Everything About You (Harry S...

By hazzas_kryptonite

2K 22 27


The Beginning
Making It Official...
The Hospital
Going Home :)
The Boardwalk!
Finally, A Day Alone Together.
Fix The Drama Already!!
Our Own Special Place
Someone's In A Bad Mood...
You're WHAT?! (chapter TEN, y'all!!!)
He Was Right.
This Is My Fiance! :)
Say Yes To The Dress
Working It Out
Here Comes the Bride (Final Chapter!)
Blah Blah Blaahh (not a chapter)

Breathe With Me

92 1 1
By hazzas_kryptonite

six months later

I lie back on the couch, resting my hands on my huge stomach as Harry sits beside me and turns on the TV. I yawn. 

'I hate this show.' I mumble.

'Hormonnnneess.' singsongs Harry under his breath. I wack his arm.

'Oh shut your stupid face.' I snap.

He just sighs and turns back to the TV. I do as well and recoil when I see what's on the screen, sitting up. There, on our screen, is a picture of Harry in full-on liplock with his 32 year old ex girlfriend Caroline goddamn Flack. I look over at Harry, my jaw clenched. 

'Sophie-' he starts. 'I can explain-'

'No!' I interrupt. 'You are a little manwhore! I hate you! Get out!'

'Sophie!' he cries.

'Get. Out.'

Harry reluctantly gets up, biting his lip. 'I-'

'Shut up and leave! Just get out! And DON'T come back!' I scream. He leaves.

I sit back on the couch, laying my hands gently on my stomach and closing my eyes. I feel the babies kick in distress and I feel tears fill my eyes.

I don't know how long I lay like that, but eventually I hear a key in the lock and the door opens. I open my eyes and lift my head as Liam and Louis walk in,

'Can I help you?' I ask rudely. Liam's eyes fill with concern.

'What happened?' he asks immediately, moving to sit beside me. Louis helps me sit up and I face them.

'Harry cheated on me..' I say, looking down at my belly. Louis is being typical Louis and has his head pressed against my stomach, talking quietly to it. I can't help but giggle.

'Oh, Soph..' Liam murmurs.

'Yeah. With Caroline Flack.'

Louis looks up as I roll my eyes. He makes a face.

'Caroline Flaaaack.' Louis says in an annoying, high-pitched voice.  I ruffle his hair, messing up his quiff slightly. 'Heyyy.' he mumbles, trying to fix it. Liam kisses my temple and I sigh, rubbing my stomach in circles as the babies kick again. I am literally two days away from being nine months pregnant.

I refuse to go anywhere in case I go into labor while I'm out in public. 

I sit with Lou and Liam and watch romantic comedies until late at night. 

'Boys I'm gonna go to bed.' I say, pushing myself up off the couch. 

'Night love.' Liam says. 

'Niiight,' cries Lou. 

I wake up to rustling in the corner of my room and I sit up with a gasp, looking around. 

'It's just me.' murmurs Louis, creeping over to my bed and sitting on the edge. 

'Hi..?' I say uncertainly, rubbing my eyes with one hand. 

'Can I sleep with you? I uh..' he chuckles softly. 'I had a nightmare.' 

I giggles and scooch over. 'Sure, Lou.' 

He slides under the covers beside me and snuggles in the pillow. 

'Lou?' I whisper. 

'Hmm?' he asks, stroking my hair. 

My next words come out in a hoarse whisper. 'Do you think Harry will be here when these kids come out?'

'Of course.' he murmurs. 'Of course. He wouldn't leave you for the world. I don't know what that Caroline Flack thing is all about.' he kisses my forehead gently. I sigh, a tight feeling in my chest, as though something is unfinished. Which it is, I guess. My fight with Haz... I don't know whether to forgive him or not, honestly. 

Eventually I fall asleep in Louis' arms. 

I wake up in the middle of the night, clutching my stomach. The sheets underneath me are wet, and I feel pain in my lower abdomen, where my uterus is. Suddenly a huge stab of pain hits me and I groan, leaning forward and waking Louis. 

'Soph??' he murmurs, rubbing his eyes. 

Suddenly it hits me: my water broke. I'm having my baby. 

*a/n: i've never been in labor, i'm only thirteen, so sorry if this isn't accurate. haha*

'L-louis.. I'm having this baby..' I manage. 

He gasps and jumps up. 'Let's go love,' he says gently. 'Are you okay? Are you in a lot of pain? How far apart are the contractions?'

Even though he's annoying the shit out of me, I know I should answer, because it's important. 

'About.. eight.. minutes..' I groan. He helps me out of bed and I grab our prepacked bag. 

'Liam!' he calls. 

Liam appears in his PJs, takes one look at me and his jaw drops. 

'Soph!' he cries. I wave my hand around in the air as if saying 'oh, let it go!' 

'Do you want me to call Harry?' Louis asks gently. I choke when I hear his name. I shrug my shoulders. He nods. 

We get to the hospital and since it's three a.m, there isn't a lot of people around and we get service immediately. I get put in a wheelchair and Louis and Liam go to follow, but the nurse stops them. 

'Only family members and the father.' she says. 

'I'm her brother.' explains Liam.

'Me too!' adds Lou. I look at him incredulously. The nurse nods. 

'Okay.' she replies. 

I'm lead to a small antiseptic room, and am laid on a hard bed after being changed into one of those hideous hospital gowns. Another contraction hits and I throw my head back, clenching my teeth and clutching Liam's hand. 

'H-H-Harry..' I moan. 

'Want me to call him?' Lou asks, jumping up. I nod through the pain. Right now, I don't care if he cheated or not. I need him here and I need him now. 

A little while later a doctor comes in. She asks how far apart I think my contractions are and eventually lifts my legs, spreading them and putting them up and peering under my dress. 

'The baby is nearly crowning.' she says. I nod, gritting my teeth through the pain. 

I look over her shoulder, seeing a mop of curls and I feel relief flood through me as Harry enters the room, looking extremely worried. He runs over and sits in a chair beside me, clenching my hand and kissing my temple. 

'I love you so much..' he murmurs hoarsely as I cling to him. 

'The baby is crowning!' cries the doctor. 'I need you to push!' 

I push as hard as I can, screaming in pain and squeezing my eyes shut as my death grip on Harry's hand tightens. 

'C'mon, baby.' Harry murmurs. 'Almost done.' 

After an hour of pushing, the doctor peeks over at me. 'One more big push and the baby is out! Unfortunately you have another one to push out but.. keep going! Ready? One, two three... PUSH!'

I use all my strength to get this damned baby out of me. The doctor cheers lightly, pulling out a small wriggling figure as crying fills the room. She hands the baby to a nurse after cutting the embelical chord. 

'This one will take less pushing, okay hon?' she says reassuringly. 'Just two big pushes and the baby is out.' 

After two more huge pushes, she gets the baby out. By now tears are streaming down my face, and I feel constant pain. I'm probably breaking Harry's fingers right now and I loosen my grip. After ten minutes, two nurses bring us our perfect twins, Sam and Darcy. 

Harry's face clears when he sees the kids, and one nurse hands me Sam as Harry gets Darcy in his arms. Tears fill his eyes and spill over his cheeks as he stares down at his sleeping baby girl. 

'She is so beautiful..' he murmurs, crying silently. Liam kisses my head, admiring little Sam. 

I feel tears run down my cheeks rapidly as Darcy stares up at her dad with big green eyes. 

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