The Other side of the heaven...

By YoonminSlaysus

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[ COMPLETED ] I ran upstairs looking for an escape but there was none. There was no hope. I was trapped in a... More

Author's note


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By YoonminSlaysus


" If 't be true i cannot bendeth heaven, i shall raiseth hell."

My ears kept ringing with these words. It sounded more like a warning. Taehyung sat on the backseat with Jungkook still unconscious. He said that it will take some time to fade away the black magic on him.

We arrived at the mansion. I helped Tae in carrying Jungkook inside. At the sight of Jungkook, everyone rushed to the door. Everyone looked worried and asked million questions but what amazed me is that in such a commotion. I could still hear the wind chime moving. We left Kookie to rest in the room and settled ourselves downstairs.

Hoseok brought the first-aid. He did the dressing of our wounds. Tae sat there on the chair, completely silent. I am sure he was angry about how Namjoon turns out to be the only threat to us.

It is difficult for anyone to believe that Namjoon is the one who's hungry for our death.

He's the one who brought us all together.

He's the one who gave us shelter.

He's the one who helped us all these years.

He's the one who gave us a new life.


He's the one who want us all dead.

" What happened to y'all ?" Hoseok looking at our state, bringing me back from my thoughts.

" Who did this to Kookie ?" Ashley showed concern towards her boyfriend.

" I-It's Namjoon." Tae answered, trying to keep his voice from breaking. He has dropped the honorific for Namjoon.

" Namjoon ? You guys really hit your head hard ! Namjoon cannot do such a thing. He lo---" Hoseok sakd trying to justify.

" He tried to kill us ! He tried to kill me ! He tried to kill hyung ! He did it ! All these wounds are not for show !" Tae snapped at Hoseok.

" Tae--" I tried to calm him down but he was not ready to listen.

" No ! I had enough ! H-He looked quite harmless. He tried to take J-Jungkook's soul by s-sacrificing Hazel. Jungkook never did anything wrong. Hazel didn't even knew him. But then ..WHY DOES HE WANT TO HURT US ?" Tae broke down in tears.

Jimin went to console him. We all sat in silence. He must be disturbed for losing Hazel again.

" What do you expect from a guy like him ?" Yoongi said bluntly, changing the atmosphere completely. Tae looked at him, just like all of us.

" He's been selfish since the very beginning. He did things as he wanted. Nobody stopped him and whoever did, had to end up like me." Yoongi answered.

" Yoongi was controlled by Namjoon. Whatever Yoongi did wasn't him actually doing it by his own will. Namjoon made him do it." I explained the meaning behind yoongi's words.

" He controlled hyung ?" Jimin questioned.

" Yeah. "

" What about the thing he did to Hazel ?" Tae asked in a low voice.

" What ? What did he do to Hazel ?" Ashley questioned.

" I repeat myself. He was doing everything because Namjoon controlled him. It was not his choice." I replied making myself clear.

" What's the use of this now ? The harm is already done." Tae muttered looking over to Yoongi.

" What did you do to Hazel ? " Ashley asked.

" This is not the time to know about it." I defended yoongi in a way and warning Ashley.

" IF YOU KNEW ABOUT IT THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM FROM HURTING MY FRIEND ?" Ashley shouted at me. Eva stepped in to stop Ashley in her steps.

" Ashley !" Hoseok said in anger.

" It's fine. Everything has a time and today is not the day for you to know about it." I replied calmly.


I got no answer for her question. She was right. Maybe, I would've stopped anything from hurting my brothers. I wouldn't have kept quiet about it. I would've saved him.

" You got no answer because you know you would've saved him. You only care for the people around you !" She scoffed at me.

I was blamed. Even after trying to save everyone. Who wouldn't be hurt ? When you try harder but nobody seems to see the pain you ho through. A glimpse of Jimin played in my mind.

" Why you have to save everyone ? You know you cannot do it alone."

I replied to him.

" I'll try my best. I cannot let anyone die. I know I cannot do it alone but I have chosen to do it alone. For someone to live, somebody has to die. I would do it for y'all."

The voice inside my head tells me to stop doing it.

" Stop saving everyone."

The advice that I got from my Master tells me to keep going.

" Saving someone is not easy as much as it sounds. While saving, you would be blamed. You would be hurt. You would be tired. You would want to give up. But you should be aware. The urge to give in is not the option. "

" I just know that Namjoon is using Hazel like a bait." I replied to Ashley but she seemed unimpressed.

" Why is he doing this ?" Jimin asked a more relevant question

" It's because he's Bael." Tae replied.

" Bael ? What's that ?" Eva asked.

" Bael is one of the seven princes of Hell. I have read about him." Hoseok replied.

" He's right. Namjoon is Bael. The first Principal King of Hell with sixty-five legions of demons under his control. He is respected as much as the devil. Most of the folklore call him the devil. The myths and folktales about Bael was actually based on Namjoon." I explained.

" I believed him to be only gifted with knowledge. " Hoseok tilted his head in annoyance.

" How are we supposed to kill him ?" Yoongi asked.

" I haven't figured things out to kill him yet but we are safe in this mansion. You guys get some sleep." I said walking away.

I did went to bed but couldn't sleep. Something seems wrong in this house. What could it be ? I brushed the thought and closed my eyes in order to fall asleep. I heard Hazel's voice ringing in my ears.

" What do you mean ? The wind chime moved. You know what that means, right ?"

" Ashley, all I'm saying is that wind chime moved when he entered the house. I don't get good vibes from him."

" You're just jealous of our relationship."

" You know my instincts are never wrong. The wind chime moving was a sign--"

I woke up from my sleep. I heard footsteps coming from outside my room. I walked over to the door to peek outisde and saw Eva going downstairs. I looked at the clock. It's 3:45 a.m. in the morning.


We had enough of drama taking place in this mansion. We didn't knew whom to believe and whom to not. I mean Taehyung and Jin hyung couldn't be wrong but Namjoon wasn't like that either. I decided to rest my brain with sleep after such restraint.

I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to drink some water. The empty glass on the side table made me frown. I reluctantly walked downstairs.

" God ! I should get some teleporting power like Jin hyung. Atleast, he doesn't have to walk all the way down for a glass of water." I muttered in my sleep.

I took a bottle of cold water from fridge and drank it. I almost bumped into Eva as I turned to leave.

" Oh ! For the love of God, stop scaring me !" I clenched my chest.

" What are you doing here ?" I asked.

" Water." She replied.

I handed her the bottle in my hand. I decided to walk away, when she stopped me.

" What ?" I glared at her.

" Where is Jungkook going in the middle of the night ?" She pointed towards Kookie who was hurriedly walking away.

" I'll go look into it. You stay inside." I said following Jungkook outside the house.

As I stepped outside the house, Jungkook was no-where to find. I looked around but he was gone. He couldn't be this fast. He couldn't pass the big gate without making any sound. Is he hiding somehwere ?

" I know where he can be at this time." Eva's voice made me jump.

" What is wrong with you ? Why do you just pop out of no-where ?" I asked her.

" I know where Jungkook is going. I'll take you there." She replied as she held my wrist.

She sat down on the driver's seat as I sat on passenger's seat. She focused her eyes on road. I realized she was heading towards the outskirts of the town.

" How do you know where is Jungkook going ?" I asked.

" It's his favourite place." She smirked.

" Who visit it at such a odd time ?" I muttered.

The drive wasn't very long. Finally, she stopped the car at a place.

" We're here." She said.

I got out of the car and saw the board ' Echo point. ' She walked away to the edge where Jungkook was standing facing the edge.

" What are you doing here, Jungkook ?" I asked.

" Its my favourite place, Harold." He replied.

" Harold ? Who's Harold ?" I asked.

He turned to face me with complete black eyes. He smiled evily as he stepped towards me.

" Don't you remember your own name ?" He said as he grip my shoulders only to push me off the edge.

My body losing contact with the ground. Gravity pulling me down. I thought I would be dead but a hand firmly held my hand as I flung on the edge.

" I got you, Hoseok !" Yoongi said. He pulled me up.

" You okay ?" He asked. I nodded.

" I SAID LEAVE ME !" I heard Eva screaming at Taehyung who was tying her hands behind her back with magic bonds.

" HYUNG ! ITS ME, KOOKIE ! HYUNG, LEAVE ME !" Jungkook tried to free himself from Jin hyung's grip.

" ASHLEY ! ASHLEY, STOP HIM ! ASHLEY, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME ? ASHLEY, I AM EVA ! DON'T LISTEN TO THEM ! SAVE ME !" She tried to move towards where Ashley stood with Jimin.

" That's enough of your drama, Eva." Taehyung dragged her towards the edge.

She struggled to free herself. She tried to make requests to Ashley to believe her but in vain. Taehyung pushed her off the cliff without a second thought.

Ashley tried to ignore the pleads of Eva. Jimin placed his arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

" HYUNG ! DON'T ! HOSEOK HYUNG, ITS ME, KOOKIE !" He pleaded and I saw that his eyes were back to normal.

" Hyung, its ou--" but I was cut off in mid sentence.

" No, Hoseok. It's his trick." Yoongi replied.


" I'm sorry, Kookie." Jin hyung apologised.

He let go of him. Kookie fell off the edge. His voice rung in the whole valley until it was no more heard.

We all stood in silence.

Our eyes fixed on the edge.

The cold wind blowing.

The night sky becoming dark.

Jin said " It was necessary."

Necessary to push Eva and Jungkook off the cliff.

Why ?

Nobody knew except for him.

The truth ?

It was still hidden from each one of us.

Nobody spoke a word.

Well, what was left to talk about ?

Talk about how we threw Kookie off the cliff, when we were the one who protected him since he was young.

Talk about how Taehyung has to go through fear of not seeing Hazel again.

Talk about how Ashley suffered because she lost both Eva and Jungkook.


Talk about the tears threatening to fall from Jin's eyes.


I .... I had to do it. I got no choice to make. I have to threw Kookie off the cliff. I... I did that with great courage because it wasn't easy for me. I saw him growing up in front of my eyes. We all raised him with love and care. But now...

Things were different.

When I heard Hazel's voice in my sleep

She tried to warn me about Jungkook.

Yes. Jungkook was under control of Namjoon.

Since the time he went missing from home.

I saw Eva taking Hoseok away from Mansion.

That proved that she was under his control too.

Now I understand how Taehyung and Ashley might've felt by losing someone you love. The loss and fear of not seeing them again fills you. The heart filled with guilt and pain.

We got into our cars and drove back to mansion. Everyone was silent. Nobody wanted to talk. Maybe, everyone was trying to make themselves strong again. Well, it was just the beginning of the long awaited fight.

Once, we reached the Mansion. Everyone headed towards their room. The house felt a lot safer now. We were the only people left. I decided to tell them the truth.

" Ashley ?" I called her when everyone was going upstairs. She stopped in her tracks.

" You wanted to know why I never did anything despite knowing what is going to happen." I said making an eye contact with her.

" I'll tell you the truth." I said sincerely.

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