SERVAMP: A Not So Ordinary Su...

By iamfancyyyy

1.5K 79 8

It is that time of the year when the school year ends for Mahiru to think simply of a plan to spend his Summe... More

Life of a Simple Human
Meeting in Alice's garden
The Adult to Settle Things Out
A Hungry Coincidence
Food Problems
The Start of a New Adventure
Breaking the Silence
Falling Silent
Seeing Her Once Again
The Demon's Angel
500+ READERS!!!!! πŸ“–

A Little Big Meeting

81 2 0
By iamfancyyyy


"What is it?! Tell me!!!!" I started to get worried when I heard someone yelling through the room where I locked up the Greed Pair, Licht and Lawless. "That must be Licht." Mahiru said as he sat next to me. "You should go check on them, just in case." He suggested. I nodded then walked to the door where Licht and Lawless are, Mahiru with his cat and Guildenstern following behind me.

As I opened the door in front of me, my eyes grew wider when I saw something I didn't expect to see.

"What happened here?!" Was all I could say for now. I was speechless but I was able to say just one sentence. There I saw the boys on the bed, Lawless laying down while Licht was above him both covered in bruises and blood. They both looked at me surprised. The area around the room was silent even Mahiru got supprised to see what happened.

They both looked at each other for a while, Licht started to blush when he just realized their position. Lawless looked confused at first but when he looked at Licht's tomato red face, he soon realized it and his face had a shade of pink not making eye contact with the Angel himself. Licht's facial expression changed but still blushing. Lawless turned to face at Licht when all of a sudden...


"Ow!" Lawless yelled in pain as Licht got off the bed and flopped on the floor. Lawless touched his face and felt a red sting fingerprint that was formed on his right cheek. "Hey! What was that for?" Lawless questioned Licht rubbing his red stinged cheek to heal.

Licht slowly got up trying to hold the pain. His body was heavy and he was very tired. As he got up, he slowly walked to the door ignoring Lawless' question.

"Licht-an! Shouldn't I be the one to slap your face? You were the one on top of me-" Licht cut off Lawless' words since he doesn't want the demon to continue what he was going to say. "Shut up or die shit rat." He said as he slowly walked through the door passing Me, Mahiru and Guildenstern.

We turned back looking at Lawless still rubbing his red marked cheek on the bed.



It was late night, Cranz told me to tell the others to all meet in the Greed's room for a little meeting. I nodded then ran to each of their rooms.

As I called everyone in, I told them to wait for us because Cranz, Kuro, Lawless' subclass and I went out the motel to find Licht. It's a good thing we didn't need to find Lawless because ever since Licht slapped him on his face, he just stayed there sitting still on the bed with a blankly but confused expression.

As we walked out searching for Licht, we spotted the Angel who was sitting on a bench near the gasoline station. He was feeding bread crumbs to some pigeons who were fighting to eat the tiny pieces of bread that's scattered on the ground.

It took a long time for us to make Licht agree on getting inside to have a little conference because he kept on refusing to get in so we didn't have a choice but to let Guildenstern forcefully carry Licht inside.

"Hey, Let me go you old Whalien! I shall purify you with my angelic music if you won't put me down! Hey, Listen to me!" Licht demanded as he was struggling to get off of Guildenstern's grip but he couldn't since the Greed's subclass who is ignoring Licht's commands is stronger than the Arc-angel himself.

Cranz rolled his eyes and sighed at Licht and signalled me and Kuro to follow them inside. I knodded and we all head back inside to begin the meeting.

I have to admit, I kinda of feel bad for Cranz for having this job as Licht's manager. It must be hard for him to take care of Licht even when Lawless is around because they always start fights whenever they are together. But I know that Cranz loves his job because he cares for Licht and Lawless even if those two opposites fight and try to kill each other, he's always there to stop them with the help of Guildenstern.

We opened the door to the Greed Pair's room and saw everyone all seated on the floor already talking about the meeting we are having today. Silence started to fill the room when we stepped inside the apartment.

As I sat on the floor with the others in the circle, they started talking again and I didn't bother joining the conversation because even though I am part of this problem and meeting, I just don't want to be the person that gets to be involved in their stupid conversation. I don't want to be involve in a conversation that will soon turn out to be an argument, so I just sat there listening to their conversation.

(N/A. Hahahaha, I keep saying the word "Conversation". Sorry guys... Back to the story.)

"Ugh... What's taking so long? I didn't come here just to talk about some nonsense." Lawless said sitting on the couch legs crossed.

"Haven't you realized that the fact we are all gathered here is because you and Licht were the ones who started a fight all because you wanted to borrow Licht's headphones?" Hugh said as he cleaned his glasses and put it on afterwards.

"Yeah, but what's the point in having a little meeting when the one hosting it is still not here." Everyone looked at Lawless, but because of the awkward silence, he changed the topic. "Man, I really need to get some new glasses." Lawless added as he pouted ignoring the stares of the others.

"It's your fault for stepping it in the first place you rotten hedgehog." Licht said petting Kuro in his cat form.

"Huh... Like you don't know who's "sitting" on you right now. Right, Nii-san?" He replied giving Licht a smirk.

(N/A. If you don't get the joke that's fine by me.)

"Shut up or I'll kill you Demon..." Licht said as he glared at Lawless then face to the black cat on his lap who was pretenting to tremble in fear. "There there kitty... Demons like that pest deserve to die and suffer in the underworld, and cats like you deserve to live with me here on earth."

"Says the Angel who doesn't like-"

"I said shut up!" Licht cut off Lawless' words as he kicked him high up until he got hit on the ceiling falling back down only to where he was sitting at.

"Would you two bastards behave for once. We are here to have a meeting not goofing around like you two always do. In fact, you two should sit down separated to each other. Am I right?" Misono said as he put his arms crossed in frustration.

"Umm... Watch your language Misono..." Lily said embarrassed. (N/A. Because Mikuni is there actually...)

"Ow!!! Hey, what was that for?!" Misono yelped as he rubbed his head in pain because he got hit on the head by his one and only brother.

"Misono Alicein! (N/A. To be honest, I'm confused on what's Misono and Mikuni's last name. Pls. Put in the comments on what is their exact last name so I can edit it once more. Thanks guys~) How dare you speak to them that way?! Sure they both indeed act like 5 year old kids but you know that they are both older than you even if one of them is like a hundred years older.

"Yes! That's indeed cor- Wait... 5 year olds?!" The Greed pair said in sync.

"Now, now Brother Greed, let's not get overboard here..." Lily said calming Lawless' anger.

"How dare you call us 5 year olds?! Sure we act that way, but even so, we have fellings as well!" Lawless said to Mikuni ignoring Lily's words.

"For once, I kinda agree with the Greedy Vampire." Tetsu said bringing a tray of drinks to us. "I got some juice by the way." He continued passing the drinks to me and the others.

"Hmm... I kinda agree with you as well Tetsu. To be honest, you sometimes act like one too." Hugh said while drinking his glass of juice.

"What makes you say that?" Mikuni said confused.

"Well... You kinda actually act like a 5 year old as well, due to the fact that you always carry and talk to your... Umm... How do I say this? Doll..." Hugh answered making everyone gasp.


"Calm down, Mikuni..." I said as I try to comfort him.

"See what I mean...?" Hugh said still sipping his drink.

Just as soon as Mikuni was about to say something, the doorknob clicked and the door swung open seeing Cranz talking to a man and Guildenstern holding the door open.

We all stayed silent when Cranz bid the man goodbye then came in approaching us surprised to see us all silent and sitting on our usual seats expecting that something just happened while he was gone for a while.

Cranz stood in front of us then he cleared his throat. "Okay everyone. I apologize for the misunderstanding and my late attendance. So, today we are all gathered here in the living room to discuss what happened earlier today."
Cranz said looking at the Greed Pair. "Since I have some other businesses back at home, I'll just make this meeting a little shorter so we can sleep early and continue our Road Trip tomorrow." He continued and the rest of us nodded.

After the meeting in Cranz, Guildenstern, and the Greed Pair's room, everyone went back to their apartments leaving me and Kuro left still on the doorstep.

"Before we go Cranz, I have a question..."

"Go ahead." Cranz said waiting for me to say something.

"Umm, etto... Who was that man you were talking to outside awhile ago?" I asked as he was averting his eyes on me shyly. His hand scratching his back.

"Well, actually..."


I was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, Kuro was laying down next to me half awake complaining about the bed he's laying down on. I just sighed as I kept listening to his complains.

"Nyah... Mahiru~ I don't like this bed. Its so very, very, very, very, uncomfortable... What a pain..." He said as he kept rolling around the bed.

"Well that's your problem for leaving it behind and you didn't even bother bringing it before we left because you said there might be a kitty bed whenever we stay in a hotel." I said to him frustrated.

"But Mahiru... A cat needs to be comfortable when it comes to sleeping on things, if not they will-" Kuro was about to continue but I cut him off.

"Just go to sleep Kuro..." I said as I faced the other side of the bed closing my eyes, forcing myself to sleep.

The room was very silent that you can hear the wind blowing against the window curtains. Kuro looked at me and sighed knowing what I was doing. I can hear his breathing from behind, I have a feeling that he was about to say something. Then suddenly the bed started to move and the side where Kuro is at went a little heavy. He must've turned into a Vampire.


I heard him mumble my name.


He said it again. I tried my best to stay silent, then he sighed.

"Mahiru, about that man Angel-chan's Manager was talking to earlier..." My eyes started to open when I heard him mention about the man. I turn to face at him. His eyes were wide when he saw me.

"Mahiru... You-you're awake?" He stuttered.

"What about that man?" I said as he averted his gaze away from me.

"I-it's nothing, forget about it... It's nothing important, really." He said as he went back to his cat form and turn to face away from my direction.

"Okay then..." I said as I turned to the other side of the bed.

"Goodnight Kuro." I said to him as I wrapped myself in my blanket.

"Yeah, goodnight Mahiru." He mumbled then I smiled. I closed my eyes thinking about one thing that made me very curious.

Is Kuro hidding something from me?

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