Son of Hades

By DevilsProdigy

324K 9.4K 1.5K

UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING Castiel is an only child of Hades and Persephone. He's a Demi-God, arrogant... More

Cerberus: The Chihuahua
Welcome to the Underworld
Home Sweet Home
Catch These Fists If You Want A Kiss
Parties And Punishments
Favorite Spots
Sinful Envy and Betrayal
The Literal Downfall of Akari
The Downfall of Serafina
Library Fights
Stolen Kisses
Fleeting Bonding Moments
Accusations and Truth Telling
New Queen
Secrets in Darkness
Ideas of Revenge
Turning Pawns Into Players
More Secrets
Endless Bond
Powerful Visiting Relatives
Coronation and Surprises
Spin Off Update
Additional Spin Off?
Character Cast; PART ONE
Character Cast; PART TWO
Info Page
05: Rock Paper Scissors
06: Castiel's Choice
06: Spiritual Realization
07: Xavier's Accident
07: Trouble Underway
08: First Choice
08: Big Surprise
09: Betrayal
09: Dungeons
10: A New Queen
10: Bing Bang Dead
11: Kill Me Softly
11: The Right Choice
12: This Is Not The End
Alternate Ending #1
Alternate Ending #2
Pre Warning


3.4K 113 9
By DevilsProdigy


       IT was early in the morning when Xavier woke up for work. His alarm was loud, annoying and had no snooze button. Despite my vain attempts at pulling him back into bed, nothing worked. “I have to go,” he whispers sadly. “but I'll see you tonight after work.” he kisses my forehead before going to his closet to retrieve a uniform.

           Xavier will be on kitchen duty for the first half of the day, and near dinnertime he will begin serving Jasmine. I watch him dress, still naked under the warmth of his white blankets. I could already hear shuffling footsteps just outside the door, and a loud yawn. These walls are paper thin, and we're trying to keep our voices low. “do I get to enjoy your warm bed without you?”

            Xavier has already pulled on his white dress shirt, and I get out of bed to help him tie his black tie. He smiles down at me as my fingers fumble with it, and I resist the urge to unbutton his dress shirt. Xavier smells like me this morning, and I have his honey-blood scent all over me. For just a moment, I could imagine us as a regular couple stuck in some crappy apartment building. I want anything but our reality.

            “Don't stay too long, and make sure you don't get caught leaving. Please return Castiel's keycard.”

            I pout. “Do I have to?”

            “Yes,” Xavier says firmly. “You'll be safe today since Castiel usually doesn't get up until eleven, anyway.”

          “Did you mean what you said on the bridge last night?”

            Xavier's cheeks redden. “Every word of it,” he says. When there's a knock on his door, Xavier puts on his jacket and kisses me. “I love you.”

            “I love you too.”

              He gives me a quick kiss before he rushes out the door.

            I count the long minutes before the shuffling footsteps finally come to an end, tempted to cuddle up back in Xavier's bed just to feel close to him again. I get dressed, thinking about taking another trip to the bathhouse —

          Peeking out of Xavier's door, there was nobody in the corridor. I try to quietly inch his door shut behind me and tiptoe back in the direction where I came. It seems endless here, and I try not to panic as I hear another door shut farther down. I resist the urge to look over my shoulder.

          “Fun night huh, Caverly?”


           I glance over my shoulder just to make sure that Angelique isn't brandishing or hiding a knife or any other weapon. She wasn't. Did she really think that she could talk to me anyway she feels like it? Think again. I turn to face her. “The best . . . thanks for asking.”

            “I thought I told you to stay away from Xavier.” When she reaches me, Angelique dares to get as close as she can. She's the reason that Xavier is dead.

              I narrow my eyes. “You don't get to make the rules around here,” I'm treading on dangerous ground. Egging her on is never a good idea. “I do. And it's too bad really, because Xavier can't get enough of me.”

          “You're going to get him thrown into Tartarus just for spreading your legs,” She shoves me back against the wall, and has me cornered. I'm not afraid of her. “If you can't stay away from him, then I'm telling Persephone of your late night adventures.”

            “You wouldn't dare,” I hiss. “because then you'd be condemning him yourself.”

            “So be it. If I can't have him, then no one can.”

            I begin to laugh, and sneer at her. “What kind of Disney movie did that line come from?” I shove her off of me. “You think because you're apart of his past, that automatically means you get to be apart of his future here?” I tsked my tongue. “No, sweetheart. Gods no. I'm the future and you're the past — ”

             I hardly had enough time to move before Angelique swung on me. She's got me at a disadvantage being in such a close space. She's a little faster but she doesn't scare me. The same rage is in her eyes just like it had been in Xavier's. That rage was put there by her, and I'm going to squash it out until there's nothing left but my light. “Take your best shot. Think you're big and bad, huh? Prove it.”

           You know, Daphne always said that I talk shit more than I use my fists. It's also a great sidenote to mention that the last phsycial fight I got in was in kindergarten.

            Talk shit, get hit.

             I try to remember the way Xavier fought off Kyle, Oscar and Castiel. Xavier made it look so effortless. Angelique knew how to fight because she had to in the land of the living. The Karate Kid, Rush Hour and Fast and the Furious doesn't exactly have a how-to guide when it comes to fighting with bitches.

           It was effortless. My fingers curl into fists, and without thinking I hit her before she can try to hit me again. Its against the rules for her to hurt me, and she knew it. Xavier would tear her into pieces. “You need to accept it,” I growl, shoving her backwards against the wall near Xavier's door. “Xavier loves me. You're the one that needs to stay away from him.”

          “Never,” Angelique's nails dig into my skin, and she struggles and fights for power. She's used to having all that power and the attention. “I will tell — ”

          “Me?” The new voice in the corridor surprised the both of us away from each other. All of the breath leaves my body, and I try not to shut my eyes and look away. Persephone is standing in the servant corridors with her hands on her hips, lavish in a light pink gown. Persephone's eyes narrow. “Angelique, you'll be punished accordingly for touching a competitor. You're late for your morning duties. Get a move on.”

            Angelique bows quietly and quickly move along.

           “Why don't we take a nice long walk to my office, Miss Caverly?”

            I wasn't in much of a position to refuse but I could feel the fear churning through my insides. My legs feel like shaking Jello, tongue like sandpaper; breath and words immediately fail. But I go through the motions and walk beside Persephone, out of the servant's corridor. Neither of us spoke yet. She's your only salvation, Xavier's voice whispers in the back of my mind: you must do everything you can to save yourself. Save us.

           “Care to explain why you were down there?” Persephone begins calmly. I didn't expect her to be calm. She should be anything but after what happened with Serafina and Akari. This is bad.

          I look away towards the floor, unable to meet her waiting gaze. “I think you know why.”

           “Indeed,” Persephone admits as we reach her double-doored office. She uses her own keycard to enter. I haven't seen the inside of her office since the first night we came to the Underworld. There's no fire lit in the fireplace, and no servant's lined up against the walls. We're here and we're alone, and that makes me more nervous than anything else. “why don't you sit down, Miss Caverly? Make yourself comfortable. Can I get you a little wine, or should I call upon the servants to bring you some orange juice?”

           “I'm fine for now, thank you.”

            Persephone called upon a servant anyway to light us a fire in the fireplace. I sit on the edge of her leather couch, watching as the servant momentarily catches my waiting gaze and goes, closing the door behind us. Meanwhile Persephone retreats behind the bar area, readying two glasses despite my decline.

          “You know, my husband and I have been ruling the Underworld for almost a millennia now. It's been strange seeing just how much mortals advance through out the year. Although I will admit, I did prefer the jazz era thus far compared to the others. New Orleans really knew how to throw quite the kickin’ party,” She places a cap on an old glass bottle. “Dionysus was uncontrollable back then. He has many demi-god descendants now, none of which know who their father is. Dionysus has a love for wine and spirits more than he could ever love any human; and that's a damn shame . . . things most like him take for granted. You see, most gods and goddesses agreed that humankind is better off now without knowing of our existence anymore. Our godly children still remain in the mortal realm. Gods still visit. We still receive prayers and gifts . . . but nothing like we had in our prime. I, for one, am grateful that mortals are no longer allowed to call upon us for their every aching whims.”

           I watch as Persephone walks to the opposite couch, two glasses of red liquid in either hand. The unmarked glass container remains on the bar. She places one cup in front of me, and lounges upon the other couch with her feet up, staring into the flames in the fireplace. “I — I took a class on Greek Mythology, in community college.”

           “And?” Persephone raises an eyebrow. “Few claim we wouldn't exist without mortals. But mostly when we're etched and written into your history, only a dozen or so manuscripts are right. Please don't be influenced by guesses and myth.”

           I look down at the contents of the glass. It's a dark red drink that smells deliciously of cherries. I can see myself in its reflection. Can the dead still be poisoned? I find myself drawn towards its contents, and I pick it up. “The book stated that you were allowed to visit the Land of the Living for six months out of the year, thanks to your mother.”

            Persephone smiles. “Was allowed to visit,” She corrects me. “Every story needs to have a happy ending, doesn't it?” She sips the contents of the glass.  She never told me what was inside of it. What kind of liquor smells so intoxicating . . . inviting? I lift the glass to my lips, needing to taste its warmth and cherry filled goodness. “I haven't visited the Land of the Living since the summer of 1953.”

           I look up. Did she just say —

           I didn't like the way she was smiling like that. “Did you just say 1953?”

            “How do you feel, Miss Caverly?” Persephone asks.

             When the liquid touched my lips, it was warm and demanding with purpose. It slithered down my throat and traced a path to my stomach. The drink takes effect almost immediately. My bones freeze and I can't move anything except my lips. I look up at her, the drink tumbles from my hand and the glass shatters onto the floor. My vision is blurry, and its hard to focus. “D-did you say 1953?” My chest feels tight. Words fail me and thoughts slip my memory as easily as water.

           Persephone clicks her tongue and shakes her head. “Oh no, look what you did,” she says. “I hope you liked my wine. It's a special connection not sold in any mortal store. It was a gift from Dionysus himself, given to me the day that Castiel was born. The potency develops and becomes stronger each year it sat in my liquor cabinet. Effects may last four to twelve hours. Side effects are minimal.”

           My hands are on my knees. Shaking. My lips tremble and its hard to speak. “I-is it poisoned?”

            “No, it's a truth and memory serum. By now, you must have realized that Hades and I installed bugs in this palace. It's for our own safety and to make sure that our staff are kept in line. I'm sure Xavier showed you his. When they're off duty, they don't have to wear them and Xavier wasn't wearing his last night. I may not be able to get in or see everything that goes on in Castiel's hideout, but I can see the sky bridge that you were all on last night. Tell me what happened. Tell me why I saw you and Xavier were holding hands going to the library.”

            I tried to bite my tongue but I couldn't. Every little secret was spilling out just like Persephone wanted. Fuck. Thanks, Dionysius. “Xavier and I danced last night at the party. He said that he had to show me something, and we snuck into the library together. Xavier said that Jasmine and Oscar had been having an affair since they met at Castiel's birthday. He wanted me to have something to use against her.”

           Persephone presses harder. “Why?” she asks. “why do you need something to use against Jasmine?”

           I kept my lips pursed tight. This should be the easiest thing that slips out. But its not.

           “The more you try to fight the more painful it will be for you.”

            “Because Jasmine is conspiring to get rid of the other remaining competitors. She tried to recruit me but I told her no. Jasmine tried to blackmail me because she knew that I liked Xavier. She snuck into my room with Angelique's help after we were all Judged.”

          “Is there anything else? Any other secrets about Jasmine that I should know about?”

            “Jasmine gave Oscar a serum that she got at Castiel's party. She said that it was powerful enough to kill — or numb — even the Gods.”

          Persephone leans forward, placing her own glass on the table. “Did she say where she got it from?”

           “Jasmine said she couldn't remember his face.”

           Persephone's eyes widen. “Now, tell me why you were in the servants quarters. I want to know how you gained access. I want to know everything that happened on the sky bridge. I saw those cameras, but there was unmistakably no audio. My son sometimes abuses his power, but I'm not sure if this is one of those times.”

           I told her everything and left nothing out, but Persephone didn't seem surprised about anything. I tell her about dancing with Xavier, asking Castiel to drop out of the competition last night, about having sex with Xavier. I want to stop talking but I can't. When I finally do stop talking, Persephone stands and walks to stand beside the fireplace. “It seems we have a dilemma here, Miss Caverly,” she turns to face me. “If you're willing to act as a spy for me, then I'd be willing to offer you employment here after this competition is over.”

          “A spy?”

           “Yes, a spy. Find out what Jasmine is up to. Exploit the other girl's weaknesses. Who knows? You may just win this competition yet.”

          I shake my head. “I don't want to win . . . I wanted to drop out, but I will act as a spy for you. I just don't want to get Xavier punished. Th-the last time that you said you went to the Land of the Living was 1953, and Xavier was born in 1953.”

           Persephone looks over at me. “Xavier is my illegitimate son,” she looks away. “this competition was for him as well. He's my firstborn son. During one of my visits to the Land of the Living, I met Xavier's father in New York. He was bright and happy, and that happiness was so contagious. We had late nights and breakfast dates, it was short lived but wonderful. When I came back to the Underworld, there was nothing that Hades could do because I was already pregnant. We sent Xavier back to live with his father; and offered him and his then-girlfriend employment here when they died.”

          “So that would mean that Xavier is an illegitimate Prince of Darkness — ”

          “Exactly,” Persephone says. “we figured that he would be much too distracting for certain competitors like yourself. So we temporarily moved him into a lesser position until the competition is over.”

           I stare down at the table, suddenly realizing that Xavier called Castiel his brother last night. How could he not at least tell me? “S-so you're not sending me to the fields of Asphodel? Why didn't he tell me?”

          “No, you're not being sent to the fields of Asphodel. Xavier was forbidden by my husband to talk about who he really is. Hades can't stand the sight of him. Xavier was forbidden to speak of it. I was forbidden to speak of it until now. Which is why, Miss Caverly, you're going to forget about everything you've just learned until the end of this competition is over.”

           My eyes feel so heavy. “H-how are you going to make me forget?” but I could hardly keep my eyes open. Darkness consumes me, and my body falls back against the couch.

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