Marvel One Shots: Bucky & Ste...

By fandomlovingfreak

147K 3.9K 403

Currently re-writing and adding to this collection! Tumblr: WeasleyTwinsandDraco AO3: FandomLovingFreak Re-wr... More

Daddy's Hair Cut - Bucky Barnes
All you had to do was ask - Bucky Barnes
Emotional Energy - Bucky Barnes
He's Got Your Nose - Bucky Barnes
Daddy Barnes & Uncle Steve
Optimism is Key - Steve Rogers
Our Dance Parties - Peter Quill
Daddy Barnes Prequel
Love Drunk - Steve Rogers
Perfect Miracle pt. 1 - Steve Rogers
Perfect Miracle pt 2 - Steve Rogers
Perfect Miracle pt 4 - Steve Rogers
Another One - Bucky Barnes
Another One pt 2 - Bucky Barnes
Laundry Day - Bucky Barnes
Perfect Miracle pt 5 - Steve Rogers
Braids & Bucky - Bucky Barnes
Perfect Miracle Pt 6 - Steve Rogers
Dear Dad - Bucky Barnes
Baby Daddy - Bucky Barnes
Star Boy- Peter Quill
Nice Ass Barnes - Bucky Barnes
Happy Birthday Steve - Steve Rogers

Perfect Miracle pt 3 - Steve Rogers

2.4K 95 10
By fandomlovingfreak

Two weeks ago, you had begun to feel under the weather but had brushed it off as a stomach virus. You kiss Steve on the cheek as he opens the front door, ready to leave on a month-long mission.

"You sure you're okay? I won't go if you don't feel good."

You roll your eyes, "I'm fine Steve. I promise I can take care of myself.

He stares at you intently, "If it gets worse, you need to update me."

"No, I do not Captain and no I will not. If I do, you will abandon ship and Tony will blame me."

"He won't! I need to be here to take care of you."

You laugh, pushing him lightly out of the door, "Go save the world big guy. I'll be fine here."

*One Week Later*

You, in fact, did not feel fine, but you'd be damned to tell Steve that. You had only been sort of kidding when you said he'd come running back to you if you mentioned still feeling sick. You knew Steve Rogers and you knew he would find a way to come home.

You play with your necklace, trying to fight yet another wave of nausea. You look down at Steve's wedding ring on the golden chain. He never took his ring on any of his missions, which bothered you at first.


"What if some HYRDA woman comes onto you?" You had argued back, "How is she supposed to know you're taken?"

Steve had laughed, "I don't think that'll happ—"

"Have you seen yourself recently? Ever? What do you mean 'that won't happen'?" So maybe you had been a bit crazy over him not taking the ring, but you had felt a bit insecure with him so far away at times.

"I promise it will be fine. Plus, what if I broke it?" You hadn't thought of that. "Or lost it. It's safer here with my girl."

"Your wife," you had said still a tinge annoyed.


You laugh at the memory, twirling the ring around your index finger.

Suddenly your phone lights up. *Steven would like FaceTime* You slide the green bar over, and he pops up on your screen.

"Hey you," you look at yourself in the smaller box on the screen. You don't look too hot.

"Hey how's it holding up?" he asks.

"I'm good," you lie, "Do you have a cut on your forehead?" you squint at the screen.

"It won't scar," he says defensively.

"I don't care about that," you roll your eyes, "You're safe, right?"

"As safe as I can be," he grins back at you. "I can't wait to be back home with you."

"There's so much room in the bed without you..." you tease.

"Is that so?"

"Mhm... so much room. You can't even imagine."

"I'll just have to sleep pressed up against—"

"There is a time and place for everything and right now is not that time." Sam chimes in from somewhere in the room.

"Wait Sam's in the room with you?" You feel your cheeks heat up. You know exactly where that conversation was leading.

"I thought he was sleeping," he shrugs.

"Steven Grant Rogers," you laugh, "I have corrupted you."

He chuckles. "Have you?" his voice is husky again.

"THERE'S A TIME AND PLACE STEVE!" Sam yells again.

You laugh. Another wave of nausea washes over you.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" Steve asks concerned as you take a couple deep breathes.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." The room feels like it's spinning slowly.

"You look sick."

"I'm just tired," you lie again, "Missed you. I'm glad you called."

He smiles, not looking all too convinced, "I should let you rest then. Don't push yourself too hard (y/n), especially if you're tired."

"I won't. You know I like working. I'm fine."

Again, he doesn't look convinced by your words, "Okay. I'll be home probably in a week or two."

"That early?" You're surprised. Originally Tony had felt the mission would take at least a month, so a month is what you had expected.

"The team's been able to follow some accurate leads. I think we've almost got them."

"That's good..." the nausea becomes unbearable, "I've gotta go. Love you, bye."

"Wa—" You end the call before he can fully answer, running towards the bathroom.

*a few days later*

A whole week and a half have gone by since Steve left. You can tell he's getting suspicious that you're actually not fine by the multiple FaceTime calls you've had.

You sit at lunch with your co-worker and friend (y/f/n).

"You've really been sick this long?"

"A few weeks before actually. Maybe two weeks before? Do you think I'm dying?" You look worried.

She laughs, "I wouldn't say dying."

"What do you think it is? That stomach bug that's been going around?"

"I'd say you're pregnant."

You laugh, "No, no, no. There's no way. I have a stomach bug (y/f/n)."

She holds her hands up in defeat, "You could just take a test to be sure. Maybe you really do only have that bug."

The thought sticks with you the rest of the workday. You keep brushing it off, shaking your head. There's no way! It's not possible! But then the thought pops up and you wonder about that one time... that one time you two weren't as safe as you could've been. Plus, condoms weren't always 100% reliable. You had seen Friends enough to have received that message.

Despite you telling yourself there's no possible way you could be pregnant, you rush to your neighborhoods drugstore and buy ten just in case.

Rushing home, you throw your bag and keys on the table, rushing to your bathroom for a different reason for once in almost four weeks. You take all ten of the tests, leaving them on the counter before plopping down on the couch in the living-room. You set an alarm on your phone and try to relax.

This is no big deal. They will all be negative, and life will go on as normal. Truthfully you didn't want to give up your life right now. What you and Steve have had these past couple of months was good. You wanted at least a couple more years of just you and him before you added another person into the mix.

The alarm goes off startling you. You stare down at your phone, click 'stop' and get up off the couch. You flip over the first pregnancy test in the row. Pregnant.

"It could be a false positive..." you mutter, before picking up the second. Pregnant. You continue down the line, each one the same as the previous.

"Shit..." You sit down on the bathroom floor, opening your phone up. Your finger hovers above the 'call' button by Steve's name. You stop yourself, clicking out of Steve's contact and scrolling to Bruce's.

"Hey (y/n)—"

"I'm pregnant." You blurt out.


"I'm pregnant... and Steve's not here right now. I don't know what to do Bruce."

Silence consumes the call, "Do you want to come to the tower?"

"Not really..."

More silence, "Okay I'll come to you then."


"Are you sure? Like 100% sure you—you're pregnant?" he asks for the billionth time.

"Yes. I took like one hundred tests. I don't know how this happened!"


"I know how," you roll your eyes, "I don't know how it happened because it's not like we weren't—"

"You don't have to give me details (y/n)."

"You're a doctor. You shouldn't be so squeamish with this sort of stuff."

"I'm not an OB/GYN!"

"Well, then be a friend and listen to me complain about how my husband knocked me up!"

Bruce buries his head in his hands, "I won't be able to look at Cap without thinking about this conversation from now on you know."

You laugh, "I don't know what to do Bruce. If I tell him over FaceTime he will insist on coming home and they're almost done with the mission... but I also don't want to keep this from him."

"Don't tell him yet (y/n). That's exactly what he'll do."

"I know and I don't need another big fight to start up between Steve and Tony because of me!"

"They'll all be back in about a week. It's better for everyone if you just wait."

You nod, "I think so too."

*A week later*

You had actually become sort of fond of the idea of this baby as you kept it a secret. Your brain is always in the clouds wondering about the baby. You had even had the time to think of a creative way to tell Steve the news. Might as well, it's a surprise.

*Baby Daddy would like FaceTime*

"Hey!" you smile at him through the camera.

"Hey. We're landing soon, so I'll be home soon."

You feel butterflies in your stomach, "Okay I'll start dinner. How'd the mission go?"

"Successful. One less HYDRA base in the world."

"That's good. Okay, I'll see you soon."

"Love you, bye."


You hang up with a big grin on your face.

"Okay... I'll make something simple I can stomach," you say to yourself. You boil spaghetti and heat up spaghetti sauce in a saucepan. That sounds acceptable for your stomach. Your nose certainly isn't objecting.

You turn off the burner and set the table. Then you get to the fun stuff. You place the handmade card and one of the pregnancy tests on the bathroom counter. You know Steve will insist on showering the moment he steps into the house, and he'll be met with hopefully good news.

"(y/n)?" he calls from the front door.

You grin running towards him. Nothing is better than being in his arms, "Welcome back!"

He pulls you into a long kiss. "I missed you," he mutters.

"I have dinner ready," you whisper back grinning, knowing what he'll say next.

"I'm going to take a quick shower first." Perfect.

"Okay, I'll be waiting..."

He grins, walking towards the master-bath.

You hear the door shut. A quick pause and a confused, "What?"

"Wait what... (y/n)?" The door opens and Steve walks towards the kitchen, holding the card and the test. You smile before turning around.

Steve opens and closes his mouth a few times, "You—you're pregnant?"

You smile again, nodding.

"This isn't... a prank?"

"Nope!" you walk towards him, "Surprise."

"When... did you find out?" he asks, still in shock.

"A week ago,"

"A week ago? We've FaceTimed at least five times this last week. Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because I knew you'd abandon the mission and plus this was more fun. I got to shock Captain America into silence," you grin as you wrap yourself in his embrace.

"What did you do when you found out?" he asks.

"I called Bruce."

"You told Bruce before you told me."

"You were on a mission. I had to talk to someone! Bruce doesn't mind."

"We're having a baby... and you thought you were sick! I knew something was up!"

You laugh looking up at him, "I could tell you were suspicious." He grabs his phone from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" you look at him quizzically.

"I'm calling Tony. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon (y/n). Now you really need me."

You roll your eyes, "You don't have—"

"It's final. I'm not going to miss anything."

You roll your eyes, relaxing back into his embrace as Steve argues with Tony over the phone. You don't think you'll mind having Steve take care of you, just this once.

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