Accusations and Truth Telling

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I remember where Jasmine's room is only because of Castiel's map. He asked me to help him gather up the remaining girls and get to the meal hall. Jasmine's room was a little too close to mine for comfort, and I silently send a prayer to the Gods that she'll be found in Oscar's room.

        But here she is, slightly opening the door to reveal wild dark hair and irritation in her gaze. She's got deep red sheets wrapped around her naked body. “What? What do you want? Don't you know that its rude to interrupt a Princess' beauty sleep?”

           “Did you trash Castiel's room?”

            Jasmine raises an eyebrow, “What were you doing in my future husband's bedroom?”

          I fake a sigh and roll my eyes.

           "Cut the shit. Now. I found this." I take the note from my back pocket, and she squints her eyes as she looks at it. "This was yours. Wasn't it? Or did you have Angelique write it out?"

           Oscar slowly approaches behind Jasmine, making her jump when his fingers touch her waist. "Looks like a five year old wrote that," He grins. "Sure it wasn't your servant boyfriend, Caverly?"

           I smile and tilt my head in understanding. “Oh I see,” I grin. “I see, so you'll try to blackmail me by using Xavier against me. But here Oscar is: the Prince's very best friend, shagging it up in your bedroom. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you over and rat you out.”

            Oscar holds up a little golden remote. “Don't you remember what this could do?” he asks. “This can fry the skin from your boyfriend's face. You'll keep your mouth shut if you knew what was good for him. Any particular reason you felt it was necessary to disturb us in the middle of the night? Other than your nice little hand written sentiment.”

           “Castiel wants each competitor in the throne room: ten minutes.”

           It was easy enough navigating my way back to the throne room. Castiel sat on his father's throne, looking every bit regal and important. All trace of the vulnerable and sweet man I saw half an hour ago is gone. He bears a crown and an expensive suit. A very tired looking Harley and Ivana are on their knees before the stairwell that lead to the thrones.

           It was easy to get used to the palace, especially after calling it home for however long its been after my rather untimely death. I stare at Castiel and he stares back, trying to keep my breathing even. Jasmine stares at the glittering golden drachmas, stacked high on both sides. I didn't like that mean glint in her eyes. Maybe I should have given that note to Castiel, because now I'll have to hand it over to Persephone.

          Xavier very tiredly comes to linger by the door, and I glance back at him, wondering if one of us will get eliminated tonight. Will this be the last time I get to see my handsome servant? Oscar comes to stand behind him, bouncing on his heels.

           “Kneel before your King,” Castiel demands.

           I immediately fall beside Harley, and the note is burning a hole through my back pocket. Jasmine, however, still stands with narrow eyes as a challenge to the rest of us. Harley narrows her eyes.

          “Do you think you're not good enough to bow?” Castiel asks Jasmine, rising from his throne to saunter down the stairwell. “You're here because of me, Miss Ellestone. I'm giving you one more chance to get on your knees before I make Oscar over there force you on them.” did he know? “A Queen must always obey her King.”

           Jasmine chances a glance towards me and falls to her knees with her lips pressed together in a thin line.

        “Now one of you — ” he glances from Jasmine to me to Ivana and then Harley. “is not being truthful here, and tonight we're going to figure out which one of you it is. My room was trashed tonight, and one of you has the information I'm looking for. Nobody is sleeping tonight until we've gotten to the bottom of this. One of you will be eliminated by morning depending on how truthful you are. My father and I will conduct your interrogations. You'll all be kept seperatly until then.”

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