LIGHT ME UP, ginny weasley.

By -roscoeee

27.9K 1.3K 373

Harry Potter | "if the sky falls, i'll catch it, just to steal you a star." ( oc x ginny weasley ) ( wolfstar... More

epigraph + playlist
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853 34 183
By -roscoeee





       About the nth time she woke up, she nearly screamed in shock until she realized it was only Pretzel, sitting at the end of her bed with a jolly grin. "Merry Christmas, Missus Phemy!" Pretzel greets in a hushed whisper.

      She grinned tiredly, unable to be annoyed at Pretzel and opened her arms for the small elf to run into. Pretzel embraced her tightly, "Pretzel got her missus a gift, miss."

       "Oh, Pretzel, you shouldn't have," Effie whispered, but didn't protest. "I've a gift for you as well."

       With complete knowledge that she sent out her dad's, Neville's, and Ginny's gift by 3AM so it wouldn't reach them prematurely (no, she didn't get up, but she did levitate the respective gifts under the Christmas tree that Daphne transfigured out of a make up brush), Effie reached into her trusty bag—already transfigured to match the color of her jumpsuit—and procured from it a large pack of sweets.

       At the same time, Pretzel laid a beige scarf on Effie's lap. They grinned at each other, before exchanging gifts. "Pretzel learned elven magic, missus. Pretzel has enchanted the scarf so it would keep her Miss Phemy warm always."

       "Thank you, Pretzel," Effie says with a genuine smile.

       "No, missus," Pretzel said. "Thank you."

       The two shared a brief hug, "You should go," Effie told her as Pansy started stirring in her bed. "She'll go off if she sees you here."

       With a crack, Pretzel disappeared. Effie started cracking her knuckles as the girls jumped awake from the noise, "That was one hell of a joint you have there," Millicent says sleepily.

       Effie picked up a random sock from the floor, throwing it at Millicent's face. "Get up, idiot. It's Christmas—"

        Pansy suddenly squealed, jumping on Effie's bed and engulfing the girl in a large hug. "Merry Christmas to us, soul sister!"

       "Merry Christmas, Pans," Effie laughed.

       A few merry christmases and quick showers later, the four girls sat around their own Christmas tree, passing out gifts. "In order of ages," Daphne professed with faux formality, making the girls giggle. She grabbed a large bag filled with gifts from under the tree (a large L. S. was labeled across it), and presented it to Effie. "Miss Stark."

       "Thank you, Miss Greengrass," Effie went along, posh accent and all. Not even my fucked up  mind will affect this excitement—for fuck's sake, it's Christmas. She opened the first parcel that she picked out, which was from her dad, and grinned, carefully peeling the wrap open.

       Enclosed in it was a scrapbook of him and her mum—every year on Christmas, he would gift her something to remind her of her mum, the first one being the bracelet on her wrist, which also doubled as a portkey.

       Effie grinned, before stowing it away in her bag. The other girls were already occupied with their gifts, so the next one was from Ginny—the redhead had gotten her a set of multicolored inks and a day planner for next year. Neville got her a set of Lavender-scented candles.

       Pansy got her a pair of designer boots, which she hugged the brunette for, Daphne books about more advanced potions (she had a knack for modifying them and making it better, apparently), Millicent gave her twenty pairs of cute socks. A pair of black satin earmuffs came from Draco, and an assortment of hoodies and cardigans came from Blaise and Theo. Of course, there were books about Magical Law that came from her Great Uncle.

       (She had a sneaking suspicion that Fudge wants her to follow in his footsteps one day as Minister.)

       The strange thing was, there's another parcel, and a letter enclosed in it. Who in the world. . . ? She grabbed the letter first.

       Dear L̶i̶l̶l̶i̶a̶n̶ Effie,

       Hello, dear! You may not know me, but I'm Molly Weasley, Ginny's mother. She told me so much about you—don't worry, it's all good things—and while I disapprove about you being a champion because of how young you are, I'm very excited to meet you!

       Any friend of Ginny's is a friend of the family as well, dearie. The Burrow is open for you any time. Merry Christmas!

Molly W.

       A fond smile found its home on Effie's lips as she opened the parcel, revealing a white sweater with brown markings and patterns. She pulled it on, looking at Pansy. Daphne and Millicent ignores them, snogging like no tomorrow.

       Pansy had a disgusted look, mouthing to Effie, they should get a room.

       Well, this is their room too, Effie gestured to their dorm.

       A room without us, Pansy says with a roll of her eyes. Effie snorted, nodding to the door and pulled on the scarf that Pretzel gave her. As quietly as possible (Effie tripped twice on some of Pansy's things that were scattered around their room), the two girls snuck out of the dorm, and bursting into laughter once they got outside. "So whose that sweater really from?"

       "Ginny's mum."

       "R—Really?" Pansy's eyes looked like they were about to bulge out, and grinned teasingly. "Merlin, what's next? Meeting the parents now, well, if that's the case, you should take her out soon—"

       "Pansy, I swear to god," Effie snaps. Sometimes she regrets falling out of a goddamn closet because Pansy literally ships her with everyone, boys and girls alike. "You don't even like her."

"I don't trust her," Pansy corrected.

Snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its grounds now. The pale blue Beauxbatons carriage looked like a large, chilly, frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was Hagrid's cabin, while the Durmstrang ship's portholes were glazed with ice, the rigging white with frost.

While Pansy went off to greet Draco, Theo, and Blaise, Effie supposed it was about time she asked Neville about the sign language she saw in her. . . whatever it was.

She found him in the Herbology greenhouse, delighted to be surrounded by plants. However, while Effie was quite exemplary in her studies, she can't say the same for Herbology.

"Hello, Effie," He greets kindly. He was one of the Gryffindors who never judged her based on what she showed them. "Merry Christmas. Thank you for the book about muggle plants, I liked it."

"Happy Christmas, Neville," Effie told him with a soft smile. Bloody hell, how do I ask him about this weird-ass creepy language I saw in my fit of hallucination?

"You look troubled," Neville commented, fawning over the Cobra Lilies that didn't seem to want to bite him.

All or nothing, Effie.

Effie twiddled with her fingers, which was very uncharacteristic about her. "I. . . well, it's been holding over my heads for weeks, and. . . I was wondering if—well," Fuck, since when haven't I been good with words? Oh right, since you become a damned ticking time bomb who can't even sleep and is currently addicted to amphetamines you shouldn't even have. Woman up and spit it out— "I kind of had this dream, and there was sign language, and I was wondering if you could tell me what it means."

Neville gave her a concerned glance, "Show me."

"So, it was a bit like this," Effie spent the entirety of a minute mimicking the sign language in her hallucination. Then, she looked at Neville hopefully,

"The door is ajar," Neville translates for her. Effie furrowed her brows, why the hell would her subconscious tell her that? Then she remembers the red door, and inwardly scoffed. Of course it all led back to that goddamn red door. "Any idea what it means?"

"It's probably a riddle," Effie lied swiftly, offering a weak smile. It's exactly a lie though, but not the complete truth. ". . .of some sorts." Are you trying to convince him, or yourself? "Thanks, Neville. You're the best."

And as she turned around to leave, Neville spoke again. "Effie? Did you get the candles I sent you?" Effie hummed affirmatively. "You should use it sometime. My gran said it helps for you to sleep better, and says it's a natural remedy for anxiety."

A tear fell down Effie's cheek, which she quickly wiped before anyone could see and smiled at Neville as if to say thank you and walked away.

By five o'clock, Effie ventured back to her dorm, where Pansy was tapping her foot impatiently. "Oh, we've a long time to get you ready for!" She says, before shoving Effie in the bathroom, which had been redesigned as a makeup parlor.

"I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself, Pansy," Effie said with a raised brow.

"You are a champion, Effie!" Pansy snapped. "And as your bestfriend, I've to make you look the part!"

About seven o'clock, Pansy was finally done with applying makeup on Effie, including her hair—well, all the four girls had finished. Effie took the liberty of taming Millicent's hair in an elegant but subtle, twisted updo.

"I might need your help," Effie admits to Pansy as she pulled on her jumpsuit—which was actually crossed between a jumpsuit and a dress. It was in a pastel shade of purple. "Zip me up, will you?"

"Gladly," Pansy grinned, her hair twisted in a sophisticated crown braid and adorned a pale, beige gown. She grabbed the zipper of the back of Effie's jumpsuit, pulling it up smoothly. "You know, if things don't work out in the end, we should just marry each other. We'd be the hottest couple."

Effie snorts. She wasn't opposed to the idea either, but she knows it's just an expression. "I sure do hope I look good enough," Pansy says quietly—it was so quiet that Effie realized she wasn't meant to hear it.

"Why wouldn't you be good enough?" Effie raised an eyebrow. "Pansy, you look beautiful."

"But he doesn't think that, doesn't he? The date you chose for me?"

"Pansy, it's not Malfoy," Effie scoffs. That asshat wouldn't see real beauty even if it danced naked in front of him. All he does is talk bullshit that makes Pansy question herself when she shouldn't. "Either way, you don't need anyone's validation for you to realize your self-worth. You're beautiful because you're you, that's all that matters. Everyone can go fuck off."

Pansy's eyes widen, hearing Effie curse. And then she grinned, "Well, you look beautiful too. But if it's not Draco, then who the hell am I going with?"

"I suppose we'll find out, won't we?" Effie smirked as Pansy brushed some of Effie's hair back from her shoulders. "Chin up, princess. Your tiara's slipping, better not let it fall off and have it stolen."

Daphne and Millicent both squealed in amazement when Pansy and Effie exited the bathroom, both looking every bit unlike their usual selves.

The Slytherin boys gathered in the common room gaped at Effie and Pansy when they strolled down the stairs. Theo was already waiting were Effie told him to be, causing the blonde to smirk.

"Our Slytherin champion, everyone!" Blaise cheered loudly, applauding Effie. Said blonde rolled her eyes fondly, nodding at Theo.

Pansy looked appalled, "Him?"

"I did say he was blond, hadn't I?" Effie winked, taking Pansy's hand off her arm and onto Theo's awaiting arm. "You look after her tonight, Theo, or I swear to Merlin, you won't like me if I found out she's been hurt."

"Don't mind her, that's my wife speaking," Pansy waved off, shyly taking Theo's arm on her own.

"Yes, and what am I?" Theo asked with a raised brow.

Pansy pondered over it for a moment, before shrugging. "You can be my other wife. Come on, we need to get Effie to her date."

"Alright then, mother of the bride," Effie snorts as Pansy laced her other arm through Effie's leading her and Theo out of the common room.

The entrance hall was packed with students too, all milling around waiting for eight o'clock, when the doors to the Great Hall would be thrown open. Those people who were meeting partners from different Houses were edging through the crowd trying to find one another.

       Amongst them were Ginny and Neville, whom Effie noted were together. Her eyes widened subtly, because she honest-to-merlin thought it was Ginny. But if it wasn't Ginny, then who the hell was she going with?

       Draco was already there, he was wearing dress robes of black velvet with a high collar, which, in Effie's opinion, made him look like a vicar. Astoria Greengrass in very frilly robes of pale pink was clutching Draco's arm. Crabbe and Goyle were both wearing green (had Effie ever heard their real names before?), they resembled moss-colored boulders.

       The oak front doors opened, and everyone turned to look as the Durmstrang students entered with Professor Karkaroff. Krum was at the front of the party, accompanied by a pretty girl in blue robes Effie didn't know. Over their heads she saw that an area of lawn right in front of the castle had been transformed into a sort of grotto full of fairy lights—meaning hundreds of actual living fairies were sitting in the rosebushes that had been conjured there, and fluttering over the statues of what seemed to be Father Christmas and his reindeer.

       "Pansy, who am I supposed to go with?" Effie hissed towards her bestfriend, who was anxiously searching around.

       "I can't find him!" There was a note of panic in Pansy's voice as the Champions were called over now.


       "It was supposed to be Adrian Pucey," Pansy hissed with wide eyes.

       "Then just where the hell is he?" Effie snapped, not looking forward to be dancing alone like a total idiot.

       Professor McGonagall, who was wearing dress robes of red tartan and had arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat, told them to wait on one side of the doors while everyone else went inside; they were to enter the Great Hall in procession when the rest of the students had sat down.

       "You look. . . what's going on?" Ginny trailed off to greet Effie, Neville pausing and smiled at Effie before looking around nervously at the Slytherins. She noticed the distress on Effie's face instantaneously. "Effie. . . "

       "Great, I'm going to be dancing with the wind," Effie says bitterly, pursing her lips. In her irritation, she failed to vocalize her compliment for Ginny—who looked impeccable in her floral robes.

       "I'm so sorry, Effie," Pansy says apologetically. "I really thought Adrian would show up. I didn't know he would ditch or—"

       "I'll—" Ginny's sentence was cut off by Professor McGonagall beckoning the rest of the students to go inside. Neville gave Effie another smile, before whisking Ginny away because there's no need for them to get in trouble.

       "I'll dance with you," Pansy says firmly.

       Effie turned to her, surprised. "Wha—you would?"

       "It was me who asked Adrian for you and he didn't show up," Pansy rolled her eyes, grabbing Effie's hand. "Did you really think I'd let my best friend dance alone?"

       "I'll save us seats," Theo says with a large grin. "Don't trip over your dresses, ladies."

       Pansy scoffs, "Like hell we would," She turned to Effie as Theo went inside, her expression softening. "Chin up, princess. Your tiara's slipping, better not let it fall off and have it stolen."

       "Alright then," Effie's shoulders deflate in relief. "But Theo's still your date for tonight—I do think you guys would make quite a match."

       Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies stationed themselves near the doors. Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory were next, then Harry Potter and Parvati Patil. Effie's eyes widened in pleasant surprise when she realized the girl next to Krum was actually Hermione Granger.

       Nearly everyone were gaping between Granger, Effie, and Pansy, like they didn't know who to look at. "I think everyone's stricken that we look quite like princesses," Effie whispered to Pansy with an amused smirk.

       "Are you kidding? We look like queens," Pansy empowered as Draco and Astoria passed by, just as surprised as everyone. "Now, are you leading the dance or am I?"

       Once everyone else was settled in the Hall, Professor McGonagall told the champions and their partners to get in line in pairs and to follow her. They did so, and everyone in the Great Hall applauded as they entered and started walking up toward a large round table at the top of the Hall, where the judges were sitting.

       "I am," Effie says with a burst of courage, her smile widening as she sees her dad smiling at her and Pansy, pride clearly shining in his eyes.

       The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The House tables had vanished; instead, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.

       Pansy and Effie laughed together, ignoring everyone in the room while the Champions danced for the opening before they sat down. In the end, Effie ended up sitting alone after persuading Pansy to go back to her partner.

        Time and time again, there were several people asking for her to dance—hell, even Cedric, but Effie always said the same. She was tired. . . which wasn't a lie. She pretends she doesn't have a half empty and a full bottle of amphetamines waiting for her in her bag.

       She smiled to herself, drinking coffee all night to evade the urge for the pills and to keep her asthma at bay, seeing Astoria force Draco to dance, Millicent and Daphne tangled up with each other, Crabbe and Goyle acting like ghouls (as always), the Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause—Effie would choose Queen and Fleetwood Mac over this any day—they were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn. The first song was a slow, mournful tune.

       Effie snorted to herself, seeing Potter trip over his dress robes when Parvati hauled him up to dance. Neville and Ginny were dancing nearby—Ginny was wincing frequently as Neville trod on her feet.

       Dumbledore was waltzing with Madame Maxime. He was so dwarfed by her that the top of his pointed hat barely tickled her chin, however, she moved very gracefully for a woman so large. Mad-Eye Moody was doing an extremely ungainly two-step with Professor Sinistra, who was nervously avoiding his wooden leg.

        Consider herself surprised when Ginny suddenly turned up in front of her, looking relieved, but awestruck at Effie. "You look good in purple."

       "Thank you," Effie says with a small smile. Now that she thought about it, she did stand out because her outfit was crossed between a dress and a jumpsuit. "I figured showing up in green would be an overkill."

       "You wanna dance?"

       Do I look that pitiful? Effie says dismissively, "Pass."

       "Why not?"

       "I'm tired."

       Ginny raised an eyebrow, "I haven't seen you get up to dance once."

       "I danced with Pansy in the beginning," Effie stressed, then lied. "And I've been practicing how to dance for weeks."

       "Sure you are," Ginny scoffed. "Let me try that again. Lillian Euphemia, I suggest you get off your cute little ass and dance with me now."

        Effie snorts. Now this was the kind of expression she was expecting from Ginny, "Interesting tactic. Fine then."

        "You really do look beautiful, you know," Ginny says again as she managed to drag the lilac-clad blonde (everyone was openly gaping, probably thinking how the hell did Ginny Weasley get the Effie Stark to dance when they couldn't?) in the middle of the ballroom, smirking coyly to herself. "I think everyone's jealous of me now."

       "If anything, they're jealous of me," Effie countered back with a grin, satisfied of being taller even if it's just until midnight. "Because I'm dancing with an angel."

       Ginny blushed, "Shut up. So, did you figure out anything about your egg—not the one from the female human anatomy, Effie, don't you even dare."

       Effie grinned brightly, happy that someone actually figured out that joke without being disgusted, "Pansy and I figured it out nights ago when I decided to open it in the Slytherin common room. Bloody murder, that thing was. I'll show you what it said when I get the chance. Anyhow, did you like the french macarons I gave you?"

       "They're so good, Effie," Ginny gushed, actually letting loose of her tough girl persona as Effie twirled her this time (smugly too, because of Effie's added height). "I hope they have them in the kitchens."

       "Pretzel learned the recipe," Effie tells her. "I'll make sure to tell her you liked it. Pretzel seemed to like you—better than she liked Pansy or Granger, anyway."

Ginny's brows raise in surprise, "Pretzel doesn't like Pansy?"

"She's still from a family of pureblood supremacists, remember?" Effie reminded. "It's not Pansy's fault because it's what she's been raised to believe, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"I hope the Second Task isn't as dangerous as the first one," Ginny changed subjects and spoke in a hushed tone. "Speaking of, you haven't had an asthma attack?"

"Not before the Ball began, no. I suppose it must be the effect of coffee I've been drinking all night, keeps it at bay," and keep me awake, Effie wanted to add. "But I sure hope it's not as, but otherwise, I've been working on my breathing lately so I won't need the inhaler as much."

"Smell the roses, blow the candles," Ginny commented. "It's just something my eldest brother, Bill, tells me to remember if I ever have panic attacks, or—or nightmares. You see, I don't like storms."

Effie gave the redhead a small smile, sensing her nervousness when she mentioned it, "Neither have I. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Hello, ladies," The two girls turned, seeing Eleazar Stark, rather dashing in one of his best three-piece suits. Effie wasn't blind to the girls ogling at him all night.

"Dad," Effie greeted. "This is Ginny Weasley, my friend."

Eleazar smiled politely, "Delighted to meet you, Miss Weasley."

"Likewise, Mr. Stark," Ginny says, smiling nervously.

"Oh no, call me Eleazar. Any friend of Phemy—" He earned a glare from Effie for that and a muffled snort from Ginny. Effie caught Pansy's smug glance over her dad's shoulder, as if to say well, the tables have turned. "—is a friend of mine."

Effie gave Pansy a look that says shut up. "Would you mind if I steal my daughter for a bit?"

"Not at all," Ginny says, shooting Effie another grin before walking away to find Neville.

"You look beautiful, Phemy," Eleazar says sincerely as the father and daughter danced. Even with the added height, Effie barely brushed past Eleazar's chin.

"I noticed you're wearing the cufflinks I gave you," Effie says, not complimenting him. What the hell would she even say when he's wearing a suit every day?

"It went well with the occasion," Eleazar says nonchalantly, looking at said cufflinks. "A little raven told me your date had. . . what was that term? Ah, ditched you."

Effie rolled her eyes, of course Pansy would tell him. Eleazar continues on, "If he was the reasoning for your downcast mood all night if Miss Weasley hadn't dragged you to dance, then I'll have a word with him."

"There's no need, dad," Effie emphasized, knowing he'd go at certain lengths just to see a smile on her face.

He graced her with a concerned look—Effie noticed her hand was starting to tremble, and the urge to pop the pills was getting stronger. Shit. "Are you alright, Phemy?"

She gently pulled her hand back, "It's nothing, I'm fine. Just tired." Ah, there it was again.

"Phemy, if this tiredness is being caused by the Tournament, maybe I can—"

"Dad," Effie snaps, maybe a bit too defensively than she expected. "I said I'm fine."

He can't know, she chanted to herself. Effie wasn't sure if she could take his disappointment if he ever found out, so she walked away, holding her clutch close to herself. He can't know.

effie's appearance

pansy's appearance

disclaimer: the images used above were from pinterest. both templates were made by me.


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