Transformers(xReader Oneshots...

By PeacefulTyranny

23K 422 172

~ [ A Transformers Oneshot book of different Universes and AUs. Requests are taken in three at a time, and ta... More

Requests/Rules !!
[TFP] Optimus x Mech!Reader
[TFP][2]WheelJack x Mech!Reader
[TFP][1] Predaking x Predacon!Fem!Reader

[TFP][1] WheelJack x Mech!Reader

4.1K 69 46
By PeacefulTyranny

Image above is what I based you're frame off, but you can have whatever details you what. It's just buff-ness and height. Credit to artist ofc !

I will finish requests, I just need inspiration for certain things, but I will !!

And I will do some female one shots- I just really like the gay uwu

Might do a pt.2 ?

Warning - slight: fluff, angst and a touch of sin


"ʙᴜᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪ ᴀᴍ, ɴᴇxᴛ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ."

First person P.O.V

(Y/N) was a Decepticon from the very start, starting in the pits itself. You stood besides Soundwave and Megatron throughout the war, fighting for beliefs you'd blindly joined in rage at your young age.

War had changed lots of Autobots and Decepticons alike. You'd all struggled with identities, lost ones and even processor issues due to it. And much more scarring and traumatising experiences of course.

You started out simple, a bodyguard to a handsome mech. And Primus, did you enjoy starring at his aft. Of course, the mech caught on, and you'd became more intimate. But throughout the many years, it made you feel less. I mean, you fragged in the night and the next day you were expected to be an emotionless bodyguard again? Absolute scrap.

You'd deflected from your job, seeking more in life and leaving your mech-ly lover behind. To this day, you could say he was one of the best fraggers you'd met. Even with your bodyguard persona, he always got you under him no matter his small frame compared to your large one.

After awhile of looking, you'd found nothing. To put it simply that is. But you started to over hear news of the gladiator pits becoming more popular, and accepting new gladiators to fight. You'd accepted straight away.

Of course it was scary, you were a nervous wreck on the inside, but didn't let that take your emotionless face. Throughout the cycles, you'd learnt tricks and tactics to winning battles.

You, due to your size, were able to best your opponents with brute strength. As you rose on the battle leaderboards, you became more popular with the mechs and femmes. You'd even attracted attention of higher ups in the gladiator rank, even if you only did most opening rounds.

You'd met lots of gladiators in the pits, most with the same backstory or reasoning. 'Felt like I was worth more' or 'what I was doing wasn't for me' and similar things. It seemed cybertronians came to let out their frustrations in the pits.

Soon after, more cycles later, you'd became a full on gladiator. You'd do private fighting sessions for higher ups to watch for entertainment, you'd do bigger matches that people payed to see purposely for your own skills. Onlining really looked up for you, but in reality, you felt lonely.

You were so used to fighting, that your own routine made you sick. You didn't like the way others looked down on smaller ranks, as you'd been in their place and understood their struggles.

So many flaws started to be pointed out the more you payed attention.

And that's when Megatronus came to you. You couldn't remember everything you'd said off by heart, but after he'd talked to you of his plans to change Cybertron? You were hooked.

You'd help raise awareness for his campaign, gladiator to gladiator. You'd became closer and closer throughout the times. You'd even felt a small brotherly connection with him, in those moments where you laughed to no stop.

Through Megatronus, you'd met other fighters. Soundwave among them. You'd gotten along well with almost everyone.

There was one who struck you though. Orion Pax, a data clerk that Megatronus had taken a very obvious liking to. You didn't know their exact emotions towards each other, but they were very close. Closer than you were to Megatronus himself.

Megatronus soon dropped out from his battles, but you continued to do your own in his name. He'd started to challenge the council and Primes for his beliefs, and it was certainly a sight to behold.

That's when things began to go down. Megatronus became more stressed, angry but yet still determined and strong willed that he wouldn't stop until he won his battle. He was soon invited to a meeting with the primes and council themself.

You waited from sidelines, due to the fact no others were allowed in but himself and Orion. When he was done? He came out fuming. Angry beyond belief, and that's when the true deception started.

Megatron started the change the world.

And you followed. Blindly.

War broke out due to Megatron, Cybertron was divided. Families, friends and lovers alike left each other to follow the war. Some by choice, others not so much.

You became Megatron's second in Commander, a small prawn in his game of chess against the new Prime. Optimus Prime.

Orion had gained the matrix of leadership, going right down into the core of your dying planet. The Prime changed the war, which was good for the Autobots, not so much for the Decepticons.


The battlefield was a mess, offlined husks Of Autobots and Decepticons alike littered the place. The smell of energon was immediately flushed into the faces of whoever stepped onto the field. Like yourself.

The Decepticons were loosing this particular battle, one Megatron was not involved with himself, and had sent a comm to the main Decepticon capital. Koan.

You'd been at the city itself when the message was received, and it was immediately sent to Soundwave by another Communication officer. Megatron and yourself were alerted of the matters, and Megatron sent his one and only SIC.

"It would be my honour." You declared, bowing. You were quick to turn around, heading the the departure bridge with Soundwave close behind.

Soundwave quickly opened the space bridge, and you transformed into your large war jet state. Speeding through the bridge was intense, you were hit with battle protocols almost immediately.

You soared towards the battlefield, the stench of energon going through your large vents. You ignored it, nothing new.

The large building was placed before the field, and you transformed mid-air, landing on the roof, crouching to stay covered by its wall.

"I have arrived at the battlefield." You said into your comm, just to alert warriors of your presence. Your engine hummed with anticipation, ready to attack whatever you could.

You analysed the situation of the field rather quickly in your processor.

The Autobots line was pushing forwards, Optimus Prime himself at the front. Decepticons were pushing back, but Optimus' attack was brutal and they hardly stood a chance. Seekers flew above you, firing at the opposing side brutally, only to be separated and shot at.

You growled, seemed like something had to change. More specific, the fact the Autobots were winning had to change. Now.

You stood up, rockets exposing themselves from your wrist, as you fired them to the middle of the lines of Autobots. Attention was immediately on you.

"Get down!"

"It's Megatron's SIC!"


"It's Commander (Y/N)!"

Words were shouted, but you payed them no attention. You started to back up, before charging forward and jumping off the large building.

You landed on the field, a small crater under your pedes as you straightened to look at the Autobots. Optimus and you made optic-contact, before charging at each other.

Blades revealed themselves instead of your servos. You were quick to slash at Optimus' chassis, only for him to dodge. You were punched in the helm, harshly, sending you back slightly.

You shook of the feeling, before charging and swiping at Optimus' chassis again. He was quick to block your attacks with his swords, and then swung at your side. Jumping back, you kicked him in his side as a return.

Optimus stumbled to the left, and you charged. Your blades locked with his in an 'x' motion, helms behind the blades.

"(Y/N), friend, please. Desert the Decepticons, they are leading you from your greatness and into the darkness." He tried to reason, his battle mask moving as he talked.

Optics glaring, you sneered. "Maybe that's where I want to be." You pushed forward with extra strength, taking his moment of weakness as he stumbled to attack him.

Your blade went directly through the low part of his shoulder pads, though you were aiming for something more deadly, this would do for now. Optimus grunted out in pain, stumbling back again.

Changing your blades to servos, you uppercut him brutally in the lower helm(chin). He fell slightly, servo holding his shoulder wound and his other servo still a sword, in front of his chassis as protection.

You immediately charged forward, a single blade returning in your right servo. You were so close to finally stabbing the Primes chassis, so distracted by the close victory, you'd forgotten to look at your surroundings.

You were slammed into from your left, sent flying away across the field. You reacted quickly, landing on your pedes and sliding back to a stop. You raised your helm and glared at who dared to such.

Optimus' favourite Scout stood there. Of course. The very scout Megatron had ripped the voice out of, you'd watched with pleasure. You ran at the scout, slamming your, still single, blade down. He blocked it with his own, despite his short size.

"Got something to say, scout?" You grinned, pushing your blade down further on the scouts own. He started to use his other servo to hold the blade in place, as his pedes started to slide backwards and dig up the ground.

Quickly, your second servo changed into a blade. "Shame. I would've love to hear your screams for a second time." You grinned, preparing to stab the scout. Weapon rushing forward before he could react, you prepared to take the young mechs spark.

Suddenly, your own abdomen felt like it was on fire. Glancing down you saw a familiar blue and red sword through your tanks. Your servos-blades shook and your knees fell under you, as you felt the sword being taken out. You grunted as it did so, both servos returned to normal, one keeping yourself up as the other held the wound.

You glared up at the scout and Prime, who now stood in front of you.

You looked around, seeing stares of other Decepticons and Autobots. Your derma quivered slightly, shamefully lowering your head. How embarrassing.

You grunted, gathering yourself as you let out a loud war cry and charged at the Prime. You were fuming. You punched the Prime square in his chassis, sending him flying backwards into other Autobots.

Before the scout could do anything, let alone raise a servo, you gripped his helm. You spun him around as quickly as you could, throwing him into the distance. You growled, staring at the watching optics.

Once again, the pain in your tanks reminded you of the leaking injury. You were quick to transform, jumping up and into your jet form. You sped off, knowing you couldn't continue with such an injury.

Megatron was not happy at your failure and embarrassment of being downed by the Prime and his scout. Though when he'd heard of how you fought, you were given a quick warning(throw against the wall harshly despite your injury) and were able to leave to the med-bay.


Cybertron had fallen not long later, and it was chaos. Decepticons were more violent than ever, trying to find the Autobots that had scattered across the Galaxy. You'd continued to work at Megatron's side, dealing with the pest Starscream.

He was an extremely annoying Mech who thought he knew everything, such a sparkling. You couldn't believe Megatron even trusted him after everything he'd done, trying to replace the Warlord himself and even trying to terminate you. If you could get your servos on him, he'd be offlined in moments.

Watching Decepticons leave the ship and search the Galaxies only made you more eager to follow. They flew out in their own ships with the permission of Lord Megatron to search.

You'd gotten enough of sitting around and waiting for that to happen, so with the permission of your Lord, you left.

Throughout the galaxies, Autobots and Decepticons were scattered. You'd had run in with many Autobots, terminating some while you spared others for your own benefit. Like a wrecker mech, who held the designation WheelJack.

He was interesting, you'd met while getting energon from a close planet. You were in need of the energon desperately, as you'd put off getting any for decacycles.

When you arrived at the planet, you'd set your ship in a very scheduled place. And there you met the wrecker.


Walking down the cave of the planet was quite plain. No sight of others had been picked up by you or your scanner.

It was actually very peaceful, and for a second you left your shoulder plates fall. Taking a deep vent of the dusty air, you continued walking on. The energon should be quite visible from how the scanners reacted, which was a relief since you didn't want to go digging.

The sound of your pedes stomping echoed on the walls, which would have alerted anyone of your presence.

You soon reached an opening in the cave, it led to a large sphere area. Inside the sphere was many energon crystals, scattered.

You smirked, easy work. You walked to the closest crystals, crouching down on a single stabiliser(knee). As you reached towards the crystal, to pluck it from the ground, a 'shink'ing sound was heard. The very familiar sound of swords.

"Wouldn't do that 'con." A gravelly voice spoke. Your optics narrowed.

Retracting your servo, you held it to your stabiliser, helping yourself stand up straight. Your back still turned to the intruder, who held the upper hand.

"Now," He started. "I'm gonna give you 5 seconds to tell me why I shouldn't cut your helm right off your big ugly shoulder plates."

Before he'd even been given the chance to count, you slung your body around. Sticking out a pede as you crouched ever so slightly, you tripped him off his own stabilisers.

Your servo was quick to change into a sword, as you placed a pede on the now fallen mech.

"Oh how the tables have turned." You smirked, pointing your blades in the face of the, now confirmed, Autobot.

The Autobot held a single katana and one slightly out of his reach. His painting was white, green and red(not including the dark grey). His metal battle mask covered any facial emotions from anything but his optics, which only glared.

He was quite well built, but not massively bulky. He was about 3/5 of your size, putting him at the middle of your chassis.

"Gonna keep on staring 'Con?" He growled, as your own optics blinked.

"How rude of me. My designation is (Y/N). Decepticon." You stated, keeping your blade fixed on his face. "And Who might you be, Autobot?" You spoke.

"Names WheelJack, former wrecker."

You nodded, satisfied with the information. At least he knew not to disagree with someone when he was at their mercy.

"State your business." You asked, glaring down at him once again.

"Same as you 'Con. Getting energon, and minding my own business." He said, clearly annoyed to be at a disadvantage.

You grinned. "Not so different after all, huh?" You chuckled.

The wrecker seemed to be confused, raising an optic ridge to you.

"I propose a deal." Before you could continue, you were stopped.

"Pits no. I'd never make a deal with a 'Con." He growled, moving up slightly, only to have your blade at his face.

"-That." You continued,"Can benefit the both of us, in fair ways." You spoke. Rolling your optics to the side, before looking down at him and narrowing them.

"If your willing to listen, that is."

He didn't seem happy, but stayed silent.

"We may divide the energon, and be on our way." You spoke, boredom in your tone. "I am not a savage, at least, not when I don't need to be."

Your offer took him back, his optics widening. They then narrowed suddenly. "And how can I be certain this ain't a trick?" He asked, angry he'd been taken back.

"You can't." You stated blankly. "But, it's either cooperate, or perish here now." You growled, pressing the blade as close as possible without hitting him.

"Fine." You grinned. "On one condition, you let me leave with no trouble after this." He stated,"And no tricks." Finishing his part of the deal, you nodded.

Stepping back off his chassis, you changed your servo back. "Pleasure doing business with you, WheelJack." You spoke, holding a servo out for him to take hold of.

He grunted, ignoring the gesture, and getting up on his pedes. He glared at you, your height did not intimidate him.

"Here's the plan; grab it all, put it in a pile, separate it. And then you let me leave." He said, pointing a digit at your chassis. "Got it?"

"Of course." You purred, glad there was no conflict needed.

You began to collect the energon, putting it in a large pile in the middle, the Autobot did the same. He kept his guard up, staring at you every time you moved to put the energon in the pile.

After a long amount of time of collecting, counting and separating. You loaded the energon you had into your ship, storing it away to be converted.

"Well, Autobot, I must say." You stated, while turning to the Bot that faced you with his servos crossed. "That was much easier than doing it myself, even if I only gained half." You spoke, grinning.

"Yeah yeah. Don't look too into it 'Con." He rolled his optics, jerking out a hip plate in a sassy way.

"I did it coz it benefited me, I could've killed you when I first saw ya'."

You hummed, nodding your helm. "Then I'm glad such a fate did not happen."

With that, you waved a servo to the Autobot, before leaving to your ship.


Encounters with the mech didn't stop there, no no.

You'd encounter each other many times, either crossing paths on a planet or throughout space. You'd never harmed one another though, you had a silent mutual respect for one another.

One day, you'd crashed your ship on an unknown planet. The ship was broken badly, not to the point where it couldn't be prepared, but to the point where your technician expertise stopped.

Somehow, you'd attracted attention. Thought to say it was unwanted would be like lying to a sparkling. Wrong.


"Alright baby, lets see if you work."

Turning on the engines, hoping for the best, you waited for the ship to turn it's system on and be ready for flight.

It got half way, achieving turning on the systems, before the engine spluttered out. You groaned, placing your helm in your servos.

How long was this going to take? Primus knows!

"In a bit of a mess, huh?" A familiar voice spoke, making your frame jolt slightly.

You rolled your optics, turning to face the mech that had gotten onto your ship.

"It seems that you still hold the record of being the only Bot able to sneak up on myself." You spoke, grinning at the white mech.

He smirked,"Proud of it."

"Of course." You spoke, turning back to your optics back to the main control panel.

"Busted engine? Might be able to fix it for ya'." He spoke, curious at the damage.

"Yes, the engine is broken. No matter how much I try, it is being utterly frustratingly annoying!" You growled, slamming your hands down on the control.

"Woah, ever thought the problem was that you keep breaking it?" He said rhetorically, chuckling to himself as he came up next to you.

Bringing up screens, he monitored the engines stats. "As I said, can fix it for ya." He pointed to the displayed engine.

"I'm guessing you wish for something in return of your... kindness, WheelJack." You spoke, sarcasm laced your voice.

"Just a favour for when I need it. Trapped with cons, energon, locations maybe some information." He listed, still swiping away at the screen.

He then turned to you and shrugged. "You get the idea."

You nodded,"Hm. I suppose that can be arranged." You raised an optic ridge to him. "In areas."

"Great, I'll get to work. Go scout or somethin' useful." The Autobot spoke as if he was the boss of you, but before you could comment, he'd already left the ship deck.

You growled slightly. You were going to patrol for energon, but not because he said too. Because you said too. To yourself.



After awhile of scouting, you'd found minor energon areas. Bringing it back, you placed it in your energon storage on your ship.

The sound of the engine started on the ship, and systems became normal again.

Still in the energon storage, you looked around. The least you could do is give the Autobot a little bit of high grade from your stock.

Grabbing two cubes of the sweet energon, you strolled back to the main entrance of your ship on the planets soil, only to find the dazzling white mech himself standing there. Shaking your helm, you went up to the mech.

"All fixed, remember, you owe me." He grinned, turning towards you.

"Yes, I did agree to our terms." You rolled your optics.

"Here, accept some high grade out of gratitude." You held one of the cubes to the mech, he stared at if suspiciously, of course.

You vented. "If you are so nervous, I'll take some myself." You held the high grade to your derma, sipping a fair amount as to not take too much from the mech.

"There, enough proof you won't rust?" You chuckled, holding it back out to him.

"Well, it's proof if I do, you do too." He grinned, taking the high grade.

You rolled your optics, lowering yourself to the ground of the planet. You had some of your own high grade, and out the corner of your optic saw the Autobot lowering down, and sitting next to you.

"This ain't exactly what I expected to be doin' while wandering the galaxy." Spoke WheelJack, as you nodded in return.

You sat in a comfortable silence for awhile, drinking high grade silently. A cube wasn't enough to get you tipsy, it was more of a relaxing thing to do.

Finishing your cube, you placed it to the side, noticing the Autobot do this same soon after.

"The universe can take you to rather strange places, if you're along for the ride." You spoke, looking up at the visible stars.

Silence was the only thing in the air, comfortable and sweet.

You turned your helm to the Autobot next to you, only to see his optics next to your face, studying you. Not in a judging way, but more of admiration and love.

Your optics flickered,"WheelJack-" You spoke, before dermas connected on your own.

You hesitated, your dermas parted in the kiss subconsciously. You were unsure of how to react.

You didn't want to pull away, you loved the feeling of the Autobot pressed against your frame, but on the other servo. He was an Autobot.

Eh, frag it.

Turning your frame to reach, you wrapped your servos around the Autobots waist, pulling him closer.

The Autobots servos clung to your upper backstruts, trying to get closer.

With your still parted derma, he slid his glossa in, tangling with your own.

You let out a groan at the feeling, and your frame shivered.

You parted the kiss, as he licked his derma, crawling onto your lap. His helm went to your neck cables, as he nibbled and sucked carefully at them. You could feel one of his helm fins against your chin, slightly bumping into it.

His servos wrapped around you as he continued to attack at your cabling, making you a whimpering mess. You felt the need to gasp every time his glossa made contact with your neck cables, as you leaned into his helm, almost purring.

He then got the idea he was going to bite down as hard as he could on your cables, making you release a moan.

He chuckled,"Didn't expect you to be the submissive type." He spoke into your audio receptors.

You growled. "Because I'm not." Reving your engine, you gripped the Autobot around the waist, you pushed him away so you could get to his own neck.

You harshly bite on his neck, and got your glossa between his cabling gaps.

This made him gasp, and arch his backstrut, gripping onto your shoulders out of pleasure.

You slammed him down onto the ground, not in an attacking way, but out of lust. He panted, optics looking up at your towering frame over his own.

"Think I'm just gonna let you frag me 'con?" He chuckled, placing down a servo to help himself lean up.

"Yes." You stated, pushing him down, continuing to attack his cabling, as you grind on his interface panel.

Continuing to pant, he moaned at your movement.

For such a tough Bot, you thought he'd put up a bit of a fight for top.


That Bot knew how to frag, and frag good at that. You didn't regret a thing from that solar cycle, it was pure bliss.

And it seemed to be a reoccurring thing too, meeting up. Not just fragging, sometimes just spending time together.

Sparring, talking, building and/or fixing. You name it.

You'd grown to love the mech, passionately. And if it meant you had to leave the Decepticons, so be it. He was your everything.

WheelJack knew he had you wrapped around his digits, and he enjoyed every moment of it. He didn't take advantage and try to get information, instead he simply spent time with you.

And for eons on end, it stayed like that. Of course every time he needed something like a helping hand, he'd use the 'forever-lasting-favour' as an excuse.

Not that you minded. You'd help him with whatever he wanted as far as he was concerned.

Then, one day you'd met up, casual per usual.

And, then and there, he'd asked to be your sparkmate. An extremely personal position, that met everything to Autobots and Decepticons alike.

That was the problem actually, that he was an Autobot and you were a Decepticon. But who were you to say no to the mech you loved because of a team preference.

You agreed, almost instantly actually, not thinking about the team alliance. But it didn't seem like he was either.

Of course, you had to hide it somehow. When you become sparkmates, you gain a telepathic way to speak to each other, per say.

So, even when light years, you talked each other's processors off.

Jackie(which is what you called him now) was a riot, you never grew tired of his stories. And after listening to so many, it almost seemed like you knew every wrecker.

Jackie had gone to earth a few times, twice you think, and came back with more stories.

At first he talked about his imprisonment with Starscream, and that set you off rambling how you'd kick his aft. Though you were very proud of WheelJack when he told you of how it went.

Another time was when Dreadwing had blown apart Seaspray, one of Jackies old wrecker friends. At this point, you were keeping your distance due to the fact you both were unsure of how the Wrecker would act to a Decepticon.

In hindsight, you should've been keeping more of an optic on him. As you soon learnt Seaspray was offlined by Dreadwing, and Jackie almost offlined too.

Afterwards, when you'd reluctantly let him go to Earth, he'd gotten in more fights. Soundwave and an insecticon names Hardshell. One of two he offlined.

Now, he wanted to go again. And apparently it was majorly important.


"C'mon (Y/N), I need to help my buddies out!" WheelJack explained, gesturing his servos towards the blue planet in reasonable distance.

You stood on the Jackhammer, Jackie's prized ship. "Every time you go to that- that- that stupid planet, you get injuried!" You yelled out, as he failed to see the reasoning about this.

"Jackie, I won't loose you to Decepticons! I  won't be able to live with myself if I did!" You stressed, holding your helm in your servos. "I can't risk it! Nor can you!" You spoke, looking up and pointing to him.

He sighed. "Sweetspark, I know you care for wreckless old me, but I've gotta help 'em (Y/N)." He said, walking closer to you.

"I can't stand by knowing one of my buddies could be offlinin'. I just can't (Y/N), not when I know I can do something." He sighed again, wrapping servos around your chassis, leaning to where your spark is.

You complied with wrapping your own servos around him, leaning into the mechs neck cables.

"Fine." You agreed, standing up straight again. He grinned at you, happy he'd won the argument. "At least let me be on standby. I'll just fly near the earth's atmosphere, and if you need me, I'll be down in a klik." You pointed a digit to his chassis, optic ridges subconsciously raised.

"Whatever helps you recharge sweetspark." He said, taking the right side of your face plate into his servo. You leaned into the touch.

"Safe journey smartaft." You chuckled, leaning and giving him a peck on his faceplates.

He smirked, rolling his optics. "Me? Safe? Ha!" He laughed,"Frag off!"

You poked your glossa out at him, turning and sassily walking off to leave the ship.

'Silly mech...'

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