By ppppoppoo

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°nct dream mystery/crime au° [ COMPLETE ] Book 1 of irregularseries " solving the school's mystery case... More



4.4K 208 183
By ppppoppoo

Chapter 17: Whipped


" jaemin shut up I'm trying to read" i said as jaemin was still talking.

We're in our room right now and we're supposed to be in the cafeteria since it's already our break but the guy are busy so we decided to be in here. I wasn't that hungry so i didn't go to the cafeteria and grabbed some food. Also jaemin is being a lazy ass he doesn't want to get up from his seat.

" you can pass the quiz even you didn't read that book because every thing in the quiz are all logical and doesn't need memorization" he said as i closed my book.

Since that day jaemin is being talkative and sassy every minute I'm with him. I mean he was just like that before but he ain't cold.

" how the hell did you know that?" i asked him looking at him in the eyes.

" that's because every quiz from Professor Fartface is the same over and over again" he said.

" and how come your so sure about that?"

" that's because i passed that shit every time so if you want to pass it you should copy mine" he said.

" nu uh i ain't going to cheat" i said as i opened my book again and read where i stopped.

What kind of headass would give the same quiz over and over again. Ridiculous.

__ -:- __

Apparently jaemin was right that quiz was from a week ago. It's fine i got a perfect score in it and also jaemin but what the hell?!

What dumbass could do that. This is some crazy school. I checked the clock near the door and it was still early.

" hey you guys check this out" renjun called us to the computer room and we all went inside.

" someone was trying to unlock our door last night. That person tried to break inside. Crazy right but when you looked closely" renjun zoomed in to the person and pointed out something.

" those are hair. Long ones which means a girl is trying to break in but wait there's more.." renjun fast forward into some minutes and stopped when the girl removed her mask.

" i present to you our culprit min taehee.." renjun said as i was shocked.

" why would she break in into our headquarters? " haechan asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

I left the room and went to sit on the couch. It's a little hot in there and i don't have to say anything to it since i have no clue of what does that girl wants from us.

I faced the wall and then looked in front of me. The journal is still here.

I grabbed the journal and looked at the lock. It was an old journal and the lock seemed to be rusty. I tried opening the lock with a pin but it's useless. I was hoping that it would be easy but it was tight, really tight.

The journal was completely sealed the pages can't be touched since there is this plastic protection that was surrounding it. The lock was in the middle of the cover inside of a circle cover that was definitely broken.

I put the journal down. Haechan came out of the room and he sat beside me.


opening that journal??" he asked as i nodded my head.

" why don't we just break it open?" he said as i looked at him.

" we might break the whole thing hyuck if we tried that way.. This journal is old and rusty. We can't let that happen" i said to him.

" okay.. But when you want to break that thing open just ask jisung he has poop hands" he said as he chuckled a little. I smiled at him and let out a small laugh.

" shit hands.." i mumbled but then i heard heachen trying to hold in his laugh.

" you heard that didn't you?" i asked him at he laugh out loud.


" i ain't funny hyuck" i said to him.

" hey if there's one person who wouldn't be funny that would be jeno" he said

" why though?" i aske him.

" YOUR NO JAM JENO!!" a yell from the other room was made making haechan laughed at them.

" jenojam!" another yell was made I'm sure it was chenle this time.

" now i get it!"

__ -:- __

It's four in the afternoon and I'm sitting next to haechan figuring out how to open this journal.

" we need to find a key Areum" haechan said

" yeah we should but how we will find the key it could be anywhere" i said as jaemin came inside of the room.

" areum you want to build our project today?" he asked.

" yeah sure I've already code some of the data so we are atleast thirty percent complete" i said as he nodded he went upstairs leaving me and haechan.

" so you and jaemin?" he asked. He has this kinda sad tone in his voice.

" it's just a project we're working on" i said as he got up from his seat and went to the stairs.

" im just going to ask mark hyung something I'll ve right back" he said as he went up stairs.

__ -:- __


I went upstairs and went to my room where mark is hanging out.

" hyung" i called to him as he was busy with his computer. Typical.

" hyung!" i said louder. He looked at me with that annoyed face of his.

" what is it donghyuck?" he asked as he removed his glasses.

" i just want to talk about areum you know" i said as i took a seat beside mark.

" what about her?" he asked

" well she's been a great member of this club. She's smart, kind and even cute for some reason. I really have this feeling that she's special you know. Somehow she's in this club and then when she got here we've found some really major clues that was so helpful. Don't you think she's the key that the hyungs said to us? " i said to mark.

" to be honest i don't know really.. Even if she is the key she should know it herself. But the thing is she doesn't. She never really wanted to be in this club in the first place plus hyung told us if she was the key she have a key that she's always carrying around but i don't see any key that she is holding onto" he stated.

" i really have this gut feeling hyung and my stomach is aching.."

" you're just hungry hyuck" he said

" yah I'm always hungry what do you expect from me eat grass?" i said

" you can grass is green and that can be cooked" he said

" i ain't no cow you dipshit" he said as he smacked my head.

" the hell was that?" i asked him as i rubbed my head.

" nothing just want to get back to you because you smacked my ass last time I'm here" he said.

" whatever hyung I'm going out" i said as i stood up from my seat and went out of the room. I saw jaemin and jeno's room open i took a peek in their room and i saw jeno on the computer while jaemin was knocked down on the couch.

I went down stairs and i saw areum on the couch holding something. She noticed my presence and she put the thing to her pocket and started to write something on her notebook.

" you busy?" i asked as she nodded.

" yeah just finishing my homework" she said

" everyone it's time to go home! " mark yelled from upstairs as i rolled my eyes.

Areum went to the computer room and grabbed her stuff. I saw jaemin coming down stairs and went to areum.

" yah na jaemin don't forget my homework!" jeno yelled from upstairs.

" I'll do it over the weekend!" jaemin yelled back to jeno as jisung came out of renjun and areum's room.

" where's chenle?" jisung asked me as we both sat down on the couch.

" probably went out he forgot to turn in his papers" i said as chenle came inside of the headquarters.

" i don't want to ran into my classmates again" he said as he sat down next to me and jisung.

Jaemin and Areum went outside and i saw jaemin smiling like an idiot when they where together.

" we're going now bye guys!" areum yelled.

" Bye noona!" jisung yelled as renjun come out of the room.

" why does jaemin always gets paired with the girl that i like" renjun confessed as mark and jeno came down from the stairs.

" you're just jealous hyung" chenle said

" but tomorrow I'm going to be spending time with her since i asked her out on a date" renjun said as i widen my eyes and looked at jeno and mark.

" you just asked her out?" jeno asked as he went to renjun.

" yeah it was really nerve racking situation but i managed to ask her out without any suspicion" he proudly said.

I scoffed and went towards mark.

" you jealous hyuck?" mark asked as he smiled at me.

" no I'm not" i said as i crossed my arms.

" yes you are donghyuck" jeno said.

" two of you guys already like noona?" chenle butt in as glared at mark.

" not two lele but five of them where" jisung said as chenle looked at us.

" jisung you big mouth" i said

" i just guessed it since you guys are all over noona and also i heard you guys talked about liking her the other day so don't hurt me because you guys are so obvious" jisung said as we looked down and felt embarrassed.

" well now you two know about it you guys have feelings for her too?" mark asked.

" no she's just an older sister for me" jisung said.

" same" chenle said.

Now my secret has been blown..

__ -:- __


Me and jaemin are in the laboratory right now as he was creating the model of the device while I'm here coding the program.

" areum did you had a boyfriend before?" jaemin asked.

" no not really.." i replied.

Well that's because i rejected them and i felt bad about it. I really don't have the time to date.

" never though you didn't have one" he said as i looked at him.

" i liked a guy before" i started it. Jaemin stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

" that's natural we al-"

" but i threw away my feelings for him because i was going to move away. I didn't got him name though because we aren't that close. Time flies and i didn't like anyone else after him." i said

" oh.." that's the only thing that jaemin said.

" i know it sucks. Middle school me what a joke.. " i said as i went back to work.

Then someone opened the door i went to see who it was and it was only doyoung giving us food.

" for the second time you really don't have to do this" i said as he handed me the paper bag.

" well it's not me but your little mom bought this for you guys" he said

" how did she knew?" i asked as he pointed on the wall revealing a camera stuck on the corner.

" damn it.." i mumbled

" oh doyoung hyung!" jaemin popped oit of nowhere and gave doyoung a high five.

" nice to see you again brat face" doyoung said as i looked at them confusedly.

" well yeah your a hag so don't at me" jaemin said.

" you two are close now? Since when?" i asked them.

" well we talk in the phone because he is cool and he is also mark's friend" jaemin said

" yeah that poor kid who lived with his older brother and crazy friend" doyoung said.

" anyways i have to get going you two have fun" doyoung said as he went out of the room.

Jaemin grabbed the bag from my hands and went to the table and trated to lay out the food that doyoung bought.

" your mother is so generous" he said as i glared at him.

" yeah right only to you dipshit" i said as i grabbed the fries in his hands.

" yah that's mine!"

__ -:- __


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