10: A New Queen

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It was a lonelier world without Castiel.

I lay against the ground, hours have already passed by. I was exhausted and my body is still tingling with the hungover pain. But my thoughts still return to Castiel. And dread fills my stomach. Slamming so harshly into me that I want to throw up.

The pain doesn't bother me much. My body feels numb. But my emotions run high and dangerous.

Castiel won't marry Jasmine. He can't. Not after what she's done to his parents - to Harley. To me. I can feel my heart breaking in my chest, the sadness eating away at me. Betrayal. Hurt. I hope he can escape her. Escape the wedding.

My stomach growls.

I wonder how long I've been here. It's cold here. I'm shivering. I don't want to get up. I don't want to think about their wedding, or about Xavier's betrayal. I want to sit here, and stay quiet. I want to be left alone to die.

Occasionally, an unfamiliar servant would bring me a tray of food. He never spoke to me. He never gave me answers. I never ate his food.

Soon enough, Angelique makes her way down into the cell. She's alone. A smile crawls on her lips. She jingles a set of keys in between the bars. "You look well." She comments. "The new Queen expects your presence in the throne room. I'm here to escort you. She has an announcement to make."

"Tell her to go fuck herself. I'm not going anywhere." I narrow my eyes, sitting up a little.

Angelique smiles. "She thought you might say that." Her smile, for once, scares me. "She's promised to send Karina if you don't come quietly."

I don't know if I could get up. I tried once and failed. I stumbled to my feet, and my legs shake. The dress is ripped and dirty. My makeup is ruined. All I want to do is sleep. I don't want company; least of all Angelique. But I force myself to walk beside her.

She leads me upstairs to an unfamiliar part of the castle. "Don't even think about escaping," She grins. "Security has been rearranged ten-fold until the coronation." She walks with a little kick in her step. She seems giddy. Anxious. Full of want. At first, I think Angelique is going to lead me straight to the Queen. And then, she leads me instead towards the direction of the bath houses.

"Where the hell are we going?"

Angelique scoffs a little. "You think you'll be in her presence looking like that?" She snickers. "Nice try. Move it."

I don't say anything as we enter the empty bath house. I'm wondering if this is a trap. But it's too silent here. No servants loitering about. The mirrors on the walls scare me, now, and as I see my reflection staring back at me, I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

Angelique starts the bath water for the closest tub, gesturing to a set of clothes nearby. A black dress. Black leggings. Black bow for my hair. She's given me a servants uniform. "Change into that when you're done. Don't take too long. I'll be waiting outside."

I waited a few minutes just to make sure Angelique has really left.

I stare at the reflection in the mirror. Her auburn-brown hair is wild and stray, and her eyes are bloodshot. The beautiful black dress is destroyed. Underneath, as the dress slips off, her body is covered in various scratches. Karina's magical abilities.

As lame as it sounds, I'm still wondering what the hell made Karina the way she is. And if Hades knew about her powers, why in the hell was she ever a contestant?

Because she's special, I reminded myself. All of the contestants are special.

The water felt nice and warm as I slip into it. I keep my back to the mirrors, facing the door at all times just to make sure that I can see if Angelique tries to come in. But she doesn't. And for once since I've been here, I am left alone for more than a few minutes.

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