That Eternal August I Spent W...

By MarkWritesThings

108K 3K 3K

[F/N] [L/N] meets with an eccentric girl named Mina Ashido by chance. Through this meeting, [F/N] learns of M... More

August 1st
August 2nd / Part 1
August 2nd / Part 2
August 3rd
August 4th / Part 1
August 4th / Part 2
August 5th
August 6th
August 7th / Part 1
August 7th / Part 3
August 8th
August 9th
August 10th
August 11th
August 12th / Part 1
August 12th / Part 2
August 13th
August 14th
August 15th / End of Act Ⅰ
The first chapter of Act 2 is up!!

August 7th / Part 2

3K 118 103
By MarkWritesThings

10:13 A.M. / Tuesday, August 7th

"So, what are we gonna do in Tokyo?" I asked.

Mina placed a finger on her chin and hummed. "Hmm... I didn't really plan anything. We'll just figure it out when we get there!"

I stared at her with a face of confusion and disappointment before shaking my head and looking out the window. At this moment, we were on the train to Tokyo. When I woke up that morning, I never would've guessed that I'd be there, but there I was.

Suddenly, I felt a few little taps on my shoulder. "Hey, [F/N]!" said Mina. "What do you wanna do in Tokyo? We can do whatever you wanna do first!" she exclaimed.

"What do I wanna do...?" I repeated to myself. 

Before that day, I never even considered visiting Tokyo for any reason, so I didn't know anything that was there. I mean, I knew there were probably a lot of restaurants and hotels, but I think that was about it.

"Have you ever wanted to do karaoke?" asked Mina.

The word "karaoke" must've triggered something in me because I quickly turned to Mina with a slight smile. "Did you say karaoke?" I asked.

Mina nodded. "Yep! There are tons of karaoke places in Tokyo!" she exclaimed. "Wanna try it out?"

I thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I kinda want to,"

A big smile grew on Mina's face. "Alright, we'll do karaoke first!"

To this day, I don't really know why I got so excited over karaoke. I mean, I had never done it before, so I had no reason to be that pumped up. Honestly, it's probably because of Mina. Her being around made me feel much more adventurous. She made me want to try new things, even if I've never even thought of experiencing these new things. It was like I was in some kind of trance, but I didn't mind.

11:39 A.M. / Tuesday, August 7th

"I didn't know you could book private karaoke rooms..." I said, taking in the comfiness of this small room built specifically for karaoke.

"Yeah, it's great, isn't it?" said Mina while flipping through the songbook. "Hmm... How about... this one!" Then, she picked up the remote and started inputting a series of numbers.

I watched on in confusion. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Putting in the song number. All of the numbers are in this book!" she said, slapping the songbook twice.

"Oh, I see..." I said.

'This is way too overcomplicated,' I thought.

"Aaaand... Enter!" she exclaimed while aggressively pressing the Enter button on the remote.

Added to Queue: Peace Sign by Kenshi Yonezu
Now Playing: Peace Sign by Kenshi Yonezu

"Yess! I love this song!" exclaimed Mina, jumping out of her seat and grabbing a microphone from the basket on the table. "Grab a microphone too, [F/N]!"

"Kenshi Yonezu...?" I questioned. "The name sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on it," Suddenly, Mina reached over the table and grabbed my hand, lifting me up. "Wha-?" I blurted out.

"Don't worry about that!" she said. "Just grab a microphone and follow the lyrics!"

I slowly nodded and picked up a microphone from the basket. Then, I sang along with Mina. I wasn't the best at singing, but that didn't really matter in karaoke. The whole point is to have fun, and to be honest, I was having the most fun I'd had in a while. At the time, I just assumed it was because karaoke was fun and I really liked it. Well, it was really fun but that wasn't the thing that was giving me so much joy. Just being in Mina's presence changed me as a person. It was unbelievable if I'm being completely honest. Only a week ago I was a completely different person and I probably would've just declined if someone asked me to go out to Tokyo. But, if it was Mina... there was no way I could decline her.

9:23 P.M. / Tuesday, August 7th

We spent the rest of the day doing a variety of things. Eating at a way too expensive restaurant, going to a few different arcades, visiting cat cafés, etc. The day went by so quickly that I felt like we didn't do enough. But, sadly, it was getting late, so we didn't have any more time to do stuff.

At this point, we were walking down the crowded Tokyo streets aimlessly. Well, more like I was walking aimlessly trying to follow Mina, who seemed to know where she was going.

"We should probably hop on the train, there aren't that many more until they stop for the night," I said.

"Hehe... We don't need a train... I planned ahead for this! Trust me!" she exclaimed proudly.

"That's concerning..." I muttered. But, I trusted her for some reason. Even though I had a slightly bad feeling about it.


"You booked a hotel room?!" I questioned. "And a super expensive one at that!"

She led me into a 50-story hotel with extravagant decorations and architecture. It was definitely way out of a high schooler's price range, so I had no idea how she could even afford a room in this place.

Mina scratched the back of her head and smile nervously. "I had a feeling we'd be out here really late, so I booked us a room! And don't worry, there are two beds, I think,"

"Wha-? Why are you telling me that?" I asked, my face turning a light shade of red.

Mina giggled. "I'm just joking," Then, she looked over at the front desk. "I'm gonna go get our key, wait here!" she said before running over to the desk.

I sighed and sat down at a nearby bench. "These surprises of her's just get crazier and crazier, don't they...?" I whispered to myself. While sitting down and waiting, I decided to take in the scenery a bit. It was honestly breathtaking how detailed the lobby was. Beautiful patterns on the walls, shiny and very expensive vases, and a ceramic floor so clean that you could see your reflection perfectly, like a mirror. Even the benches were high class! It was completely different from what I normally experience, so it was kinda hard to take it all in.

Then, I noticed Mina running back over, holding a room key. I slowly got up from the bench and put my hands in my pockets.

"So, what floor are we on?" I asked.

Mina didn't respond, she only fidgeted with the key in her hands, obviously trying to say something.

"What's up?" I asked again.

She chuckled nervously and held the key up. "Well, looks like I got the wrong info... The room actually has only one bed, hehe..."

"H-huh...?" I questioned.

'One... bed...?' I thought. 'Only... one...?'

And when I thought my tiring night was over, I realized that it was only just beginning.

-End of August 7th / Part 2-

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