok, they were starting to get intimate with each other and Jeongin felt happy with it. Evelyn was a kind and gentle girl. Beautiful pureblood and a brave Gryffindor. Jeongin was looking to her while she drinks the drink he paid her.

"And when do I have the pleasure of having your company to sleep?" He asks the girl.

"Well, is your bed free tonight?" Evelyn asks, drinking from a straw.

"For you, always." Jeongin declares, putting his hand on hers.

As the two finish their drinks, they pay for everything and they go out of the pub. The two walk and talk through the whole way. They laughed, kissed, played with each other. It was like the world was made for them, with no one to bother that moment. The touches, the kisses, the human heat they share in that cold night, everything builds up to that. They arrive at Jeongin's place, the man opens the door and gives passage to his company. Evelyn goes inside the house and starts looking around. The walls were white clean, with a floor of marble. The house was simple and beautiful.

"This is a fine ho-" Evelyn was about to compliment the house of Jeongin, but he had engaged the girl in a warm and intense kiss, leading her to his bedroom.

The kiss was breathtaking, making them need a second to breathe, but they get right back at it. Their bodies are like a perfect puzzle, the hands of Jeongin explore the curves of the slim body of Evelyn. The girl breaths deep against the cheeks of the wizard, a warm breath makes Jeongin put a hand under Evelyn's shirt. He starts to lift it up slowly, without never losing track of the sweet and soft lips of the witch. All of a sudden, his phone rings, interrupting the moment. He didn't want to answer, but as a member of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, he couldn't miss a call. He gets up, leaving Evelyn stranded on the bed, still thinking about all she felt and how she never wanted it to end.

"Hello?" Jeongin answers the call.

"Hey, Jeongin! How are you doing?" Chan celebrates the sound of Jeongin's voice.

"Oh, hey Chan," Jeongin remembers his old friend.

Chan focuses on the topic at hand, "We'll meet up with the others from our times at Hogwarts this weekend, you in?"

"Oh..." Jeongin feels uncertain, looking to Evelyn, "Yeah sure, can I bring someone with me?"

"Sure, it's a party anyway!" Chan doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

"Great, see you soon!"

Chan texted Felix, warning him that he already talk to most of them if he could send letters to the others. Felix started to write three letters to send to Yejun, Minho and Seungmin. The two athletes were going to meet up in London next weekend, for a game of Quidditch against each other. Yejun was at Hogwarts, he was the teacher of Defence Against The Dark Arts. For the weekend, he could go and meet them. While Felix was writing the letters, Changbin arrived at the table with the dinner. He gives a soft kiss to Felix and sits next to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Writing letters to Yejun, Seungmin, and Minho," Felix reveals, finishing one of the letters.

"You know, there's this really innovative thing called cellphone that you can call people," Changbin explains sarcastically to his husband.

"Yejun is at Hogwarts, he doesn't have access to that. Seungmin and Minho don't use it too during travels with their teams." Felix clarifies Changbin on why is using an old method.

"Why the contact all of a sudden, though?" Changbin questions.

"We are meeting again this weekend," Felix announces, leaving the Ravenclaw happy.

"Finally, I miss them."

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